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Psion's Drow (and other) Villainy thread


Though I can never hope to aspire to the heights of high level campaigning greatness that is PKitty's creatures thread, I thought someone might be interested in seeing and/or helping me develop some villains for my game.

I just shifted back to my high level game, and the focus will be turing back towards drow and undead after a long hiatus. That being the case, I will be using Green Ronin's Plot & Poison a lot. Other references I have used recently and/or are planning on using soon are AEG's Undead, the Book of Vile Darkness and Wild Spellcraft. I'm also a big fan of the Monsters Handbook and homespun monsters of the sort you see in Pkitty's thread.

Background: As there is no "story hour" thread to go with this (yet), I thought I would post a brief summary:

The party:
  • Andrinor: Human Sorcerer 20. Cocky blast-mage sorta guy.
  • Meara: Sea Elf* Rogue 20. Mobster's daughter with a heart of gold. Okay, maybe not gold. Maybe brass. Howzzat?
  • Seth: Lizardman Fighter 9 / Sorcerer 9. He likes to burn things. Has a crazy fear of lycanthropes (Crazy because lycanthropes were eliminated in the world several hundred years ago.)
  • Tallo: Half-dragon Psychic Warrior 17. Ronin dragon-knight who wishes to see his leige released from the spell of a powerful sorceress.
    Tallo's Cohort - a Dragon Horse**
  • Lark: Wood Elf Ranger 10 / Soul Archer*** 10: Last remnant of a wood elf village slain by Drow. Out for revenge.
    Lark's Cohort - Eevertine: Water Elf*** Cleric 12, domains Water, Knowledge

* - Not to be confused with aquatic elves, sea elves in my campaign are basically high elves with a few more racial options.
** - From Tome of Horrors, except with a better illustration, like the one on the front of the 1e Oriental Adventures. :)
*** - From Green Ronin's Bow & Blade

Generally, I use 3.5 classes except for paladins and wizards. I use mostly 3.0 combat rules and spells. Nips and tucks and house rules here and there.

That said, on with the show!
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Background: The part got word of a village of Lizardmen ruled by Drow whose underground city was flooded and were forced to the surftace (See AEG's Drow Elf City of Hossuth.)

This news came to them by way of Grayscale, a lizardman who claims to have escaped from the city. Grayscale is actually a puppet of the undead soceress Shiron (who is the same one who imprisoned Drake's leige and other Dragonlords.) Puppet is a prestige class in AEG's Evil that are basically thralls to powerful undead, but can borrow their abilities.

The party doesn't know Grayscale is a puppet yet due to his very high bluff. He did escape from the city, but that was a while ago. Shiron recruited him because of his wiles and so he could keep an eye on the city. Now he is intentionally misleading the party into a clash with the drow who rule the city at Shiron's behest.

I picture Greyscale as a lizardy "Bennie" (from The Mummy), with a bit of Grima Wyrmtongue treachery and Gollum pitiability thrown in:

Grayscale, M Lizardfolk Humanoid2 Rogue6 Puppet10 CR 17; Size:M
Type Humanoid; HD (2d8)+(6d6)+(10d10)+45; hp 120; Init +6; Spd Walk 30';
AC 20 (flatfooted 18, touch 15), Bite (Natural/Secondary) +11 (1d4 20/x2) or Claw (Natural/Primary) +16/+16 0'/PS (1d4+1 20/x2) or *Quarterstaff +2/+2 (Chaotic;Speed) +14/+9/+4;+10 (1d6+3/1d6+2 20/x2 Head1: +2d6 chaotic damage vs. law, Head2: grants 1 extra attack each round at highest bonus) or *Quarterstaff +2/+2 (Chaotic;Speed/Head) +18/+13/+8 (1d6+3 20/x2 Both L +2d6 chaotic damage vs. law) or *Quarterstaff +2/+2 (Chaotic;Speed/Head 2 only) +18/+13/+8 0'/B (1d6+3 20/x2 grants 1 extra attack each round at highest bonus);
SA: Sneak Attack +3d6,Evasion,Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC),Uncanny Dodge (can't be flanked),Thy Master's Will,Empathic Link - 25 Miles(Su),Strengthened Resolve,Corruptive Influence (Su),Thy Master's Will - 4 Ability; Vision: Normal AL: TN; Sv: Fort
+11, Ref +17, Will +5; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 14
Skills and Feats: Balance +9, Bluff +27, Climb +7, Decipher Script +5, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +11, Escape Artist +10, Gather Information +11, Hide +9, Jump +8, Listen +8, Move Silently +7, Read Lips +7, Search +8, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +5, Spot +10, Swim +8, Tumble +6; Armor Proficiency (Light) (1x),Charlatan,Dirty Fighting,Exotic Weapon Proficiency,Hamstring,Improved Initiative,Martial Weapon Proficiency,Run,Shadow,Skill Focus (Bluff),Toughness (3x),
Possessions: Outfit (Peasant's); 1 Quarterstaff +2/+2 (Chaotic;Speed); 1 Ring (Mind Shielding); 1 Ring +3 (Protection); 1 Robe of Blending; 1 Pouch (Belt);

I don't really mean Greyscale to be a combat challenge, so may juggle his magic items a bit to make him more "slippery."

Comments and suggestions welcome.
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Himoust, drow elf transmorph

Those tuning into this thread were probably expecting some drow action. Well here is Himoust, a drow elf wizard. He has the transmorph PrC from Plot & Poison. Spells are taken from Green Ronin's Pocket Grimoire Arcane (which includes PHB, BoEM, and R&R spells) and BoVD.

This is a first take; I am still working on tactics. I am thinking of giving him "The Road Less Travelled" (from ENPub's Wild Spellcraft) as a 9th level spell and having him defended by lizardmen that the party do not want to injure and/or put him in a lizardman breeding facility with many eggs and young lizardbabies. This will present a special challenge for the party, as it area effects are the best way to deal with "the road less travelled", but they will be unable to use them without colateral damage.

Himoust, male elf (drow) Transmuter 8 / Transmorph 10: CR 19; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 18d4+36; hp 86; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Attack +9/+4 melee, or +13/+8 ranged; SV Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +14; AL CN; Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 21, Wis 12, Cha 13.

Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Undercommon.

