Races: gallery and creation


First Post
@Presto - Nice race. With abilities equal and opposite to the goliath, I like that concept, I'll add it to the second post.

@Arkhandus - Two nice races.
Somnii - they are definately unique amoung humanoids, It would be cool if you could include a sort of "A day in the life" entry like in the races books. If you don't have the races books, basically the a day in the life entyies describe how a member of the a given race interacts with the world from the creature's eyes from waking up to going to sleep.
Nemeons - Having to eat a years worth of memory every day would make it difficult to adventure with a party not consisting of elves, and It woud seem to me that a Nemeon community would have trouble finding enough food. I would suggest reducing the require feeding to a month's worth. That way A nemeon community would require about 30 slaves per Nemeon instead of 365 slaves per Nemeon, and the party would be more willing to aid a starving Nemeon.

FYI - Posted Echto and Mushroomfolk
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There's a reason why nemeons generally live in small, nomadic families at most, and can only reproduce once in their lifetime. Generally, they'd devour the memories of defeated enemies (like those who are at negative hit points and thus unconscious). Might even use the Heal skill to stabilize those enemies until they can be sucked dry of nutritious memories. :] Also, their Sleep ability lets them render a weak foe (or a small group of weak foes) asleep for a while, allowing hte nemeon to feed on their memories while they sleep. Only conscious victims become aware of the memory-feasting, after all. As noted, nemeons regard other races instinctually as livestock, it takes an act of conscious effort to begin thinking of them otherwise. A PC nemeon would generally feast on the memories of enemies, and perhaps some of the memories of vagrants in the streets. Other PCs may occasionally be snacked-on in their sleep if the nemeon is close to starving. Still, I suppose I may lessen the amount of memory they need to consume.

I'll work a bit more on the two races later as I think up anything further worth posting in their descriptions. BTW, what Dreamform traits do folks think need some upgrading or downgrading? Generally, I tried to make the more-frequently-useful traits less potent (Toughened Hide, frex), while the rarely-useful traits were intended to be a bit strong (Fins, frex).


First Post
Arkhandus said:
Ability Scores: Somnii suffer a -2 racial adjustment to Charisma, as their mindsets and personalities are unusual. They have some trouble adapting to the thinking and behavior of real people, and their connection to real magic is less solid than that of Prime Material natives. Furthermore, each somnus suffers a -2 racial adjustment to one other ability score from amongst Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, while enjoying a +2 racial adjustment to one other score chosen from amongst those. Many somnii are unusually strong, tough, or nimble, but tend to be flawed in another physical trait.
This is an exelent balancing factor for the dreamform abilities

Arkhandus said:
Dreamform: Each somnus possesses a peculiar trait resulting from their dream-based form, such as wings for flying, fins for swimming, sticky pads for climbing, sharp-toothed jaws, feral claws, a spiked tail, or especially-springy legs. Thus, each somnus character receives one of the following Dreamform traits (additional traits may be added for selection at the DM's purview):

