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Prime Directive d20 is out? Anyone have it?


WildWeasel said:
Well, Kirk and the Enterprise do exist in the SFU. If you check a listing of Federation heavy cruisers, the NCC-1701 is there (the only place they can mention it, as Paramount agreed it would be kinda silly to leave the Enterprise out of a master ship roster). And there are oblique referneces to some of the main characters here and there, such as a special diplomatic team assigned to clean up the messes caused by a certain gung-ho captain, including the Gorn first contact.

Yeah, there's a definite wink-wink, nudge-nudge thing...they dance as close to the line as they can. What this means is that you'll never see "official" stats for Kirk, Spock, Scotty, etc.

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Ranger REG

Lizard said:
Yeah, there's a definite wink-wink, nudge-nudge thing...they dance as close to the line as they can. What this means is that you'll never see "official" stats for Kirk, Spock, Scotty, etc.
Well, it has been a long time since I looked into my SFB ... which is somewhere. But I know that Paramount didn't trademarked "NCC-1701" so yeah, I agree with Lizard, they came close to hinting it enough so readers can fill in the blanks.

It's like the argument of A Conan, a Barbarian vs. THE Conan the Barbarian. ;)


KaosDevice said:
Huh, that must be a Trekkie suspension of disbelief thing.

We Trekkies have had to suspend disbelief A LOT in recent years. So no big deal.

Anyway, if I wanted a Trek RPG, I'd probably wring one out of the d20 Modern SRD. There's enough in there for me to get started.


WildWeasel said:
Well, Kirk and the Enterprise do exist in the SFU. If you check a listing of Federation heavy cruisers, the NCC-1701 is there (the only place they can mention it, as Paramount agreed it would be kinda silly to leave the Enterprise out of a master ship roster). And there are oblique referneces to some of the main characters here and there, such as a special diplomatic team assigned to clean up the messes caused by a certain gung-ho captain, including the Gorn first contact.

A friend of mine came up with a bare-bones skeleton of a d20 Star Trek Game a few years back, and one of the ways he solved that was requiring a vast amount of power usage from the "disintegrate" settings; sure it did 16d6 damage per shot, but a phaser used the equivalent of 10 or 20 shots to "vape" or kill something. Two or three times of that, and you were out of ammo, even if you allowed the existance of "magazines" or something similar it only helps a bit.

His rules problems were that he had a hard time coming up with ways where players couldn't come up with off-the-wall super-science gizmos to make everything a cake-walk, yet still remain faithful to the Star Trek Universe. If you stick to the original series, it helps this, though.


Orius said:
Anyway, if I wanted a Trek RPG, I'd probably wring one out of the d20 Modern SRD. There's enough in there for me to get started.

These days, I'd say you could build it out of a subset of the Mutants and Masterminds rules, because M&M 2 has the "rules looseness" to make anything from a Legendary Captain, to a miracle-working Engineer, to a Telepath. (Could use Spycraft as a base, too, but the FX rules are not yet solid enough for it, I think.)

Ranger REG

Orius said:
We Trekkies have had to suspend disbelief A LOT in recent years. So no big deal.

Anyway, if I wanted a Trek RPG, I'd probably wring one out of the d20 Modern SRD. There's enough in there for me to get started.
I believe the Dice Theory website posted a d20 Future Trek material by VixenofVenus. It's a good starting reference point for anyone who need some guidance to playing and/or building the rest of the Trek game.

Also, there is a discussion going on in the Holonet messageboards (see Chaos and Miscellaneaous forum for the conversation).

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