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Questions from our sessions (updated for 9/7 session)


EDIT: This is an ongoing thread of questions from our playtest games. I take down questions, comments, and critiques and post them here. Links are to later session posts:

We talked about a lot of the rules and character and monster powers and the group was divided on many things. What follows is a list of what we didn't have an immediate answer for without a DM's ruling. Some are concerns and some are questions.

I've posted in the storyhour forum the play test results.

1. Languages are too few. All the PCs had only Common and maybe their demi-human language, no humanoid languages needed for the adventure: kobold, goblin, orc, gnoll, giant, etc.

2. DM determining who has surprise was not liked. For non-obscured sneaky acts.

3. Where are the rules for sharing a square? I didn’t see any, so we I allowed it, but didn’t accept combat actions taken when sharing a square.

4. No Darkvision for the PCs, even Dwarves? And yet the humanoid enemies in the adventure have it.

5. Reactions, are these your action for the Round? Especially for the Cleric of Moradin’s Guardian Defender feat?

6. Sleep is possibly permanent, like Sleeping Beauty. I happen to love this, but I can’t believe it was intended considering how spells and powers were designed for long term use.

7. Needing Advantage only to sneak attack made the Rogue a hidden ranged & “pop in” heavy damage dealer almost every round. Does the Ambusher feat require an action to re-hide every round after an attack?

8. Short Rests with negative CON modifier & low rolls (e.g. -4 CON Mod & rolling a 1 = -3 HP damage incurred).

9. Wording on Healer’s Kit was unclear for one player. Is this Per Person? Per HD used? Or Per Group? (the last was suggested as most likely as the Pelor Cleric was carrying only 1).

10. If other PCs do not sleep to gain from an E-Rest the characters may get on different sleep cycles. Is there any penalty for not sleeping after 24 hours or just not sleeping at all?

11. Moradin’s cleric allows Crusader’s Strike spell for unholy damage (and any PC alignment), unlikely for Moradin.

12. Spiritual Hammer does 1d8 Force damage, but does it receive + Modifier as well? All other weapons do.

13. Someone threw 2 javelins at once as 2-weapon fighting. I couldn’t find any rules for TWF, but there was a Light weapon trait.

14. Ranged weapons never quite suffered except when the ranged weapon user was involved directly in melee and then only suffered disadvantage for the use. What about firing into melee? Or Firing through allies in LOS?

15. How are weapon ranges and weapon reach applied without a grid in Theatre of the Mind?

16. Our group was split on keeping or not keeping Critical Hit confirmation and allowing more damage on them.

17. Where is my Read Magic? I assume it was removed as a needless 0-level at will spell. It isn’t.

18. Who can use what Magic Items? Casting a scroll has no limit on who can do so nor deciphering to do so.

19. Light is at will for some classes. Light is no longer an issue and this will shortchange obscurity-based powers.

20. Spellbook copying? There were no rules, but I assume anyone can use anyone’s now? Plus anyone can read one and cast the spells out as scrolls. (This item was not in the playtest adventure though).

21. 1 Minute Per Spell to prep spells? This is far too fussy. I track time and it’s must get to be an impediment every extended rest counting up these minutes or everyone will hand wave it. Just make it 1 hour again.

22. What is Radiant damage? Light-based, but it isn’t a laser? At Will with out resources Radiant Lance gives the Pelor Cleric a slow annihilation of everything in the game. 10 minutes = 100d8+400 hp of damage on my doors. It is hard to believe any of these spells are balanced for long-term play (anything more than 6 seconds of consequences). At will are too powerful for exploration play.

23. Do Reactions change Initiative or only Readied Actions to perform a Reaction?

24. The pre-gen PC ACs are too high. I used the Bestiary monsters and none could hit almost the entire session.

25. Where are the mass combat rules for 8 on 1 surrounded? Any 1 PC could take down goblin town and only the Wizard or Rogue would need to hide. It’s 10,000 orcs and even with Help rules it sucks. The Goblin Chieftain needs the help.

