(re)moving the right block thingy


I'm referring to the right colum with "Forums/En5ider/TRAILseeker etc.".

I don't mind its content, it's just very wide and eats up way too much width on my 1024 screen.

This is a real issue: it prevents displaying of the thread titles, messes up the layout of all post edit tools, and makes some forms absurdly narrow (e.g. settings profile). It blocks about 25% of the screen's width all the way to the bottom of the page.

Really, it would be awesome if this could be fixed. Various more or less practical suggestions:
* allow collapsing it to the right ("slide masking")
* allow closing it altogether
* set the main forum frame to a fixed width, allowing this column to be off-screen
* allow flowing of content below it (I know it's not that easy...)
* move it to a menu item

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I wish I could do something with it as well. I use a dual monitor setup with one portrait (tall) which is quite useful for some things I do*, but since so many apps expect a landscape (wide) layout I usually have apps/games on that monitor and ENWorld & other browsing in the tall one. I lose about 1/3 of my total screen real-estate too that right hand menu. About 40% total is wasted when you also consider the left and right grey margins.

(* "Some things" involve displaying PDFs for game systems that sell them as I write up adventures, so they are wholesome gaming related activities, I'm not a deviant for having one oriented like this. ;) )


Well, that was fun
Staff member
There's a little right arrow to slide it closed. It's very narrow, though, about half the width of most websites' sidebars; I wonder if something's not working correctly with your browser/res combo or something? 1024 is actually off the bottom of the scale of the analytics I get, it's so rare these days.

Screen Shot 2017-03-18 at 19.46.52.jpg
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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
[MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION], I don't see that on either my landscape (1920x1080) or portrait (1050x1680) monitors. I'm running an up to date version of Firefox. I also went in with Chrome and had the same - no button where I can see it in your image. Here's my own screenshot.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
Could you guys show me screenshots of the whole screen rather than just the side block? Though if you're using 1024 there might not be much I can do to help.


Thanks Morrus.
Here is a screen cap. I don't see the right arrow either. I'M using FF49.0.1, nothing fancy.
Are 1024 screen really this rare nowadays, even with tablets?
Would there been a roundabout way to slide the block without using the right arrow, e.g. a Settings option?



Well, that was fun
Staff member
Are 1024 screen really this rare nowadays, even with tablets?

Pretty rare. They're just lumped in as part of the 5% "other" category on the Analytics these days. Mobile devices have their own skins, so it all looks different on a tablet or phone anyway.


If it could help in any way... in the resulting HTML source, I noticed that this link has no content, but two empty lines nonetheless. It kind of seems to be related to that collapsing arrow...

<a id="sidebar_button_link" href="#">


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