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D&D 5E Post your oldest PC!


I don't have the sheets from that long ago, sadly.

I'm not sure if it was my first PC--I think I had one or two in red box basic--but the first PC I remember was from 1E.

Terren Nightsbane, paladin. Human, because paladins had to be human, though I vaguely recall he might have had a tiny amount of elven blood. Also, the character went through several names before he became Terren Nightsbane, because I was in elementary school, and therefore dumb. First he was Cutter, named after the Elf Quest character. Then something else I don't even recall. Then Terren.

He had... statistically dubious stats, a ki-rin mount, and a holy avenger, because elementary school (see above). :lol:

And there was absolutely nothing distinguishing about him; he was, in every respect, your bog-typical 1E paladin. Yet I recreated him in 2E, 3E, and 5E, because nostalgia makes fools of us all.

This is great. I have a person in my group (played with him since the late 1980's), who always plays an Elf Ranger name Legolas. :erm:

I believe that my first character was a Knight of Solamnia who was a Crown Knight because we had 3 knights in our group and somehow we determined that we could only have 1 of each type (Crown, Sword or Rose) and as the younger brother and youngest in the group, I had to be the Knight of the Crown. :(

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I love all these character sheets! They warm my heart lol. Part of me feels like all these newer players missed out in the Wild West days. God, I sound old lol


Victoria Rules
[MENTION=23]Ancalagon[/MENTION] - around when was Ajax Vornfell in play?

I ask because you've got the stats in S-D-C-I-W-Ch order which I somehow remember as being more a 3e thing, yet that looks like a 1e or early 2e-era sheet.



[MENTION=23]Ancalagon[/MENTION] - around when was Ajax Vornfell in play?

I ask because you've got the stats in S-D-C-I-W-Ch order which I somehow remember as being more a 3e thing, yet that looks like a 1e or early 2e-era sheet.


That’s 2e. The THAC0 gives it away. I had to check my old players handbook to be sure though, I didn’t remember them changing the order that early on, but they did. I just ignored it for another decade at least!


Dusty Dragon
[MENTION=23]Ancalagon[/MENTION] - around when was Ajax Vornfell in play?

I ask because you've got the stats in S-D-C-I-W-Ch order which I somehow remember as being more a 3e thing, yet that looks like a 1e or early 2e-era sheet.


That’s 2e. The THAC0 gives it away. I had to check my old players handbook to be sure though, I didn’t remember them changing the order that early on, but they did. I just ignored it for another decade at least!

It's 2e all right. Time wise, it would be in the early-mid 1990s

Re-looking at my sheet, I seemed to have some kind of rod (rod of alertness) which allowed me to do a bunch of detects at no charges... so I did it all the time. Drove the DM nuts. So was the spell "there not there" - completely ridiculous.

I had completely forgotten about that item though. The one I really loved was the cloak of the arachnid

edit: I found a "newer" (level 8) but less fun (no art) character sheet - it seems the rod of alertness was lost (probably too annoying to the GM). But on the other hand my character had acquired a bag of beans *and* Tiny - a figurine of power that became an elephant :D Good times!
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Dusty Dragon
I don’t have the sheet, but my first character was a human cleric named Father Bernard in 1st edition who rolled the 1% chance for psionics. The 1st-level party entered a cave and was immediately set upon by ghouls. Surrounded, the party quickly were taken down or paralyzed, except for Father Bernard: he used a psionic blast to force my way out after my turning proved ineffective.

Undaunted, Father Bernard decided to recruit new adventurers (new characters rolled up by the other players) to go back into the cave with him, not only to finish the quest, but to save the others. The party returned to the cave and were at once slain by the now-larger group of ghouls (the previous characters having of course been turned into ghouls in the meanwhile).

... did Father Bernard survive a second time? :)


Probably not the original character sheet, but the oldest copy (well, fragment thereof) of a character sheet that I still have..

( My original Magenta Box Basic character was an Elf named Silverrain who got one-shotted by an ogre during our first adventure after he decided to cast Magic Missile at it from five feet away. The ogre just turned to him and slammed its fist down on the top of his head, crushing it completely.
The sad part is, I was also the DM for that game... :blush:
My first player kill was a suicide, hehe...)

Sir John Garrett (aka Mad Jack) came shortly afterwards - He was the third son of a minor lord, and had been originally been training to become a knight before his father sent him off to be trained as a priest. That didn't last very long, either, lol. So he ended up with a career as an adventuring Fighter.
I made it to somewhere around 10th level before I stopped playing the character because I switched to AD&D.

Str 15 Int 11 Wis 10 Dex 12 Con 13 Cha 11

IMG_7350Character Sheet.JPG
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Can't believe I'm the only one who had to start with a pre-gen! Also probably the best stats I ever had on an AD&D character.

He died in the Sandbox. Inscribed on the tombstone over his empty grave: "He attacked the wisp."


In terms of full disclosure, I do not have the character sheet for my FIRST character. That got tossed about ten minutes after I created the character.

My older brother was teaching me. I was playing a Basic cleric, and he was running Palace of the Silver Princess. Literally, the first encounter I died. It was against skeletons. And they didn’t actually kill me. I had 1 HP left after the battle. My brother asked me what direction I was going to go (the map was on the floor between us).

I said “left”
He said, “You run into the wall and take 1 point of damage.”
I died. Like that. My left was his right, since we were looking at the map from opposite angles. So he went by his left, and not mine. He wouldn’t relent and insisted I stayed dead because that’s the rules.

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