Sharp Jaws: The somnus has powerful jaws, a well-muscled neck, a wide-opening mouth, and sharp teeth. The somnus gains a bite as a natural weapon. This bite deals a base of 1d4 damage, plus one-and-a-half-times the character's Strength modifier. The damage is bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing.
Arkhandus said:
Monstrous Claws: The somnus has slightly-enlarged hands with muscular fingers and sharp, retractable claws. He or she gains two claws as natural weapons. Each claw deals a base of 1d2 damage, plus the somnus' Strength modifier. The damage is piercing and slashing. These claws cannot be used if the hands are covered in gauntlets that lack appropriate holes for the finger-claws.
Currently deals 1d2 points of damage, Should instead allow the Somnus to deal normal damage with unarmed strikes, and be considereed armed while doing so. Should also count as virtual improved unarmed strike for the purpose of qualifying for feats and PrCs
Arkhandus said:
Sturdy Tail: The somnus has a somewhat-short but tough tail, either reptilian or leathery, which is only moderately flexible. This gives him or her a +1 racial bonus on Balance and Swim checks, as well as providing the somnus with a tail slap natural weapon. This tail slap deals a base of 1d3 damage, plus one-and-a-half-times the somnus' Strength modifier. The damage is bludgeoning. However, the mostly-rigid tail makes some acrobatic stunts more difficult, so it imposes a -1 racial penalty on Tumble skill checks.
Arkhandus said:
Spiked Tail: The somnus possesses a long, somewhat-thin tail with spikes of some sort near the end. This gives the somnus a tail spike natural weapon. It deals a base of 1d4 damage, plus one-and-a-half-times the character's Strength modifier. The damage is bludgeoning and piercing.
Arkhandus said:
Wings: The somnus has a pair of feathery, bat-like, or insectoid wings, allowing the somnus to fly, but only for limited times due to underdeveloped shoulder muscles. These wings provide the somnus a fly speed of 10 feet with average maneuverability. Flying in this manner is considered 'running' for purposes of determining how long the somnus may continue, and for purposes of fatigue, but the somnus cannot actually take the 'run' action while flying this way. Regardless, the somnus cannot fly with these wings for more than 1 minute total each hour.
Should grant +5 bonus on jump checks.
Arkhandus said:
Fins: The somnus possesses numerous large, flexible fins, as well as webbed hands and feet, which allow for very capable swimming. This grants the somnus a natural swim speed of 30 feet. This carries the usual commensurate benefits of a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks, the ability to take 10 on Swim checks at any time except when threatened or dealing with dangerous obstacles, and the capacity to take the 'run' action while swimming in a straight line. This Dreamform trait only applies when the somnus has at least both hands free or both feet free, not wearing gloves, gauntlets, or boots on those two appendages.
Arkhandus said:
Sticky Pads: The somnus has special pads on the palm of his or her hands and the soles of his or her feet, with particularly wide-spreading fingers and toes. These pads possess incredibly-minute, retractable claws, usually unnoticeable, as well as the capacity to exude a sticky film. This allows him or her to climb fairly well, as well as grapple enemies more effectively and resist bull rushes more easily. Thus, the somnus gets a natural climb speed of 20 feet, with the usual commensurate +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and the ability to take 10 on Climb checks under any circumstances. The somnus may climb even upside-down, but loses the +8 on Climb checks in those circumstances. While climbing, the somnus retains its Dexterity bonus to AC, if any, and opponents get no bonus on attack rolls for attacking the climbing somnus. The somnus cannot run while climbing, but when it makes an accelerated climb, it moves at double its climb speed and uses a single Climb check with a -5 penalty. The somnus also gets a +2 racial bonus on grapple checks to grab a foe or maintain a grapple, as well as a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to resist a bull rush. However, the character's Sticky Pads trait only applies when he or she is wearing no more than one boot, glove, or gauntlet, and has at least both hands and one foot, or both feet and one hand, free for climbing; a gloved or gauntleted hand counts as not being free for this purpose.
Arkhandus said:
Springy Legs: The somnus has very good legs for jumping and dashing. This gives the somnus a +2 racial bonus on Jump skill checks, and increases the somnus' base speed to 40 feet.
should also grant bonus on tumble checks
Arkhandus said:
Resistant Hide: The somnus' flesh is particularly resistant to a certain kind of energy. The somnus gains either Acid Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5, Electricity Resistance 5, Fire Resistance 5, or Sonic Resistance 5. This is an extraordinary ability, and reduces the amount of damage taken by the somnus each round from the chosen energy type, by 5 points.
on the high end of balanced
Arkhandus said:
Chameleonic Hide: The somnus' skin, or scales or fur as appropriate, slowly shifts color to blend in with surroundings. This provides a +8 circumstance bonus on Hide checks when the somnus is not moving and not wearing much clothing or armor.
Should read: when wearing no or light armor
Arkhandus said:
Toughened Hide: The somnus has thick, leathery skin, hard scales, or some manner of chitinous or bony plates on their body. This provides the somnus with a +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class.
on the low end of balanced


First Post
This is a template format for submitting races.
Please quote this post, remove quote tags, and fill out each of the below fields with at least a sentence saying "unknown." or "there are none as of yet." This way all the races can fit comfortably into the second post, and are easy to browse through for content.
The Example Race (By [postername])


blah blah concept blah blah
Personality: blah blah
Pysical Description: blah blah
Relations: blah blah
Alignment: blah blah
Example Lands: blah blah
Religion: blah blah
Language: blah blah
Names: blah blah
Example Racial Traits
  • ability +2, ability -2
  • base speed 30 ft
  • size: pelalty/bonus
  • example skill bonus
  • unique mechanic
Racial Paragon Class
look into the link! http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#paragonClassesInYourGame
Racial Feats
Prerequisits: Example race, Con 1+
Benefit: You have feet!

