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[Recruiting] [GURPS 4e] [TL9] Another World Within


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Hi, sorry for not posting all day.

it has been one HELL of a day!

ok, let me address as much of your posts as I can, OnlytheStrong, I've already talked to you, we're all good there.

Shayuri, looking good so far, I appriciate the you detailing out all your ammo :)

Jemal, I get what you're saying about feeling a RPG character needs a weapon but I do want to have the option to not focus on combat in this game, though as a sandbox if that's what you seek out you'll get it :)

As for switching to the takeover team please don't, I really want people spread between the 3 teams, and as for the bow, it could be something you keep as a piece of art or something, I mean I have a sword on my wall.

The higher tech bow is in GURPS high tech that's the book for medieval till now,
[sblock="GURPS High Tech Bow"]
Compound Bow (TL7). Invented in 1966, the compound
bow uses pulleys and cables to store and transmit energy
more efficiently. It requires less strength from the archer,
yet has greater range. Any type of bow other than a composite bow (see p. B275) can be made this way. A compound bow shoots as if its ST were two points higher; e.g.,
a ST 11 compound longbow has damage and range for ST
13, but a ST 11 person can draw it. Double cost. LC4

Bow Accessories (TL7)
Bows at TL7-8 can have adjustable sights, wind
gauges, stabilizers, rangefinders, and so on. These
give +1 Acc in the hands of a skilled user and add
$100 to the bow’s price. An archer unfamiliar with
such devices suffers -1 to skill for using a bow burdened with them! Bows can also take advantage of
various sighting aids, just like guns (see Sights and
Aiming Aids, pp. 155-157); targeting lasers aren’t
Bowstring silencers – small leather or rubber
pieces – reduce the noise of the bowstring twang
(-2 to Hearing). $1 (pair), neg. LC4.

Raivon sounds good. glad to have you aboard.

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Definitely not a Focus, I just hate not having the OPTION. :D
OK, so as long as I've got something I guess it's fine, I won't be investing too much into it. So for a Bow I'm thinking a St 10 compound bow with all the bells and whistles - unfortunately I don't have 'high tech' or the base book, just Ultra Tech and Lite, so I have no idea what bells or whistles are available.. Would somebody be able to just stat me up a good, custom compound hunting bow that a wealthy-ish survivalist geek might have?

Here's my second run at the character sheet, dropped the repair/mechanic under the assumption engineer does it all. Will fix if that ends up being incorrect.

Few notes: Haven't done the gear yet, still looking through it all.
Also, I plan on having neural implants and possibly some cybernetics - I'll keep it TL 9, but is that ok? Also the Ultra-tech book says you need to pay *LARGE* amounts of money in addition to the cost of the implants - Is there any way around that? It says something about doing the surgery yourself, how does that work?

ST: 10
DX: 10
IQ: 13 (60p)
HT: 11(10p)
HP: 10
WILL: 13
PER: 13
FP: 11
Basic Lift: 20
Damage: 1d-2/1d
Basic Speed: 5.25
Basic Move: 5
Dodge: 8

Skills: 42p
IQ skills: Computer Operation 14/E(2), Acting 13/A(2), Armoury 13/A(2), Fast-Talk 13/A(2), Survival 13/A(2), Computer Programing 12/H(2p), Engineer 13/H(4), Diplomacy 12/H(2), Mathematics 12/H(2), Naturalist 12/H(2), Tactics 12/H(2),
Natural Sciences X/H(),
Dx Skills: Brawling 12/E(4), Missile weapon: Bow 11/A(4), Acrobatics 10/H(4)
HT Skills: Carousing 12/E(2), Sex Appeal 12/A(4)

Advantages: 17
Fearless 1(2p), Luck(15p)

Bad Sight(10p), Lecherousness(15p), Overconfidence(5p), Jealousy(10p), Addiction: Pleasure Device(5p)
wealth: comfortable (10p) = $60,000

70 attributes +10 wealth +42 Skills +17 advantages -45 Disadvantages = 94p
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First Post
about 0 experience with gurps but the premise sounds awesome!

wondering if you have room for an ethnobotanist who's comfortable in 'primitive' or stone age type technology/societies. bit of a language nerd, kind of a a wade davis meets thor heyerdahl type character.

>> otherwise i was thinking maybe a martian water smuggler might fit the 'privateer' theme a little better, either that or kind of a marine salvage guy (i guess it would be space salvage), a guy who salvages wrecked satellites and abandoned/scuttled space vessels.
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Darwin - psht it's not like it's brain surgery! ;)
So no other cost mitigation on surgeries then?

Baron- the main question is which crew you're on and why.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Baron, I'd love either of those characters if you can answer Jemal's question.

Jemal, If some other player, on the same crew as you takes points in cybernetic surgery we can do some rolls that took place before the space travel began


First Post
To echo Jemal, an ethnobotanist would be an odd addition to a crew of asteroid miners owned by a corporation who's trying to cut costs and raise margins. :) Perhaps if he had other skills that made him valuable as a crewmember?

Or the salvager/water miner would be a perfect fit, yep!

Do you have to pay the surgery costs for cybernetics obtained before the start of the game? I thought that was just character points and the cost of the implant.

Glad I didn't go with that bionic arm I was thinking about. :)


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
if you can make it work though, i prefer the ethnobotanist.

as for the cybernetics i'll have to read didn't study up on the cybernetics


First Post
are we all starting off on the same ship or is it kind of mix-and-match?

>> i'm thinking the scientist is on the first ship; the one being attacked. he was conducting a study; living with a pod of titan miners who were rumored to engage in strange behavior: ritually mimicking methanogenic life forms and espousing a transspermic theory that human life began in the hydrocarbon lakes of titan.

weird stuff but it ended up being not nearly enough to write a book about. still, GE footed the bill for the tax write off and the peace of mind that comes with knowing they aren't breeding cultists on the moons of saturn. he'd be on his way back to mars.
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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Not starting off on the same ship at all...

There are 2 ships and 3 crews.

Ship A is the Nebula Harvest, a Cargo ship owned by Exxon-Mobil This ship is bring methane from Titan to Mars.

Ship B is the Aurora Bounty, a pirate ship, owned by GE, it's job is to intercept and disable the Nebula Harvest.

The game will begin shortly after the Nebula Harvest has been hit with a barrage of EMP missles disabling it. The Aurora Bounty has latched on and is cutting it's way in. This is where we begin.

I don't see Exxon-Mobil paying you to do anything with panspermia, they're havesting Titan, and if anything is alive there they'd rather not know. However I have an idea.

Lets say you have the theory that there is life on Titan, so you got a job as a deckhand to get out there. There's always need for cargo handlers, but you'll need to take the crewman skill. You probably got made fun of on the way out there, as you're not good at being a deckhand, but you got out there, you snuck off and looked around in the hydrocarbon lakes.... and found nothing, same thing everyone was telling you that you'd find. Now you are finishing out your job as deckhand with your tail between your legs on the way back to Mars

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