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Professional GM: Possible Return

I actually got a commissioned project for 2 cents a word (using the 5,000 word example that would become $100).

I was told to playtest it as well before submitting it so I'm currently looking to make a playtest group or I might just fit in quick playtests of parts of it just before or after meetup games that I run.

Afterwards, I'll be writing a book supplement for 4e.

I've been taking my time setting up the business because it's on the side while job hunting. I've been waiting to finish the setup before getting serious with the marketing. I may have to start this week since it's getting tighter with each passing day.

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I'm going to be overhauling the way I do customized adventures so no new requests will be taken on that until then.

I'm going to be putting up a special menu website for the pregenerated characters (sorry no power cards or power text - that would be a no-no - heehee) and a website for the default setting(s) for the standard adventures and dungeon delves.

War games may be making a come back but not in the way I imagined them before.

I may have stumbled onto a very real demand for a particular type of game day and a way to get players to pay...

I'll be putting up some goodies for GMs on the site this week.


I tried doing a paid LFR session on Friday. Friday was a bad choice for a paid LFR session, plus I should have given more advance notice. 4 people RSVPed but 1 cancelled at the last minute so the game had to be cancelled. Ah well. I now know that people are willing to pay at least $5 each for an LFR game with enough incentive (I'd given up on even trying this once before when there were less LFR players). I'm planning to try again with more advance notice and a 6 RSVP minimum, maybe in a few weeks. I'll be posting dates when I'm more confident about my schedule.

It was suggested earlier on that I organize special paid game events. The problem was finding the right location and incentives. I may have that problem solved because of Old Bridge gourmet deli. Something really cool in July...

At the monthly meetup, I DMed for a gamer who runs a web hosting service and he's willing to charge me considerably less than other web hosts to make Storyteller Solutions into a .com instead of a .webs.com in exchange for DMing games for him and his friends. This was pretty lucky.

At the very same meetup I ran a level 30 combat encounter. I designed the monsters myself. It was a very enlightening experience as a DM and as a game designer for 4e material.

Due to computer-related technical problems and busier than usual job hunting/application submissions, I haven't been able to do much for the site this past week. By the next weekly update, I hope to get things running again. There is a big add-on I've been working on little by little and it will be something that could boost the value of my services significantly.


I have been reading this thread, and the others, for some time without comment but something finally made me have to speak up.

so you had a game, with four people, willing to pay you and you canceled?

not only is that a poor business decision but also reflects poorly on your ability to follow through with clients.

You need to re-think that, at this point you are growing a business (in theory) you should be bending over backwards to make anyone willing to give you money happy

I have been reading this thread, and the others, for some time without comment but something finally made me have to speak up.

so you had a game, with four people, willing to pay you and you canceled?

not only is that a poor business decision but also reflects poorly on your ability to follow through with clients.

You need to re-think that, at this point you are growing a business (in theory) you should be bending over backwards to make anyone willing to give you money happy

First of all, it wasn't a serious business game. It was a test run with people I know from the local meetup group. Technically I didn't cancel. One of the players did so the game was automatically cancelled. It is an official RPGA rule for a sanctioned Living Forgotten Realms game to have a minimum of 4 players. The players were fully aware that this game was just a test to see what needs to be done in organizing pay-for-play LFR on a regular basis.


I've started work on the site for Legends of Matia, the first default setting for Storyteller Solutions adventures. I've decided that how gods and the afterlife are handled will be a bit Bleach-inspired. The text I have up so far still needs editing so for now it's a place holder. The setting is at http://legends-of-matia.webs.com

I've decided to have Storyteller Solutions closed until August while I get a handle on my work hours with the theatre and possibly with a 24-hour deli I recently applied to.


I gave up waiting on the theatre job and am still waiting for return calls for other jobs (sigh).

After many months of rejection, I finally managed to get some work though (huh?!). Yesterday was my first day as a movie extra on the set of Disney's Step Up 3D. I'm in the audience for the final dancing scenes. There's three more days of this gig and it's pretty cool. I'm getting to see some really awesome choreography and dance battling on set.

On the way home, a mysterious individual known only as "Antenna Man" regaled the subway passengers with a jazz performance on his saxophone. He was "from outer space, not from Mexico..."

I've changed my mind on how to do the pantheon of legends of matia. I'll get to it when I can. I've extended the down time for Storyteller Solutions through to September.

My next update probably won't be for a while but it should be a good one. There will be at least one update in August and I'll return to doing weekly updates in September. To everyone who's contributed so far, thank you very much for your interest and advice.


You mentioned in at least 2 updates previously that there would be "goodies" for GMs (and possibly players as well). These haven't come yet.

Any word on the video of your GMing?


First Post

i have developed a website, that makes possible to play any kind of pen&paper tabletop roleplaying games online like it was originally meant to be played, like it was possible never before. equipped with a Java VoIP webphone (a web based internet softphone) running right on the page that requires no installation at all, and is completely browser and OS independent (x86), you can play through speaking, almost like you were sitting together with your friends (or new players) and all this the easiest way ever.

i think it would be very useful in a project like this. i would like to know if you are interested in it, and whether i'm allowed to post the link of it here.

thanks, stargazer


The problem with this is that there are hundreds of DM's (with greater, equal or lesser skill) that will do it for free and people will always take a freebie over a charged service (even if the game is slightly less fun than yours). There are too many free DM's to make money doing it because the work is fun for alot of people.
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