[Recruitment] The Kolloseaum!

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Kolloseaum Arena Adventures

The arena will be a straight-up series of combats against horrific monsters, other teams of NPC gladiators (and maybe some PVP if consenting individuals so desire).

Here's the rules:

Team size: 1 - 10
Maximum PC level disparity: 4 levels. I.E. 1-5 is ok, 2-6, etc.

Putting together the teams will be up to you guys.
*Low-level groups have priority over high level.
*Large groups have priority over small.
*Groups with more 1st PCs have priority over groups with more 2nd/3rd PCs.

If there's enough groups, I might run two arena battles simultaneously.

Each PC may only go through the arena once, regardless of the result of their first attempt.

Arena Events

Once you've got your team put together, you select the fights you want to undertake with the following choices.

Fights: You may select between 1 and 3 combats. You will get 1d6 short rests between rounds, no extended rests.
Difficulty: You may select between easy, hard, and challenging foes for each fight.
Arena Challenge: You may select between simple, hazardous, and extreme arenas for your combats.
Objective: You may elect standard combats (victory condition: kill everything not on your team) or arenas with alternate victory conditions.
Less-than-lethal/First Blood: You may select first-blood combats. In these, it is unlikely anyone will be killed, as any PC or creature that goes bloodied is instantly teleported out of the fight.
To the Death: Most combats will end immediately if all PCs are at unable to fight and monsters will avoid attacking/CDGing unconscious PCs. Any dead PCs will remain dead, but living PCs will be instantly stabilized and restored. If To the Death is selected, all PCs will be killed if the group is all down and enemy may CDG downed PCs if it would be in the enemy's nature/advantage to do so.


XP: XP will be awarded as per the monsters in it. Hazardous arenas will add 1-2 standard monsters worth of xp to the fight's value while extreme arenas will award 3-5 standard monster's worth, depending on the arena. Less-than-lethal fights award half xp. To the death fights award double xp.

Treasure: Treasure is awarded per fight completed.
Difficulty: Easy +.5 parcel, hard +1 parcel, challenging +2 parcels.
Arena Challenge: Simple +0 parcels, hazardous +.5 parcels, extreme +1 parcel.
Objective: Objective arenas may add bonus parcels (or xp bonuses) for achieving certain objectives.
Less-than-lethal: 1/2 parcel total.
To the Death: x2 parcel total.

If the group fails the fight, survivors will get xp for whatever part of the fight they completed, but treasure will only be awarded for victories.

Crowds: All fights will have crowds. These may have other special rules, but they always have the following rule:

Appease the Crowd: As a minor action, a PC may make a skill check to wow the crowd. If they succeed at the check, they gain +1 to their next d20 roll per 5 by which they beat the DC. If they fail the check, the take a -1 penalty to their next d20 roll per 5 by which they miss the DC.

All skill DCs will start at 15+1/2 level and each individual skill's DC goes up by 2 per time the skill is used as the crowd gets more jaded. The DCs do not drop between arena rounds if multiple arena matches are selected. Any skill can be used, as long as the player can provide relevant character action to back up the roll.

Lastly, I have some ideas for interesting arena combats, but if anyone has cool ideas, PM me and I'll look them over. Not guaranteeing I'll use them, but I will at least look at them.

Let the games begin!
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First Post
First character in a Play-by-post, so I'm completely new to this kind of thing. I'm interested, if for no other reason than to get my feet wet.

I'm a lvl 1 Assault Swordmage, Rilissa is my name.

I'm down for any difficulty, any objective, whatever the team likes. But, the bigger the better (being shadar-kai, bragging about the fight afterwards will be nice).


First Post
Interested with Gil, my 2nd character

Level 4 Wizard|Artificer/Assassin (Controller)

I'd like to "push it to the limit", much like Faraque/Rilissa


First Post
Interested with Gil, my 2nd character

Level 4 Wizard|Artificer/Assassin (Controller)

I'd like to "push it to the limit", much like Faraque/Rilissa

OOC: I'm up for pushing the limit (It's a brand new character, what's the worst that can happen, I die and...reroll a new one? :p. And my character's lookin for adventure and ways to test himself and his skills, sounds like a good start.

Son of Meepo

First Post
"A chance to chronicle blood sport first hand? Now that would be an interesting addition to the library. How could I resist?"

The deva looks over the rest of the people gathered here.

"My name is Dina, chronicler and scholar from the Library at Daunton. But wise in the way of war as with words all the same. Would there be any brave warriors willing to have my guidance in battle?"

OOC: Dina, level 1 Deva Artificer|Warlord (second character, needs approvals) seeks teammates for battle (preferably some with good MBAs as she's mostly a lazylord).
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First Post
"My name is Sha'kar. Some of you may have heard of me before as a famous merchant of magical goods of all kinds. With me on your team, your armor will feel stronger and your weapons will hit harder than ever before!"

OOC: Also still awaiting approvals for this character (just created him a coupla days ago)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Gil! Wait up! Before you start such foolish adventure it is wise to at least attempt to see what stars have in stock for you."

OOC: Martelai Luinil, star pact seer warlock 6 - I'm open for whatever, but would NOT like death match since he's my first and oldest char. I would go for it if the rest of the group agrees. I have two characters in adventures so not really a priority.

[MENTION=82643]CaBaNa[/MENTION], seer has [sblock=Cast Fortune]Target: One ally
Effect: Roll d20 three times and record the results in order. These results replace the next three non-trivial rolls of the type: attack roll, saving throw or skill check. At DM's discretion trivial rolls or rolls in non-dangerous situation cannot be replaced by prepared rolls. The effects end when all three rolls are used or on the next extended rest. The target doesn't know his/her fortune unless Martelai tells it.
[/sblock]. I could do a horoscope if you like :)

EDIT: There seems to be 3 level 1s, wizard/other(s) 4 and warlock 6 - it seems I'm out :( Unless there is an arena with platforms where I can teleport up or down and poor melee types need to catch up with me through wizard zones :)
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First Post
Artemis comes chasing after the wizard and the warlock.

"Listen Gil! This is dangerous! I agree with Martelei. You can't go in there alone. After all you've done for me, I'll stand with you."

OOC: Artemis Harks, lvl 4 star pact hexblade will accompany Gil. Second character. Recently re-worked, awaiting approval. We could have the level 1's together and the 4,4,6 characters together?

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