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Q'Barra: ItEF OOC


First Post
Q’Barra: Into the Emerald forest is an adventure for 4-6 characters starting out at 4th level. The basic premise is that the player characters are working to find the cause of a series of poison dusk lizard folk raids against a plantation in the wilds of Q’Barra. The draconic Prophecy and a mysterious psionic artifact also seem to be involved, although at the moment it is not clear how.

This campaign has been on an extended hiatus. Three of the original six players have not returned, so I am looking to recruit new players. Because of the nature of the adventure, my first preference is to have new players assume the roles of existing characters, but if you come up with a character concept that blows me away I will be open to working in new characters. See character creation guidelines below if you choose to go that route.

I’m looking for players who are familiar with the Eberron campaign setting, strong role-players, and able to post at least 4-5 times per week.

Current Cast of Characters:
(the first three include stat blocks; these are the ones I’m recruiting players for)

Erin (CN female human, artificer 4) – excoriated Cannith scion and Cyran refugee.
[sblock] Erin (formerly Erin d’Cannith)
Female Human Artificer 4th lvl (10600 XP)
Alignment CN (formerly N)

Str 15 +2 (6 pts + 1pt at 4th)
Dex 10 +0 (2 pts)
Con 10 +0 (2 pts)
Int 14 +2 (6 pts)
Wis 10 +0 (2 pts)
Cha 16 +3 (10 pts)

Hit Points 27
Action Points 7
AC 17, Touch 10, Flat 17
Init +0
BAB +3, Grapple +5
Speed 20’ (base 30’, load 64/66, medium)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4

+6 Melee, Masterwork Morningstar, 1d8+2 20/x2

Medium, 6' tall, 145 lb, 26 yrs old
Red hair, blue eyes, white skin

Speaks Common, Draconic, and Halfling

+8 Appraise (6)
+11 Craft (armorsmithing) (7)
+9 Craft (bowmaking) (5)
+11 Craft (weaponsmith) (7)
+9 Disable Device (7)
+4 Knowledge (arcana) (2)
+9 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (7)
+4 Knowledge (the planes) (2)
+9 Spellcraft (7)
+10/+12 Use Magic Device (7) (+2 for wands, scrolls, and wondrous items)
+0 Listen (0)
+0 Spot (0)

-Least Dragonmark (Mark of Making, Make Whole 1/day) (1st level human)
-Extraordinary Artisan (1st level)
-Extend Spell (3rd level)

Artificer Abilities
-Artificer Knowledge
-Artisan Bonus
-Disable Trap
-Item Creation
-Scribe Scroll
-Brew Potion
-Craft Wondrous Item
-Craft Homunculus
-Exceptional Artisan (Bonus 4th Level Feat)

Erin d’Cannith was born of the Dragonmarked house Cannith in Cyre on Nymm 4, 972 YK. Raised by her parents Talsha and Erithea d’Cannith, Erin led a privileged life. During her 17th year she began her training as an artificer for the house. Her parents’ proudest moment came when, at the age of 18, she manifested the Mark of Making. At the age of 20, her services were leant to the Cyran army. She was tasked as a glorified maintenance worker, using her mark and her skills to keep the warforged the Cyrans purchased from House Cannith in working order throughout the war.

Erin traveled to the western front in 992 YK, assigned to the monitor the 3rd division of the Queen’s Army. She spent the next 4 years in the rear echelon, aiding in the repair of warforged. Erin cared little for the fighting, and due to her House Cannith upbringing, thought of herself and her house as “above” this conflict. During this war, the Last War, members of the dragonmarked houses were non-combatants, and as such were, by treaty, not to be attacked. In return, they would not attack and only serve support functions for all sides. Erin saw this as an invulnerability of sorts, which only caused her to become more and more removed from the war around her. She only associated with her family and others from her house, and was quite cold to the general fighter, caring more for the company of her warforged than for fellow humans. Little did Erin know that her live would be irrevocably changed on that fateful day: Olarune 19, 994 YK, the Day of Mourning.

