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Recommend a less-known scifi movie/series


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Here a few obscure sci-fi movies I dig:

Colossus: The Forbin Project: An AI built to run the US nuclear weapons systems goes rogue.

Outland: Sean Connery, with a shotgun, on a space station, fighting drug dealers. Sweet.

Primer: Low budget (but frickin' cool) movie about time travel. Its more like a puzzle than a movie. You might have to watch it several times to figure out what's going on.

Brainstorm: Scientists invent a "brain VCR" that can record and play back all the senses at once. This movie really messed up my head as a kid. Bonus: It has Christopher Walken, so it's automatically an awesome movie.

THX-1138: You prolly already knew this one, but I love it and I have to put it on the list.

Logan's Run: Another one that kind of messed with my head when I was a kid, especially the "Random Hook-up Teleporter Booth" everyone seems to have in their living room.

Man, I forgot how much I liked those bad 70's and 80's sci-fi movies...

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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Chaldfont. Now those are exactly the kind of movies I was looking for. Thanks. Actually I've never heard of THX-1138, but I remember Logan's Run. Now I need to see if I can find those on DVD here in finland. It seems that Connery has made quite a few obscure scifi-movies in the past. Outland, Meteor, Zardoz, Time Bandits :D .


Chaldfont said:
Colossus: The Forbin Project: An AI built to run the US nuclear weapons systems goes rogue.
They don't build computers like that anymore: into the side of a giant mountain and protected by a hi-tech retractable drawbridge. Not only is it a great old-fashioned science fiction movie, it's also educational. It demonstrates how to make the perfect martini.

Outland: Sean Connery, with a shotgun, on a space station, fighting drug dealers. Sweet.
It's High Noon set on Io.

This is a newer film, but I'll add Gattaca. It's one of the best "pure" science fiction films (as opposed to SFX and digital wire-fu opuses) made in the past two decades. If not only of the only.


Me and my dad both love watching UFO, i've now seen all the episodes, due to the fact that Family HD has that and Thunderbirds on everyday. I just wish they would broadcast the Prisoner, and Red Dwarf.

Some other good shows were
Earth 2
Space Rangers


Mustrum_Ridcully said:
Try to figure out if you can get "Raumpatroullie Orion" / "Space Patrol Orion?". (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raumpatrouille)
It's a German sci-fi TV series that aired around the same time as the original Startrek series. It's old, black & white, and an electric iron as part of the command console, so what's not to love?
Some of the concepts are a bit dated today (but the same applies to TOS or Blake7), but it's definitely interesting to watch.

I really wish there will come a time where it is "rediscovered", and reimagined or continued like Startrek or Battlestar Galactica was. (There was a recut of the series into a movie, but that unfortunately didn't lead to a revival).
There are several snippets of different episodes on YouTube. Came across them not too long ago and would like to see the whole series, such as it is.

Yet another plug for UFO. See them in the order they were shown in originally (in England, not the US), it does make a difference.

Don't think anyone's mentioned the Avengers, but that's another non-obscure one.


UFO isn't that great a show. The concept is great. But it's sort of like ST:TNG - too much angst and soap opera stuff, not enough alien killing. Worth a rental, though.

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