Improved Feet!
Prerequisits: Example race, Feet! feat, Con 2+
Benefit: You have more feet!
Design Notes
it came to me when I was oposed to be doing something else in a prophetic dream! A race that lives without feet. Only the elite and religious caste of this race are blessed with the gift of feet, by their god Podiusaan. THat is why the race is balanced the way it is balanced
A special thanks to xXxGilgameshian4895xXx for nothing in particular. Even though he doesn't exist I don't care for him much
Plot hooks
  • a footless god threatens to bring athleat's foot upon all who do not convert to his worship, kill his choosen!
  • One happens upon the party for no good reason at all
  • An army of hobgoblins threatens the choosen of the footless god, they cannot pullthemeslves off the ground long enough for the hobgobos to punch them in the gut so the party is hired to, "You hold, we puch."

more optional catagories to come



First Post
Whoa! chaech out the raw amount of text and formatting in post #2! (you can do this by quoting it.) Don't worry though, I haave a system for keeping track of which race is which so that they can be edited and what not. Its not gonna be easy but I will take care of it.


First Post
Gwthnvrg, the vinefolk (By Arkhandus)


Vinefolk are a race of sentient, mobile plants, created some time ago by a fey wizard of questionable sanity but, perhaps, reasonably good intentions. Vinefolk, who call themselves gwthnvrg in their own language, are still adapting to life as humanoid-shaped, fey-minded creatures, having formerly been just a species of vine-growing plant in the fey realms. Now vinefolk live in the Prime Material as well as the realms of fey, and in both they are beginning to grow from rare curiosities to uncommon pests. Vinefolk feed on plant matter, fungi, and insects, while showing no aversion to hunting and eating non-vinefolk plant creatures. Vinefolk are somewhat like coldlbooded reptiles, in that they absorb heat from sunlight or nearby fires to metabolize any ingested food. Vinefolk need only one-quarter as much food and one-half as much water as a human would need, however, since they are not warmblooded. Vinefolk require sleep-like rest periods each day, as a humanoid would.
Personality: The gwthnvrg are curious and expansionistic, but feel an instinctual desire not to overburden nature, so they may move on from an area after a generation or two have fed on portions of that area's plantlife, allowing that land to eventually regenerate its flora. Vinefolk are usually unconcerned about the welfare or feelings of other races, but only because they're used to thinking somewhat like fey, and don't really know yet how they should act. Gwthnvrg would like to be accepted by other races, but aren't even sure yet why other races dislike them. The vinefolk are driven simply by curiousity and hunger most of the time. They have a slightly greedy or selfish disposition, but not so noticeable as that of dwarves or orcs for instance.
Physical Description: Gwthnvrg appear at first glance to be little more than man-shaped masses of vines, bound together in spots with treebark, standing roughly 7 feet tall. Each arm and leg is formed of several vines, with varying thickness, seemingly stuck together by glue or the like, and a few bands of bark-like material are wrapped around portions of each arm or leg. In actuality they are loosely fused together by flesh and a sap-like substance, and at the core of each limb is a thicker central vine. A gwthnvrg's arms each end in a hand of five thin vines, tightly fused at the 'palm', and each leg ends in a splayed foot of several small vines, tightly fused at the 'ankle'. Vinefolk torsos are mostly-surrounded by a mass similar to bark, but there are gaps such as around the waist, neck, and shoulders. The gwthnvrg's head has a similar bark-like covering, but not as complete as that around the torso. Vinefolk have several small, yellowish nodes across the front of their 'face' that constitute eyes, and they have a few black, vibration-sensitive nodes along the sides of their head which constitute ears. They possess a mouth similar to that of a human's, but in place of teeth they have wood-like upper and lower jaw-strips for gnashing plant matter. These jaw-strips have a few short, jagged points near the front for use like incizors. Vinefolk have no true nostrils, but instead there are several thin gaps amongst their vines that lead to minute olfactory nodes. Vinefolk sprout various white, pink, yellow, or violet flowers across their bodies during the springtime, which produce a light but pleasant smell. Vinefolk, being genderless, reproduce through the pollen of these flowers, carried by wind or insects to suitable planting spots. Most pollen produced by vinefolk is inert, however, and the rest of their pollen will only grow into new vinefolk under optimal conditions. Vinefolk mature into sentience and mobility after 3 years of gestation as a budding vine. They reach adulthood at 10 years of age, middle age at 25 years, old age at 35 years, and venerable age at 45 years. Vinefolk live for 1d8 years after becoming venerable.
Relations: Vinefolk only really get along reasonably well with each other and with some fey. They tend to feed on other plant and fungus creatures. Gwthnvrg are generally just not well-understood by other races, and have difficulty understanding non-fey and non-vinefolk. They live in small groups or individually, so they rarely get involved in any real wars as a people. Generally, vinefolk are most likely to befriend fey, elves, and gnomes.
Alignment: Vinefolk tend towards chaotic alignment, and have no particular tendencies towards good or evil.
