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D&D 5E Princes of the Apocalypse campaign recaps


First Post
A few different endgame/post PoA scenarios:

Princes of the Universe
Normally, the princes of elemental good keep the princes of elemental evil in check. Something must have gone wrong, otherwise the PCs would not have been needed to intervene. Three of the princes of elemental good were accidentally trapped in mortal forms: they’re the missing delegates! The fourth prince was supposed to return them to their normal forms but has gone missing somewhere on Toril. The PCs discover this and must now work to find the fourth prince, undo the other princes’ confinement to mortal bodies, and return them to their home planes.

Call of Madness
The secret cult of Tharizdun has been manipulating the elemental cults behind the scenes. They believe the only way to free their dark god is by sacrificing the elemental princes on the altar of the Elder Elemental Eye, a hidden aspect of Tharizdun. Tharizdun’s elite cultists, the doomdreamers, are the ones who have been sending visions to the elemental “prophets”. Everything has been orchestrated by the doomdreamers to free Tharizdun from imprisonment in the Far Realm. If the doomdreamers are able to sacrifice all 4 princes, then Tharizdun will be freed. Sacrificing less than 4 will only open up a portal to the Far Realm, leaking madness into Toril. The PCs must stop the madness leak by journeying to the source in the Far Realm.

The Queen of Spiders
The Elder Elemental Eye is an aspect of Lolth, carefully managed by a sect of drow priestesses. They hope to unleash the princes of elemental evil as a distraction from / opening salvo to Lolth’s true objective: invasion of the surface. After foiling the release of the princes, the PCs must journey to the Underdark to face the drow at the heart of this plot.

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Session 33

In which the party flee from the earth temple, to the water temple, back to the earth temple and then back to the water temple. In which everyone nearly dies and they lose one member of the group.

The heroes progress down a long corridor, but strangely they find themselves unsure of how long or far they have been travelling. The find themselves at another dwarven door. As they are examining the door they hear voices in their head. Warped, otherworldly voices.

“Who are these visitors? Why do they visit us? Secrets? So many secrets you seek the answers to. One who seeks his parents, one who does not trust his parents, one who does not know his family, and one who does not trust her family at all. Come in, come in. We smell the magic on you and we will trade secrets for magic.”

The party enter and find themselves in a small room with shadowy corners and a pool with a gargoyle standing still above it. Aimn Lu sees the gargoyle and goes straight to it.

“What do you know? Where do I come from?”

“A trade, a trade”, say the voices, “give us magic and we will tell you where you come from”.

Aimn Lu puts a magic sword into the pool.

“A long time ago, oh so long, the Clearwater Estate in Karnath was your home. Seek it little noble, seek it out.”

The rest of the group start placing magic items on the ground and asking questions, but Layna and Mythoras are both thinking about how they can kill the sources of these voices and retrieve their treasures.

“WE HEAR YOUR SECRETS, WE HEAR THEM, YOU PLAN TO KILL US.” At this point from the shadows burst two Nothics who attack the group. The group dispatch them without too much effort. Aimn Lu then continues to question the gargoyle. Unfortunately no more voices are in his head.

The party head onward through a door in the other side of the room and find themselves in a large complex with a canal, and decide that they must now be in the water temple. They are now just wanting to get back to the surface and are worried about taking on another temple where they do not even know if there is a way they can get up. They decide to head back to the earth temple where they know there is a way up.

They return to the cavern with the bulettes, and find a spot where it is possible to jump over the crevasse. However, on the other side is another Bulette, that attacks them immediately. This bulette seems harder the beat, leaping on the heroes and biting great chunks out of them. They manage to defeat it, but as they do so a saddled bulette leaps from a passage to the North and crushes Tito, knocking him unconscious. At the same time, earth cultists and hobgoblins start pouring out of the same, attacking the heroes. This drives Aimn Lu into a rage. He jumps on the bulettes back, grabs the reigns and attempts to subdue it.