The day began as any other: witnessing the Cyran forces continue to fight against their enemies. However, Erin awoke to a somber fact when a warforged scout attempted to place his embedded blade firmly in her stomach. All of a sudden, she realized that the warforged army was not treating her as a non-combatant. With the help of Cyran fighters, Erin managed to stay alive well into the third wave of warforged troops. However, when a stormship fired a fireball at her general location during a bombing run, Erin’s entire world went blank.

How Erin managed to survive the Day of Mourning is a mystery no one knows, for even Erin herself cannot bring herself of remember the event. However, in the wake of its destruction, she found herself with a band of Cyran refugees desperate to escape the horror of the newly-formed Mournlands. Despite her desire to immediately flee to Karrnath and the nearest House Cannith compound, Erin felt indebted to her saviors and agreed to join them on a trek to Q’Barra. The refugees felt that, out of all of the locales open to them after the destruction of Cyre, Q’Barra stood the best chance of having them. And so, over the course of the next two years, Erin embarked with her newfound allies to Q’Barra.

While on the journey, Erin began to warm up and feel sympathetic to the Cyrans. The destruction of her family and friends caused her to gain a new outlook on life. She no longer took a cold, unemotional outlook on life, and became an integral part of the caravan. The refugees found it extremely useful to have a dragonmarked artificer as part of their new family, and Erin found some new friends along the journey. [Note: if it makes sense, I would love for Erin to have met some other PCs during this time, especially other Cyran refugees or those from the Eldeen Reaches also heading towards Q’Barra]

When she reached Q’Barra, she made her way to the small House Cannith compound in Newthrone. When she reached the doors of the compound, however, she found herself barred by warforged guards. When she forced an audience with Kalar d’Cannith, Q’Barra’s regent, she was subject to yet another shock.

Evidently, after the destruction of House Cannith’s holdings and the death of the House’s patriarch in Cyre, the House was split off into three factions. Merrix d’Cannith, the head of House Cannith in Sharn, proposed an insidious measure: he believed the destruction of the nation of Sharn might be related to House Cannith, and possibly their creation forges. In an effort to purge the House, Merrix proposed excoriation (forcible removal from House Cannith) for all those of the ruling families in Cyre. Erin and her family were amongst those excoriated.

Devastated by her removal from House Cannith, Erin had no idea what to do. She found herself shunned from her old family, and with all connections from her old life severed, decided to begin a new life in Q’Barra. Over the next two years, Erin found herself enjoying a newfound freedom. She was no longer bound by the pomp and pageantry surrounding a dragonmarked youth, and was no longer a fighter in a war she did not understand.

She took various jobs that came to her, and stayed in touch with her “Mourner” friends. In fact, they gave her a home-away-from-home, where she spent time creating her various items, most of which she donated to them. However, her old traveling companions went their separate ways a few months ago: half of them accepting Prince Oargev’s pleas to join him in New Cyre, the other half leaving for adventure on the continent of Xen’drik. Not willing to sacrifice her new life, she decided to remain in Q’Barra. Without her old friends, she has taken herself to joining various adventurers on whatever job she can find, now barely able to keep a few sovereigns in her pockets.

Erin is a forceful woman, with a fire in her eyes. She is not afraid to speak her mind, and will not back down from a conflict. She has a hatred for all things House Cannith, and has taken to embrace both her excoriation and her new life she found in the freedom of Q’Barra. While in search of nothing more than adventure and a life free from the responsibilities of being in a dragonmarked house, she tends to take jobs that involve the searching for more intriguing artifacts, mysteries, or even dragonshards for her creations. She is extremely loyal to her friends, though she tends to be a bit distrustful of those of any dragonmarked house or royal family.

Erin is a tall, proud woman, with fiery red hair that spills out from under her helmet and piercing blue eyes. She carries a scar across her left cheek as a reminder of her last battle of the Last War. She is garbed in a traditional adventurers’ outfit. She wears well-worn breastplate (loot from a previous adventure), tan studded leather under her greaves, and black leather workboots. She also wears a gauntlet on her right hand, and a potion bracer on her left. Strapped to the right side of her belt is her trusty morningstar, a parting gift from Balar, a Cyran “mourner” friend. Those with keen eyes will also notice a Cyran Army signet ring on her finger (a gift from an old lover she no longer wishes to speak about). Those few lucky enough to have seen it would have taken notice of a least Mark of Making inscribed at the small of her back.