Skill points: Wiz 137
Skills and feats: Alchemy +13 (+8 Rank, +5 Int), Concentration +10 (+8 Rank, +2 Con), Craft +26 (+21 Rank, +5 Int), Diplomacy +9 (+8 Rank, +1 Cha), Forgery +8 (+3 Rank, +5 Int), Gather information +2 (+1 Rank, +1 Cha), Hide +8 (+4 Rank, +4 Dex), Knowledge (arcana) +23 (+18 Rank, +5 Int), Listen +3 (+1 Wis, +2 Racial), Move silently +4 (+4 Dex), Pick pocket +5 (+1 Rank, +4 Dex), Profession +10 (+9 Rank, +1 Wis), Scry +25 (+20 Rank, +5 Int), Search +7 (+5 Int, +2 Racial), Spellcraft +17 (+12 Rank, +5 Int), Spot +3 (+1 Wis, +2 Racial), Swim +4 (+4 Rank), Use rope +6 (+2 Rank, +4 Dex); Brew potion, Combat casting, Craft staff, Craft wand, Forge ring, Iron will, Quicken spell, [Scribe scroll], Silent spell, Spell Focus (Transmutation), Still spell.

Transmutation Specialization: +1 DC and spell penetration with: polymorph other, eyebite, serpent hands, temporal slam, polymorph any object.

Transmutation Spell Knowledge: +10 on saves versus any spells which the character has transmutation specialization in.

Transmutation Symbiosis: +1 to DC and spell penetration checks when using a spell to transform a creature to a different creature of the same type.

Tireless Transmutation: Double duration of all transmutation spells cast on self.

Strong Transmutation: +2 levels vs. attempts to dispel transmutation effects.

Quickened Transmutation: Transmutation spells only take 3 extra levels to quicken.

Possessions: 130,000 gp in gear.

Wizard Spells Prepare (4/6+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/3+1/2+1): 0th -- Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Open/Close (x2); 1st -- Alarm, Jump, Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp*, Shield, Sleep, Spider Climb. 2nd -- Levitate*, Melf’s Acid Arrow*, Mirror Image, Fox’s Cunning, Resist Elements, Web. 3rd -- Flame Arrow, Fly*, Hold Person, Invisibility Sphere, Slow*, Shadow Cloak. 4th -- Arcane Eye, Dimension Door*, Improved Invisibility, Polymorph Other*, Polymorph Self*, Solid Fog. 5th -- Hold Monster, Shield (Quickened), Telekinesis*, Wall of Iron. 6th -- Blink (Quickened), Greater Dispelling, Polymorph Self* (Still, Silent), Summon Monster VI. 7th -- Eye of the Beholder*,**, Dimension Door* (Quickened), Mord’s Magnificent Mansion, Mormo’s Serpent Hands*. 8th -- Horrid Wilting, Incendiary Cloud, Iron Body*, Maze; 9th -- Flesh to Stone* (Quickened), Magma Burst, Time Stop.
Spell DC: 15+Level.
* - Transmutation spell: 18+Level (19+level if specialized.)
** - From book of Vile Darkness.

Wizard Spell Known: 0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance. 1st -- Alarm, Animate Rope, Chill Touch, Identify, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Sleep, Spider Climb. 2nd -- Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Ghoul Touch, Invisibility, Levitate, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Fox’s Cunning, Summon Swarm, Web. 3rd -- Blink, Displacement, Dispel Magic, Dragonskin, Flame Arrow, Fly, Gaseous Form, Haste, Hold Person, Invisibility Sphere, Slow, Shadow Cloak, Blink. 4th -- Arcane Eye, Charm Monster, Dimension Door, Improved Invisibility, Lesser Geas, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self, Rainbow Pattern, Solid Fog. 5th -- Animate Dead, Hold Monster, Passwall, Permenancy, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wall of Iron, Wall of Stone. 6th -- Analyze Dweomer, Antimagic Field, Disintegrate, Eyebite, Greater Dispelling, Flesh to Stone, Mass Haste, Permanent Image, Planar Binding, Project Image, Summon Monster VI, Veil. 7th -- Banishment, Eye of the Beholder*,**, Icy Curse*, Mass Invisibility, Mord’s Magnificent Mansion, Mormo’s Serpent Hands*, Phase Door, Power Word (Stun), Prismatic Wall, Teleport without Error*. 8th -- Bestow Greater Curse*,**, Greater Planar Binding, Horrid Wilting, Incendiary Cloud, Protection from Spells, Iron Body*, Maze, Temporal Slam*; 9th -- Magma Burst, Shapechange, Summon Monster IX, Teleportation Circle, Time Stop, Utterdark**.

Possession I am still working on, but my initial list includes:

Staff of Poison (from Plot & Poison)
Staff of Transmutation
Wand of Shadow Cloak (10th level)
Wand of Flame Arrow (10th level)
Wand of Polymorph Self (10th level)
Wand of Charm Monster
Ring of Preparedness
+5 Ring
+2 Amulet
+7 Bracers

Shadow Cloak is a spell from Plot & Poison that prevents negative effects from light.
Ring of Preparedness is an item from my game, statistics are as follows:

Ring of Preparedness
This ring allows the user to store objects in a pocket of extradimensional space accessible via the ring. The wearer merely wills an object on their person “into the ring” and it is stored in the extradimensional space. When the user desires the object back, he simply wills it “out of the ring.”
When an object is recalled from the ring, it appears in the same manner as it was stored. For example, if a fighter was wearing a suit of armor when it was willed into the ring, when recalled, the fighter will be wearing it; a weapon that was in hand when stored will reappear in hand, etc.
The ring’s extra dimensional space can store one suit of armor, up to four weapons (a quiver of 20 bolts or arrows would count as 1 weapon), and up to 2 cubic feet of miscellaneous equipment.
Caster Level: 9th; Requirements: Forge ring, Leomund’s Secret Chest, Plane Shift; Market Price: 16,000 gp; Weight: –.
Artificer’s Handbook Data: 2 effects, 1st continuous of 60 day spell (6 slots), 2nd unlimited use plane shift, limited effect -8 (only to place or retrieve items from chest.) Market: 44600, create 22300.

I'd OGL this all proper, but there is a load of things to list for the Grimoire... just tell me if you want to use the ring elsewhere in a published capacity. Until then, assume this is not public domain. Thx.

Comments and suggestions appreciated.

I plan on presenting the encounter with him with several mutated lizardfolk, which should appear here soon...


Drow enforcers

Drow dominating a city need good troops to do so. These are they.

These are only 6th level, not a challenge for my current party. But I agree with the general beleif you should not level up the world with the party. That being the case, however, I did not put these through the same scrutiny that I would characters that would be intended to stand up in combat. So you may want to tweak this a bit.

Basically, these are NPCgen generated drow, with some tweaks skills, spells, & feats. They use Plot & Poison stuff if you are a fan of those books.

Being from the old school I prefer the arrangement of male-wizard female-cleric among drow. The cleric is a more optimum character, you will notice.