26. What are the grappling rules? Overbear?

27. Spiritual Hammer can be used as written without Line of Sight. It can spectrally enter unseen rooms and attack.
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First Post
That's a lot of questions. IU'll try answering this:

15. How are weapon ranges and weapon reach applied without a grid in Theatre of the Mind?
Answer: Sparingly, only when it matters. Same goes for differences in speed.

For example, you can use a reach weapon from second rank in a tight group.

Also for example, weapon ranges and opponents' speed can be used to figure out how many ranged attacks you might get whilst they close on you, or flee.

Most of the time however, in a gridless system, those weapon statistics are not used, or are used very loosely with DM arbitration.

the Jester

For the most part I've assumed the answers to my questions were, "It's still in development." However, I do have a question that seemed like it ought to have an answer in the rules: What are the effects of being obscured or heavily obscured?


2. DM determining who has surprise was not liked. For non-obscured sneaky acts.
How was it determined in your previous games? The DM has always decided who gets Surprise.

3. Where are the rules for sharing a square? I didn’t see any, so we I allowed it, but didn’t accept combat actions taken when sharing a square.
I don't believe you can share a square. You can move through but you can't stop. However, I like your call.

4. No Darkvision for the PCs, even Dwarves? And yet the humanoid enemies in the adventure have it.
With Lowlight, the Dwarves and Elf can see in the dark, it's just shadowy.

5. Reactions, are these your action for the Round? Especially for the Cleric of Moradin’s Guardian Defender feat?
No. You get 1 reaction per turn. Similar to an Immediate Interrupt from 4e.

6. Sleep is possibly permanent, like Sleeping Beauty. I happen to love this, but I can’t believe it was intended considering how spells and powers were designed for long term use.
Probably should have, "Max duration, 8 hours."

7. Needing Advantage only to sneak attack made the Rogue a hidden ranged & “pop in” heavy damage dealer almost every round. Does the Ambusher feat require an action to re-hide every round after an attack?
If you hit, then yes, you need to rehide. But Hiding is an Action so you would have to wait until your next turn. We found at first level, there wasn't much use attacking-hiding-attacking for the +1d6. However, you could still use the Sneak attack anytime you have Advantage, so it still adds extra damage during the fight. At 3rd level, it is a great idea to hide-attack-hide-attack, becasue ever other turn you get +3d6 extra damage which is worth skipping every other round.

8. Short Rests with negative CON modifier & low rolls (e.g. -4 CON Mod & rolling a 1 = -3 HP damage incurred).
Good point. We used negative=0.

9. Wording on Healer’s Kit was unclear for one player. Is this Per Person? Per HD used? Or Per Group? (the last was suggested as most likely as the Pelor Cleric was carrying only 1).
Healer's Kit had 10 uses. At 1st level, it's 1 use per character. At level 3, the cleric can use 1 use per 7 characters.

10. If other PCs do not sleep to gain from an E-Rest the characters may get on different sleep cycles. Is there any penalty for not sleeping after 24 hours or just not sleeping at all?
Not in these rules. Something that will surely be added as a whole book is actually released. If I had a player that chose not to sleep, I would rule Disadvantage for all rolls until a long rest is taken.

11. Moradin’s cleric allows Crusader’s Strike spell for unholy damage (and any PC alignment), unlikely for Moradin.
Crusader's Strike allows unholy damage. Moradin may not.

12. Spiritual Hammer does 1d8 Force damage, but does it receive + Modifier as well? All other weapons do.
Good question. We didn't add in the Ability modifier because it was already in addition to whatever the cleric's action was.

13. Someone threw 2 javelins at once as 2-weapon fighting. I couldn’t find any rules for TWF, but there was a Light weapon trait.
First, I wouldn't rule javelins as light. Second, the barebones playtest doesn't have TWF added yet. Again, I would look to both attacks at Disadvantage if I had to, but would honestly rule against TWF with Javelins. Mostly becasue if you have the Reaper feat, you could be doing 6 dmg a turn even on a miss no matter what the penalty is.