At the same time, the rest of the heroes realise that they are overmatched. Mythoras manages to heal Tito with magic, and then they jump back over the crevasse. However Aimn Lu is in a rage now, and continues attempting to subdue the beast, crushing several cultists in the process.

Back with the rest of the party, they manage to defeat the cultists and hobgoblin chasing them and are considering how to stop Aimn Lu, when they hear a roaring shout from the east. They have awakened an ettin and are forced to put their attentions on it.

Aimn Lu at this stage has subdued the bulette and has it completely under his control. He guides the bulette back up the northern passage, killing as he goes. Layna at this stage is running to try and assist him when a strange figure emerges from an adjoining passage, casts a spell, and Aimn Lu transforms into a small frog. Realising that she has no chance against this enemy, and that she has not been seen yet, she flees.

They party (except Aimn Lu) run back down the south passage, back to the room with the Nothics, spike the doors shut and rest. They have survived, but Aimn Lu has been captured or killed.

After a rest, the party head into the water complex. They are very wary of getting into a battle, so avoid places where they see or hear people. They make their way through a winding route, forced to fight a water troll at one point. Luckily the sound of the running water in this complex makes it unlikely that anyone else will hear them.

Layna spots a spyhole in one wall so covers it with darkness, they continue on and find themselves on a stone beach with 3 boats pulled up. They are considering what to do when Bugbears start spilling out of a room behind them. They quickly push a boat onto the water and start rowing out into the darkness. They can see figures on a jetty to the east, and it is obvious that they have been spotted. Bugbears have gotten to the edge of the beach. Some are preparing boats, and others are preparing javelins for thowing. Suddenly tentacles surround the boat, tipping it and throwing Mythoras into the water……

The session ends.


Secret Session 34 -

In which any of my players stop reading now (if any of you are reading this).

This is an e-mail back and forth between the player who's character is Aimn Lu, after Aimn Lu was captured in the Earth Temple.

*As told to Aimn Lu....*

You are scooped up and carried by some large creature. You don’t like it, but you are held firmly. You are taken to a dry room (dry isn’t good. You don’t like dry).

After a while your body begins to grow and you begin to find your mind returning to human thoughts. As you grow you are grasped by strong stone hands and manacles are placed around your wrists.

When your mind has cleared you see a stony but still almost human face in front of you:

You recall that this is the person who cast a spell on you turning you into a frog. There is also 4 other cultists in the room. An irregular pit fills the center of this large hall. In the middle of the pit stands an obelisk of glistening black stone. Bleached bones lie scattered near the foot of the obelisk. A smaller stone post in front of the obelisk holds a pair of manacles which hold you fast.

“So,” the Stony Man begins, “You are one who would attack the temple of earth alone? Very brave, but also very stupid. However, you did tame a Bullette which indicates you may have potential. I would ask you why you would attack our temple? We are a simple people who mean no harm to anyone, we simply want to be left alone to our worship. I ask again, why would you attack us?”

What do you do?

_"Aaah sorry sir. … ahhh I’ma simple people too", replys Aimn Lu, "I wuz trying to get out and da brew … blue ah blue let, attacked me, I think it broke its chain and went wild, I saw it had a saddle so maybe i thought i could ride it, like a horse, and it couldnt stomp on me if i was on top and ah so I jumped up on it and tried to make it not so angry, it bucked a bit and wus very stomppy and it squashed some of your friends and then da blue let seemed happy after that and it took me here and then it was funny, you were bigger and i liked water"_

"Very well. I will consider what you have said. I will return in time. Unless the pudding gets hungry you will remain here."

You are left. For quite some time. For quite some time indeed. After some time, when you are delirious from thirst, he returns with a stone golem. You realise that your weapons have gone.

"Well", he says, "it appears you were not telling quite the truth. It would appear to me that you came through the fire temple and have left a trail of death behind you. While I understand that you fire worshippers are brash, this is unacceptable. While we are rivals, we all work towards the same end. I would kill you now, but the master has requested to see you". He looks towards the golem, "Seize him".