Squads of these enforcers would be lead by templars (if female) or spellswords (if male) wielding wands of torturous grasp*. I have stats for generic spellswords and templars written up already, I'll post them when I get a chance.

* = From Plot & Poison

Drow Enforcer-Priestess: female elf (drow) Ftr2/Clr4: CR 7; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 2d10 + 4d8; hp 33; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +7 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +7; AL NE; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 13.

Languages Spoken: Trade Tongue, Draconic, Elven, Orc, Undercommon.

Skill points: Ftr 20, Clr 16
Skills and feats: Climb +7 (+5 Rank, +2 Str), Concentration +6 (+6 Rank), Hide + (, +1 Dex), Intimidate +11 (+7 Rank, +1 Cha, +4 Domain), Jump + (+ Rank, +2 Str), Knowledge (religion) +7 (+5 Rank, +2 Int), Listen +5 (+3 Wis, +2 Racial), Move silently +1 (+1 Dex), Profession (torturer) (+5 Rank, +3 Wis), Ride +2 (+1 Rank, +1 Dex), Search +4 (+2 Int, +2 Racial), Spot +9 (+4 Rank, +3 Wis, +2 Racial), Spellcraft +4 (+2 Rank, +2 Int); Combat Expertise, Disarm, Impressive Demonstration*, Lightsight*, Lightning Grab*.

Drow Traits (Darkvision, Spell like abilities, SR 17, light blindness, +2 bonus vs. willpower saves vs. spells)
Elf traits

Possessions: +1 Chain Shirt, +1 Long Sword, +1 Buckler, 2 potions of cure moderate wounds (2d8+3), 1 potion of bulls strength, 1 potion of cat’s grace, hand crossbow with poised darts.

Cleric Spells Per Day: 5/4+1/3+1. Typical spells prepared: 0 – Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Resistance, Virtue; 1 – Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Shield of Faith; 2 – Bull’s Strength, Death Knell, Hold Person
Cleric Domains: Control*, Pain* (deity: Demzer). Domain Spells: 1 - Command; 2 – Hideous Laughter.

Drow Enforcer-Wizard, male elf (drow) Ftr2/Wiz4: CR 7; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 2d10+2 + 4d4+4; hp 31; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex); Attack +7 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +4; AL NE; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 11.

Languages Spoken: Trade Tongue, Draconic, Elven, Orc, Undercommon.

Skill points: Ftr 20, Wiz 16
Skills and feats: Climb +7 (+4 Rank, +3 Str), Craft (Weaponsmith) +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Int), Hide +1 (+1 Dex), Intimidate +4 (+4 Rank), Knowledge (Arcana) +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Int), Listen +2 (+2 Racial), Move silently +1 (+1 Dex), Profession (Torturer) +4 (+4 Rank), Ride +5 (+4 Rank, +1 Dex), Search +4 (+2 Int, +2 Racial), Spot +5 (+3 Rank, +2 Racial), Spellcraft +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Int), +4 Swim (+1 Rank, +3 Str); Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency – Hand Crossbow, Improved initiative, Lightsight*, Power attack, [Scribe scroll].

Drow Traits (Darkvision, Spell like abilities, SR 17, light blindness, +2 bonus vs. willpower saves vs. spells)
Elf traits

Possessions: +1 Chain Shirt, +1 Long Sword, +1 Buckler, 2 potions of cure moderate wounds (2d8+3), 1 potion of bulls strength, 1 potion of cat’s grace, hand crossbow with poised darts.

Wizard Spells Known (4/4/3): 0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance. 1st -- Charm Person, Identify, Protection from Good, Silent Image, Summon Monster I, True Strike. 2nd – Bull’s Strength, Knock, Levitate, Locate Object, Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror Image.

Notes - as per the City module, these guards are actually very polite to travellers until trouble starts.


The lizard brute

One of Hossuth's themes is that the drow are creating mutated lizard men to perform tasks for them involved in the excavation of their city. The Hossuth module has some guidelines for this, but they are pretty skimpy. So instead I intend to use the abberent template from silverthorne games' Book of Templates to fill this role.

The most extreme example is this creature, which I dub "the lizard brute" (real lizardy name pending.) I pictured the lizard brute as a huge two-headed lizardfolk. To make him I applied the reptilian template (from Savage Species) to the ettin, and then stacked on the abberant and dreadnaught templates from Book of Templates and tweaked to taste.

This leaves the creature lacking one major feature that lizardfolk have: swimming/aquatic. I decided to let this one ride. The creature has a drawback that made it not too useful for the original purpose of the mutation program: to excavate the flooded drow city. However, it was useful to the drow in general because the drow warriors were not trained in fighting creatures with unarmed attacks, something that the lizard brute excels at. Further, the immunity to mind affecting spells was something that the transmuters could use as a weapon against the priests of Demzer and their mind-affecting spells.

The slowly raised him and nutured his nature as a bully and enforcer. He thrives on violence and hatred, and makes the other lizardmen tremble. In truth, though, the drow transmuters barely have control of him, and shrewd players might be able to redirect his anger through roleplaying.

I am thinking about tacking a few levels of barbarian on this beastie, but I imagine the adhesive ability alone will give my players fits. :)

Abberant Brute
(Dreadnaught abberent reptilian ettin)

Large Abberation
Hit Dice: 10d8+60 (160 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. in hide armor (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.
Armor Class: 26 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +13 natural, +3 hide), touch 10, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+20
Attack: Morningstar +15 melee (2d6+9) or claws +15 Melee (1d8+9) or javelin +7 ranged (1d8+9)
Full Attack: 2 morningstars +15/+10 melee (2d6+9) or 2 claws +15/+10 melee (1d8+9) or 2 javelins +7 ranged (1d8+9)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Adhesive, Improved Grab, Felling Strike, Punishing Strike, Rapid Strike
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, superior two-weapon fighting, scent, darkvision, resistance to fire, electricity, and cold 10, DR 15/+3, SR 25
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +6
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13
Skills: Balance +5*, Jump +13*, Listen +11, Search +1, Spot +11
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack
Environment: Hossuth
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 14
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class

This twisted being bears only the faintest resemblance to its lizardmen parents. The thing is a towering lizardfolk like creature with two misshapen heads, twisted limbs, and covered with all manner of detritus sticking to some gooey paste oozing from between its scales.

The lizard-ettin is about 13 feet tall and weigh 5,200 pounds. They live about 75 years.
Th lizard-ettin speaks a pidgin Draconic/Lizardfolk and Drow. Creatures that can speak any of these languages must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence check to communicate with an ettin. Check once for each bit of information: If the other creature speaks both of these languages, the DC is 10.

