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Recruiting (1 player(s)) for an Eberron Campaign: heavy emphasis on war and intrigue.


I've never played in a forum-based game before, but I start a new job on Monday that will spell the doom of my current Eberron campaign and severely limit any tabletop gaming in the future. Sign me up!

As for character concepts, how about a warforged paladin of the Silver Flame?

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Hmm...on second thought, perhaps the WF pally will be too close to the knight in function.

How about a warforged monk? Or a fighter specializing in unarmed combat - the ultimate living weapon?


First Post
Cleric for the party

I will be the cleric for this party.

Character Sheet:
[sblock]Still to come. Save my spot![/sblock]

Palon was raised in a cloister run by the local priory. Her parents are still alive, but are often too busy to support her the way she has always dreamed. Her parents left her with the nuns at the cloister because they were overrun by children. Palon has 12 brothers and sisters throughout the land, most of which she has never met. Palon was instructed in the ways of the nuns at the cloister, and is training to become a Priestess of the Sovereign Host, and pays special veneration to Dol Arrah. Palon has never been much for combat and battle, she typically runs from any altercations that she may have. 2 months ago she turned 18, which is when the nuns either accept a candidate to continue to be a nun, or ask her politely to leave. Palon wasn't invited. So she joined the army, hoping to be a nurse on the sidelines. Unfortunately for her, the superiors saw something in her that even she didnt see. She was assigned to a fellow house Daneith Knight, Aldin. That is how shy little Palon found her way onto the front lines of the war effort. [/sblock]

Palon is a normal looking girl with slightly mousy brown hair and freckles. She has a frail build, and is a little too skinny for her age. Most people believe she would be quite beautiful if she only tried harder. [/sblock]

Palon Drest lives a simple life. She has never ventured far from the cloister she was raised in, and seems to be a little xenophobic at times. She is generally likeable and sweet, but she tends to annoy people with her genuine sincerity. [/sblock]
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Bean, Warforged Monk

Character Sheet:
[sblock]Male personality warforged monk 1
LN Medium Living Construct
Init +2; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Common
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14
Hp 8 (1 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee unarmed strike +2 (1d6+2)
Base Atk +0; Grp +2
Special Attacks flurry of blows -2/-2, stunning fist
Abilities Str 14 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14 (+2), Cha 9 (-1)
SQ living construct traits, composite plating
Feats Skill Focus (armorsmithing), Stunning Fist
Skills Balance +5, Climb +5, Craft (armorsmithing) +7, Jump +5, Tumble +5
Possessions shuriken (20) (2lbs.), backpack (2lbs.), flint and steel (--), 5 torches (5lbs.), hempen rope (10lbs.), grappling hook (4lbs.), artisan’s toolkit (5lbs.), identification papers with portrait (--), monk’s outfit (2lbs.), 9sp, 5cp, Light Load.[/sblock]

[sblock]The warforged known as Bean emerged from a Cannith foundry in Breland mere days before the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold. Left to his own devices, he embraced his nature as a living weapon and sought to perfect himself as such. The monks at the monestary of Dol Dorn didn't know what to make of the warforged at first, but soon found his single-minded dedication to self-improvement an inspiration. Even though many of the trials the monks put themselves through (fasting, exposure to the elements, etc.) meant nothing to Bean, he soon found ways to challenge himself. When he had learned all there was to learn, he said good-bye to his teachers and headed out into the world to seek new challenges.[/sblock]

[sblock]Bean is quite slender for a warforged, a trait which led his Cannith trainers to nickname him "beanpole," which was later shortened to Bean. Other than his slight build, Bean has no other identifying marks or traits to distinguish him from other warforged. The war ended before he could enter service or even be purchased by someone, so he lacks the common unit and national designations of veteran warforged.[/sblock]

[sblock]Bean is a calm, contemplative soul. He doesn't speak often, and is uncomfortable in loud social situations. He can be overly critical of himself at times and always strives for perfection. During the long nights while everyone else is asleep, he can be found doing minor adjustments and repairs on his body, meditating, or performing martial arts kata.[/sblock]


First Post
So we have Byteran (Knight), Bytme (Cleric), Aeric (Monk), and Azaar (Rogue). Excellent. If everyone gets their stat blocks completed, we can begin as early as tommorow.

By the way, is there any relation between the two Bytes? Similar names, similar backgrounds (House Deneith).

There is still one spot open for anyone who wants to get their info out by today.


First Post
We are RL friends.

As far as a relationship goes? Who knows? She could easily have been assigned to travel with Aldin while he got his "in the world" training.

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