You are grabbed. The stony man undoes your manacles and you are taken through the complex to a room full of statues. You notice that some of the statues are of the prisoners that you rescued earlier. As you enter, the stony man whispers to you, "You will note that the master is heavily cowled and that it is difficult to see his face. I suggest you make an effort. You will want to know what he looks like."

In the dimness of the room, a heavily cowled man emerges from the shadows. You cannot see his face at all. He has an iron pick on his belt, forged from a single piece of steel. You can feel that magic humming off it.
"So the murderer faces me", he says, "I have lost many loyal followers due to your efforts. I am the leader here, Marlos Urnrayle. Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

You are held in place by a stone golem. You are weak from thirst. What do you do?

_"Ma names Anim Lu Sir. Are you the swords of liberty leader?"_

"You name yourself slave in the elven speech? And I see from your face that you know no other name. Very interesting. Vanifer's indoctrination goes deep. Yes, in answer to your question, I am one of the leaders of the so-called 'Swords of Liberty'. But as you must know by now, we are so much more. Has your mistress not told you about the deeper power we have harnessed towards our end . Typical. She talks freedom and anarchy, but she demonstrates oppression and tyrany. But are you truly wed to the flame? I wonder. You have already shown great promise in taming the bulette. I feel that your loyalty to Vanifer is misplaced and you would thrive if you would follow the path of earth and stone. Would you be willing to face the test of earth? Work for me. I will bring freedom to this land and freedom to it's peoples. Work for me. You will gain rewards and riches. You will gain fame and fortune. You will make this world a better place. So tell me, Slave, will you take the test and throw off your bonds of servitude?"

_"Ah Yes Sir, I wood want to take da test."_

At this point Marlos removes his cowl and you see his face:

You feel the blood in your veins slow down, you feel your skin stiffen, you feel your joints begin to lock up. But you are made of sterner stuff than that, and you force your body to retain its form.

“Good, good”, says Marlos. He then turns to the stoney man. “Take our friend here up to the temple and robe him in acolyte clothing. You have much to learn my friend. For a start, you are no longer ‘Slave’. I give you a new name. You are born of fire and violence and you shall be our blade. I name you Obsidian. Serve us well Obsidian, and you will find a home with meaning and purpose. Over the coming months you will learn of our plans for this world and your place in the new order.”

The Stony faced man takes you away, and introduces himself as Miraj. He is quite friendly now. Your clothing is taken from you and replaced with brown robes and a gargoyle mask.

Over the next few days you are trained in basic martial arts, and you learn of the evil inherent in systems that rule Khorvaire. It’s all a wee bit beyond you, but you grow to understand that the monarchy and guild structure is merely a system to supress the common people and keep the wealth in the hands of the elite. You learn that your ultimate goal is to overthrow that structure and replace it with a new system that will share the wealth more equally.

However, you do notice that you are still carefully watched, and that you still remain in a locked cell at night. When you question this, it is explained that you will still need to prove your loyalty before you can gain trust and progress through the ranks. Your chance will come.

That very night, you are awakened by the sound of your door unlocking. You see a small figure enter the room and in the dim light recognise it as Hug Hug the goblin.

“Psst. Psst. Big person? Wake up big person. I have come to help you escape.”

What do you do?

_Slowly Obsidian rises and walks over to Hug Hug, Obsidian is tired from days of hard training.
As he walks over he yawns, flexes and stretches. Suddenly a stretch becomes a lunge and Obsidian grabs Hug Hug. Holding Hug Hug tight Obsidian walks out to find his fellow freedom fighters he has caught a new recruit.

Obsidian thinks the stone people are right about this king and guild thing.
The high and mighty always keeping the workers down.
However deep down Lu suspects that he will still be told what to do._
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So, Aimn Lu is now an NPC, but may come back to the adventure later. His player is rolling up a new character.