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): An ettin fights with a morningstar or javelin in each hand. Because each of its two heads controls an arm, the ettin does not take a penalty on attack or damage rolls for attacking with two weapons.
Adhesive (Ex): The aberrant exudes a thick slime that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items touching it. An adhesive-covered aberrant automatically grapples any creature it hits with its natural attack(s). The creature then adds its HD + its Constitution modifier (+16) to subsequent grapple checks. The aberrant may automatically deal damage with natural attacks each round against any creature stuck to it, up to its maximum number of attacks. A weapon that strikes an adhesive-coated aberrant is also stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 21). A successful Strength check (DC 21) is needed to pry it off. Strong alcohol dissolves the adhesive. A pint of wine or a similar liquid weakens it, but the aberrant still has half its normal bonus to grapple checks. The aberrant can dissolve its adhesive at will, but the substance does not break down after the creature dies.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the aberrant must hit an opponent of up to two size categories smaller than itself with a natural attack.
Felling Strike (Ex): Twice per day, when a dreadnaught scores a successful critical hit, it can elect to make a felling strike by rolling again. If the result of this third roll would hit the target, the target takes the full damage from the critical hit as normal, but must also make a saving throw (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die.
Punishing Strike (Ex): Twice per day plus an additional time per 10 HD, a dreadnaught may make a mighty attack against any one opponent, adding its Charisma bonus (+1) to the attack roll and its HD and character level total (+10) to the damage. Use of this ability must be declared prior to making the attack. If the attack misses, that punishing strike attempt is used for the day. This ability cannot be used more often than once every 1d4+1 rounds.
Rapid Strike (Su): Three times per day, a dreadnaught may grant itself the effects of a haste spell (self only) as if cast by a sorcerer with a level equal to the dreadnaught’s HD (10).
Immunities (Ex): Dreadnaughts are immune to disease, poison, paralysis, stunning, and all mind-influencing spells and effects.
Resistance to Energy (Ex):Fire, Cold, Electricity 10 each.
*Skills: An ettin’s two heads give it a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks. The reptilian template provides +4 racial bonus to jump and balance checks.


Overseer Tamn’Shar Verekk

Overseer Tamn’Shar Verekk

The nominal leader (and one of several "overseers") of Hossuth is Tamn'Shar Verekk. The Dark Elf City of Hossuth describes Tamn’Shar Verekk as “one of the most powerful magic users in the city and the only Master Mage that survived.” Obviously, the presence of Himoust sort of betrays that, though it brings up the question of what a “Master Mage” is. For the purposes of this adventure, I have decided it means “arcane spellcaster capable of casting 9th level spells”, and assume that Himoust, spurned on by his transmutation research after the cataclysm, gained this status after the dark elves took over Hossuth.

I decided to make Tamn’Shar as an eldritch knight and use summoned and dual wielding weapons as a sort of schtick. I want to use the spell Infernal Whip from Plot & Poison. He is a member of the Drow Aristocrat class I created for my game long ago.

So, what we have: Fighter 1/Wizard 6/Eldritch Knight 10/Drow Aristocrat 3

Drow Aristocrat PrC (see next post)

Source notes
* - From Plot & Poison
** - From Book of Eldritch Might

I also use green ronin's grimoire's for reference; if you see something I don't have noted, it is probably from there:

Overseer Tamn’Shar Verekk, male elf (drow) Fighter 1/Wizard 6/Eldritch Knight 10/Drow Aristocrat 3: CR 19; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 6d4+13d6+1d10+40; hp 108; Init +4 (+2(4) Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 29 (+4 Dex, +5 Natural, +6 Armor, +4 Deflection), Touch 14, Flat Footed 25; Attack +18/+13/+8 (+15 Base, +3 Str) melee, or +16/+11/+6 (+15 Base, +1 Dex) ranged; SV Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +13; AL NE; Str 16, Dex 15 (19), Con 14, Int 22 (28), Wis 12, Cha 16.

Languages Spoken: Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Lizardfolk, Orc, Trade Tongue, Undercommon.

Skills and feats: Bluff +6 (+3 Rank, +3 Cha), Climb +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Str), Concentration +19 (+18 Rank, +1 Con), Craft (Alchemy) +23 (+17 Rank, +6 Int), Decipher Script +15 (+9 Rank, +6 Int), Diplomacy +6 (+3 Rank, +3 Cha), Disguise +6 (+3 Rank, +3 Cha), Handle Animal +11 (+8 Rank, +3 Cha), Intimidate +9 (+6 Rank, +3 Cha), Jump +6 (+3 Rank, +3 Str), Knowledge (Arcana) +28 (+22 Rank, +6 Int), Knowledge (Arch&Engr) +10 (+4 Rank, +6 Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10 (+4 Rank, +6 Int), Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) +25 (+19 Rank, +6 Int), Knowledge (Religion) +13 (+7 Rank, +6 Int), Listen +5 (+2 Feat, +2 Racial, +1 Wis), Ride +9 (+8 Rank, +1 Dex), Scry +14 (+8 Rank, +6 Int), Search +8 (+2 Racial, +8 Int), Sense Motive +16 (15 Rank, +1 Wis), Spellcraft +25 (+19 Rank, +6 Int), Spot +5 (+2 Racial, +2 Alertness, +1 Wis), Swim +6 (+3 Rank, +3 Str); Alertness, Blind-fight (B), Craft Arms & Armor (B),[Scribe scroll], Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Nullify Magic (Divine)*, Quicken Spell, Still Spell, Two Weapon Fighting, Craft Wondrous Items.

Drow Qualities
Elf Qualities
Mature Powers: Levitation and Detect Magic once each per day
Sense hidden: Bonus blind fight feat
Uncanny Dodge 1: Never caught flat footed

Possessions: +3 Ioun* Acidic Burst Spell Storing Bastard Sword, +6 Fire Resistance Moderate Fortification Bracers of Armor, Wand of Shadow Cloak, +4 Ring of Protection, +5 Amulet of Natural Armor, Cloak of Displacement (Major), Headband of Intellect +6, Gloves of Dexterity +4, 4 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+5), 4 Scrolls of 9th level spells, 4 Scrolls of 6th level spells, Ring of Evocation*, Blessed Book, Bag of Holding 3 (7400)

coin: 928 gold coins (928 gp), 422 platinum coins (4,220 gp)
art (carved harp of exotic wood with ivory inlay and zircon gems (389.2 gp), decorative mask, exotic wood and feathers (180.5 gp), meteoric iron necklace with sapphire eye (3,168.7 gp), translucent apple chrysoprase gold earring (488.7 gp)
gem: allanite (black epidote) (11.6 gp), almandine (bright red - garnet) (326.5 gp), aquamarine (blue-green beryl) (651.2 gp), balas ruby (pink spinel) (1,127.1 gp), blue lace agate (10 gp), blue topaz (782.9 gp), brown spinel (429.5 gp), crazy lace agate (9 gp), diopside (brown) (9.7 gp), hematite (10.8 gp), kornerupine (123.5 gp), mother-of-pearl (varies - inside of shell - usually irridescent and multiple colors) (76.9 gp), peridot (green) (586.7 gp), pink fluorite (crystals are like intertwined blocks) (7.3 gp), schorl (black, brown, or dark blue tourmaline) (119.5 gp), tabasheer (31.6 gp), turritella (agate) (9.1 gp)
Total Gem & Art value: 8552.