+2 Breastplate (worn, 30 lb) 4350 gp
Explorer’s Outfit (worn, 8 lb) 0 gp

Masterwork Morningstar (belt right, 6 lb) 308 gp
Belt Pouch (belt front, 0.5 lb) 1 gp
Everburning Torch (belt left, 1 lb) 110 gp

Backpack (center back, 2 lb) 2 gp
Bedroll (below backpack, 5 lb) 1 sp

Potion Bracer (left wrist, 1.5 lb) 50 gp
Gauntlet (right hand, 1 lb) 2 gp
Signet Ring (with Cyran crest) (4th finger on left hand, 0 lb) 5 gp

Potion of Cure Light Wounds* (potion bracer, 0 lb) 25 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds* (potion bracer, 0 lb) 25 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds* (potion bracer, 0 lb) 25 gp

Waterskin- water (backpack, 4 lb) 1 gp
Flint & Steel (backpack, 0 lb) 1 gp
Trail Rations- 2 days (backpack, 2 lb) 1 gp
Ink Pen and 2 Ink Vials (backpack, 0 lb) 16 gp, 1 sp
Journal (backpack, 3 lb) 15 gp
Scroll of Comprehend Language* (backpack, 0 lb) 12 gp, 5 sp
Scroll of Invisibility* (backpack, 0 lb) 75 gp
Scroll of Knock* (backpack, 0 lb) 75 gp
Scroll of Locate Object* (backpack, 0 lb) 75 gp
Scroll of Tongues* (backpack, 0 lb) 187 gp, 5 sp
Potion of Remove Fear* (backpack, 0 lb) 25 gp
General Antitoxin x3 (backpack, 0 lb) [from DiCorso's Exotic Liquers and Alchemical Marvels]
Lizard and Toad Antitoxin x3 (backpack, 0 lb) [from DiCorso's Exotic Liquers and Alchemical Marvels]
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x3 (backpack, 0 lb) [from DiCorso's Exotic Liquers and Alchemical Marvels]
Translation of the Codex Alaraxus (backpack, 0 lb) [from Aldinis]
Rubbing of the Vermithrax Tablet (backpack, 0 lb) [from Aldinis]
"Crystal Rod" (backpack, 0 lb) [from Aldinis]
"Crystal Warning Alarm" (backpack, 0 lb) [from Aldinis]

Coins- 7 gp, 8 sp (pouch, 0 lb)
Identification papers w/ portrait (pouch, 0 lb) 5 gp

*Created by Erin[/sblock]
‘he has no name’(N male personality warforged, psychic warrior 4) – Former servant of a kalashtar merchant; became masterless during the Mourning. Traveled with Erin from Cyre to Q’Barra.
[sblock] ‘he has no name’
Warforged Psychic Warrior 4 (10600 XP)
Alignment: Neutral.

Str 14 (+2) ... [6 pts]
Dex 14 (+2) ... [6 pts]
Con 14 (+2) ... [4 pts, +2 racial]
Int 10 (+0) ... [2 pts]
Wis 13 (+1) ... [6 pts, -2 racial, L4 increase]
Cha 08 (-1) ... [2 pts, -2 racial]

Action Points 7
HD 4d8+8 (hp 35.8)
Initiative +6 ..... [+2 dex, +4 feat]
Speed 30 .......... [base 30, light armour]
Armour Class 20 ... [base 10, +5 armour, +3 shield, +2 dex]
- Touch 15 ........ [base 10, +3 shield, +2 dex]
- Flat Footed 15 .. [base 10, +5 armour, +3 shield]
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2

BAB +3, Grapple +5
- longsword +5 melee (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
- short spear +5 melee (1d6+2, 20x2)
- short spear +5 range (1d6+2, 20x2, 20 ft.)

