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D&D 5E predictions for D&D in 2015


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Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
I predict:

A Big Fat FRCG (covering play in different era's of FR history)

A new adventure expansion set in either Dark Sun (psionics) or Eberron (steampunk tech), possibly even Gamma World or Manual of the Planes.

Dragon magazine returns (as pdf only)

An electronic tools suite (possibly through Hero Labs)

The launch of the Dungeons and Dragons ride in Disneyland with a Chris Perkins animatronic DM exhibit


They haven't even released the FRCG or Box set yet, I don't think they'll really do another campaign setting until they have FR nailed, so I think it will be 2016-2018 before they do another setting. At most they'll have notes for converting an adventure to another setting within adventures and other products.

Please don't shoot the messager on this one, I think thier slow approach is starting to go over board on the causen and it might backfire in that they won't have enough going on to keep player interest in 5e.


Why do we need material from them to keep us interested?

I think it's from long years of indoctrination. I recall fondly looking through the old paper Dragon magazines at upcoming releases and drooling over things to come in the next few months. Promises of art and rules and adventures i'd never imagined before.


DEFINITE: OGL (Mearls said); Elemental Evil story arc (announced months ago)
PROBABLE: a third story arc in the Fall (they've variously said "one or two a year")
POSSIBLE: Forgotten Realms book or box (I'd say probable because they really *should* release this, but you never know); online Dragon and/or Dungeon (who knows - I think we'll see something, but maybe not what we've had in the past); some minor Winter release to tide things over between the Fall and Spring releases
UNLIKELY: Anything "2" (PHB, etc - just too soon based upon their stated release strategy); Manual of the Planes (too soon); a new or different setting other than the FR (will need to do FR first).

I maintain that we're going to see a continuation of the following release schedule:

Spring: story arc (two books)
Summer (GenCon): major release (campaign book, big splat)
Fall: story arc (two books or box)
Winter: minor release (e.g. DM's screen, a supplement of some kind)

Seems sparse, but that's what they're going for. Alternately I could see that winter release being larger, similar to summer but less publicized.

I'm hoping that one of these story arcs is actually a sandbox box set ala the Wilderlands of High Fantasy, but perhaps in Greyhawk and doubling as a campaign sourcebook. Imagine that: a Greyhawk box set with a world book and detailed hexcrawling in the Greyhawk environs region. Grognards everywhere would rejoice and experience hopefully minor heart palpatations. Maybe 2016? On the other hand, they could release it in 2015 as a 40th anniversary to the release of the original Greyhawk pamphlet.
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Lord Blackstone

First Post
Wasn't the Goliath originally a retooled Dark Sun half-giant, introduced in the Psionics Handbook? Whatever that race was, it was an abomination. ABOMINATION!

As far as I know the race first appeared in the Races of Stone 3.5 book and then showed up in the 4E Player's Handbook 2, where my player swooned over it, lol. He has always have had fun with large pc races.


Doing the best imitation of myself
Why do we need material from them to keep us interested?

While individual gamers will doubtless keep playing D&D without any support (see the last couple years of 4E) the brand as a whole needs new material to keep it in people's minds. The designers are trying to build a kind of transmedia empire out of the D&D brand, but until we see things like movies, video games, tv shows, commercial toys and who knows what else, it's the game that's keeping D&D on people's minds who aren't already sold on it.

The thing to remember is that interest in this edition is the best it's every been right now, and that interest is only going to slide without something else to grab attention.

So while I'm sure that people will be playing 5E for years (along with all of the other editions) you need product to keep the game in the headlines.

And with that said, gamers are always looking for the new shiny, so D&D without something new becomes yesterday's news in shockingly short order.


Agreed, unfortunately its difficult to do when they are so short staffed by stupidity at the top, excessive layoffs. I mean WOTC doesn't even have a novel department anymore and that thier most reliable bread and butter income. The product Mearls and co came up with is great, but thier working with very little. There is a reason it took years to come out with the 5e core, and while the playtest was apart of that, it did not need to take as long as it did, tbey're short staffed. They had to externalize thier first adventures for goodness sakes to Kbold, and thier first supplement and third adventure to Saquach. I don't even know if they'll be producing any more game material in house and if they do if it will be restricted to Campaign Setting books like the FRCG.

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