• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Project: Daedalus (Issue #2)


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Master_Pugs said:
Kiro follows a few steps behind the others, keeping his eyes on his feet, his mouth twitches every few seconds. "The walls... the floors... it's just like back in that godforsaken... no... I won't even think about it... we've gotta get outside... that smell is going to drive me insane... so clean, sterile, pure... so inhuman. I won't... Will not think about it" Kiro hides the inner conflict rather well as he manages to keep pace with the others.

Kiro's head jumps up at the commotion, "No, it's happening again, we're going to have to flee!" He turns to grab for Tyrone and notices he's no longer next to him. His heart races and suddenly the world dims. A strange feeling comes over Kiro as he slumps against the wall. As he swirls into darkness his mind screams out for help, someone to save him from the Telepath, he must have got hit by something! He hears his father shout, "You must master your emotion!! Are you worthy of the name Shiantsu or not!?" as the world flicks off like a light. Kiro slides down the wall and instinctfully curls up, apparantly unconcious.
Tyrone turns, as Kiro makes his scene and collapses, nurses rushing by him. "Oh for the love of god," he says testily, walking up with the nurses. "He doesn't get freaked out when he fights a bunch of super-elites, knows he's perfectly safe in a Denver hospital and now he loses it," he continues as he uses his powers to float Kiro up and onto a nearby stretcher. "It probably was the thought of having to eat real food."

Spying Miguel helping a thrashing Sarah, or trying to at least, and seeing a frustrated Jersey Devil, he groans in exasperation. "I swear to god, all I wanted was coffee and some breakfast and maybe the company of a beatiful nurse while I had it. Ladies, no restraints or drugs on him or he's liable to hurt someone when he wakes up," he warns the nurses. Seeing their alarm, he adds quickly with a smile, "Just leave him with JD there and he'll be fine, honest."

He pulls the stretcher with him as he enters the ICU and strides over to JD. "Freakout number three, reporting for duty," he says as he slides the stretcher up behind Jersey Devil. "Maybe we can scare Max and make the Minotaur appear so I'll never get my damned coffee!" He notes Max's confused look and adds quickly, "I swear, boy, you change into the cow and I'll slap the taste out of both your mouths."

Looking down at Miguel being cautious with Sarah, he notices the wires and medical devices she's ripped out. "Damn, girl. Aaron's handling himself better than you are," he says, gesturing to the sleeping boy. "Oh well. At least you haven't been threatening people or anything crazy like that. I mean, no New York cop would do that. Right?" he asks, stressing where she's from and what she is. "Anyone else want coffee while we're gettin'?"

"Oh, and babe," he adds before she can answer. "I have two words of advice to you if you are gonna keep walking around barefoot."

"Hospital. Gown."

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Deva said:
When the nurse approaches Sarah pushes the woman away none too gently, keeping her back to the wall but forcing herself to stand.

ooc:For the record, Sarah is standing, not crouching or flopping around like some ninny :p

Mimic said:
"Sarah relax, we are ok. This is a hospital. You, Aaron and Jaya got hurt in the fight with Evolution. We worked out a deal with American Freedom so we could get you guys help. You need to lie back down or your going to hurt yourself more. So let's get you back into the bed. Ok?"

Calinon said:
Looking down at Miguel being cautious with Sarah, he notices the wires and medical devices she's ripped out. "Damn, girl. Aaron's handling himself better than you are," he says, gesturing to the sleeping boy. "Oh well. At least you haven't been threatening people or anything crazy like that. I mean, no New York cop would do that. Right?" he asks, stressing where she's from and what she is. "Anyone else want coffee while we're gettin'?"

Sarah lookes around at the eyes staring at her and sighs in resignation. The other's seem fine - except Kiro who was now laying unconscious on a gurney, and Sam who was no where to be seen - and she was in no condition to start fighting, no matter how afraid she was.

" All right, doesn't look like I've got much choice does it." She allows Miguel to help her to sit on the bed. The scowl on her face turned to Dr. Lewandowski. " Can I at least have my clothes...please."

She leans back against the pillows. " So, is any one going to tell me what went on back at the Ranch? Where's Sam? What happened to Strafe and those Evolution creeps? And just how long am I expected to stayin this damn hospital bed?"


