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D&D 5E Primeval Thule 5e


I seriously doubt there will be any more official material for Thule.

There is, however, a nice forum http://mythopoeiathule.freeforums.net/ that is seeing a bit of traffic. It would be great to see more traffic over there. Spread the word. ((Note, I am in no way affiliated with the site, I just post there.))

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I seriously doubt there will be any more official material for Thule.

There is, however, a nice forum http://mythopoeiathule.freeforums.net/ that is seeing a bit of traffic. It would be great to see more traffic over there. Spread the word. ((Note, I am in no way affiliated with the site, I just post there.))

I have emiled the creators on Facebook and they have not ruled anything out. While they are focused on Alternity right now they indicated they may do a supplement late this year or early next.


That would be cool. Particularly now that we have a 5eSRD to use, PT can be published without the somewhat unfortunate confusion of game terms.

Heh, I do have to share a gaming story from our last session though, because it is just too funny. Spoilers for Scent of Jasmine, so, I'll put it in spoiler tags.

[sblock]In Scent of Jasmine, the PC's track the clues down to a construction site behind a perfumery. There's boxes and whatnot all around the site and a big log covered pit. They discover the Winged Apes inside the pit and battle ensues. The winged apes climb up the wall of the nearby building and begin throwing stuff down.

Player: Oh, man. Are they throwing barrels? They should be throwing barrels. We're here to rescue a princess kidnapped by giant apes! Deet deet deet da deet deet dee! MARIO!

Me: Oh, sonovabitch. I never even thought of that... *facepalm*

:D :D :D
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Well, ok, for the last time - I was looking at using the setting to run modernist S&S in the King Kull mode. Not a setting with Clerics & Druids. Yes the Thule default has Druids & Clerics in every version. IMO this makes it look more like a lightly reskinned regular-D&D world than like the source material. Not a bad thing, I might indeed decide to run it in light-reskin mode.

(The Dark Necromancer S'mon M'gus casts animate thread)

Well this is exactly what I decided to do - and two sessions in, it's going great so far! :D
The setting book is incredibly evocative and very very supportive of creating dynamic, exciting PCs who really feel like they belong as the protagonists of a swords & sorcery tale.

My Primeval Thule game blog - https://simonsprimevalthule.blogspot.com/

One thing I did was strongly encourage human PCs to get us started; now the setting is more established I'm easing up a bit.

The published adventures are good (I count 9 including the three in the main book) but needing more I ransacked my library and found The Midlands https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/225936/Midlands-Low-Magic-Sandbox-Setting - which is not about D&D in Birmingham, it's a cool setting for Low Fantasy RPG with tons of short adventures in a low fantasy, sword & sorcery theme that convert over very easily to 5e D&D.

I have Thule tomorrow (Sunday) with adventure 2 from the main book and then a new parrallel group starting on Tuesday, planning to use an adventure from The Midlands plus 'Beyond The Shadow of a Dream' from White Dwarf #61 - very excited! :D


Glad you love the setting. It's still a great one in my heart too.

I did run M.T. Black's Expedition to the Lost Peaks (a remake of the Barrier Peaks module for 5e) set in the Eastern mountains near the dwarven home (I'm blanking on proper nouns right now). Worked very well.

Oh, and I updated the Seeds of Sehan arc from Dungeon magazine to run in Quodeth which worked well too.

And, yeah, the 9 included adventures are pretty fantastic. Which ones are you running?


Elder Thing
Another great resource I use in my Primeval Thule campaigns is the World of Xoth stuff by Morten Braten. It's all written for Pathfinder so it's pretty easy to convert. The website has a couple of freebies but the main PDFs are really reasonably priced.


Ash Mantle

Thank you to everyone who's been discussing Primeval Thule in this thread, it's definitely piqued my interest enough that I went ahead and got a copy of the rules.
I'm really enjoying everything I've been reading so far, the setting's hitting the sweet spot of pulp and horror and brutal, it's great!

Just a question to start off and more for confirmation, with the narratives and when they refer to rests, do they just mean you regain the use of the narrative benefit after both a short rest or a long rest?
I think I'll use narratives in addition to backgrounds, because only the skill benefits seem to overlap and both give out cool features with the added benefit of personalising the PCs further. I'll just have the PCs either take skills from either their background or from their narrative.


And, yeah, the 9 included adventures are pretty fantastic. Which ones are you running?

I bought all of them! Planning to use them all, though with my normal site/locale based
approach the mapless Red Chains looks a bit tricky. The three in the main book clearly have
the most money spent on them, with luscious maps - so nice I printed out a couple at minis scale as battlemats. I ran Tower of Black Flame for the first 2 Sunday sessions, introing Cavern of
Golden Tears at the end, starting it in earnest today. Depending on PC levels may go straight to Scent of Jasmine after that. Or maybe Voor Darayn, as it's quite near Ghanport. I'm starting every PC with full CON + max hd in hp at level 1, which works excellently for this setting, and somewhat slower levelling, so they should be able to handle stuff at a level or so below what's indicated in the books. I'm also expanding the adventures a bit with emphasis on the mood & feel of the world; eg today I have lined up a plesiosaur attack on the Quosa river and a meeting with ankylosauri in the Ghan Pensinsula - yaay for toy dinos. :D

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