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Professional GM: Possible Return

It's not that hard to find the NYC DnD Meetup Group site.


I'm Johnny Tek. Yes. At first it was just my planned stage/pen name but later on I made it my legal name for both personal and practical reasons.

The nunchaku thing didn't work out. When I checked the ad, apparently performers must be 5'9" or shorter. I'm a bit too tall (sigh). :(



I've had some problems the past couple of days with my computer crashing a lot. I managed to get some work done on the site though.

I'm hoping to get a lot done today and tomorrow before tomorrow's business networking party, where I'll be pitching to possibly 100+ potential clients.

I'll be posting the business site address on marketing boards and local meetup message boards by tomorrow afternoon.

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I wish my friend Evan were free to join in on the game and report back what he experiences. He lives in Astoria...perhaps I'll alert him of this...

I wish my friend Evan were free to join in on the game and report back what he experiences. He lives in Astoria...perhaps I'll alert him of this...

I'm DMing an RPGA game this Wednesday (Gangs of Wheloon). Details are on the meetup group's site. Your friend is welcome to join in even if he doesn't have a 4th-7th level RPGA character. It's totally free, except he'll have to buy at least a snack or drink from the place where the meetup is being held.

If he doesn't have an eligible registered character for it, he can make up a 4th level character with 100 gp for equipment + one 3rd level magic item + one 4th level item + one 5th level magic item. The character won't be recognized for rewards but it'll still be fun to play.

There's less room for me to enhance an LFR session (which is why I'm going to be charging less for that service) but I can still deliver a great experience. Being the perfectionist I am and needing practice, I'll be prepping this session as if I were being paid for it.


Captain, although not stated anywhere, RPGA games should be free. You're charging for the "experience" or your time then?

I noticed on the meetup site that you're Asian. Yay! It's always good to see more people of color playing D&D. I was the only Asian player in my college town in Washington State. Then again, NYC is much more diverse than it is here. Hope your other job searches go well in this tough economy.

Captain, although not stated anywhere, RPGA games should be free. You're charging for the "experience" or your time then?

I noticed on the meetup site that you're Asian. Yay! It's always good to see more people of color playing D&D. I was the only Asian player in my college town in Washington State. Then again, NYC is much more diverse than it is here. Hope your other job searches go well in this tough economy.

Yeah, who else is going to have the schedule to run a game anywhere from 11 AM to 11 PM? Plus I'm putting extra effort into making the game memorable.

Job hunting currently: a nearby yogurt shop/bakery opening soon, a nearby pita place opening soon, a nearby clothing store, and a nearby bakery. I'm getting some help with a temp agency too. I'm also trying places in Manhattan but because I live in Queens but I'm not expecting to get anything outside my borough when there's bound to be plenty of competition.

The yogurt shop/bakery would be great because I live just a few blocks from it. I also like cookies (the kind you eat). :lol:


Things are starting to look up. My computer was crashing a lot but it seems to be getting better after I loosened the hard drive by deleting a lot of useless junk files.

The website for the business is in working order, barely. The crashes delayed my efforts a bit so a lot of the stuff won't be ready until the weekend.

I went to my first business networking party. I handed out about 30 business cards. I'm going to start placing online ads.

I'm hitting a few bumps but things seem to be moving along.

What will come first? A job or a client for the business? Ladies and gentlemen place your bets. :D

Today is my first run as an official RPGA DM. Yay. I'm bringing the heat on this one. I'll be sure to learn a lot from how the players react to this session.


30 cards handed out at the first networking party were just the beginning. I also met some people in businesses potentially useful to mine (web design, promotional products, etc.). Setting up a network of contacts, clients, and recommendations is the focus of the first few weeks.

I'm starting to post ads now. The complete range of initial services will be up by next week. For now, I can be immediately contacted for running LFR games.

I'm trying out using my own original artwork in addition to the other materials I'm bringing in for today's RPGA meetup (free to join). I'm getting a handle on how much time it takes to "professionally enhance" a module session. For example, 12-15 cinematic drawings will take up to 3-5 hours per module. If I get repeat requests for the same modules in my business it will greatly cut down the average amount of prep time I devote per session.


First Post
Original artwork is potentially a valuable contribution to a session - it's certainly not a skill I have as a DM, and as a player I love it when one of the artists in a group does a sketch of my character. Making some of your art available for potential customers to check out is a good idea, on your website and/or on artists' galleries. Since your online postings attract lots of attention (for better or worse), you should put links to that in your .sig file.

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