First Post
Deva said:
"All right, doesn't look like I've got much choice does it." She allows Miguel to help her to sit on the bed. The scowl on her face turned to Dr. Lewandowski. "Can I at least have my clothes...please."

She leans back against the pillows. "So, is any one going to tell me what went on back at the Ranch? Where's Sam? What happened to Strafe and those Evolution creeps? And just how long am I expected to stayin this damn hospital bed?"
"Heh, I think you are stuck with the gown, babe," says Tyrone. "Your clothes were a nice black-red color from the half gallon of blood you lost. Maybe the gift shop has some sweats, I'll check when I get my damned coffee," he finishes, turning and spotting the nurses from the station looking at the room. He smiles at them and heads out the door, forgetting about the people in the room. As he walks, you hear his voice get a little distant as he walks, but still manage to hear, "Ladies! I caught you starin', and I know you aint peekin' at the walking throw rug. Now, about that coffee..."


One of the nurses comes to check on Kiro. "Doctor! He's not breathing!" she exclaims.

The doctor runs over to the strectcher. "Quick, help me move him over there!" he says, and the orderly grabs the stretcher and brings it to an open spot in the room. The doctor quickly checks Kiro over. "I need 150..." beep It's the monitor one of the nurses has attached him. It's quiet for nearly 10 seconds, then, beep...10 more seconds, beep. "My god, his heart rate is stable, but it's so slow...and he is breathing but it's barely perceptable. I've never seen anything like this before. Nurse, get him hooked up, and keep a close eye on him. Notify me immediately if there is any change."

"Thank you for cooperating, Miss Edwards. We'll need you to remain in the gown for your stay, though" he says to Sarah, before turning to the other nurse. "Once the room is cleared, make sure her stiches haven't reopened."

"Your friend Samantha took off," Jersey Devil says to Sarah. "We didn't have time to chase her, you people were in dire need of medical attention. After you and the kid fell, Screaming Eagle told Strafe and his buddies to take a hike. Eagle's gone to check on your story. If it's good, I would imagine the charges against you would be dropped, though I'm not too sure what they were, so I can't say that for certain." He looks over at Neutron. "Hey, man. How you feeling?"

"Let's just say I'm not going to ever be a part of that Running of the Bulls thing they do in Spain. I feel like I've been run over by a train," Berrett answers.

Andrew turns to the closest nurse. "I don't care how much pain he says he's in, don't be giving him no morphine," he says as he grins at Berrett, who just rolls his eyes.

Out at the nurse's station, one of the nurses, a young strawberry-blonde, her nametag reading "Sandberg" looks up from her work. "Take a hike, loser."

"Hey, don't you know who that is?" a petite brunette (nametag: "Arnett") asks, as she approaches smiling.

Nurse Sandberg raises an eyebrow before her eyes grow wide. "Are you Tyroc? When Amercian Freedom came in here with you guys, there was a rumor that you were with them," she says smiling.

"Hey, you told him to take a hike," nurse Arnett says to her. She turns back to Tyrone. "Hi, my name's Jessica. It's so cool to meet you," she says, biting her lip.

"I saw you on the news yesterday," nurse Sandberg says, ignoring her co-worker. "You didn't really do all that stuff they said you did, right?"

"Ladies," a short, matronly woman says, walking around the corner. "Quit fratrinizing with the patients and get to work."

Jessica whispers, "I'm off in 10 minutes. Coffee would be great!" she grins, getting a look that would kill from the other nurse.


First Post
Agamon said:
"Ladies," a short, matronly woman says, walking around the corner. "Quit fratrinizing with the patients and get to work."

Jessica whispers, "I'm off in 10 minutes. Coffee would be great!" she grins, getting a look that would kill from the other nurse.
Tyrone smiles at Jessica Arnett, but quickly turns that smile on the matronly head nurse. "That would be my fault ma'am. It's seldom I get to meet such a friendly and professional group of nurses, and I can't help but want to visit with them. And I've been in a lot of hospitals without so wonderful a staff of professionals.