+9 Concentration +9 ... [7 ranks, +2 con]
+7 Craft (blacksmith) . [7 ranks, +0 int]
+1 Listen ............. [0 ranks, +1 wis. nb: +4 power*]
+1 Spot ............... [0 ranks, +1 wis. nb: +4 power*]

- Mithral Body (+5 AC, +5 max dex, -2 ACP)
- Improved Initiative (+4 Initiative)
- Psionic Meditation (move action to regain Psionic focus)
- Psionic Weapon (expend focus, +2d6 damage to attack)

Warforged Traits
- Living Construct Subtype.
- +2 con, -2 wis, -2 cha.
- Medium size.
- Base land speed 30 feet.
- Composite Plating (Mithral Body).
- Light Fortification.
- Natural Weapon: Slam Attack 1d4.

Psychic Warrior Abilities
- Bonus Feats at 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th etc
- Skill Points (2+int)/level

Medium, 6'4" tall, 274 lbs, 7 yrs old.

Power Points 5+4
First Level Powers:
- Metaphysical Weapon (+1 enchantment, 1pp, std, 1min/L)
- Precog Defense (+1 insight to AC/saves, 1 pp, std, 1min/L)
- Claws of the Beast (nat weapon, 1pp, swift, 1hour/L)
Second Level Powers:
- Detect Hostile Intent (3pp, 30' radius, 10min/L)


"You are not like the other warforged, just as I am not like the other people of this continent," said Minharath in the silent voice he prefered. Of all the kalashitar, Minharath was the one with whom the warforged spent the most time with, and whom seemed to have the most interest in the performance of the warforged, and his development.

"We share a link to the Dal Quor, the plane of Dreams, and it gives us powers that the people here have little understanding of."

'He has no name' was forged about as decade before the end of the Last War at the request of a kalashitar merchant house in Sharn. For a number of years he served his owners as a guard, soldier, labourer, whatever was needed. It was an easy life, despite the war that raged across the continent, for the owners of 'warforged' (as he was known to his owners) had little interest in the outcome. On occasions, however the war came to them, and warforged fought as he was designed to do.

All that changed on the Day of Mourning. Business had taken the kalashitar to Cyre, and as was often the case, warforged had traveled with them. Nightfall found warforged fleeing the newly created Mournlands east towards Q'barra with a group of refugees.

It was in Q'Barra that he learnt that he was free. Since then, warforged has been towards earning enough to return to Sharn. But he has not decided if he will return to the kalashtar. The kalashtar were not bad masters, but warforged hasn't decided yet whether he wishes to be part of their world or not.


Warforged has little interest in wondering who he is, or why he is here. He is happy enough with what he knows, that he is a warforged, and he was forged for combat. Free to choose his own path, he has chosen to continue the project of Minharath and see how far he can develop as a Psychic Warrior. Wealth has little appeal for him. Nor does power. He seeks both only as far as he needs either them to be able to do what he needs to do in order to continue to learn.


Warforged stands 6'3" tall, and weights in at about 260 lbs. He is a little more slender than many of his kind, and with his mithral body, a fair bit lighter. He distains clothing, seeing no need for it.

The brightwork of his body is dulled with a dark wax that serves to both prevent it from glinting in the light, and tarnishing. The wax can easily be removed to reveal the brightwok beneath, but recently warforged has taken to leaving it on, prefering the darker tone and given that the wax is inevitably scratched and rubbed off in places, the slightly battered look of the coated metal. Beneath the wax can be see numerous inscribed marks. They suggest ornamental embellishment, or even dragon marks, but are neither. They are psychic tatoos.

Mithral Body
Warforged Repair Kit (internal compartments? 1 lbs, 50 gp)
Tatoos (body)
- L1 Chameleon x2 (100 gp)
- L1 Compression x2 (100 gp)
- L1 Elfsight x2 (100 gp)
- L1 Stomp x2 (100 gp)
- L2 Animal Afinity x2 (600 gp)
- L2 Body Adjustment x2 (600 gp)
- L2 Dimension Swap x2 (600 gp)
- L3 Dimension Slide (750 gp)
- L3 Psionic Levitate (750 gp)

Longsword (waist left, 4 lbs, 15 gp)
Leather case (waist right, 1 lbs, 1 gp)
- Flint and Steel (- lbs, 1 gp)
- Noxious smokestick x3 (1.5 lbs, 240 gp)
- Sunrod x5 (10 lbs, 10 gp)
- Travelling Papers (- lbs, 2 sp)
Blacksmith Tools (waist back, 5 lbs, 55 gp)
- inc Crowbar (5 lbs, 2 gp)

