TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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What? Me Worry?
Col_Pladoh said:
As a matter of fact I was asked to past on this thread, and i do it as a favor as mucg as for personal enjoyment from fellowshiping with other game fans.

Of course I don't expect concensus with my personal opinions. Neither do i expect to be attacked for having and stating them here.


Well, I said I was gonna sit back and read, but since your replied to me directly in a number of posts...

Yes, I know you were asked to post on this thread. Matter of fact, I was around when these threads started a few years back. It struck me that you were always up for vigorous debate. I, personally, have endeavored to remain civil and to address topics that directly relate to you. I don't think I've strayed from that intent, but apparently others, including you, think differently. I'm sorry if I misunderstood the intent of these threads as they are now, what they have evolved into since they first started. If you wish them to remain simply threads in which fans can ask questions related to relatively non-inflammatory subjects - opinions on campaign elements, the history of the game - I can understand that - and I don't mean that in some snide, backhanded, internet passive/aggressive way.

I don't feel I've attacked you; hell, I'm a fan, as I've said countless times, so why would I? I did feel like replying to some things you wrote above which I felt needed replyin' to. If you would rather just post your opinion and not have a discussion about it, I can respect that, given the venue - after all, it is a Q&A thread, not a debate thread. I'm sorry you felt attacked. That wasn't my intent in the slightest. It's just that when someone says saying with which I disagree, I feel the urge to say something, regardless of the setting or the person who said the thing I object to; I don't like to be seen as "quibbling," but rather addressing points as i see them. Regardless, apologies to you and others for my misconduct if I have offended. I only ask honest questions.

Anyway, one last thing - that DMG. It did, indeed, get a lot of hard use over the course of 25 years. That should be indicative of how much I enjoyed the game.

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First Post
Oh say it isn't so!

Am I breaking your widdle heart because I am saying what I think rather than what YOU think i should say. Get a life.
wow. I wouldn't have expected such a juvenile response from the esteemed Gary Gygax. Reinforces my feelings.



Quasqueton said:
wow. I wouldn't have expected such a juvenile response from the esteemed Gary Gygax. Reinforces my feelings.


:D Your potshots continue -- and reinforce your disrespect for someone that doesn't like your game. That sounds juvenile to me. Remove the plank from your own eye...

Gary defends his position on the game, his views, and his opinions and you have a problem with that. It sounds like this is not the thread for you -- unless you like stirring pots, trolling, and being a nuisance.

Do you have something constructive to add to the group or should we ignore you from here on out?


Patryn feels slighted because of his inference that EGG views 3e fans as untrue D&D fans. Why should he care what EGG thinks? Just play the freaking game! If it is so important that Gary needs to approve your game, then write out a letter explaining your position with a dotted line that reads "I approve this gamer and his game, E. Gary Gygax". If he signs it, that should sort it out. If he doesn't sign it, go play GURPS.


Staff member
If he doesn't sign it, go play GURPS.

Or Dangerous Journeys!

Originally Posted by 2 other people...they know who they are...
Well, ...I mean, do chess players sit around denigrating checkers players, and wonder how said players could possibly be having fun? I doubt it.

If chess players deign to noyice them at all, you bet they disdain then

Side notes about chess & checkers:

1) The queen's full-board range of motion is a relatively new addition to the game. Originally, she could only move 1 space at a time. The chess we're used to is like...14thEd Chess. I wonder if the original players ever got pissy about the changes?

2) While there are computers capable of playing Grandmaster Level Chess, to date, no computer has beaten a Checkers Grand-Champion...and yes, there are such things. (Of course, I don't know that there are any programmers TRYING to program computers to play checkers at a Grand-Champion level.)

And now...back to your regularly scheduled Gary!


Zudrak said:
Patryn feels slighted because of his inference that EGG views 3e fans as untrue D&D fans. Why should he care what EGG thinks?
Exactly. I admire Gary Gygax for creating fantasy roleplaying, and I read these threads because I'm interested in his reminiscences about the early days of the game, but I could not care less whether or not he'd like the games I play.

Far as I'm concerned the only opinions that matter are those of the people who play with me.


First Post

I've been curious about how often you restocked your dungeon levels. If a party cleared out a couple of levels and went back to town to heal up and re-equip, could they count on having to clear out the levels again or was it just an issue of random encounters in the areas that had been cleared?

As far as Castle Greyhawk went, did the kobolds go about the business of retaking dungeon levels as soon as the PC's left?

Incidentally, I remember reading somewhere that the lone surviving PC from a party was captured by the kobolds(I think) and asked to be taken to the leader. The PC was a mage and had one spell left which happened to be charm person. Upon meeting the leader, he cast the spell, and the kobold leader failed his save miserably. It sounded like the PC befriended the head kobold and started calling the shots after that. What's the current status of that situation?



mhacdebhandia said:
Exactly. I admire Gary Gygax for creating fantasy roleplaying, and I read these threads because I'm interested in his reminiscences about the early days of the game, but I could not care less whether or not he'd like the games I play.

Far as I'm concerned the only opinions that matter are those of the people who play with me.

Were I to ask Gary if he likes Parcheesi, Mouse Trap, Chutes & Ladders, Jenga, Dark Tower (oops!), Dungeon!, Life, Backgammon, or Trivial Pursuit, chances are there's going to be a game he doesn't like.

[sarcasm] If it's Parcheesi, I'm out of here. [/sarcasm]


Creature Cataloguer
mhacdebhandia said:
I could not care less whether or not he'd like the games I play.

Far as I'm concerned the only opinions that matter are those of the people who play with me.

that really ought to be everyone's shared opinion... ;)

i mean, i might feel a little better if gary didn't dislike the changes in D&D so much after his departure from the company, but he (more than anyone) has a right to his feelings, and his feelings don't change the way the game is handled by the company that owns it nor do they change the way anyone but he and those he games and associates with (and those who live by his opinions) will game. i will never be unthankful to the man for coming up with the game and the sheer amount of work he put into afterwords. it would not have been the same then or now if not for his love for his creation.

Mighty Veil

First Post
"Be very thankful you guys don't frequent Gary's Political Talk lists. I'd hate to see some people's reactions to his political leanings. "

I'm actually curious to this list


Creature Cataloguer
there are undoubtledly better places to discuss that. perhaps, if you are fortunate, someone will send you a link in a Private Message.

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