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Questions from our sessions (updated for 9/7 session)


A little late, but the new storyhour was put on the backburner for time. These are the last of the first iteration of the playtest. More will come in a few says, maybe a week for our last session.

1. The size of crates in my adventure were too large to fit in the doors. Not a serious problem at all, but part of good editing for adventure design for any game.

2. The spell DC on Turn Undead was considered poor.

3. There absolutely needs to be, at least as an option, XP for results other than success in combat. Something "non-combat" related. My players explored a lot this session and took actions, like detecting magic to their benefit, without receiving much XP at all except for some zombies.

4. Turn Undead sucks. It should destroy undead at higher levels. The DC should be higher. It never improves nor increases in times per day. [I suggest it be at will, one of the few like that as it defines the class]

5. an 18 Wisdom for Radiant Lance and above average rolls just blows creatures away at a distance. They consider this cleric version to be a warlock and the other a paladin.

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3. Where are the rules for sharing a square? I didn’t see any, so we I allowed it, but didn’t accept combat actions taken when sharing a square.

Personally, I would give Disadvantage to all actions.

5. Reactions, are these your action for the Round? Especially for the Cleric of Moradin’s Guardian Defender feat?

23. Do Reactions change Initiative or only Readied Actions to perform a Reaction?

5. No. You have an action and a reaction each round.
23. No. Usual reactions do not change initiative.

6. Sleep is possibly permanent, like Sleeping Beauty. I happen to love this, but I can’t believe it was intended considering how spells and powers were designed for long term use.

My document says, it's up to 1 minute.

7. Needing Advantage only to sneak attack made the Rogue a hidden ranged & “pop in” heavy damage dealer almost every round. Does the Ambusher feat require an action to re-hide every round after an attack?

Yes. You can remain hidden, if you miss, with the 3rd level feat, but that's it.

11. Moradin’s cleric allows Crusader’s Strike spell for unholy damage (and any PC alignment), unlikely for Moradin.

Why does Moradin have evil clerics?

12. Spiritual Hammer does 1d8 Force damage, but does it receive + Modifier as well? All other weapons do.

But spells don't. So unless, it explicitely says so: No.

18. Who can use what Magic Items? Casting a scroll has no limit on who can do so nor deciphering to do so.

20. Spellbook copying? There were no rules, but I assume anyone can use anyone’s now? Plus anyone can read one and cast the spells out as scrolls. (This item was not in the playtest adventure though).

The devs once said, that casting a scroll would require sacrificing a spell slot. Of course, that may have changed by now.

22. What is Radiant damage? Light-based, but it isn’t a laser? At Will with out resources Radiant Lance gives the Pelor Cleric a slow annihilation of everything in the game. 10 minutes = 100d8+400 hp of damage on my doors. It is hard to believe any of these spells are balanced for long-term play (anything more than 6 seconds of consequences). At will are too powerful for exploration play.

Why would you want to be a cleric for that? Have a decent strength score and grab a weapon.


Just a few questions and comments on the Future of D&D panel from PAX 2012. (I'm finally getting time to watch theses.

1. With the very divergent prices of armor in the playtest now, is a default treasure by level reward system being devised to balance these prices? Must they be default? Or the Starting Funds at 1st level?
- My answer: No, but the game is balanced between players/characters by having a shared price / starting fund amount - whatever the current campaign's may be. Equipment can be balanced per adventure where NPC & PCs have similar armor because they are in a similar or balanced economy. I'd assume published adventures would use a default adventure design scale or list how they differ from it (and perhaps a DMG section how doing this ones self - in case they want to change it back, to something else, and so on).

2. Does anyone know if any thought has been given to removing character levels completely, a concept unique to 3e, and going back to individual class levels?

3. Comment: One of the key elements of D&D: It never removes the Players (not DMs) from the point of view of the character. For the players it is forever 1st person and character portrayal is what makes roleplaying different from the broader term of acting. It's strictly persona portrayal, and more traditionally social role portrayal.

4. It was mentioned that better ideas are bound to occur for the design of the game after it is released. Are there plans for addressing specifically the communal conversation of house rules and then adding them to the game (like AD&D did), call it shared design or crowdsourcing or whatever? I would think publishers still decide what makes it into the published rules, but a positive feedback loop has many other beneficial effects on a community. (Not to mention the growing and evolving of the game)


We had our fourth session last weekend (which kicked me into gear for posting this stuff again). Below are all the playtest concerns and questions brought up during that session...