+1 Hvy Steel Shield (back, 15 lbs, 1170 gp)
Cold Iron Short Spear (back, 3 lbs, 2 gp)

Coins - 3 gp, 8 sp (pouch)

Large War Dog (150 gp)[/sblock]
Devian Borden aka “Old Borden” (NG male human, cleric 4 (Sovereign Host)) – elderly priest reliving his glory days as an adventurer.
[sblock]Devian Borden “Old Borden”
Human male, Cleric 4 of the Sovereign Host (10300)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 67

Str 6 (-2)
Dex 9 (-1)
Con 8 (-1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 19 (+4)
Cha 16 (+3)

Action Points: 7

HD 4d8-4 (hp 19)

Initiative: -1
Speed: 30 .......... [base 30, light armor]

AC 15 ... [base 10, +5 armor, -1 dex, +1 deflection]
- Touch 10 ........ [base 10, -1 dex, +1 deflection]
- Flat Footed 15 .. [base 10, -1 dex, +1 deflection]

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +8

BAB +3, Grapple +1

- Quarterstarff +2 melee (1d6-2, bludgeoning 20x2)
- Crossbow +3 ranged (1d8, piercing, 19-20x2, 20 ft.)


+6 Concentration ......[7 ranks, -1 con]
+10 Diplomacy ..........[7 ranks, +3 cha]
+9 Knowledge(religion).[7 ranks, +2 int]
+1 Knowledge(history)..[1 rank, +2 int]
+5 Heal................[1 rank, +4 wis]
+5 Craft (woodworking).[1 rank, +4 wis]
+6 Sense motive (cc)...[2 ranks, +4 wis]

- Scribe scroll
- Sacred Boost
- Extra turning

Turn undead:
10/day, 60ft
check: 1d20+3
damage: 2d6+7

-Sun (greater turning 1/day)
-Healing (+1 CL healing spells)


Lv0 (DC 14) 5
Cure minor wounds, Guidance, Detect magic, Light x2

Lv1 (DC 15) 4+1
Bless, Cause fear, Sanctuary, Shield of faith + Endure elements

Lv2 (DC 16) 3+1
Bears endurance, Hold person, Zone of truth + Heat metal


Chain Shirt +1...................1250gp
Mwk Quarterstaff / Holy symbol....300gp
Ring of protection +1 ...........2000gp
Mwk light crossbow................335gp
Bolts x30...........................3gp
Cloack of resistance +1 .........1000gp
Wand of cure light wounds x30 ....450gp
Pocket knife........................2gp
-Rations x2
-writing tools and parchment


Devian is a neutral good cleric of the Sovereign host.
When he was younger he served in the war, fighting against the Karranthi
(that's why he hates undead) but he was always in support,
healing the wounded -a thing he's always had a knack for.

For 30 years he's been content with being a small town cleric,
helping refugees and people fleeing from the fronts.
He never wanted profit and will heal anyone who needs it.

Now that the war is finally over, he intends to fullfill a
promise made to a halfling friend who died in his care, to
find out what happened to his family, a young dragonmarked
halfling of house Jorasco with a wife and infant son who
dissapeared in one of their travels 20 years ago.

For the last two years Devian has been joining bands of adventurers
and honing up his skills, he discovered that he enjoys life on the
road and adventure makes him feel younger.

Tall and thin, Old borden has weathered olive skin. He is completely bald, but keeps a short and thick white beard he usually strokes while thinking.
His green eyes look intelligent and happy.

He wears loose priest robes, tied by a sash on the waist from which the silver holy symbol of the Sovereign host hangs. Underneath the robes a fine chain shirt can be seen.
Borden uses a quarterstaff bound with mithril and with an embedded holy symbol as a focus for his power, walking aid and occasional weapon. When he travels he hangs his crossbow and a small backpack on his back.

Old borden is wise and kind. He has seen a lot of good and bad in the world, and since the days of the war he dedicated himself to selflessly help those in need. He is a positive fellow, always in a good mood. He preaches the Host's teachings but is no fanatic, he accepts that many are faithless or neglect their worship, Borden hopes that by his acts of good he will set an example and win them over.

