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Pathfinder 1E Prepping for Pathfinder: Council of Thieves (spoilers!)


First Post
What I'm constantly surprised at is how fast these adventures go. Even after filling the first half of our game session with other things we still got through most of book 2 in one night. We stated a little of it the previous week but I ended early to not go to far too fast and we spent the first large part of the session dealing with things for the Children of Westcrown. This past week we went through the play (reading through it and doing all the rules bits so it did take a little while) then did some things before the Mayor's party, did the party with added NPCs, explored the mansion and robbed it blind, and then got through the first five encounters of the Asmodean Knot. I stopped it a little early since the characters were only level 3 and should be well into level 4 at this point.

The Asmodean Knot just has some creative encounters that don't seem to fit. The rooms of insanities and the curing just seem silly in there. I think I might be better served to just rewrite the rest of the dungeon crawl and use themes and encounters that are a bit better thought out.

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Eternal Optimist
It's taken us 7 sessions to get through the first half of the AP. Admittedly, I run combat faster (a lot faster) than most people, and I'm not a big role-player. With some groups, getting out to the Wave Door might take 1/4 of a session as you bargain for a boat, wander past patrols, etc.

However, my personal style is very much about the combat (and mechanics) and the story. :)



Eternal Optimist
We moved onto the fourth adventure in the Council of Thieves AP this weekend, The Infernal Syndrome. It was a good session, and this particular module looks a lot better than the last.

With Dave's monk having sacrificed himself to save the party last session, Dave created a scythe-wielding fighter for himself, who specialised in tripping his opponents. Meanwhile, Greg rebuilt his character away from the Ranger/Wizard to become a Fighter/Ranger. So, Fighter, Fighter/Ranger, Cleric, Rogue and Sorcerer were the classes in play as All Hell Broke Loose.

It was a couple of weeks after the group returned from Delvehaven, and they were just getting ready to hunt shadow beasts, when the Mayor's mansion blew up... and even after the explosion, there were five pillars of fire reaching into the sky. What would any self-respecting group of heroes do but investigate?

The Battered Mayor
As the group made their way towards the devastation, they were hailed by the Mayor of Westcrown, looking much the worse for wear. He revealed that the containment unit on the nuclear reactor beneath his mansion had gone into meltdown, and the group needed to turn it off before it destroyed the city.

Oh, wait - this is a fantasy RPG! It was actually a chained pit devil, who the House of Thrune had used to power the mansion and provide energy for magical experiments (not that the Mayor had used it in the latter manner, as he was not the arcanist that his forebears were). Something had gone wrong in the Nessian Spiral that contained it, and it would destroy the city if not stopped. The Mayor gave them a copy of the pit fiend's contract (amended so that they could use it as "co-owners" of the pit-fiend), explained that despite being decadent and corrupt, he loved his city, and disappeared off into the darkness.

Really, this was a big info-dump, with very little real conversation (some players love interacting with NPCs, this group, not so much), but very important to letting the group know what's going on. As such, big thumbs up: I hate leaving the players in the dark.

The Guards and the Devil
The Dottari - the city watch - had already put up barricades around the mansion when the party arrived. The group swiftly realised that all wasn't well: although the normal guards were fine, their leaders were tired and, well, dominated. (Sense Motive DC 15 to detect - rather easy, that one!)

Not that the group did anything about it, instead following the guard lieutenant's advice and going to the gatehouse to the manor...

Not surprisingly, it was a trap!

Just a word here: I really, really, really hate Paizo's attitude towards maps when there are combats on them. Paizo have, over many years, shown they want maps to be the size to be at the scale they are in real life. That's fine, but it makes combats unduly constricted, especially if there are 6 PCs. (Very boring as well). Now, consider the map:

Consider that in this encounter there is a Bone Devil (in D3 or D6, large: 2x2) and two Advanced Lemures (in D2a and D2b, large: 2x2) and then consider how they fit on the map. It'd be a lot better if large was 1x1, but in the encounter-as-written, you've got squeezing devils and not many able to attack at one time.