Example Lands: Vinefolk have no lands of their own. They form small, isolated communities at the best of times, and are nomadic and scattered the rest of the time.
Religion: Gwthnvrg possess no religion of their own, but do tend to learn about nature deities or spirits and then decide it would be good to worship them. Vinefolk are not very wise in general so they tend to be easy converts to the religions of nature deities, such as Ehlonna or Obad-Hai. The latter is more often than not the patron deity of vinefolk, since Ehlonna's dogma is a bit tougher for vinefolk to buy into and understand.
Language: Vinefolk 'speak' their own language, but also tend to understand a few others. They have a close approximation of vocal cords, teeth, and a tongue, so they can generally speak other languages with only a moderate slur, lisp, or roughness. The Vinefolk language is basically unlearnable and unpronouncable by most other races, since it is a peculiar method of communication through tendril movements, low vibrations, and sibilant rustlings like reeds in the wind. There is no written form of the Vinefolk language.
Names: The vinefolk have rather simply but odd names, usually. They identify each other by a particular rustling and tendril movement, which they attempt to translate into a sound in the Common tongue for the sake of other races. Names might include Rthns, Klspn, Vrthnk, Gssk, Yllthn, or Tchnk. Of course, other races tend to just give vinefolk a less-annoyingly-pronounced nickname, which vinefolk tend to find unusual after they've already gone to the effort of trying to pronounce their own name in Common.
Gwthnvrg Vinefolk Racial Traits
  • Strength -2, Dexterity +2, Wisdom -2; vinefolk have less-developed muscular tendrils than most humanoids, but their lack of bones or any significant carapace makes them quite flexible and good at delicate movements; their curiousity and limited instincts make vinefolk somewhat brash, gullible, and naive.
  • Base speed 40 ft, vinefolk are fairly swift
  • Medium-sized: Vinefolk have no particular bonuses or penalties due to size
  • Plant type: Gwthnvrg are not Humanoids, but rather they belong to the Plant creature type. However, gwthnvrg lack certain aspects of that type; while gwthnvrg are immune to poisons, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing, they are otherwise somewhat different from fellow Plants. Vinefolk are susceptible to sleep effects, mind-affecting effects, and critical hits. However, like other plants, vinefolk possess low-light vision.
  • -2 racial penalty on Listen, Search, and Spot checks: Vinefolk have visual and auditory nodes that are poorly-developed for the most part, not quite as good as humanoid eyes and ears. Their senses of smell and taste are just a bit superior to a human's, though.
  • -4 racial penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks regarding humanoids and monstrous humanoids: Vinefolk do not get along very well yet with the most common humanoid-shaped creatures, and it is difficult for such races to take vinefolk seriously or consider them worth listening to. Vinefolk just don't yet understand people very well.
  • +4 racial bonus on Escape Artist skill checks: Vinefolk are very flexible, and their boneless flesh can often be squeezed through tighter spaces than a human's body.
  • Proficiency: Vinefolk are automatically proficient in the use of all whips.
  • Natural weapons: Vinefolk have 2 slam attacks, which each deal 1d3 damage plus the vinefolk's Strength modifier. These slam attacks have a natural reach of 10 feet, rather than 5 feet. Vinefolk may deal nonlethal (subdual in 3.0 rules) damage at no penalty with their slam attacks. Also, vinefolk may use their slam attacks in the same manner as whips, when desired, but then they deal damage as whips instead of the aforementioned value. Regardless, vinefolk may use their Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is highest, for attack rolls with their slams, rather than being forced to use Strength for melee attacks and Dexterity for whip-like uses. A vinefolk's slam attacks represent lashing out with some arm-tendrils that are particularly stretchy but not so good for gripping anything. Vinefolk are, of course, proficient in their natural weapons.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan, and Vinefolk. Bonus Languages: Aquan, Elven, Gnome, Terran, or Undercommon. Gwthnvrg often live amidst jungles, marshes, and caves, so they tend to learn how to speak with certain dwellers of those domains.
  • Favored Class: A gwthnvrg's favored class is ranger.
Racial Paragon Class
look into the link! http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#paragonClassesInYourGame
Racial Feats
No race-specific feat as of yet
Prerequisits: nothing yet
Benefit: nothing yet
Design Notes
not really sure what to put here
Plot hooks
  • none as of yet
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First Post
Cool Race Arkhandus, I really like these races with alternate biologies, I'll have to get my race with a form of regeneration at LA +0 up soon.
The origional concept was: what if there was a race that was capaple of rapid healing, creating generalized tissue that converted to specialized tissue over time. It would require large amounts of food, and the healing would be imperfect, It would not be able to heal dissolved wounds or cautarized flesh. There was also that the race with regeneration was the progentor of trolls, a god of slaughter called to them and gave them demonic and profane blessings. A god that still calls to them at the back of their minds, demanding they eat humanoid flesh in exchange for power. They have the desire to do good, and the posibility to become a terrible evil.


