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D&D 5E Princes of the Apocalypse campaign recaps


That's a pretty nifty solution. Nice stuff. Although sending a low-medium party in after the disappearance of "high-level druids" sounds like a risky and unlikely strategy. Maybe a group of highly erudite sages, but ones who aren't used to missions in the field (i.e. low adventuring levels). :)

Ok, good point, I can easily change it to ambitious "mid-level druid/scholars" of middling or no renown. :)

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That's a pretty nifty solution. Nice stuff. Although sending a low-medium party in after the disappearance of "high-level druids" sounds like a risky and unlikely strategy. Maybe a group of highly erudite sages, but ones who aren't used to missions in the field (i.e. low adventuring levels). :)

I'm still brainstorming here, but what if Bruldenthar, Teresiel, Rhundorth and the 4th (dead) scholar/druid DID have some kind of plan to fight back against the churning elemental chaos? What if they did discover the true nature of the Elemental Eye, maybe they had some backup plan to confront it? I know they're not high level enough and they were in over their heads, and that's why they're captured or dead, but they STILL have that kernel of information unless it has been tortured out of them.

To me this adds more significance to the delegation, which was partly a disguise. Maybe, MAYBE, they were willing to sacrifice their lives, together all at once, in some kind of ritual to close the portals to the Nodes. They never made it nearly that far, much less discovering a Haunted Keep or Temple, and have been captured by the enemy upon the betrayal of Windharrow, right hand man of Queen Aerisi, schemer and planner.
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And although i do enjoy piecing these ideas together, I can see how some DMs would be annoyed that this wasn't done already, but I like it ok, I have time. I mean it WAS done, I can just see ways to improve on it to make the plot more cohesive, layered, nuanced and build on what came before.


I'm still brainstorming here, but what if Bruldenthar, Teresiel, Rhundorth and the 4th (dead) scholar/druid DID have some kind of plan to fight back against the churning elemental chaos? What if they did discover the true nature of the Elemental Eye, maybe they had some backup plan to confront it? I know they're not high level enough and they were in over their heads, and that's why they're captured or dead, but they STILL have that kernel of information unless it has been tortured out of them.

Keep in mind I have already twice foreshadowed to my players the Elemental Evil Eye as a 5th and possible cult, like the One Ring That Rules Them All. They already think this is the case, and I'm taking their assumption and incorporating it. Air/Fire/Water/Earth - Spirit. The Boss.


Session #12 - Beliard


Yep, we played twice over 3 days. Rarely happens.

I think they're headed to the Vale of the Dancing Waters next because I maybe dropped too much of a hint that the dwarves there are buddies of the Gauntlet so yes of COURSE, Mr. Paladin, they'll drop what they're doing and help you.

Regardless, I've looked over that section more carefully...and...I don't really like it. Might be more interesting if it ties into the actual *story* better.

As close as it is to Rivergard and The Crushing Wave, what if there is a previously unknown entrance to the Water Temple? Of course, that will put the PCs into a very dangerous situation, so probably should NOT do that, but it might be interesting if I can get them in and out quickly without dying.

For that matter, what if the Crushing Wave has already found the Vale?
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That sounded like a great session. Nice work on how you made the devestation orb so much more ... devestating, and nice work on using Windharrow as a significant and active NPC.

I actually think that seems to be what is missing in this module. There don't seems to be many active NPC's outside the temples who are actually doing something to progress their goals. I might have to address that...


That sounded like a great session. Nice work on how you made the devastation orb so much more ... devastating, and nice work on using Windharrow as a significant and active NPC.

I actually think that seems to be what is missing in this module. There don't seem to be many active NPC's outside the temples who are actually doing something to progress their goals. I might have to address that...

Thanks. I might do some more of that later on as well. I think there ARE some stashed around in various places in the book, but they probably need more emphasis as Prophet wing-men.

Interesting to read about your players' reaction to the Devastation Orb. I note that you made it far more powerful than the book suggests, but I think that you might have been right to do so; it makes the threat a very real thing, other than 'minor economic damage' which was my takeaway from the book description :D


Interesting to read about your players' reaction to the Devastation Orb. I note that you made it far more powerful than the book suggests, but I think that you might have been right to do so; it makes the threat a very real thing, other than 'minor economic damage' which was my takeaway from the book description :D

I think what prompted me was that picture, it was so utterly terrifying and visceral that I couldn't NOT use it. And I also capped the orbs at just 2, and made it more of a plot device, as the book suggest with the Hand of Yartar trying to auction it. So now it's like a dirty nuke and no one knows where it will end up.


Email to my players to clarify their situation:

As of last session, with the Devastation Orb (and the threat of 2) this scenario has gotten quickly more complicated. Also, you know that the Mirabar delegation had 4 members who had a plan to somehow - maybe - combat the cults? You don't know, it's all secret. They never made it anyway. They might have just been explorers and scholars with some insider knowledge from their Gods. Anyway, they were led by someone named Windharrow, and at some point things got crazy as the Black Earth and Howling Hatred and gods knows what else all intervened and prisoners got pulled left and right like pulling spaghetti.

But they ALL pay homage to the Elemental Evil Eye, the fifth and most powerful, that of Spirit, of which the crazy Necromancer and the Purple Wyrm were devoted....

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