So I had the Bone Devil attack them as they tried to enter the gatehouse and then chase them out into the street (where there was enough room for Michael's rogue to flank). The Lemures just stayed back in the gatehouse side rooms (2a and 2b). At this point, I discovered that Lee hadn't prepared Align Weapon, and so the combat was a *lot* more difficult than I expected. However, Dave's new character was able to trip the devil a lot, and Dave and Michael (with some help from Tim's sorcerer) were able to finish it off.

Following my suggestion, the group then returned home to allow Lee to craft a wand of Align Weapon, then they headed back to the mansion.

The Guards and the Vampire
During the break, I made sure the group were aware of what wands and spells they had, which meant that the group used the wand of Break Enchantment they'd acquired to free the guard lieutenant from the domination he was under. He revealed that he'd been dominated by a vampire who was lairing in the nearby ruined guardhouse.

The group went to deal with the vampire, and instead discovered the house guards that he'd dominated and left to deal with intruders. The battle went pretty badly against the guards, until one of the guards threw a vial of alchemist's fire and ignited the entire building, which had been soaked in oil. The group tried to save one of the house guards, but were unable to (their break enchantment wand failed), and so slew the guards as they escaped the burning building.

No sign of the vampire... but he'll probably return at some point.

The Council of Thieves
The group had learnt from the Mayor that elements of the outlawed thieves' guild had taken up residence in the surviving wing of the manor, and they now resolved to investigate it (bypassing the Pit and the Pillars of Fire).

Some of the group made their Perception checks and saw a patrol of thieves lurking in the shadows. Michael's rogue then (without telling the rest of the party) went and hid as well - hiding himself from the thieves quite successfully. Then, when the thieves attacked the group, Michael attacked them as well with surprise!

This was a fun little combat, mainly for the fact that Tim's sorcerer never got an action - being both surprised and last in the initiative order. By the time we reached him, the remaining thief had surrendered! Under interrogation, the group learnt that a couple of Council leaders were in the manor, whilst others had gone below to the Nessian Spiral.

"The Dealer"
Entering the (alerted) manor, the group used the secret knock to enter the room used by "The Dealer", a halfling sorcerer. He was backed up by four regular thieves, in a 15' square room. Oh, boy. No room to move!

And yes, as noted before, I hate combats like this.

In any case, the Dealer was taken down by the group (though not before he hit Dave's fighter with three negative levels by virtue of enervation). In fact, he surrendered - along with the other thieves - once he got hurt too much. Then he revealed a lot of information about the Council of Thieves in the second infodump of the session. Again, really valuable material that brings the entire AP into focus for the players.

The group learnt - in particular - that Chammady, a woman they'd met in the last two adventures, was behind what had just happened to the Mayor's manor, as she tried to free the Pit Fiend for her own purposes. And they also learnt how to get past the magical lock on the door to the Nessian Spiral.

They were left with the traitorous major domo of the Mayor to deal with, but we'd now used up the 4 hours available for the session, so we left it there. Next session they confront the major domo, and then make their way down into the Nessian Spiral to try and prevent the city from being destroyed.

All in all, I rather enjoyed this session: the group is working better and the adventure is progressing nicely in terms of story. I hope it keeps up for the next session.



First Post
We finished book 2 and I'm glad to be past that as the second half was just bad. The dungeon crawl was boring and a lot of the encounters would be cool if they made sense for the dungeon. Looking ahead the Pathfinder Lodge looks a lot better. The runecurse was someone's neat idea an editor needed to say no to. From the player perspective it made no sense. I used it, they had to fight the bone devil and that left them not understanding anything so I explained it to them also noting this is classic Paizo to have something deadly like this for no other reason then its deadly.

We are into book three with a few little bits of info to get before they go into the lodge. I expect to be into book 4 by end of week.


Eternal Optimist
Lee was unable to make this session as he was ill, but the other players were all able to make it.