First Post
Anybody who wants to participate is welcome to. I would like to see more suggestions for concept races, racial feats, perhaps even someone to do Racial paragon classes. Remeber, comments are always appreciated, even from lurkers.


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Crystalkin, the psionic gnomes (By Arkhandus)


Crystalkin are a race of gnomes who long ago sought psionic lore after fighting off an enclave of mind flayers, seeking to better understand the monsters and fight them for the safety of gnomish cousins closer to the surface. Crystalkin try to protect the surface-dwellers from underground psionic threats, but mostly just want to preserve themselves and not get conquered or forced out of their homes. They are also just a combative breed of gnome, so the mind flayers and similar beasts just give them an outlet for their aggression. For some reason or another lost to history, the gnomes fused various durable crystals to their bodies, and thereafter each gnome born to those bloodlines has inherited naturally-growing crystal formations like this.
Personality: As per gnomes of the Player's Handbook. Crystalkin gnomes are a militant offshoot of common gnomes. They are less inclined towards pranks and jokes than their cousins, but still don't take things quite as seriously as humans. Crystalkin are a bit more contemplative than their cousins, also.
Physical Description: As per gnomes of the Player's Handbook. However, crystalkin gnomes have patches of translucent and opaque crystal fused to parts of their flesh and skeleton, including a pair of short blade-like protrusions on the lower arms. Some of these crystal pieces are sharp on the outer edges.
Relations: As per gnomes of the Player's Handbook. Crystalkin are more actively opposed to mind flayers, aboleths, and other subterranean psionic threats than their fellow gnomes. Crystalkin are also less in-touch with fey than other gnomes. Also, the crystalkin gnomes are just generally more militant than their cousins. They get along better with dwarves than other gnomes do.
Alignment: As per gnomes of the Player's Handbook. Crystalkin are more likely than other gnomes to be lawful in alignment.
Example Lands: As per gnomes of the Player's Handbook.
Religion: As per gnomes of the Player's Handbook.
Language: As per gnomes of the Player's Handbook.
Names: As per gnomes of the Player's Handbook.
Crystalkin Racial Traits
  • Strength -2, Dexterity -2, Constitution +2; crystalkin are as short, tough, and leanly muscled as other gnomes. They are also a bit more bulky and inflexible thanks to their fused crystals.
  • Base speed 20 ft
  • Small-sized: Crystalkin have a +1 size bonus on attack rolls and Armor Class, as well as a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they suffer a size penalty on certain rolls, such as -4 on grapple checks. Crystalkin deal a base of 1d2 nonlethal (subdual in 3.0 rules) damage unarmed, and must use smaller equipment than humans. Their carrying capacities are only three-quarters those of a Medium-sized creature with the same Strength score.
  • Type: Crystalkin are Humanoids of the Gnome subtype.
  • +2 natural armor bonus to AC: The crystalkin are sometimes protected from harm by their fused crystal formations.
  • -1 racial penalty on saving throws against magical spells and effects: The crystalkin gnomes are oddly susceptible to magic, after their attunement to psionic forces.
  • +1 to the save DC of any psionic powers the crystalkin manifests: Crystalkin gnomes are good at focusing psionic energies, thanks to their crystal infusions.
  • Naturally Psionic: The crystalkin gnomes are naturally psionic and get 1 free power point. They may take psionic feats as a result. Also, once per day crystalkin may manifest Empty Mind, Hammer, or Mind Thrust, at no cost in power points, as per a 1st-level psion. These powers cannot be augmented nor modified with metapsionics.
  • +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) and Listen checks: Crystalkin have the same keen nose and ears as other gnomes.
  • +2 racial bonus on Climb skill checks: A crystalkin's claws allow them to climb fairly well. Also, this bonus applies on any Escape Artist checks related to ropes or other such cloth-like bindings.
  • Natural weapons: Crystalkin have 2 claw attacks, which each deal 1d3 damage plus the crystalkin's Strength modifier. Crystalkin are, of course, proficient in their natural weapons.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Gnome. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Ignan, Terran, or Undercommon.
  • Favored Class: A crystalkin's favored class is psychic warrior.
Racial Paragon Class
look into the link! http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#paragonClassesInYourGame
Racial Feats
No race-specific feat as of yet
Prerequisits: nothing yet
Benefit: nothing yet
Design Notes
not really sure what to put here
Plot hooks
  • none as of yet


