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Projects and Resolutions for 2012


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I've been working my arise off lately, and really enjoying it. And some friends have asked my help in some scientific experiments (mostly biological and bio-chemical). All of which have been fun, but exhausting, and it has consumed a great deal of my time and I've had little time for entertainment or recreation of even visiting some of the places I like on the internet. Like this joint.

However I've already begun to organize my major projects and resolutions for next year (most of my resolutions are work-based) and hopefully by being better organized early I will increase my productivity and can even increase my leisure time.

Therefore I've sketched out what I consider my most important Projects for 2012. Sort of an early start for 2012. This year I began marketing my fictional short stories, and my poetry and had some success near the end of this year. Next year I'm gonna move to seeking publishing and marketing of some of my books. And to secure some agents. Expanding my new business is also high on my list, if not my primary goal. So I have both business and career goals for 2012.

Feel free to list your own resolutions, projects, or goals and objectives for 2012. Tell us what you intend to do or what you'll be working on to achieve.

These are my Major Projects, and the ones I intend to accomplish in 2012:

1. Expand Open Door Communications (my new business) and implement New Marketing/Media Plan
2. Get my first Non-Fiction Book Published
3. Get my first Children's Book Published
4. Secure an agent or agents to represent my Fictional Writings
5. Get my Poetry Published in major literary magazines
6. Begin my first classes (perhaps via the internet) for my Priesthood Studies
7. Lay the groundwork for the Gunter-Adair Trust
8. Begin work on (PRIE-VC) a Venture Capital company
9. Begin work on a new type of Bank for the Poor
10. Sell the Enhanced Individual Sensory Profile (EISP) Invention
11. Sell the Vadding Game
12. Begin implementing my new Investment Portfolio
13. Work on developing SAMA cells


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Holy bovine! I'd say that's quite a lot on your plate for the year. None-the-less, best of luck on your endevours!

My list looks pretty pale in comparison to that...
* Actually do something with my LLC (formed and registered, but not doing anything)
* Finish my RPG applications (Character Creator, campaign specific; Campaign Calendar)
* Get a Pathfinder campaign started
* Take some high level programming classes (.NET)
* Travel more

And, I think as of this moment, that is pretty much it.


I should like to finish my SW project that started in 2010. If only the client couldlock down their requirements....

Getting my band to actual band status would be nice. If only i could find reliable folk.

Getting time to practice my guitar and bass would also be nice.

Getting some home improvement projects funded and done would be swell.

i have a few prototypes i need to code up and research for patenting

I would also like to finish Skyrim.

I would like to crank out a few new songs and record them on my ipad. And have them be better than my last album.


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Sounds good Janx (pun intended).

My wife is lead female singer for a Gospel Group and their CD (and her voice) got a lot of good reviews from those who have heard it in the music industry. Unfortunately the band has had a lot of problems, from inexperienced management, to no real marketing plan (I'm gonna fix that), to health problems with some of the band members. Lotta instrumental and musical skill, but some chronic bad health too.

If things don't improve soon then she is thinking of, at least for the moment, pursuing a solo career and maybe returning to the band when things settle.

A band is apparently a hard thing to keep strung together. I never knew this until working with her on this project.

Hope your inventions/designs work out well too. They're all software related, right?

I've also heard Skyrim is an awesome game. I don't play games anymore as I have no time for it, but from what I've seen and heard, if I did, Skyrim would be the game. I did play Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory over the holiday weekend when my family went out of town for a couple of days after Christmas, and thoroughly enjoyed playing it. It was very relaxing and I got up to the Korean Missile Battery. Yeah, I know it's an old PS2 game but I had never finished it and wanted to. Still haven't but I'm close and gonna try to wrap up the last mission this weekend. Either that or go see Ghost Protocol.

Well, good luck and Godspeed on upcoming your endeavors and enterprises.
Go get em.


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Business side:
I'm going to keep Knightvisiongames.com growing
  • Create 4 commerical products
  • Create 4 free mini-adventures
  • Blog posts at least 2 times a week
  • Get the podcast going
  • Keep fleshing out the Ebonyr campaign setting

Personal side:
Loose some weight ;)

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