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D&D 4E Raiders of Oakhurst Reloaded -- Free 4E Adventure (Ennie Nominated!)


So curious, when 4e comes out and we get all the bells and whistles, is Raiders of Oakhurst going to update, and become an true initial 4e adventure?

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Stalker0 said:
So curious, when 4e comes out and we get all the bells and whistles, is Raiders of Oakhurst going to update, and become an true initial 4e adventure?

Only if there is a hue and cry from its adoring fans. Though I guess the various NPCs could use some stats ...

At that point there will probably be a need for "Return to Oakhurst" (the adventure into the Mistmarsh), "Beyond Oakhurst" (the adventure to locate and delve Mountain Home, which is a mini-mega dungeon) and "Lost Temple of Oakhurst" (down the Dark Road and into the Lost Vale).

That's not counting the 4E conversions of Sunless Citadel and Forge of Fury, which tie in easily to the Oakhurst series, or the side trek adventures: "Ghost Tower of Oakhurst", a trip to the Tower Perilous; "Hidden Shrine of Oakhurst", about a lost wayshrine in the Feywood; "Lost Caverns of Oakhurst", a famous set of caves in the Western Wall; "Little Keep on Oakhurst", a battle at Chronos Keep; and "Forst of Oakhurst", a trip to visit an oracle deep in the Feywood.
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Can the first level pregens actually take Belazemon the 1000XP tomb Guardian?

I've just read Oakhurst, and I think it's great!

I'm wondering, seeing as people have mentioned having run it:

How did the fight with the Tomb Guardian go? He's seems a bit tougher than even that Black Dragon to me...

Anyone have stories to share?

I haven't read all the threads on the module, so forgive me if it's been discussed.


FitzTheRuke said:
I'm wondering, seeing as people have mentioned having run it:

How did the fight with the Tomb Guardian go? He's seems a bit tougher than even that Black Dragon to me...

I seriously doubt 1st level adventurers will find the key required to get to him to take him on. The tomb's existence was partly to add a nice undead encounter for the cleric & paladin to use some radiant powers, partly to add an aura of mystery about ancient civilizations that form a backdrop for the adventure, and partly to resolve the Olvar-Sybil relationship. It felt incomplete, so I figured I'd add a hidden capstone encounter. If they do face the final encounter, I'd fully expect them to get pwned.

The encounter itself is designed for three things:

(1) To have a really tough encounter that can be beaten/bypassed through clever role play (though at 1st level, they don't have the language access needed to make this approach work),
(2) To have a mystery that can be a recurring party of the campaign, that a party may remember and come back and face when they have gained numerous levels (and can be beaten later if a DM expands the adventure to include other references to a key artifiact), and
(3) To have something for parties who manage to beat the dragon encounter to fear!

A really smart 1st level party might make it there, realize #1, retreat, and come back in a few levels to make #2 happen.


Ah cool. Sounds good to me.

I think that it's great that not every encounter is "tailor made" for the PC's... I mean, how boring would it be if you made sure that for 5 first level PC's every single fight added up to exactly 500 "safe" XP?



First Post
The crag is finished! This is by far the best map I've ever made, and if you would like me to redo the shabby job done on those overlands by the guy with a T in his name, I'd be happy to! (The maps weren't remarkable enough to remember who made them, honestly.)

Totally Finished Crag Keep Ruins

Someone pointed out that one of the towers is missing--it was rubble anyway, the map is done, don't be jealous over my work.


Once 4e comes out, i think this stuff should really really really be bundled into a .pdf with some art, maybe with some more expansions added on, Olgar. And tweaked stats and skill mechanics that will be more evident later on.


First Post
Okay, in all seriousness, the crag *will* be finished tonight. Learning CC3 has been quite a hurdle, and I almost gave up, but the effects options really make it nice, so I've stuck with it. I wish I had the CSUAC files (because I don't like most of the graphics prepackaged with CC3) but the crag is almost finished. Just have to add the second level and lower level, then stamp down some objects. Really wish I had better looking objects, but these will have to do.


First Post
Here we go--Crag Keep Ruins. I really need a bigger texture library, but it'll be this weekend before I can flesh it out more. Everything is here, even if it's not as fancy as my previous maps. Transitioning to CC3 has been a learning experience. It's very powerful--but I'm having to relearn how to do everything I used to do easily. However, after I figure it out, it seems to be a lot easier. Anyway, here's the keep:

Crag Keep Ruins

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