14. Ranged weapons never quite suffered except when the ranged weapon user was involved directly in melee and then only suffered disadvantage for the use. What about firing into melee? Or Firing through allies in LOS?
No rules against firing into Melee or Allies blocking LOS. Those were simplified out of D&D in 4e, and I'm ok with that. Again, you could add them in and give Disadvantage.

15. How are weapon ranges and weapon reach applied without a grid in Theatre of the Mind?
That's a whole discussion in and of itself.

16. Our group was split on keeping or not keeping Critical Hit confirmation and allowing more damage on them.
My group thought a CRIT could use "something else" as well. But we played with the rules as written.

17. Where is my Read Magic? I assume it was removed as a needless 0-level at will spell. It isn’t.
It may be an at-will that just wasn't chosen for this Pre-gen.

18. Who can use what Magic Items? Casting a scroll has no limit on who can do so nor deciphering to do so.
Again, I think this is too early in the playtest to worry about. Once Rituals and Full Magic Items rules come out, we'll have our answers for those.

19. Light is at will for some classes. Light is no longer an issue and this will shortchange obscurity-based powers.
Correct. However, too much is also a problem for some classes. It's also an at-will that was chosen by that Pre-gen. Maybe the next wizard will choose Read Magic instead.

20. Spellbook copying? There were no rules, but I assume anyone can use anyone’s now? Plus anyone can read one and cast the spells out as scrolls. (This item was not in the playtest adventure though).
Again, I think this is too early in the playtest to worry about. Once Rituals and Full Magic Items rules come out, we'll have our answers for those.
21. 1 Minute Per Spell to prep spells? This is far too fussy. I track time and it’s must get to be an impediment every extended rest counting up these minutes or everyone will hand wave it. Just make it 1 hour again.
I agree, unless someone can give me a reason for why 1 MpSL is better than 1 hour. However, if we extrapolate using 3e Spell Progression, it would be 180 minutes to memorize 4 spells of each level (lot of assumptions here). So maybe they don't want a level 20 wizard to use all their spells in a day and then get all of them back with just 60 minutes of studying the next.

22. What is Radiant damage? Light-based, but it isn’t a laser? At Will with out resources Radiant Lance gives the Pelor Cleric a slow annihilation of everything in the game. 10 minutes = 100d8+400 hp of damage on my doors. It is hard to believe any of these spells are balanced for long-term play (anything more than 6 seconds of consequences). At will are too powerful for exploration play.
I think I understand what you are asking. How is it different than Shocking Grasp? How is it different than 4e at-wills?

23. Do Reactions change Initiative or only Readied Actions to perform a Reaction?
Reactions do not change your initiative. I would say Readied actions don't change your initiative either. If a player wants to delay their turn until the orc moves up, then attacks right after the orc, I would let them, because it didn't grant them any more extra actions. Just used their original action later in the turn.

24. The pre-gen PC ACs are too high. I used the Bestiary monsters and none could hit almost the entire session.
We didn't have the same experience. I was able to take down a fighter and nearly the wizard and various other damage. AC felt just right for me.

25. Where are the mass combat rules for 8 on 1 surrounded? Any 1 PC could take down goblin town and only the Wizard or Rogue would need to hide. It’s 10,000 orcs and even with Help rules it sucks. The Goblin Chieftain needs the help.
Again, too early in the playtest to be concerned. If these are in the final playtest, then I would bring it up. As it is now, there are no rules for flanking or OAs or facing. I assume this comes from your AC issues so it wasn't an issue for my group. Also, Kobolds already have mass combat rules built in. As do the Rats.

26. What are the grappling rules? Overbear?
Contest. Opposed Strength checks.

27. Spiritual Hammer can be used as written without Line of Sight. It can spectrally enter unseen rooms and attack.
Yes. We thought this was overpowered.

Great questions. I hope I offered some insight.
As always, My opinions are not wrong, they are just mine.