Wizard Spells Known (4/6/6/5/5/5/4/3/2/1): 0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance. 1st -- Burning Hands, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Detect Undead, Endure Elements, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Mount, Protection from Chaos, Protection from Law, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Spider Climb, Summon Monster I. 2nd -- Blindness/Deafness, Detect Thoughts, Endurance, Invisibility, Knock, Levitate, Melf's Acid Arrow, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Pyrotechnics, See Invisibility, Web. 3rd -- Blink, Dispel Magic, Fly, Haste, Invisibility Sphere, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle against Law, Slow. 4th -- Arcane Eye, Chains of Vengeance**, Dimension Door, Fire Trap, Improved Invisibility, Polymorph Self, Scrying, Wall of Fire. 5th -- Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Hold Monster, Permanency, Teleport, Wall of Stone. 6th -- Analyze Dweomer, Disintegrate, Eyebite, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Shadow Evocation, Mass Suggestion, True Seeing. 7th -- Delayed Blast Fireball, Instant Summons, Finger of Death, Greater Scrying, Mass Invisibility, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Power Word, Stun, Summon Monster VII. 8th -- Horrid Wilting, Maze, Polymorph Any Object, Protection from Spells, Symbol. 9th -- Meteor Swarm, Scry Ward*, Shapechange, Infernal Whip*.

Save DCs (with headband): 19+level.

Tactics: If combat is imminent, Tamn’Shar will prepare as many buffs as possible, with a preference to Haste. He will enter combat hasted, using either his Ioun bastard sword or (if cast) his infernal whip to perform an attack each round in addition to whatever spells he has cast (the fact that the whip can be remanifested at will and the ioun sword can be grasped at will makes this very convenient). If he has no more offensive spells, he will dual wield his sword and whip.

Background: A shrewd house wizard in the destroyed Drow city, Tamn’Shar Verekk was always mindful of his family’s back, but especially his own. He became one of the many warrior-mages that served for the drow, but soon turned to politics. Servants of the spider queen were ever watchful of him to ensure that he remained loyal and knew his place as a male, but this soon proved to be their undoing. Tamn’Shar Verekk pried Scry Ward from the mind of a servant of Skuttle and researched an arcane version. The priestesses of the spider queen were taken totally unawares by this powerful spell, and many of them lost their lives trying to divine his secrets. He hedges his abilities against other priests by developing methods of making his arcane negation magic specifically target divine magic.

However, it was only a short time after this that the cataclysm came. Though hateful of the surface world, Tamn’Shar knows that the cataclysm was an opportunity worth siezing, and he rallied the remnants of some of the most powerful surviving figures in the city to his side (including Himoust, who was more than eager to ply his twisted trade on the hapless lizardfolk). Tamn’Shar bides his time, slowly trying to recover the treasures of his former city, gathering power for the day that he can confidently return to the darkness below and remain in power over a drow city traditionally ruled by female servants of the spider queen.

Creation notes: I am using Artificer’s Handbook for the cost of standardized items like bonus items (weapons, armor, stat booksters), potions and scrolls. I also use the option from the Arms & Equipment guide to add armor characteristics to bracers. Weapon statistics not figured into attack bonuses.
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Drow Aristocrat PrC

This is a class I use for my drow nobility for a few purposes:
1) As mentioned earlier, I still see my drow as very much like those that appeared in the D1-3 modules. I maintain the classic arrangment of male wizards and female clerics as prevalent in the drow noble houses. This plays to that notion.
2) It gives drow back some of the spell like abilities that were stripped in 3e. This was before I saw FRCS, which gave them back via the drow domain, and before Plot & Poison, which gave them back through the drey subrace. Oh well, this works too, and doesn't make me squander a domain.
3) Gives nobles some noble-like skills without making them squander levels on aristocrat.
4) Gives them some survival abilities to help them live through the sneaky inter-house warfare of the drow.

The class does surrender some spellcasting levels, and is generally more advantageous at 4th and 5th level for clerics. Note that it is not updated for 3.5, but I personally in my "3.25" rules don't use innuendo.

With no further ado, the Drow Aristocrat:

Drow Aristocrat
Drow elves are well known for their magical talent and their decadent aristocrats and merchant lords. Decadent as they may be, they are also cunning and dangerous, and have no small degree of power.
Drow have leveraged these qualities to make them forces to be reckoned with in the underdark.

Hit die: D6

To qualify to become a Drow Aristocrat, the character must meet the following requirements:

Race: elf (drow).
Knowledge (arcana, nobility, or religion): 7 ranks.
Sense Motive: 4 ranks.
Feats: Alertness
Spellcasting: The character must be able to cast 1st level spells (arcane or divine).
Special: The Drow must be part of a drow noble house, ruling family of a merchant house, or member of the clergy of an influential priesthood. This membership may be blood or by other means.

Class Skills: The Drow aristocrat's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana)(Int), Knowledge (Religion)(Int), Knowledge (nobility)(Int), Knowledge (underdark)(Int), Listen (Wis), Read Lips (Int, exclusive skill), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language, Spot (Wis).

Skill points at each level: 4 + int modifier.

