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D&D 5E Published Adventures You Have Run in 5e


My current game is a mix of homebrew and canabilising parts of 5E adventures & some older adventures.

We have run:
• T1- Village of Hommlet
• PoTA- Feathergale keep
• RttToEE- the 3e version of the moathouse
• Siege of Durgham’s Folly (Necro games)
• PoTA- Rivergard keep
• PoTA- Temple of the Howling Hatred
• WPM- original updated to 5e (just prior to ToYP coming out)
• SKT- Frost giant village
• ToA- done most of this. The game is currently on hiatus as I am overseas but party made it to level 2 of the main temple when we stopped.

One of my players has stepped up and is running CoS and I’m joining in via What’s App.


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I have used the following (sometimes heavily modified).

U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
U2 Danger at Dunwater
B2 The Keep on the Borderlands
UK2 The Gauntlet
DL1 Dragons of Despair
DL2 Dragons of Flame (prepping for this weekend)
Forge of Fury
Lost Mines of Phandelver

That’s all I can rremember for now. There have been more.


Dusty Dragon
In an ongoing campaign that began in 2016, I have been doing homebrew stuff using the Yoon-Suin setting. However, for the last oh, 6 months or so, we have been doing the Gates of Firestorm Peak which I converted to 5e and installed into the setting. We are 2-3 sessions away from finishing that, and then back to Yoon-Suin we go!

Mr. Wilson

I've used three published adventures, all of which were modified to make sense in my overarching campaign:

Beneath the Ruins of Firestone Keep
Shadows on the Long Road
White Plume Mountain

White Plume was specifically ran to show off how crazy Fun House Dungeons were to a couple of friends who just started playing DnD either in this edition or 4th edition. They were amused, but definitely prefer modern dungeons or stories.

Old One Eye

First Post
D&D Next probably doesn't count, but I ran the Caves of Chaos and Isle of Dread conversions. Campaign stopped around 7-8th lvl due to real 5e released.

The big campaign was that made it from 1st - 20th lvl was:
Lost Mines of Phandalin,
Hoard of the Dragon Queen,
Rise of Tiamat (or whatever it was called.),
A Paladin in Hell (2e),
Big homebrew finale where the PCs became rulers of Neverwinter and defended it from the devils' retaliatory strike.

HotDQ and RoT required significant retooling the way the adventures worked for my more sandbox-ish style. Both LMoP and Paladin in Hell pretty well worked straight out of the box. I converted the 2e adventure maybe 50% in prep and 50% on the fly. 2e magic items need to be toned down for 5e.

My Greyhawk campaign fizzled for out of game reasons around 7th lvl. Started in Greyhawk City and combined:

Slavers supermodule reprint with A0, and
Slavers (2e)
I did all the conversions in prep. 1e and 2e were about the same effort. The only things changed were.moving some Dyvers stuff to Greyhawk and ignoring the timeline.

The party had managed to eliminate the slavers' assets in Greyhawk's Wild Coast and were tentatively poking at Cantona when the game ended.

Everything else has been homebrew, including my current one.

and Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

On the whole, for the record, I have converted things on the fly, but as we enter the Inner Fane of RttToEE, I've done a bit more advanced work, since some of the npcs and monsters require more customization to fit the themes of the later parts of the adventure.
How does it play in 5E? I've heard that adventure could become a gombat grind in 3.x, so very curious.

the Jester

How does it play in 5E? I've heard that adventure could become a gombat grind in 3.x, so very curious.

I didn't use the standard low level setup, and my setting is fairly post-apocalyptic and depopulated, so my group went in at pretty high level, blew through the moathouse, spent about two sessions in the Crater Ridge Mines before skipping into the fanes. They're currently ascending the Black Spike.

Using the adventure the way I am, it's going great. The fact that my pcs were high enough level to smash through the early stuff and fast-forward to near the end means that a lot of the meatgrinder sections just got skipped right over. I've tweaked many of the monsters and stat blocks (e.g. the half-dragon T rexes got replaced with "devil dinosaurs"- an amped up T rex and triceratops with some diabolic elements), and changed the setup to suit my campaign. But overall, I'm loving it. I've never run more than a tiny slap of it before, so it's nice to finally get to see how it plays out.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site

It was homebrew, but I work some published material into it, including:

Forge of Fury & Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan from Tales from the Yawning Portal
Día de los Dinosaurios Muertos, from EN World's En5ider


I'm now running Curse of Strahd


I'm planning on running Rappan Athuk, by Frog God Games, assuming it is completed and I get it before my CoS campaign ends.
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Oh wow. What a question! Let's see ...

During the playtest, I ran Legacy of the Crystal Shard, which crashed and burned most of the way through with a near-TPK. I tried to pick up the pieces with Scourge of the Sword Coast, but it also crashed and burned with another near-TPK.

At that point, 5e had come out, and I started a new campaign with a mix of old and new players. It was set in a nebulous homebrew world and consisted mainly of bits and pieces from here and there. We kicked things off with "Trouble in Red Larch" from Princes of the Apocalypse, followed by "Fane of the Sun Swallower" from Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle, followed by the "Neverlight Grove" chapter from Out of the Abyss (reimagined as a trippy Halloween special), followed by a number of other short adventures - some from old Dragon magazines, others from the AL seasons and the like. I also used Feathergale Spire, Scarlet Moon Hall, and the Temple of Eternal Flame from PotA, along with the Amber Temple from Curse of Strahd. That was where we left off.

I got tired of homebrewing things, so I switched back to the Realms, and we started playing through the Tales from the Yawning Portal modules. We only got through "The Sunless Citadel" and "The Forge of Fury" before switching over to Tomb of Annihilation. That's where we are now. When we're finished, I intend to switch back to YP and run "Against the Giants" and possibly "Tomb of Horrors" as a sort of sequel to ToA (Acererak's revenge).

I also ran Lost Mine of Phandelver with great success for a group of new players. We then started over with the Tyranny of Dragons modules, playing all the way through them successfully. (I also inserted some shorter side quests, including some based on some AL modules, partway through.) We have since started another campaign, set in the Realms, that began with "Trouble in Red Larch" from PotA again. We're now most of the way through Scourge of the Sword Coast, and then I will be getting us into Storm King's Thunder.


Lost Mine of Phandelver
Hoard of the Dragon Queen
Rise of Tiamat
(including The Frozen Castle)

The "Fall of Illefarn" chapter from Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle

Then a DM's Guild adventure, Palace of the Red Pasha

Finishing up with a 5E conversion of the last five adventures in Scales of War to get the group to level 20.
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