1. No good healing options exist. The cleric needs a healing domain.

2. OD&D split clerical / divine spells available [spells known] in half for odd & even levels. 5th edition should to this too. Say 5/level by default & +/- by WIS score (though "universal" modifier as it stands it too high). Otherwise the 5th edition cleric has empty levels half the time as a player pointed out. [In our OD&D game, if you choose to gain a spell of a lower level you can gain 2 for 1, 4 1st for a 3rd level spell known, and so on]

3. Dwarves should not have poison immunity or Stonecunning "Find the Path" at will. This removes elements from the game, instead of making them easier when rolls are called for.

4. Willpower depleted for the Sorcerer means they are transformed. The flavor text does not match (is contradictory to) the power descriptions. These should say "will power depleted" at zero, not after X number of points. Or change the flavor text.

5. Healer Specialty Herbalism material components need to be better spelled out. In the middle of dungeon delving is this stuff available or do we need to go back to the city? How would it be found in the wilderness and so on.

6. Give dwarves back darkvision [I think this is a thief / hiding niche protection, but are you going to restrict *all* PC races?]

7. Skill Advancement was unclear. Is a new skill always an option instead of taking the 1 skill point on even levels? Or is it a both: new skill +1 point in any skill? Or do all previous skills receive a +1 (which doesn't read like the text at all).

8. Crossbows are Simple Missile Weapons, not complex. They are easy to use. Bows are hard to use.

9. Human sizes are too narrow for the spectrum presented. Humans average a much broader range of heights and weights.

10. Sorcerer gets a greatsword in his packet ?!

11. The weapon chart has weights that are far too heavy for what is listed. Google these weapons or use Wikipedia for reference. On second review, many are too low as well. All wrong.

12. No donkeys? Where do we buy animals? Relevant because lances are listed, but can only be used on a mount. Where are the mounts?

13. No tracking class as of yet. How do we do this normally, for other classes? Can they [I think all should have some ability by default, if even simply being able to follow a water way or the path of a buffalo stampede]

14. Comprehend Languages desperately needs to have a single round casting time to work in the 1st round of an encounter, especially if you have surprise.

15. Is language a skill? How do creatures learn more languages? Is there a limit? Racial / Cultural choice groups?

16. 1 Pint of oil in a lantern last 24 hours, not 6 hours. Torches are okay.

17. Dragon Strength (for sorcerers) is very poorly worded. "Next time you hit" & "During next minute". Is there a duration on a one shot power? [immediate effect]

18. Savagery (under gnoll abilities) doesn't go away when Frightened? They run, but still are raging?

19. Full Cover still requires a Hide check to gain a Sneak Attack, is this right? With move-attack-move there is still the issue of having a target and sneak attackers gaining the best damage every round.

20. Can you move through a hostiles square? Not like an ally where it is always yes, but if they resist you how can this be done?

21. Big problem. How do we allow for monsters to have healing, especially short healing? PCs have healers or healing kits, but no [iirc] monsters have any healing ability at all. What is to keep PCs from retreating every single battle for 5 minutes and attacking damaged enemies after their refresh? Who wouldn't do this knowing monsters don't heal and PCs "quick heal"?


First Post
Big problem. How do we allow for monsters to have healing, especially short healing? PCs have healers or healing kits, but no [iirc] monsters have any healing ability at all. What is to keep PCs from retreating every single battle for 5 minutes and attacking damaged enemies after their refresh? Who wouldn't do this knowing monsters don't heal and PCs "quick heal"?
Monsters chase after them and/or have healing kits/clerics on their side. What orc tribe would be complete without a shaman?

19. Full Cover still requires a Hide check to gain a Sneak Attack, is this right? With move-attack-move there is still the issue of having a target and sneak attackers gaining the best damage every round.

It's an action to hide. So round 1, move to cover, hide.

Round 2, break cover and attack. You're now revealed (unless you're a lurker and you missed).

Round 3, move to cover, hide.


First Post
1. No good healing options exist. The cleric needs a healing domain.

2. OD&D split clerical / divine spells available [spells known] in half for odd & even levels. 5th edition should to this too. Say 5/level by default & +/- by WIS score (though "universal" modifier as it stands it too high). Otherwise the 5th edition cleric has empty levels half the time as a player pointed out. [In our OD&D game, if you choose to gain a spell of a lower level you can gain 2 for 1, 4 1st for a 3rd level spell known, and so on]

At level 2 you get +1 spell prepped, skill training and a domain benefit, and at level 4 you get +1 spell prepped, skill training, a bonus to ability scores, and an extra Channel Divinity per day. Granted, these might not be as exciting as new spell levels, but neither is fighter level 4 or rogue level 3-4. I don't think it's worth reworking the whole spell system over (especially since the cleric Vancian system already confuses me).

3. Dwarves should not have poison immunity or Stonecunning "Find the Path" at will. This removes elements from the game, instead of making them easier when rolls are called for.

