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possible codes from RL sources


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i have read several threads here on paladins codes, as well as someone posting a long code form their homebrew i enjoyed greatly, and i was searching through real life phrases and mottos for some good "code fodder".

What i kept coming back to was the special olympics. the motto is "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."

i love this, it screams holy adventurer in shiny armor to me. mr. high-ideals-and-a-sharp-sword. maybe a prayer before confrontation.

anyone else have a real world motto that strikes true to gaming?

edit: and the 5th special forces motto: "To liberate the oppressed." i like that too.
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I dedicate
my lips to the service of truth,
my shield to the protection of the weak,
my sword to the destruction of evil,
and my life to Heironeous.
While I draw breath, I will not betray my friends, charges, or ideals. I will not yield to the darkness, nor fall prey to its lure.

To uphold the law, to serve the common good, and to bring honor to my people, I swear to uphold the sacred Traditions in the service of Moradin, the All-Father. I swear to hold my word as my bond. As my life-blood flows within me, I will guard against the enemies of the dwarves. May the spark of the Soul-Forger die within me if I fail this oath.

I swear to protect my people, and uphold the honor of Korven, to the end of my days.

To those in need, aid;
To those who fear, courage;
To those that harm, pity;
To those who question, knowledge;
To those without, charity.
I will not interfere in matters beyond me, nor give support where none is needed. I will be an example of the true path.

Wherever I go, I go for the benefit of the sick: I will bind wounds, treat injury, and minister to the diseased. I use force only as I must, for the defense of the good.
I will seek the destruction of the animate dead whenever possible, taking with me supplies and companions as needed to ensure their eradication.

I draw my sword in the defense of the defenseless. I sheathe my sword to minister to the sick, to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, and to aid those in need. I will be modest in all that I do, for my strength is not my own.


First Post
anyone remember this one?
"On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to [insertnameof God here] and my country
and to obey the [insert order here] Law
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself phsically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight"

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent.

Oath of the Young Man of Athens
"We will never bring disgrace on this our City, by an act of dishonesty or cowardice.
We will fight for the ideals and Sacred Things of the City both alone and with many.
We will revere and obey the City's laws, and will do our best to incite a like reverence and respect in those above us who are prone to annul them or set the at naught.
We will strive increasingly to quicken the public's sense of civic duty.
Thus in all these ways we will transmit this City, not only not less, but greater, and more beautiful that it was transmitted to us."


1) Ye captain shall have full command during the time of engagement, and shall have authority at all other times to conduct the ship accordingly. He who disobeys him may be punished unless the majority cote against the punishment.

2) If ye captain's vessel is shipwrecked, the crew pledges to remain until he has possessed himself of a vessel. If the vessel is the common property of the crew, the first vessel captured shall belong to ye Captain with one share of the spoil.

3) Ye ship's surgeon shall have two hundred crowns for the maintenance of his medicine chest and he shall receive one part of the spoil.

4) Ye other officers will receive each a single part, and if ye distinguish yourself, the crew will determine how much reward to be given to ye.

5) Ye spoil taken from a captured ship is to be distributed in equal portion.

6) Ye who shall be the first to signal the appearance of the vessel that is captured, shall receive one hundred crowns.

7) If ye lose an eye, or hand or leg in ye said service, ye shall receive up to siz slaves or six hundred crowns.

8) Ye supplies and rations are to be shared equally.

9) If ye introduce on board a woman in disguise, ye shall be punished by death.

10) If one brother steals from another, his nose or ears are to be cut off. If he sins again, he is to be given a musket, bulleets, lead and a bottle of water and marooned on an island.

11) If there is any doubt in a dispute between ye brothers, a count of honour is to decide the verdict. If a brother is proved in the wrong, the first time he shall be pardoned, but should he offend again, he shall be tied to a gun, and there shall receive from each of the ship's company one strike of the lash. The same punishment shall be given to ye among us, including officers, who shall get drunk, while on the ship, to the point of losing ye senses.

12) Whoever shall be placed on sentry, and upon his post shall go to sleep, shall in the first case be lashed by all the brothers, and should he again offend, his head shall be split.

13) All ye who shall plot to desert, or having deserted shall be captured, shall have ye heads split open.

14) Quarrels between several brothers whilst aboard ye ship shall be settled ashore with pistol and sword. He that draws first blood shall be the victor. No striking another whilst aboard ye ship.



First Post
I recommend the different Green Lantern oaths for inspiration.


with the exception of Salakk, the GLC of Earth spoke Hal Jordan's oath:

"In brightest day, in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"

Salakk spoke this oath, the same oath spoken by Tomar-Re and Alan Scott:

"And I shall shed my light over dark evil,
For the dark things cannot stand the light,

Voidrunner's Codex

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