Aimn Lu was a favourite character of this player, and he didn't want to lose him, but he felt he needed to take the character in the direction he would naturally go. So yes - in that session I did a save or die (he rolled an 18 on his save vs petrification - roll20 is great for checking rolls without being physically there), but I also gave him an opportunity to escape. He decided that the character has the personality that would be indoctrinated - particularly because the views of the earth cultists (as presented to him) appeared to agree with the characters views.

If he had died, that would still have been an epic death, and the rest of the party would have found his statue one day. That would have been awesome too. As it is, they may come across the indoctrinated Aimn Lu who will need to choose between his beliefs and his friends.


Tonight my group is making it's first foray into the Temple of the Crushing wave (continuing it really...they cleared out two rooms of guards last session). They have completely destroyed the earth cult, killed Marlos and the Mud Sorcerer and are now 8th level. Unbeknownst to them, Gar Shaterkeel and the other two remaining prophets have abandoned their temples and have gone down into the Fane.

I use the XP charts on p. 85 of the DMG just for gauging the difficulty of what lies ahead...four 8th level PCs have a daily XP budget of 24,000 xp. If they were to try to tackle every encounter in the temple it's 50,550 XP worth of encounters so I expect them to require at least one short rest to do it...I doubt they'll try to tackle the entire thing...once they discover Gar is gone and have defeated the water cult leadership I will allow them to level up and give them time pressure to go into the Fane to try to close elemental nodes. But we'll see...it might be fun to see them try to take on Bronzefume...

Here is the XP breakdown for the encounters they might face:

600 - trivial
1500 - trivial
200 - Trivial
2000 - Easy
3100 - easy
3000 - easy
2700 - Easy
1800 - Easy
5400 - Medium
4200 - Hard
7200 - hard
10,000 - Difficult
8850 - Difficult

Seems about right for 2 "Adventuring days" worth of encounters...


Tonight my group is making it's first foray into the Temple of the Crushing wave (continuing it really...they cleared out two rooms of guards last session). They have....

Seems about right for 2 "Adventuring days" worth of encounters...

So things went well for them. They snuck around a bit, eventually found the one-eyed Shiver, Morbeoth, who told them that the person in charge is Thaluna, the witch. So they busted into her lair with extreme prejudice but that attracted the trolls, the fathomer and his cultists. Morbeoth, his cultists and his bugbears joined in. The lizard men almost joined in as well but there was so many fireball and firewall spells going that they just turned around and left, as did the trolls...that and the dinosaur eating people (the party wizard polymorphs PCs into a T-Rex whenever they get low on HP).

They found the gong and the longsword of dragon detection and figured out that the dragon turtle is in the lake but decided to save that for later. They pressed on to the shrine where they fought the Hezrou, 8 lizard men and 6 summoned dretches (eww....dog farts!).

It was a pretty good fight. The paladin took the Hezrou in single combat. The dretch poision slowed him down a bit (he should have cast bless before the fight! He always forgets) but two crits with 2nd level divine smites was too much for it.

The party fought through 22,250 XP worth of encounters...they probably could have gone on a bit more, maybe one more hard encounter, especially with a long rest, but decided on a long rest before taking on Bronzefume. I let them level up to 9th level but I think I'm going to beef up Bronzefume with some lair actions to make him more fun.

The one thing we noticed tonight was the paladin was pretty boring through a lot of the game. He has an 8 dex so he goes last A LOT. Against large groups of weaker monsters, the warlock and wizard combined for so much damage that by the time the paladin got to act there was not much left to do. Only in the Hezrou fight did he really shine...but I'm thinking he'll be in his element against the dragon turtle...I just hope the warlock remembers to cast water breathing on everyone before they ring the gong...


Awesome. I love reading your recaps. Seems like an amazing campaign.

Thanks THEMNGMNT! Yes, it is an amazing campaign, but not an easy one to run. The book layout is scattered and it does require some forethought and frequent planning to make it all come together, so it's not a good first time DM campaign.

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