He doesn’t tolerate liars and is a very good judge of character.

You can always find with him a small pocketknife that he uses to carve wood when he has time, and candles for a nightly prayer.

He prays for spells and guidance at night before sleeping or first thing in the morning. He prefers praying at night for spells of a more aggressive nature.[/sblock]
Xavier Veris (NG male human, scout 4) Last War veteran and Cyran refugee, haunted by his past.

Sanae Jarnell (LG female human, paladin 4) Devoted servant of the Silver Flame fallen on hard times

Eff Flat (N male personality warforged, bard 4) Enigmatic wandering musician.

Character Creation:
Again, my first preference is for people to assume the three open roles above, but if you’ve got a character concept you absolutely must submit, use these guidelines.
[sblock]Ability Scores: 28 point buy (and don’t forget to add in your 4th level attribute bonus!)

Races: All common races from the Player’s Handbook and Eberron Campaign Setting. Goblinoid races and Orcs are also acceptable choices. If you want to play something else you’ll have to make a very convincing case for it in your background.

Classes, Feats, Spells, Powers, Prestige Classes: In general Core, Expanded Psionics Handbook, and Eberron sourcebooks are fine, stuff from the Complete series is usable with permission, anything else is unlikely.

Hit Points: I use a somewhat esoteric system. Hit Points are figured with the following formula:
Step One: Find maximum possible Hit Points and subtract Character Level. For example, for a 4th level cleric this value would be 28 (8*4 = 32, 32-4 = 28); for a Fighter 3/Rogue 1 this value would be 32 (3*10 + 1*6 = 36, 36-4 = 32).
Step Two: Multiply the value from Step One by .85, rounding down the result.
In the above examples, the value would for the Cleric 4 would be 23 (28*.85, round down) and the value for the Fighter 3/Rogue 1 would be 27 (32*.85, round down).
Step Three: Add your Character Level back into the result from Step Two. For our example characters, the Cleric 4 would end up with 27 Hit Points (23+4) and our Fighter 3/Rogue 1 would have 31 (27+4).
Step Four: Add your Con Bonus (or subtract Con Penalty) * Character Level. Let’s say our Cleric 4 only has a 9 Con, giving a –1 penalty. That leaves a final Hit Point total of 19 (23-(4*1)). Our Fighter 3/Rogue 1 is healthier, with a 15 Con (+2 bonus), making a final Hit Point total of 39 (31+(4*2))
Note that this entire calculation, using all character levels, is performed every time you gain a level. If all of this is too confusing just let me know and I’ll tell you what your hit points are.

Starting Equipment: Characters start with the standard 5400 gp worth of equipment for 4th level characters. There is no limit on the value of any individual item you buy – if you want to blow it all on one thing, that’s your prerogative. There is one twist though – if you don’t use it, you lose it! No character can start the game with more than 10gp in cash. Anything beyond that not spent on equipment is lost (no, gems or other forms of wealth do not count as equipment!).[/sblock]
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First Post
Our Story So Far

Go here for the complete thread.

The story begins on the 19th of Dravago, in the luxurious Hotel Metrol in the city of Newthrone, capital of the jungle nation of Q’Barra. The player characters were gathered in response to an advertisement in the Adder Bay Times seeking discrete, combat-trained experts in solving trans-mundane difficulties. Calabas, a khorovar (half-elf) representative of their prospective employer, explained the situation.

It seems that one Kolbek Novilderth, a wealthy dwarf who owns a plantation further up river, is experiencing difficulties with raids from a tribe of poisondusk lizardfolk. Until just a few weeks ago, relations with the tribe had been sparse, but generally friendly. Mr. Novilderth can think of no reason for these attacks, which so far have been causing mostly property damage, although there have been a few injuries and two fatalities. The tribe actually lives about 20 miles away, but has been traveling to make the raids. There is a Tharashk mining outpost located between the poisondusk lands and Novilderth’s plantation, but curiously enough the lizardfolk seem to be avoiding it. This causes Novilderth to suspect that House Tharashk is somehow involved.