First Post
Mistfolk, the phantom wanderers (By Arkhandus)


I'll put something here Saturday evening probably....
Personality: Likewise....
Physical Description: Likewise....
Relations: Likewise....
Alignment: Likewise....
Example Lands: Likewise....
Religion: Likewise....
Language: Likewise....
Names: Likewise....
Mistfolk Racial Traits
  • Strength -2, Dexterity +4, Constitution -2; the mistfolk are slightly insubstantial and malleable in form, though always retaining a shape close to that of humans, so they are quite flexible. They also have naturally-good reflexes. However, mistfolk are more easily wounded due to their not-fully-solid form, and their muscles cannot work as effectively with portions of their body that are less-solid at any given moment.
  • Base speed 20 ft, mistfolk sometimes lose their traction when a foot goes briefly insubstantial, and their lightweight bodies are easily slowed down by wind and other factors when they experience a second of general insubstantialness.
  • Medium-sized: Mistfolk have no bonuses or penalties due to size.
  • Type: Mistfolk are Humanoids of the Air and Mistfolk subtypes.
  • Misty Shroud: Mistfolk exude a constant mist, which surrounds and obscures them slightly, as well as obscuring other creatures from the mistfolk a bit. This mist does not in and of itself prevent sneak attacks or similar weakpoint-striking attacks from or against the mistfolk, despite the normal rules for concealment. Mistfolk always have 10% concealment against other creatures, and likewise other creatures always have 10% concealment against the mistfolk. However, this concealment is overriden by any greater concealment that applies, as appropriate, such as when a mistfolk is turned invisible or enters an area of considerable darkness. An invisible mistfolk exudes invisible mist, which of course has no effect. A mistfolk who is displaced or blurred, on the other hand, still exudes mist but only the mistfolk suffers from its concealment in that case.
  • Partial Incorporealty: Mistfolk suffer only 75% damage, rounded down, from corporeal attacks except for those utilizing energy, force effects, or ghost touch weaponry (or any other attack that can strike and harm incorporeal creatures as though they were corporeal). The mistfolk are susceptible to incorporeal and ethereal effects or attacks, as though the mistfolk themselves were incorporeal or ethereal, as appropriate. In addition, a mistfolk treats his or her unarmed strikes, grapple attempts, natural weapons, and natural armor, from any sources, as though possessing the ghost touch quality. Lastly, mistfolk can perceive the Ethereal Plane out to a distance of 30 feet, as though they were actually present there rather than the plane they are actually within. Of course, if the mistfolk is not on a plane coexistent with the Ethereal, then this particular benefit has no effect.
  • Solid Spirit: Mistfolk are immune to death effects, and negative levels inflicted upon a mistfolk are never permanent. Also, any ability drain inflicted upon a mistfolk is converted, for the mistfolk, into ordinary ability damage.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Auran. Bonus Languages: Any, except for restricted languages.
  • Favored Class: A mistfolk's favored class is sorcerer.
Racial Paragon Class
look into the link! http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#paragonClassesInYourGame
Racial Feats
No race-specific feat as of yet
Prerequisites: nothing yet
Benefit: nothing yet
Design Notes
none as of yet
Plot hooks
  • none as of yet
Last edited:

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