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Questions for Monte Cook?


What? Me Worry?
Questions for Monte:

* Could you please brain the idiot who keeps leaking info on your future products, thereby releasing us from the months and months of speculation that accompanies a leak?

Actually, seriously:

* Will you be continuing to work on material that seems to be in a Lovecraftian vein? Many of your recent projects (not counting CoC itself) seem to have a very Lovecraftian feel to them.

* How many projects do you have on your calendar at any given time? How far into the future are you usually booked up?

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What? Me Worry?
Oh yeah...has there been anything converted by fans or pros to 3e from past editions that made you say to yourself: "We purposely left that out of 3e for a good reason!"? What was it? Why did you feel that way about it?


Wielder of the Power Cosmic

What is your favorite colour?
What is your mothers maiden name?
What single part/item/facet of 3e are you most proud of?


T. Underbridge

First Post
1) What is your single favorite mechanic from the upcoming CoC d20 book?

2) Is there any downside that you see to the current glut of d20 material? Do you think some people will be overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of it and not want to bother trying to sift through it all to separate the great material from the so-so or total trash?

3) Your alternate Ranger class caused quite a stir when it was first released. Many people were glad that one of the designers of 3e acknowledged that there were some flaws in the original class yet were still unsatisfied with your new version. Do you think there can ever be a version of the Ranger that makes everyone happy? (or at least almost everyone?)

4) Secret societies and other campaign specific organizations are what you say prestige classes are really for. However, many people (myself included) prefer more generic prestige classes that can easily be stuck into any campaign. How do you strike a balance between the specificity that you say prestige classes should have and the ability of a prestige class to appeal to a large number of players and DMs?

5) Project yourself back to the first time you played D&D. Do you think the hobby has been able to live up to the expectations you had for it when you originally began playing?

6) ?


Mr. Cook, Sir;
What is the real secret behind figuring out CR's, EL's and ECL's? Are you ever going to let us laymen in on the secret?:D


Talath: "Mr. Cook, can I ask you a question?"

Monte Cook: "Sure."

Talath: "Why do you have to be such a jerk? Just tell me what your secret project is!"

Monte Cook: "I can't tell you, not because I don't want to, but because if I told you, I would be fired from Wizards of the Coast. You see, I am obligated to follow rules concerning said project, and those rules ..."

Talath: "Just answer the question Cook."

Monte Cook: "Because I don't want to tell you anymore!"

Talath: "Ass!"

Monte Cook: "Jerk!"

Talath: "The DMG sucked you hack!"

Monte Cook: "Ok thats it I'm gonna slap you around like a little red headed stepchild!"

Talath: "Bring it on Monte!"

Monte Cook beats the crap out of Talath, kicks him one last time, and walks away.

Monte: "Jerk!"

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.
Last edited:


But what of your +1 baseball bat, Talath?

Talath said:
Monte Cook: "I can't tell you, not because I don't want to, but because if I told you, I would be fired from Wizards of the Coast. You see, I am obligated to follow rules concerning said project, and those rules ..."

Um, Monte left WotC MONTHS ago...he merely does freelance work for them now.

*kicks Talath while he's down*


Talath: "Come back you old hack! You left Wizards of the Coast, so you can't be fired! You lied! You were just fishing for an answer weren't you!"

Monte Cook: "Awwww what's wrong, didn't get too much of an ass-kicking the first time you john-apple-corn-butter boy?"

Talath draws baseball bat +1.

Talath: "Let's go you lying bastard!"

Monte proceeds to kick the crap out of Talath. Again. It is quite merciless. And bloody.

Monte Cook: "If I ever see you again, I'm going to give you a spinal tap with that baseball bat of yours you crooked crackbaby!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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