Class Features:
The following are class features of the Drow Aristocrat prestige class.
Weapon and Armor proficiency: Drow aristocrats have weapon proficiency with all simple weapons, hand crossbows, and spiked bucklers, and are proficient with the use of shields.
Spells per Day: At every odd level, the character gains an addition spellcasting level in their spellcasting class (but no other abilities associated with the class.) If the character has 2 or more spellcasting classes, they must choose which class’s spellcasting ability to improve at each level.
Mature powers (Sp): At 1st level, the drow aristocrat learns to better channel their magical abilities. They may use levitation and detect magic once each per day as spell like abilities at their caster level.
Sense Hidden (Ex): At 2nd level, the drow aristocrat has become accustomed to the possibility of attackers concealed by invisibility or magical darkness and is continually wary of dangers to her person, both from rival clans and from other races of the underdark. The character gains the blind-fight feat.
Uncanny Dodge: At 3rd level and above, the drow is continually prepared for the possibility of an ambush. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. If the character has a class that also has the uncanny dodge ability, their levels stack for determining the abilities the character receives.
Power improvement (Sp): At 4th and 5th level, the Drow Aristocrat may select a spell like ability from the ones already known or the following list: clairvoyance/clairaudience, detect undead, dispel magic, invisibility to undead, suggestion, or zone of truth. The power selected must be of a spell level less than or equal to the character’s wisdom modifier. The character gains the ability to use that spell like ability one time per day (or one additional time per day if that ability is already known.) Each ability is as cast at as a sorcerer with a casting level of the drow’s character level. Saving throw is 10 + spell level + charisma modifier.
Leadership: At 4th level, the Drow Aristocrat has established connections with hand picked servants. The character receives the leadership feat.

Level table/Drow Aristocrat
     	    Fort   Reflex Will
Level	BAB Save   Save   Save   Special            Spellcasting
1	+0  +0     +2     +2     Mature Powers      +1 caster level
2       +1  +0     +3     +3     Sense Hidden       --
3       +1  +1     +3     +3     Uncanny Dodge      +1 caster level
4       +2  +1     +4     +4     Power Improvement, --
5	+2  +1     +4     +4     Power Improvement  +1 caster level
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Drow Templars

Lots of mages so far, but what about the classic wicked drow priestess?

Well we have them... sort of.

When I make "standardized npc types", I tend to churn them out in 3 level increments (3/6/9/12/15/18). Of course, I only stat out full NPCs that I think I might use.

The technique of making stock NPCs has proven useful, for here are the templars (from Defenders of the Faith) that I made for the last foray into the underdark, and I am able to reuse them here. The ones I have written up range from 6th to 12th level, which should be good enough for general NPCs in this adventure as well. Their "mettle" ability should prove amusing if the party sorcerer happens to use horrid wilting -- it would be amusing to see the drow swordmaidens shrug it off like it was nothing. ;)

Drow Templar (6th)

Valalia, female elf (drow) Clr2/Ftr4: CR 7; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 2d8+2 + 4d10+4; hp 49; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +6 (+5 Base, +1 Str) melee, or +7 (+5 Base, +2 Dex) ranged; SV Fort +8 (+7 Base, +1 Con), Ref +3 (+1 Base, +2 Dex), Will +7 (+4 Base, +1 Wis, +2 Iron will); AL LE; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16.
Languages Spoken: Common, Elven, Gnoll, Orc, Undercommon.
Skills and feats: Climb +7, Concentration +6, Handle animal +9, Heal +6, Hide +2, Jump +7, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Listen +3, Move silently +2, Search +4, Spellcraft +7, Spot +3, Swim +3; Cleave, Dodge, Endurance, Improved initiative, Power attack, Weapon Focus (Dagger).
Possessions: 5,600 gp in gear.
Cleric Domains: Death (instantly slay creature with less than 3d6 HP with a touch attack), Evil (cast evil spells at +1 caster level)
Cleric Spells Prepared (4/3+1/2+1): 0 - Cure minor wounds, guidance, read magic, resistance; 1st - bane, cure light wounds, endure elements, protection from good*; 2nd - bull’s strength, cure moderate wounds, death knell*.

Drow Templar (9th)

Antisial, female elf (drow) Clr3/Ftr4/Tmp2: CR 10; Size M (4 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 1d8+2 + 3d8+6 + 4d10+8 + 2d10+4; hp 89; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 21 (+9 Armor, +2 Dex); Attack +10/+5 (+8 Base, +2 Str, -2 two weapon, +2 magic) longsword melee (1d8+4 19-20/x2) and +8 (+8 base, +2 Str, +1 focus, -2 two weapon, -1 buckler) dagger (1d4+2, 19-20/x2), or +10/+5 (+8 Base, +2 Dex) ranged; SA: Spell like abilities, smite; SQ: DR 1/-, drow qualities, darkvision 120', light blindness; SR 20; SV Fort +12 (+10 Base, +2 Con), Ref +4 (+2 Base, +2 Dex), Will +9 (+7 Base, +2 Wis); AL NE; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 15.
Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Undercommon.
Skills and feats: Climb +10 (+8 Rank, +2 Str), Concentration +10 (+8 Rank, +2 Con), Craft +8 (+6 Rank, +2 Int), Heal +8 (+6 Rank, +2 Wis), Hide +2 (+2 Dex), Jump +10 (+8 Rank, +2 Str), Knowledge (Religion) +12 (+10 Rank, +2 Int), Listen +4 (+2 Wis, +2 Racial), Move silently +2 (+2 Dex), Search +4 (+2 Int, +2 Racial), Scry +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Int), Spellcraft +10 (+6 Rank, +2 Int), Spot +4 (+2 Wis, +2 Racial), Swim +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Str); Ambidexterity, Blind-fight, Combat casting, Endurance, Power attack, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Dagger). (Revise – Too many skill points.)
Mettle (Ex): If the templar makes a successful will or fortitude save that would normally reduce the effect of a spell, they take no effect instead.
Smite (Su): +2 attack and damage bonus to one attack 1/day.
Damage Reduction (Ex): DR 1/-
Spell Like Abilities (Sp): 1/day-dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the drow's character level.
Resistances: Immune to sleep, +2 to all will saves against spells and spell like abilities.
Possessions: Drow gear (chainmail +2, buckler +1, longsword +2, dagger +1)
Cleric Domains: Death (instantly slay creature with less than 3d6 HP with a touch attack), Evil (cast evil spells at +1 caster level)
Cleric Spells Prepared (4/3+1/2+1): 0 - Cure minor wounds, guidance, read magic, resistance; 1st - bane, cure light wounds, endure elements, protection from good*; 2nd - cure moderate wounds, death knell*, endurance.
* - domain spell.
Templar Spells Prepared (2/1): 1st - shield of faith, entropic shield; 2nd - bull’s strength.