After asking a few questions, the Erin, ‘he has no name,’ Sanae, and Xavier signed a contract to undertake the assignment to put a stop to the raids “by any means necessary.” Payment on completion of the job will be 20,000 galifars (gold pieces). Calabas told the party that he would take them up river in the morning. In the meantime, he booked a luxurious suite in the Hotel for them and gave them 1,000 galifars for last minute supplies.

Sanae, Erin, and ‘he has no name’ went shopping for potions and alchemical supplies while Xavier turned in early. While in the store, they received a mental communication urgently asking to meet with them later. They could not locate the source of the message. Sanae and Erin went back to the hotel to inform Xavier (and late-comer Eff Flat) while ‘he has no name’ decided to spend the night wandering the streets.

Later that night, Eff Flat was surprised by a knock at their sixth floor window. He roused the others and the group let in the stranger, a thin red-haired human woman who gave off an “uncomfortable feeling” (although Sanae detected no evil). She introduced herself as Aldinis, a student of the draconic Prophecy, saying that she was the one who had contacted them earlier. In a lengthy story, Aldinis explained that she was there to pass on a heavy burden – a mysterious crystal rod that appeared to have been cut in two lengthwise. The rod caused an extreme emotional reaction when she brought it out of its lead-lined carrying case. She asked them merely to take it with them; fate would do the rest.

The group was highly suspicious of the entire matter. Aldinis had rather personal descriptions of them, but her predictions included a sixth person whom none of them had met, an old priest. Finally the group agreed to take the rod, withholding belief in the rest of it until the sixth person actually turned up.

Meanwhile, Old Borden, who, like Eff Flat, had interviewed for the job separately, was taking a walk in the park. He was accosted by two kobold would-be muggers, who seriously underestimated their prey, and also overlooked a nameless warforged who happened to be present. After a brief struggle, Old Borden and ‘he has no name’ left one of their assailants unconscious while the other fled.

The next morning, all six members were finally together. Calabas piloted an elemental powered flat boat up the river. The journey was interrupted by a river patrol boat crewed by Khorvairans, but carrying Riedran soldiers lead by one Kajalaketh. Outwardly charming, Kajalaketh explained that he was searching for contraband. With nothing to hide, the party allowed him to board. Then Kajalaketh demanded (politely at first) that the paladin (who incidently was the one carrying the rod) be taken aboard his vessel to be searched. All were suspicious of his motives and ‘he has no name’ used his psionic abilities to confirm ill-intent.

A fight broke out and although Kajalaketh had several mystic tricks up his sleeve, the party ultimately overcame him and his soldiers. Before dying, Kajalaketh told them that his body was just a shell, that he would return for vengeance, and that he would see them in their dreams. After turning up very little in Kajalaketh's quarters, the party decided to allow the crew and the surviving soldiers to go on their way and continued to the plantation.

They arrived at Steadfast Reach after dark. Their host greeted them warmly and saw to their needs and asked them to meet him for breakfast to discuss business. Mr. Novilderth opened the meeting by asking the party point blank how they planned to protect his property and what they needed from him to do it. That was where things left off.


First Post
I am interested in joining your game. I have been frequenting the boards quite a bit lately and am confident I could keep up with 4-5 posts a week. I am DM'ing an Eberron game for my RL group and a PbP game on the boards here.

I was wondering if Dargin, the halfling spirit shaman, would be an option to play? He seemed like an interesting PC though I know you left him far behind.


First Post
Yes, Dargin was an interesting character. It would certainly be feasible to work him back in – and he would start off with basic knowledge of the situation. And you have the added advantage that he was hardly played, so you can make him your own.

I won’t make final decisions before the end of the week, but Dargin is definitely in the running.


First Post
Urko, I'm going to keep Sanae. I think that I can work it that she would remain even without Erin and/or Xavier, so I'll be good to go.


Guest 11456

Just posting that I have made the transition to the new thread. Eff Flat is ready to go.



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Yeoman, Pebele, Tailspinner:
Thanks for checking in.

Yep, Erin is still available. Consider the position filled.

My goal is to restart the game by Monday or sooner if we get a full roster.

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