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RECRUITING: Perils of Thunder Island


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Dragon do you think you could throw a few monster encounters together on Saturday so we can work together as a team and figure out strategies/damage and such? Of course, this would be only for practice and wouldn't impact the main game.

It would help you gauge what monsters we can go up against at the skill level we show, and give us some nice fun, too. :)

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I was planning on running some practice combat this Saturday, just so you can get a feel for it. I've got some creatures I can use, just for you to see what happens in a combat and how to handle things. Just as a note, I do not use the miniature map on OpenRPG.


First Post
Reckless - Could you show me what order you took your levels in? It's difficult trying to figure out HPs and skills based on just the final numbers... And a little more detail in the description would be good to see.
Other than those things, this looks great!
I was just thinking earlier today " I wonder if I spent those skill points right?" I just calculated the total and then divided them up between the skills I wanted, so it looks like I have 1 too many skill points put into Ranger-only skills (Survival, Handle Animal, Kn Geo, Kn Nature.) I'll shift 1 point from Kn Nature to Sleight of Hand. that Should fix it.

I was thinking Rog-Ran-Rog-Ran-Rog, and was planning on keeping that pattern, so 7+9+5+7+5= 33 HP should be right for 12 Con.

Skill Points = (10x4)+8+10+8+10=76, 60 Rogue, 16 Ranger [EDIT-> and, re-adding, I see I spent 78, so I fixed it by dropping Fletcher 2 Points)

I'll add in a decent description when I get some more time, either Friday or Saturday.
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So then is combat more abstracted, or you just don't care for openRPG's grid system?

By the way, I think Vrukor just accidentally switched the column for rank and stat mod after Balance. That gives him the correct amount of skill points.\

Side Note: I've forgotten, if I put my bag of holding in Vrukor's doesn't something explode? Just for... future reference
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I'll be around this Saturday to help with the tutorial or something.

Sanguine, nah, that's just if you put a bag of holding in a portable hole or vice versa. At least, before houserules or interpretation might apply....since it's vague as to whether or not other extradimensional spaces cause the same implosion when mixed.

The grid isn't as reliable in the current OpenRPG version, I think, as it used to be. Plus it just slows things down and tends to be a PITA. Useful sometimes, but a bit of abstract describing-positions shouldn't be too bad. Heck, that's all my group did back in 2nd Edition....

Given the group make-up, I'll probably go for my gnome bard or human wizard concepts.


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Alright I've made some of the necessary edits and they can be seen on page 2 of this forum (I did not think it necessary to post it again). I placed a kingdom, made Vrukor an atheist because I know nothing about the gods at this point (perhaps the half orc can be saved by some accolite in-game ;) ) As far as my skills are concerned I did use the correct amounts of points at my level, I think what confused u is that i inverted the numbers (=4+4+-12 is base+ranks+misc) so adding the middle numbers equals 16. I went ahead and took a point off of my abilities even though I dont think I really had to. (I used PCGen 5.14 along with the 3.5 character creater Lite and it had me at 32 points. I didnt quite feel like restructuring so I took a point off of charisma, who needs to be pretty anyways ;) ) Oh yeh last but not least I got rid of my bracers+1, didnt like them anyways...clashed with my outfit. I think my guy is good to go at this point. I am down for a practice run this sat being that i get off at 5:45pm (EST) anything around 6:30pm EST is good with me, lord knows I need my practice so I dont get the party wiped...over and over and over again...


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Okay, that looks good Reckless. I think you might have 1 more HP, since you round up on odd-numbered levels Rog 3 would give you 6 HP.

Combat is more abstract, like Ark said, but some good description of what's happening on my part and you telling me what you do clearly will help a lot with that.

It's possible Vrukor just made a typo, but I'll wait for him to explain it. It would make it closer, but there's still other things that need fixing at this point.

And yeah, a Bag of Holding in a Portable Hole makes a big dimensional BOOM!!! But Bag of Holding into Bag of Holding doesn't have that effect. If you really want an answer on what exactly would happen if you put one Bag of Holding into another, let me know and I'll get back to you :).

EDIT: Vrukor, you need a Patron God. Rules of the Setting. Some reasonable gods for Fighters might be Alyhndro (God of Victory), Brand (God of War), or Koith (God of Strength). Of course, there is Uluk (God of Orcs), but he's CE... Also, since Vrukor is from Ceomyr, he speaks the native language of Vweogyn. I don't see a change to your ranged attack or your Reflex save, which should both be 1 higher. Okay, now I understand why the skills seemed so off to me. And they're fine now. Since you do have about 2,000 gp left, you might want to spend it on some other things, or upgrade some of the equipment you already have, but that is your choice. I believe in being stingy ;).
Everything else looks fine!
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Hey stingy is good, at least it shows your a DM who cares about his campaign. Ok so everything you have required is done. Couple of questions though: Do I have to have magic skills in order to drink a health potion? Does me worshiping Brand have any effects on my character (stats or roleplay wise)?

I will make some mods to my weapons and items when I get a chance to take a closer look at the stuff I can buy, If anyone has the stats on a Branded Mail +1 or a Greataxe +1 or something similar give me a holla.


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No, potions are usable by anyone. That's the handy thing about them. If it were a wand, you'd need some casting ability. That, or ranks in Use Magic Device. Being a worshipper of any given god doesn't really affect your character, but it may give you a certain outlook about certain things. Brand, for example, believes in war, fought well, fiercely and intelligently, but doesn't care for much else. So, a worshipper of Brand might care most about tactics, or how his/her and the teammates performance was throughout a fight.

A +1 Greataxe only gives +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls. +1 Armor only gives a +1 AC bonus. For each +1, the bonus just goes up. There are special abilities that can give a weapon or armor specific powers, like a flaming sword or magic-resistant armor, but those cost more.

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