Drow Templar (12th)

Felothe, female elf (drow) Clr3/Ftr4/Tmp5: CR 13; Size M (4 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 1d8+1 + 3d8+3 + 4d10+4 +5d10+5; hp 86; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 23 (+2 Dex, +3 Enhancement, +8 Armor); Attack +14/+9/+4 (+11 Base, +3 Str) melee, or +13/+8/+3 (+11 Base, +2 Dex) ranged; SA: spells, spell like abilities, smite; SQ: SR 23, drow traits; SV Fort +12 (+11 Base, +1 Con), Ref +6 (+3 Base, +1 Dex, +2 Lightning Reflexes), Will +11 (+8 Base, +3 Wis); AL NE; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 13.
Languages Spoken: Common, Elven, Undercommon.
Skills and feats: Climb +10 (+7Rank, +3 Str), Concentration +10 (+9 Rank, +1 Con), Craft +9 (+7 Rank, +2 Int), Heal +9 (+6 Rank, +3 Wis), Hide +1 (+1 Dex), Jump +12 (+9 Rank, +3 Str), Knowledge (arcana) +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Int), Knowledge (religion) +13 (+11 Rank, +2 Int), Listen +7 (+3 Wis, +2 Racial, +2 Alertness), Move silently +2 (+2 Dex), Spellcraft +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Wis), Search +4 (+2 Racial, +2 Int), Spot +7 (+3 Wis, +2 Racial, +2 Alertness), Swim +7 (+4 Rank, +3 Str); Alertness, Ambidexterity, Dodge, [Lightning Reflexes], Endurance, Power attack, Scribe scroll, Still spell, Two-weapon fighting, Weapon Focus (dagger), [Weapon Specialization (Dagger)] (review feats)
Mettle (Ex): If the templar makes a successful will or fortitude save that would normally reduce the effect of a spell, they take no effect instead.
Smite (Su): +5 attack and damage bonus to one attack 1/day.
Damage Reduction (Ex): DR 1/-
Spell Like Abilities (Sp): 1/day-dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire. These abilities are as the spells cast by a sorcerer of the drow's character level.
Resistances: Immune to sleep, +2 to all will saves against spells and spell like abilities.
Possessions: Drow gear (chainmail +2, buckler +1, longsword +2, dagger +1)
Possessions: 7,200 gp in gear.
Cleric Domains: Drow (Free lightning reflexes feat), Evil (evil spells at +1 level/DC)
Cleric Spells: (4/3+1/2+1.) 0th - ; 1st - Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Endure Elements, Protection from Good*; 2nd - Clairvoyance / Clairaudience*, Cure Moderate Wounds, Endurance. DC = 13 + Spell level. * = Domain spell.
Templar Spells: (2/2/1) 1st - Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield; 2nd - Bull’s Strength, Hold Person; 3rd - Magic Vestment.
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Mini-story hour update.

The player of the lizardfolk character has moved, and the rogues player wasn't here this week. However, we added two new players to the group. Here's what the party looked like:

The party:
  • Andrinor: Human (dragon-touched template) Sorcerer 20. Cocky blast-mage sorta guy.
  • Tallo: Half-dragon Psychic Warrior 17. Ronin dragon-knight who wishes to see his leige released from the spell of a powerful sorceress.
    Tallo's Cohort - Drake - a Dragon Horse**
  • Lark: Wood Elf Ranger 10 / Soul Archer*** 10: Last remnant of a wood elf village slain by Drow. Out for revenge.
    Lark's Cohort - Eevertine: Water Elf*** Cleric 12, domains Water, Knowledge
  • Trent: Dwarf Druid 10 / Bear Lord* 10. Seeking to avenge the drow experimenting on animals. (The character was a bit more effective than I thought he would be).
  • Cora: Metal Elf*** Monk 8 / Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries **** 9. A hapless prisoner of the dark elves.

* - From Masters of the Wild
** - From Tome of Horrors, except with a better illustration, like the one on the front of the 1e Oriental Adventures. :)
*** - From Green Ronin's Bow & Blade
**** - From Draconomicon

The sorcerer initiated a distraction by delayed blast fireballing the main guard tower, and the party commenced their assault on the main drow tower after a few guard units departed.

The party cleared out some low level wizards and guards in the lower levels of the drow building. Upon reaching the second level, the party clashed with a group of drow including:

8 10th level drow fighters (made from the npcs in the DMG)
2 20th level drow weapon masters from plot & poison (triple class fighter/ranger/rogues)
Tamn'Sharr (see above)
The high priestess of the spider queen (See below)

They didn't exactly make short work of them, but they were less of a threat than I was hoping. Horrid wilting ruled the day, and the weapon master was made largely inneffectual by engaging the half-dragon, whose hideous AC and defensive psionics made them not much of a threat. The bear lord did some hideous damage against the dark elf leaders; I timely mass heal by the priestess only held off the inevitable.

I probably was less than optimum in my tactics, and totally forgot Tamn'Sharr's displacement cloak and the priestess's blasphemy in her rod.

Drow Priestess: This was a last minute thing and I never got her spells fleshed out totally.

Dark Elf Priestess

Drusisial, female elf (drow) Clr16: CR 17; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 16d8; hp 85; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 28 (+2 Dex, +10 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 Natural, +1 deflection); Attack +15/+10/+5 melee, or +14/+9/+4 ranged; SV Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +14; AL CE; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 18.

Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Undercommon.

Skill points: Clr 76
Skills and feats: Concentration +10 (+10 Rank), Craft +16 (+14 Rank, +2 Int), Hide +2 (+2 Dex), Innuendo +6 (+2 Rank, +4 Wis), Knowledge (arcana) +20 (+18 Rank, +2 Int), Listen +6 (+4 Wis, +2 Racial), Move silently +2 (+2 Dex), Pick pocket +2.5 (+0.5 Rank, +2 Dex), Profession +23 (+19 Rank, +4 Wis), Search +4 (+2 Int, +2 Racial), Spellcraft +13 (+11 Rank, +2 Int), Spot +6 (+4 Wis, +2 Racial); Improved critical (mace, heavy), Improved initiative, Leadership, Lightning reflexes, Silent spell, Weapon focus (mace, heavy).

Possessions: +2 full plate, +2 heavy steel shield, amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +1, +1 mace, hand crossbow, gloves of dexterity +2, periapt of wisdom +4, rod of evil (Arms & Armor: +3 unholy mace, stored spell: blasphemy)

Cleric Spells Per Day: 6/6+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/3+1/2+1.Spells: 5 - 6 - Harm, Blade Barrier, Word of Recall; 7- Destruction, Divine Talion, Summon Monster VII; 8 - Mass Heal, Symbol.

Cleric Domains: Evil, Magic. Spells 1- Protection from Good; 2- Identify; 3- Magic Circle Against Good; 4- Unholy Blight; 5- Dispel Good; 6- Antimagic shell; 7- Spell Turning; 8- Protection from Spells.


I told myself I wasn’t going to make a cleric that could cast 9th level spells for this adventure... but after the havoc the characters caused last session, I have to do something to keep them on their toes.

