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Ptolus: The Legend of Longcoat

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Pitchwife said:
Assuming J doesn't hear it, he'll continue to nose about while waiting to see if Ada comes up with anything. If he did:

"That settles it for me, come on." Jarem will move ahead as quickly as he can while using his detect evil ability, in the direction of the voices.
[sblock=ooc]You heard it. ;)[/sblock]

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Ada perks and watches the paladin head full on into the most likely deadly unknown.

"We're going to die."

Ada shakes his head, hefts her club and runs after him.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Jarem and Ada move down the tunnel. A door is open in the eastern wall, a shattered skeleton on the floor amidst all sorts of strange arcane ritual material.

The noise seems to be coming from a room further down the tunnel.

* * *

Garnet's spell causes the air near him to ripple as an invisible shield of force comes into being.

Garn and Vanden race after the monstrous figure, stepping into his lair, while trying to stay out of reach. Maugra, her pistol drawn and readied, follows a moment later.

The air seems to choke them as they enter -- the very stones here seem soaked with malice and hatred and there's no place to look in the room that does not make the group want to vomit. This isn't a lair so much as it is an abattoir.

The creature makes a screeching noise, his long claws sliding each other, cleaning away the last chunks of bloody flesh, the sound like the clash of swords. He crouches, eyeing the intruders, his face a mask of rage and hatred and advances toward the unarmored young monk.


First Post
Vanden eyes the creature warily, adopting a defensive stance. "Surrender abomination, and submit yourself to the proper judgement for your crimes," he warns, the command giving physicality to his fear and allowing him to attain focus.

[sblock=ooc]Oh, sure- pick on the guy without armor. What about the nasty half-orc, instead?

Vanden will Ready a Stunning Fist against any attack from the monster. What are the odds it's not undead? :\ [/sblock]


Garn gives no such warning, his own malice and hate rising up to match that of this place and this monster. Malice and hate have been his companions for most of his life and he learned long ago to meet it with his own. He says not a word but his lips draw back from his fanged teeth in a nasty snarl as he slides around to maneuver into a flanking position to force the booted freak off kiltre and watching foes from both sides. Garn then rushes the monster with his spiked beat stick in a two-handed grip raised over his head for extra force as blood streams down unnoticed from the dart wounds. As he rushes in Garn screams at his mother's killer. "Death comes now!"

ooc +4 melee, +2 if flanking 1d8+6 +1d6 sneak attack.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Vanden feels the world fall away from him, giving himself over to his training, waiting in silence for the creature to attack.

Garn, though, has no such patience, circling and coming at Longcoat with his morning star. But it gets lost in the whirling black coat, and he's treated to a glare from the creature that's like staring into the blaze of a forge.

And then the creature springs at Vanden, slashing at him with his claws. But the monk is ready for him, lashing out with the heel of his hand, hoping he has properly divined the anatomy of his attacker. The fist connects, striking Longcoat between the eyes. For a moment, the young monk thinks he's stunned his attacker, but Longcoat shakes it off and shrieks, slashing with long scissor-like claws.

[sblock=ooc]Vanden does 6 points of damage to Longcoat, but Longcoat rolls a truly spectacular saving throw.[/sblock]

Vanden twists away from the first slash, but the second catches him, shearing away the robe from one breast and shoulder, leaving an ugly series of gashes beneath. He spins, falling back amidst the carnage Longcoat has visited upon his other victims.

[sblock=ooc]Vanden takes 7 points of damage. He is at -1 hit points and bleeding out. He will die in 9 rounds.

And here we pause for Maugra, Garnet, Ada and Jarem.[/sblock]


ooc: is there a spot/heal check that would allow Maugra to know how critically injured Vanden is? is Longcoat still in melee with Garn?

Voidrunner's Codex

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