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Redbadge's Crypt of the Everflame (IC)


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"hmm, thieves perhaps looting the tomb, but that doesn't explain why they would take the bones out along with whatever else they stole nor the dead horses. Oooooh, maybe one of the traps within uses some kind of narcotic poison; I've read about those. The thieves get hit by poison tipped darts and kill their mounts while hallucinating. I wonder if I could recover any."
Snaggle appears lost in thought at the notion of having access to dangerous narcotic toxins.

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"Lets get this over with then," Lissa says as she stands next to the entrance. She considers the skeleton as she absentmindedly scratches Nyra's head.

OOC: I know it's old my question is what condition is it in, does it look posed, is it in the right order (not mixed up). Also did we determine what killed the horses?
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The skeleton looks like it was crushed under the weight of a collapsing horse, which was killed by the slashing and piercing of crude blades or claws.

You all array yourselves around the entrance to the crypt as Joseph prepares to heave open the heavy wooden doors...


7 Neth 4709 (8:10:56)
Entry Hall, Crypt of the Everflame, Serpent Gorge, 40 Miles South of Kassen, Southern Fangwood, Nirmathas

The wooden doors that open onto the first chamber of the crypt are already slightly ajar, but they are very heavy, either requiring Joseph a bit of time to heave open, or assistance from one of the other three. Either way, the doors open outward, scraping over dust and stone along drag patterns indicating that the door has seen much use relatively recently.

After you finally pull the doors fully open, the faint light from outside reveals a long chamber with risen platforms on either side. The stench of mold and rot hangs heavy in the air and hits you with a force. The ceiling is 15 feet high and all the surfaces are made of stone. A faded painting of the hero Kassen is on the far wall.

The room appears to have been the site of a gruesome battle, with two bodies piled in the center and a number of skeletons scattered around. Three bedrolls and a pair of backpacks are also strewn across the room. An echoing wail can be heard somewhere in the distance, beyond this foul chamber.

[sblock=Entry Hall]


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Snaggle sniffs the air with disgust, "Poor conditions, too damp; traps built here can't rely on ropes or wooden components. Also, it seems many of the grave robbers died here. If my guess on hallucinogenic traps is wrong, we should be wary of simple stone or magic based defenses."
Snaggle scans the room from the entrance.
OOC: Well that spot check was a flop.


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"Traps don't pile people... do they?"

Upon seeing more skeletons Lissa starts to fiddle nervously with her bullet pouch, "I'll put Nyra on guard while we search the room."


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"Could I get this lighted? It would be better than a torch, I think," Joseph says, drawing his greatsword. "And can someone with sharper eyes than me check those bodies? I'll stand watch."


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"Sure thing, Joseph." Gamble leans over and channels arcane energy into the fighter's greatsword, causing it to cast a pleasant glow throughout the chamber.

"I guess I have point then." Gamble moves cautiously forward into the room, getting about 10 feet in front of the others before looking back to see if he has any back up.


The light from the greatsword suddenly fills the room, and you are able to carefully look around and make an accurate assessment of the chamber's exact layout and contents.

You notice that many of the skeletons scattered about are garbed in old, rusty chain shirts, and old and tarnished scimitars are grasped in their claws. Gamble can see that the pile of bones at his feet are smashed and broken, though it still clutches a weapon. You can see that the two bodies are badly mauled, sprawled across a set of three bloody bedrolls, with rips and slashes across their simple roughspun clothing.

One of the two backpacks lies up the stairs to your left, while the other leans next to a pillar near another skeleton pile.

[sblock=Contents of the Entry Hall]
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"Undead... not something the mayor would have let loose on purpose," Lissa says fearfully as the blood drains from her face. She shakes herself the way a dog sheds water and squares her shoulders with a grimace as she pulls out her sling. "Come Nyra," she commands as she casts Magic Stone on most of her remaining bullets and moves up next to Gamble. Looking the gnome in the eye she says, "You know most of the town folk, check to see if these people are actually from our town. I'll check the bags," she looks back over her shoulder, "Snaggle if the poor fools were sent by the mayor you'll need to keep an eye out for new traps as well as old traps."

OOC: I'll take ten searching the bags.

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