Under Plot & Poison, the spider queen has 8 “claws”, lesser deity attendants, one corresponding to each school of magic. It just so happens that the claw of necromancy, Black Widow, is lawful evil. One of the most challenging templates that can be applied to clerics is the eternal confessor from Necromantic Lore by FFG, and it just so happens that clerics of black widow fit the bill (being lawful evil with the death domain.)

Eternal Confessor Valanthequi, female undead elf (drow) Clr16: CR 23; Size M (4 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 20d12; hp 130; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 33/39 (+3 Dex, +6 Natural, +10/13 Armor, +3 Shield, +1/4 deflection); Attack +23(25)/+18(20)/+13(15) (+12 Base, +6(8) Str, +5 mace) melee (1d8+11(13)/19-20), or +15/+10/+5 (+12 Base, +3 Dex) ranged; SV Fort +12 (+10 Base, +2 Feat), Ref +7 (+5 Base, +2 Dex), Will +20 (+10 Base, +8 Wis, +2 feat); AL LE; Str 23(26), Dex 15(17), Con --, Int 15, Wis 22(26), Cha 17(21).

Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Undercommon.

Skill points: Clr 76
Skills and feats: Concentration +25 (+8 Racial, +12 Rank, +5 Cha), Craft +6 (+4 Rank, +2 Int), Diplomacy +13 (+8 Rank, +5 Cha), Hide +3 (+3 Dex), Knowledge (arcana) +12 (+10 Rank, +2 Int), Knowledge (religion) +13 (+11 Rank, +2 Int), Listen +10 (+8 Wis, +2 Racial), Move silently +2 (+2 Dex), Profession +14 (+6 Rank, +8 Wis), Scry +14 (+12 Rank, +2 Int), Search +4 (+2 Int, +2 Racial), Spellcraft +16 (+14 Rank, +2 Int), Spot +10 (+8 Wis, +2 Racial); Combat Expertise, Craft Arms and Armor, Domain Access* (Necromancy), Dragon Cohort***, Great Fortitude (B), Improved Critical (heavy mace)(B), Iron Will (B), Quicken spell-like ability**, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Necromancy).

* - Trinalia campaign feat; this feat allows access to an additional domain’s spells (chosen from the character’s deity’s normal list), but not the granted power of the domain.
** - Book of Vile Darkness/MMII
*** - From Draconomicon

Undead Traits
Elf Traits
Drow Traits
Special Attack DC: 25
Rebuke undead 6/day
Smite 3/day, +3 to hit, +10 damage
Thundering Mace (Su): Any mace wielded by the eternal confessor counts as a +5 thundering heavy mace, that does +1d8 damage against any creature that is not lawful evil.
Unholy Touch (Su): Drains 1d6 hp permanently
Confessor abilities (Sp): detect good or evil at will, continual antipathy, freedom of movement, invisibility to animals, true seeing, and zone of truth.
Energy resistance(Ex): cold, fire, electricity, and sonic resistance 25.
Spell immunity(Su): Spells of 5th level are lower have no effect.
Spell like abilities (Sp): At will: augury, blindness/deafness, death knell, deeper darkness, dispel magic, dominate person, gaseous form, greater command, hold person, invisibility, locate creature, locate object, melf’s acid arrow, produce flame, shatter, silence, summon monster III. 1/day - circle of doom, disintegrate, feeblemind, finger of death, flesh to stone, forbiddance, geas/quest, haste, imprisonment, inflict serious wounds, iron body, lightning bolt, mark of justice, maze, polymorph other, prying eyes, righteous might, slow, spell turning, summon monster VII, and wall of force. Save DC 15+spell level.
DR 25/+3, Fast healing: 5, Turning Immunity, SR 33

Possessions: +2 mithril full plate, +2 heavy steel shield, ring of protection +1, gloves of dexterity +2, +1 heavy mace, hand crossbow, 10 bolts, 3 doses poison, cloak of charisma +4, scroll 1 - 7th (greater planar binding), 2 x 6th (harm x 2), 4 x 5th (circle of doom, dispel chaos, plane shift, word of recall), ioun stone (deep red & black - grants combat reflexes), 1900 gp in jewelry.

Cleric Domains: Death, Vengeance*, Necromancy* (spells only)
Death domain ability: Death touch: 1/day, touch attack, roll 16d6, if total equal or greater than target’s hp, target dies.
Vengeance domain ability: If struck for 10 or more points of damage, you gain a +5 morale bonus to attack the source of the damage if your next action is to attack the source.
Cleric Spells Per Day: 6/7+1/7+1/7+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/3+1. 0 - Detect Magic (x2), Guidance (x2), Read Magic, Resistance; 1 - Bane, Bless, Shield of Faith (*2), (3 more?) ; 2 - Bull’s Strength (x2), Desecrate, Shatter, Spiritual Weapon, Static Field, Wither Limb**; 3 - Animate Dead, Contagion, Protection from Elements, Magical Vestment (x2) Sadism, Wrack; 4 - Air Walk, Dismissal, Greater Magical Flow Enhancement, Poison, Righteous Mantle, Tongues; 5 - Break Enchantment, Dispel Good, Ethereal Jaunt, Flame Strike, Plane Shift, ; 6 - Antilife Shell, Greater Dispelling, Harm, Word of Recall; 7 - Blasphemy, Divine Talion, Repulsion, Summon Monster VII; 8 - Fire Storm, Symbol, Unholy Aura.
Cleric Domain Spells: 1 - Doom; 2 - Spectral Hand; 3 - Animate Dead; 4 - Fire Shield; 5 - Slay Living; 6 - Magic Jar; 7 - Destruction; 8 - Horrid Wilting.
Spell DC: 18+Spell Level. (20 + level for necromancy spells)

* - From Plot & Poison
** - From Book of Vile Darkness

Upon noticing something amiss, Valanthequi will send prying eyes to investigate and activate buffs, bringing her strength to 26 and shield of faith or unholy aura and magic vestement bring her AC to 39, cast forbiddance in the area, protect herself with antilife shell, divine talion, and unholy aura. She will use her scroll and summon monster spells and abilities to call allies. She will maze one party member and try to imprison another, and then hit the party with powerful damaging spells. Using her quicken spell-like ability feat, she can use a spell like ability in parallel with a spell every round.

I expect this will be a bit more of a challenge for the party. Maze and imprisonment could easily take out two party members, true seeing will negate the displacement, and horrid wilting is not on option for the party. The bear lord's summonings and shape changes will be frustrated by the invisibility to animals.

Voidrunner's Codex

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