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Q'Barra: Into the Emerald Forest


Guest 11456

Eff Flat : Male Warforged Bard 4

The warforged musician looks at all the items and searches his memories for anything that could be of help to the group.

OOC: Using Bardic Knowledge +6.

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"I recognize some of the city names, most are the capitals of the various nations. I remember that from all the battle plans over the years. As for the colors, I've got no clue. We sometimes used color codes for planning, but I was never in on what they meant. As for our friend there, I'll see if I can follow him about tonight after we arrive, and see if I can't overhear something useful. He might have something to hide, or he's just a coward. Who knows. This whole conspiracy and prophecy is a little...eh who am I kidding, way over my head."

Xavier sighs and leans against one of boxes of cargo, while the others continue talking.


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Erin replies to Xavier: "Actually, Xavier, I might have a more clever way of gaining information from our host... but what I will need is for someone, when the time is right, to confront him about his suspicious nature."

OOC: Sorry, Urko & everybody else... but I think I might have Erin do "something truly odd" that would put off our arrival... I am reading up more on Artificer abilities to learn more about what I can do, then I will post a plan...


Guest 11456

Eff Flat : Male Warforged Bard 4

"I am wondering if he was just very afraid and is ashamed of it. What is it that you soft ones do sometimes when you get really scared? Ah yes. Lose control of your bowls or something like that. I believe that perhaps he was trying to wash himself off in the water."


First Post

Erin looks up at Eff Flat's comment. "He what? He washed himself off in the water? When was this? Must have been when I was wrapped up in examining Kajalaketh's equipment and while Sanae and Xavier were below decks. What exactly did he do?"

After Eff Flat's response, Erin lowers her voice to a whisper, eyeing Calabas. "I was thinking that I could read his mind. Well... detect his surface thoughts actually. I've never done it before, but I know a way to do it. It would take a lot out of me for today, but it might prove his trust. The only problem is that I can only read his surface thoughts, so someone will have to prompt him into thinking about his ultimate goal. He could be just another smuggler, or he could be a part of a bigger plot, possibly involving the plantation attacks. What do you all say?"


Guest 11456

Eff Flat : Male Warforged Bard 4

The bard ponders for a moment. "Let's see. He crawled out from beneath the pilot’s chair. His eyes were puffy and his face was stained with tears. He shifted as if uncomfortable, then said very softly 'Excuse me'. Then he steped off the back of the boat with a splash. An interesting sound. I must try and simulate it sometime. He fidgeted around in the water, always with one hand clinging to the side of the boat. When he got back in the boat, he was dripping wet and looked in bad shape. He would not meet my eyes. Then he apologized and got us back underway."


First Post
After hearing what everyone else has to say, Sanae finally speaks. She regards Erin first, "I did not feel that Aldinis was evil, however I am not convinced that her intentions are pure, either. I am very uncomfortable with the thought that we are being used as pawns by anyone, I would very much like to question Aldinis again."

She looked back and forth among her companions, her face set in a look of confusion. "I was not expecting a battle so early. I am glad that we all survived mostly unharmed, but I thikn it is best if we all remain prepared at all times form now on. No matter what we are involved in, our safety is paramount and we must all work together and watch out for one another. Also, I do not trust Calabas. I don't know *what* he was doing while we were defending ourselves, but it was nothing to help us, that's for sure. As for what to do about it, I will leave that to the rest of you. I will agree with any plan that you make. For now, I need time to contemplate things."

Having said her piece, she gave a final look to the group before turning her attention to the water. She clutched her silver pendent in one hand and closed her eyes, looking like she was in prayer.

Thank the Flame for the strength to continue another day, may I be granted the power to protect those worthy of protection and may I be granted the strength to banish those who would seek to harm them. May I be granted the insight to see the true path and may my soul never be tempted to stray.


First Post
After hearing the discussion continue, Xavier chimes in "If you think it the correct course of action Erin, then by all means do so. Eff Flat may be correct about Calabas though. If this was his first time seeing real combat, he could have snapped. I've seen it many times in new recruits. Whatever course of action is decided on, I suggest we attend to it tonight at the plantation. After all your mind reading thing may be of more use on our employer than his attendant, or not. Just my thoughts anyway. Anyways I'll be keeping an eye out for anymore surprises on the river."

Xavier moves away from the rest of the group and assumes a lookout position near the front of the boat.


First Post

Erin first considers Sanae's words. "I agree with Sanae that we need to be watchful, especially after our recent attack. There is definitely more to this than meets the eye."

In response to Xavier's comments, Erin ponders them for a bit. "You have a very good point. However, Eff Flat's story of his actions during the combat leave me puzzled. While it is possible that Calabas simply... lost control of his bowels, as our 'forged friend puts it... I suspect something more. Still, perhaps it is best to bide our time."

Erin seems lost in thought for a bit, then snaps out of it.

While Sanae and Xavier look across the river's sparkling water, Erin walks over to Calabas. "Aye, Calabas, how goes it? None the worse for wear from our little encounter, I hope. When can we expect to be at our destination?"


First Post
Knowledge checks

Eff Flat remembers:
[sblock]A smoky tavern in the Lhazaarite town of Cliffscrape. Eff Flat's musical stylings have been received well enough, but he lost the attention of his audience with the arrival of a gaudily dressed human. "It's Captain Malik!" was the excited whisper that ran rippled through the crowd. He ordered a round of drinks for the house, then for the next hour held everyone, Eff Flat included, enthralled with the tales of his exploits. He boasted of penetrating deep into the heart of Riedra, and of bringing back many trophies. Among other things, he explained how the ruling class there are believed to be infused with the power of the divine. "The Inspired, the called themselves." He threw a blade that could have been the twin to the one taken from Kajalaketh onto the table. "I took that from one of their company commanders, in single battle. Very dangerous--and treacherous--foes, the Inspired."[/sblock]

Erin remembers:
[sblock]The campfire was hardly necessary under eight moons and in the gentle climate of the Talenta Plains, but the refugees huddled around it nonetheless. There was little talk on the trek from Cyre's ruins, and Erin had spoken less than most. She couldn't help but notice, even admire, the handsome, elderly fellow who always seemed to be in good spirits. This despite the fact that he was scarred and clearly ill with a sickness the harried healer could not touch. This particular night he was singing softly to himself, in a tongue Erin did not recognize, but which she found compelling in it's sweet sadness. She was moved enough to break her silence and ask him about it. He smiled wanly and replied, "It is a lament for lost homes. I sing it for Cyre, and Adar, my homeland, which I will not see with these eyes again." His gaze grew far away. "And I sing it for another land, more remote than any of the nations of Eberron." Erin noticed that he had been writing. The old man saw her glance. "A letter to my line brothers. It will never be delivered, I fear." He coughs weakly and speaks no more, turning back to his pen and paper. The characters were the same embellished circles found today in Kajalaketh's book.

When Erin awoke the next morning, the old man was dead and his possessions had been stripped away. He was not the first or the last to fall along the path to Q'Barra.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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