I think this is by design: 5e is largely about making things run quick and smooth, so whereas a lot of powers and bonuses in 3e or 4e required EXTRA rolls (e.g. Spell Resistance), powers in 5e tend to require FEWER rolls (Skill Mastery, poison/charm immunity). Poison/charm immunity is powerful enough to be cool, but it doesn't really change basic strategy much: even if the dwarf only gets Cast-Iron Stomach or a +4 racial bonus to saves vs. poison, it's still a really dumb idea to try to poison one. And of course any DM worth his salt will have a stash of special magical Dwarf Poison just in case the players get too cocky.

I also think Stonecutting isn't as bad as you suggest: it just lets you detect your approximate depth and retrace your steps now, not find a new path forward.

4. Willpower depleted for the Sorcerer means they are transformed. The flavor text does not match (is contradictory to) the power descriptions. These should say "will power depleted" at zero, not after X number of points. Or change the flavor text.

The flavor text here is IN ADDITION TO the mechanical effects of spending willpower: "When your willpower is depleted and your heritage transforms you, you might manifest the personality traits of a dragon, as well as draconic physical traits." It's a suggestion for roleplaying: above and beyond the physical transformations you undergo, your character might start to change his attitude and behavior when his Willpower is completely drained.

5. Healer Specialty Herbalism material components need to be better spelled out. In the middle of dungeon delving is this stuff available or do we need to go back to the city? How would it be found in the wilderness and so on.

Agreed. Personally I'd say it requires herbs that can be found in wooded areas with a good enough Survival check, with lots of DM wiggle room when he has some reason to deny you ("you require monksfoot root, which doesn't grow in these parts - better go back and bargain with that merchant"). It would be nice to have some guidelines on this though.

6. Give dwarves back darkvision [I think this is a thief / hiding niche protection, but are you going to restrict *all* PC races?]


7. Skill Advancement was unclear. Is a new skill always an option instead of taking the 1 skill point on even levels? Or is it a both: new skill +1 point in any skill? Or do all previous skills receive a +1 (which doesn't read like the text at all).

My read is that you can only use it on currently trained skills.

8. Crossbows are Simple Missile Weapons, not complex. They are easy to use. Bows are hard to use.

I think they're trying to make the simple/martial weapon divide represent weapons that peasants would use vs. weapons that knights and soldiers would use. So I agree that crossbows should be simple, but so should bows (since they're used by hunters without any formal military training.)

10. Sorcerer gets a greatsword in his packet ?!

Personally I think the draconic sorcerer should get heavy weapon proficiency added, but this is clearly an issue.

13. No tracking class as of yet. How do we do this normally, for other classes? Can they [I think all should have some ability by default, if even simply being able to follow a water way or the path of a buffalo stampede]

Survival check maybe?

17. Dragon Strength (for sorcerers) is very poorly worded. "Next time you hit" & "During next minute". Is there a duration on a one shot power? [immediate effect]

The duration is so that you can't just cast the spell once in the morning and carry it around until you swing at someone in the afternoon. I think it's pretty perfect: you can cast it before you kick down the door so your first melee attack in the encounter hits hard without taking a round to cast first.

19. Full Cover still requires a Hide check to gain a Sneak Attack, is this right? With move-attack-move there is still the issue of having a target and sneak attackers gaining the best damage every round.

It takes an action to hide, so sneak attackers can't SA every round. And since they added attacks of opportunity back in, I'm less concerned with sniper ducking behind a wall between shots than I was with melee rogues scurrying around without ever taking a hit. If you want to hit the sniper, ready an action or chase him down.

20. Can you move through a hostiles square?

I think only with the fighter Tumble maneuver or as a halfling.

Not like an ally where it is always yes, but if they resist you how can this be done?

I think they're wise to leave this up to DM interpretation. As DM I might say you have to roll a Str vs Str check to push someone out of their square before moving past, or a Dex vs Dex check with disadvantage to tumble through. But a DM running a narratively-driven, tactics-light game might make it easier to encourage more movement and creative thinking.

21. Big problem. How do we allow for monsters to have healing, especially short healing? PCs have healers or healing kits, but no [iirc] monsters have any healing ability at all. What is to keep PCs from retreating every single battle for 5 minutes and attacking damaged enemies after their refresh? Who wouldn't do this knowing monsters don't heal and PCs "quick heal"?

PC healing is limited by HD or daily spells, and you don't get nearly as many HD as 4th-level characters got healing surges. So if your first-level party tries this once, the second attack better finish the job, because they probably won't have any healing left.

Now, if the party retreats and takes a long rest, then as DM of course I'd have the monsters regroup and patch up their wounds, bring in reinforcements, etc.


First Post
Is the option for Ability Threshold (automatically succeed on a test against a DC lower than your ability - 5) no longer presented, or am I simply not finding it?

Voidrunner's Codex

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