"I can definitely see where they've learned some of that generous bedside manner from,"
he continues after taking a few steps from the nursing station. "I'm surprised they let you even work in this hospital, ma'am. Smiles like yours must be infectious," he compliments, "even if sometimes they only get to shine in your eyes."

Tyrone finishes with a friendly grin.

Mama, you'd be so proud, he thinks to himself as he reminds himself of what his mom always told him.

Tyrone, if there's one thing you gots ta learn, baby, it's that every woman needs to be complimented. You make them feel good about themselves, or let them know you been noticin' what they doin' for you, an' you do it honest, an' no woman gonna say you wrong. ~~Tyrone's Mama

Darn straight, mama. Darn straight.


First Post
After making sure that Sarah, Aaron and now Kiro is ok. Miguel will go outside the room to check on Tyrone, seeing that he is busy hitting on the nurses he lets out a chuckle. "Some things will never change I guess. Oh well if you can beat em, join em." he will think to himself.

Miguel will quickly move up beside Tyrone, trying to make himself presentable.

"Hey amigo, going to introduce me to your new friends?"
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Mimic said:
"Hey amigo, going to introduce me to your new friends?"
"I could, Miguel, but I dunno if I wanna share," says Tyrone good naturedly, casually slipping his name out without directly introducing him. "But nurse Sandberg there isn't a big Tyroc fan," he says with a wink to her to let her know he's just kidding and not offended. He smiles at her and continues, "Mama didn't raise no loser, but I been called way worse before people get ta know me. Mama didn't raise no Terrorist neither, yo. You can bank on that, baby."

"She might dig on a guy who can be anything she wants. Besides, I don't want to get them in more trouble than I already did," he finishes, smiling again at the head nurse. "And no stealin' these lovely ladies off to Mexico City or wherever your from, dude. I want them all close at hand during my stay in Denver."


The older nurse smiles and blushes. "Oh my," she says as she returns to the hallway she came from.

Jessica smiles. "Hi, Miguel," she says before looking back to Tyrone. "Cute and a way with words. And your not taken? Let me just finish up and I'll join you. You better get back to work too, Dani." she says, moving into the office behind the desk.

"Yeah, yeah," Dani says smiling at the two before turning back to the computer she was using.


Suddenly, Miguel gasps, clutching his head. Dani looks up, shocked. "What's the matter?" The familiar face of Random appears ten feet down the hallway, starring at Miguel, trying to scramble his mind. Miguel screams out, and falls to the floor, no longer moving.

Down the other hallway, Strafe appears from one of the doorways, also about ten feet away. With a smirk he fires a sawed-off shotgun, hitting both Tyrone and Dani with the blast. Dani screams as she's thrown backwards out of her chair. Glowing green shot rips through Tyrone. He slumps against the desk, smearing blood along it's side as he slides ot the floor.

In the room, everyone hears a boom followed by screams, the commotion waking Aaron, though Kiro remains in his death-like trance. However, before they can check on it, a large stream of sand bursts out of the one of the air vents, slamming into Max, taking him by surprise. It slams hard into his head and upper body, knocking him back through the door and making a large hole in the wall across the hallway. Max slumps to the ground, unconscious, and the formless sand takes shape into Sandstone. "Who's next?" she says with a grin.

Those in the room notice Jaya is now awake and sitting up. Her face is ashen, her eyes sullen. She stares mutely and expressionless at Aaron.

OOC:No one made their Spot checks. Miguel is hit by Random, gets a 6 for damage save, HP for reroll, gets an 11 Miguel is unconscious. Tyrone is hit by Strafe, gets a 14 for damage save, reroll, gest a lower result, 14 used, Tyrone is disabled. Yes, all HPs are renewed each issue.

Initiative: Strafe: 24, Jersey Devil: 19, Sandstone: 17, Sarah: 16, Random: 14, Tyroc: 13, Jaya: 13, Aaron: 11, Neutron: 9
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First Post
Agamon said:
OOC:No one made their Spot checks. Miguel is hit by Random, rolls a 5 for damage. Tyrone is hit by Strafe, rolls a 13 for damage. Any rerolls? Boy, sucks to be you guys. :p

Yes, I will use a re-roll. Are we back up to max again?

Voidrunner's Codex

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