Great questions. I hope I offered some insight.
As always, My opinions are not wrong, they are just mine.
Thanks for your help. My experience with 4e is limited, so it helps to understand where the game is coming from. I like to focus on exploration play and it can be fun, but too many of the 4e abilities seemed applicable and balanced for only combat, which I didn't care for. I used a different module than B2 as well, but I think I'll post the play test events separately. Thanks again.

One last concern:

28. Dwarven Stonecunning - One player thought this was "near worthless now" until I pointed out it completely removed one of the most iconic elements of D&D: mapping. It used to be the DM's maze that the players mapped so they didn't get lost. 5e stonecunning as is allows any Dwarf PC to "Find the Path" back to where they were. I just couldn't do it. What about bringing back detecting slopes, moving walls, stone traps, new construction and the like instead?


First Post
28. Dwarven Stonecunning - One player thought this was "near worthless now" until I pointed out it completely removed one of the most iconic elements of D&D: mapping. It used to be the DM's maze that the players mapped so they didn't get lost. 5e stonecunning as is allows any Dwarf PC to "Find the Path" back to where they were. I just couldn't do it. What about bringing back detecting slopes, moving walls, stone traps, new construction and the like instead?

Totally agree. I specifically mentioned this as a problem in my playtest feedback.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
1. Languages are too few. All the PCs had only Common and maybe their demi-human language, no humanoid languages needed for the adventure: kobold, goblin, orc, gnoll, giant, etc.
We assumed this was an oversight when the module was converted to the new edition. The first time we played it, we played it as-written. The second time and third times, we used the BECM rules for the demi-humans' "extra languages." The dwarves could speak Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, and Kobold; the elf could speak Elf, Gnoll, Hobgoblin, and Orc.

5. Reactions, are these your action for the Round? Especially for the Cleric of Moradin’s Guardian Defender feat?
I think you get one Reaction per round, in addition to your Action. (Page 9 of the playtest instructions.)

14. Ranged weapons never quite suffered except when the ranged weapon user was involved directly in melee and then only suffered disadvantage for the use. What about firing into melee? Or Firing through allies in LOS?
We were confused about this also. We ended up applying Disadvantage to firing into melee or firing through an occupied square. Seemed to work pretty well for us.

22. What is Radiant damage? Light-based, but it isn’t a laser? At Will with out resources Radiant Lance gives the Pelor Cleric a slow annihilation of everything in the game. 10 minutes = 100d8+400 hp of damage on my doors. It is hard to believe any of these spells are balanced for long-term play (anything more than 6 seconds of consequences). At will are too powerful for exploration play.
Good catch...I'm glad nobody in my group thought of that. Yet. >_> How did you handle it?

26. What are the grappling rules? Overbear?
We resolved it with opposed Strength checks.


22. What is Radiant damage? Light-based, but it isn’t a laser? At Will with out resources Radiant Lance gives the Pelor Cleric a slow annihilation of everything in the game. 10 minutes = 100d8+400 hp of damage on my doors. It is hard to believe any of these spells are balanced for long-term play (anything more than 6 seconds of consequences). At will are too powerful for exploration play.

While I might agree with the general thought of your point (or at least accept it that it is as how you feel even if it's not how i feel), I'm not sure I agree with your specific example. If someone is taking 10 minutes to attack a door, surely the people on the other side or elsewhere in the structure would notice and react or prepare something .... that's a lot of time for someone to notice, and a lot of time for someone to prepare.
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First Post
22. What is Radiant damage? Light-based, but it isn’t a laser? At Will with out resources Radiant Lance gives the Pelor Cleric a slow annihilation of everything in the game. 10 minutes = 100d8+400 hp of damage on my doors. It is hard to believe any of these spells are balanced for long-term play (anything more than 6 seconds of consequences). At will are too powerful for exploration play.

How is this any different than taking a hammer to the door for 100d8+400 damage? Do hammers break exploration play too? At will spells don't break exploration any more than crowbars, pitons, lock picks and ropes. It's just another tool in the tool belt.

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