Crosael, Major-Domo of the Ruins
The session began with the characters continuing to explore the ruins of the manor. The one important encounter remaining was against Crosael, the one-time major domo of the mayor, now revealed as a traitor. Alerted to the group's entrance, she turned herself invisible and opened a door (using unseen servant) to lure them away so she could make her escape. Unfortunately, the group were wise to her tricks and surrounded her. She tried fighting - and caused Greg and Tim to become confused and start fighting each other - but eventually she was overwhelmed. Once Greg and Tim recovered, they healed her to consciousness and questioned her about what to expect.

Although somewhat defiant, she did fill them in on more details about the Council of Thieves and what lay below. The group eventually let her go.

The Guards of the Spiral
Now it was time to approach the spiral, and the four thieves guarding the entranceway didn't stand much of a chance: surprise attacks followed by intense melee and spell-casting left most dead, although one did escape to alert another set of guards.

The next set of guards didn't fare much better, although an evil cleric casting flame strike almost dropped Tim's sorcerer - but that was her best move, and she was unable to flee before she and the thieves were slain by the adventurers.

The group found and rescued an agent of the true Council of Thieves, who filled them in further on the actions of the renegades that had precipitated this disaster, and were now trying to free the pit fiend entirely. He promised to aid them later, and made his escape from the Spiral. (I played him in a particularly foul-mouthed manner, which is a great departure from my normal speech, and I hope the players enjoyed the contrast!)

Investigating further along the path through the Spiral, the group discovered a great hallway with many malfunctioning power distributors along it, sparking and expelling blasts of energy at random intervals. Thinking better of it, the group returned the way they came to find another way around.

Hellhounds and Ghosts
The other way led to chambers guarded by two cerberi - hell hounds with three heads. And quite devoid of resistances, unusually for this adventure. Paizo's "I love 5' corridors" stance meant that only one could attack at a time, which was probably a relief to the party, as they were extremely vicious when they got a full attack in.

Although the group found some nice items, they finally decided to search for some secret doors and found one: it led to this strange cavernous area where a man (possibly a wizard) confronted them, demanding to know what they were doing here and what all the racket was about. I'm not sure what the players made of him - he was meant to be the builder of the labyrinth, the mayor's grandfather - but they calmed him down enough for him to give them some useful information about the Spiral, and then they escaped before he turned violent.

Tieflings and the Spiral Proper
The group, alerted to the possibility of more secret doors, found their way into more back-passages, and found a group of the tiefling "tunnel rats" who had been working in the spiral, and had been made quite mad by the experience. They attacked the party, and paid for it with their lives. Little was gleaned from their corpses.

Following that, the party headed onwards and entered the Nessian Spiral in truth: a great spiralling tunnel, festooned with power conduits and unstable crystals. Choosing to go right, they discovered a power core in which several steam mephits were playing - and the mephits were very happy to "play" with the party - until the party was dead, of course!

That was a not particularly manoeuvrable combat - a 5' walkway around the core ensured that - and once the mephits were slain, something worse came along: the builder of the labyrinth! (But wait, didn't they meet him a few encounters ago?) This version was decayed and skeletal, attacking with a chilling touch and able to absorb spells cast by the magic-users to use himself. It was a tough combat, which saw Michael's thief go down, unconscious, but Dave's new character managed to prove effective and Tim's magic missiles were likewise useful. Eventually he was slain, and Tim rejoiced in finding a Ring of Wizardry I! (He now can cast 13 first-level spells per day... eek!)

We then ended the session for the day. It had been a good one, as this adventure proves much better than the previous ones (although I could do with fewer 5' corridors). About the only thing really bugging me is Dave's new character, who is specialised in tripping opponents and makes combats somewhat dull. At least he's effective, which is such a change from his monk that I'm going to let it slide for the rest of this campaign.


First Post
Delvehaven was a great place to adventure. We got through all of it though in the end they took Morrowfall and ran leaving the Vampires alive. The rooms were very big and the combats and story the Lodge told was good and creative. The dolls creep out the players for some reason so I kept them around and they will be making more appearances.

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