TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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What? Me Worry?
As I recall, Gary, you had left TSR just prior to the release of Oriental Adventures (or was it just after?), which was 1985-86, and 2e was released in 1989.

I have the math skills, and the brains to use 'em... ;)

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Gary Gygax
ColonelHardisson said:
As I recall, Gary, you had left TSR just prior to the release of Oriental Adventures (or was it just after?), which was 1985-86, and 2e was released in 1989.

I have the math skills, and the brains to use 'em... ;)

Heh, Colonel, and you have it.

Actually, I was effectively out of any TSR direction by fall of 1985, and I signed the agreement ending my association on New Years Eve of 1985, so officially I severed things at that time.



Gary Gygax
Astragoth said:
Just one thing to say Gary....

Thank you for giving me/us this game

Well shucks, Astragoth, my pleasure--and I mean that. I had one hell of a great time writing it, DMing and playing it, and I got paid too. Almost as good as being a rock & roll star, eh?

Anyway, I still lobe games and gaming as much as ever, although I can't play as long as I used to without suffering the next day. Liking tipping a few, the penalty for excess grows greater with advancing years...:rolleyes:



Col_Pladoh said:

Here I am again after thinking I had slipped off this hook...

In developing some nasty inhabitants for Gehenna, I figured that the dreggals would be the mnost populos, not the mots powerful. Thus you see lots of them in action--the proverbial cannon fodder for the greater creatures behind them. They carry out the tasks assigned, are expendable.

So, then...if we're gonna talk about THAT stuff.

You wanna tell us what a Maelvi is (or however it's spelled) and what you envisioned THEM and their society to be like? :p


FYI To the board, Gary's never answered this question to me effectively for about 10 years now...so let's press him to answer the question THIS time, since everybody is paying attention. :rolleyes: :D :cool:

If he dies before this is answered, I'll find a way to bind his spirit and put it into that nearby haunted condo complex until I get an answer! And if I die, I'll move in there and get the gang there to have a parade through his house every night!

'tis the Halloween Spirit... :)

In all seriousness, I felt the Multiverse, the Planes and Spheres interpretation by others at TSR after you left, quite frankly, sucked.


Eternal Optimist
G'day Gary!

Back again so soon? ;)

Just been looking over Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure again (a Fantasy Word Adventure... oops!). I tried taking my character Meliander the Mage through that once... not good. Much respect for your playing skills from that experience!

Here's a question... how common were wish spells in your game? It seems that every time I look at tales of your characters exploits, a wish spell or two seems to be used to save them!

(Am I exaggerating? Possibly. Individual perception is a wonderful thing!)

Hmm... I notice that our 'local' mail order people have The Hermit in stock. I'll see if I can get it... Necropolis has renewed my interest in your adventures!



Gary Gygax
JohnRTroy said:

So, then...if we're gonna talk about THAT stuff.

You wanna tell us what a Maelvi is (or however it's spelled) and what you envisioned THEM and their society to be like? :p


FYI To the board, Gary's never answered this question to me effectively for about 10 years now...so let's press him to answer the question THIS time, since everybody is paying attention. :rolleyes: :D :cool:

If he dies before this is answered, I'll find a way to bind his spirit and put it into that nearby haunted condo complex until I get an answer! And if I die, I'll move in there and get the gang there to have a parade through his house every night!

'tis the Halloween Spirit... :)

In all seriousness, I felt the Multiverse, the Planes and Spheres interpretation by others at TSR after you left, quite frankly, sucked.

Et tu, JTRus?! Arrrgggg! That cruel thrust has finished me! Yet before I expire, I will say that the Maelvis were...cough...a race of...(choke)...very evil sort that...(gasp!)...too late, I am done for...

Don't despair though, the clever creative folks now in charge of the game can certainly supply the information :D



Gary Gygax
Upper_Krust said:
Hi Gary! :)

Thanks for the information on Graz'zts waged battle (that point always vexed me somewhat).

'Ear 'ear. :D

Sorry couldn't resist Gary. :eek:

Well, Upper_Krust, you did note the typo, but you interpreted it wrong. I meant to enter "lob" as in "lob games." Always did that when someone irritated me.

Here comes a large and extremely heavy one at you now!

Heh :eek:

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Gary Gygax
MerricB said:
G'day Gary!

Back again so soon? ;)

Just been looking over Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure again (a Fantasy Word Adventure... oops!). I tried taking my character Meliander the Mage through that once... not good. Much respect for your playing skills from that experience!

Here's a question... how common were wish spells in your game? It seems that every time I look at tales of your characters exploits, a wish spell or two seems to be used to save them!

(Am I exaggerating? Possibly. Individual perception is a wonderful thing!)

Hmm... I notice that our 'local' mail order people have The Hermit in stock. I'll see if I can get it... Necropolis has renewed my interest in your adventures!


Hi Merric!

My fellows call and I respond in expeditious manner;)

There were all too few wishes from my POV. Whenever one or another of my PCs discovered an item that granted one or more, that prize went into the common treasury, and they were kept for emergency rescue use, so to speak.

Later on, of course, Mordie, and then Bigby rose to sufficient level to cast the spell personally. Then potions of longevity became likewise prized items.

Now i trust that when you put The Hermit adventure into play, you will be using the LA game system version, right?


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