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Redclaws Protectors OOC


Can I say that I love Osric and his Covering strike power :).

[sblock=I am a bad person]Thinking about thunderwave last night the -only- thing that makes it problematic is that it could be tricky avoiding hitting the rest of the party.
And I was also thinking that it'd "suck vs dwarves" (since they're resistant to sliding and falling prone).

Of course... Osric's a dwarf.
With 15 fort he's got a close to 50/50 of not even being hit!

After a particularly tough fight: Oh, gosh, Osric. I had no idea that spell would hit you.... I'm so sorry about that. Does it hurt much?
Oh, ow. Yeah. I guess it does.
Don't worry I'm sure that Penance can get that stuck back on.

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Zurai said:
I'd forgotten about being able to assist rituals without having Ritual Casting. I think that's the way to go with Immeral. I'll just pick up the two Ritual skills he doesn't have (Religion and Heal) and he can assist any ritual that needs casting. He'll probably pick up Religion through a Cleric multiclass, and Heal through simple Skill Training. There aren't a lot of Heroic tier feats I want, anyhow. I'm gonna grab Precise Hunter at 4; I think it's a bad feat but it fits the character and I'm willing to give it a shot (pun intended). I'm still not certain about my level 1 feat. May go ahead and swap it to Acolyte of the Faith or whatever the Cleric multi feat is.

I definitely like the concept of Immeral not being a spell/ritual caster himself but being able to support any kind of ritual as a secondary caster. Thanks for suggesting it.
Yeah, there are some nice touches in the new system. Less "I took this skill, but someone else already has it, so it's totally meaningless."

Multiclassing cleric or warlord is seriously awesome. The extra healing word is fantastic (and it really scales nicely). If it were at -all- possible to imagine Mirna doing that (not having skills she has) I'd be all over it.

This is a different conversation but I -love- how lame feats (except certain multiclassing feats) are now.

Before you basically -had- to take certain feats, just to stay on the power curve (or to get into the PrCs you needed to stay on the curve). Now you can kind of do whatever you feel like. If I buy Mirna Stealth and she's only got it at +5 (which is more of a level you'd use for roleplaying) then you're not an idiot and hurting your team for missing out on the feat you were supposed to take (or trapped in a class progression that will increasingly take you off the power level).[/sblock]


First Post
On my mistaken ability scores in my last post: I was too lazy to get my book, and went off what another poster on a different board was using(it seemed right, or I justed looked at the scores wrong) Anyway, I think the standard array will work just fine.

Redclaw, I would also(once you get the books) like your opinion on the ability of warlocks to gain concealment when they move and using it to hide. It seems to pretty easy to rule(they get concealment, they can hide. A-->B). I believe Graf DMed it correctly in the KotS game(I believe he quoted the text there if you want to look now). I won't be really using it at first level(no skill training), because I'd be horrible at it. Basically I'd be using to gain combat advantage(+2 att) for my encounter/dailies, once we reached second level and I took skill training.

One thing I've noticed in the rules(playing at the Exp) and specifically for my character: Difficult terrain and cover/concealment are big deals. When you do your maps can you try and indicate if any of them are available? It would just save us a step.

One thing I would like other people opinions on. Chain armor prof worth it? From leather to chain is a big jump in AC. But...with my movement of 5 while wearing chain, if in difficult terrain, I would only be able to move 2 squares, not getting shadow walk and the ability to hide w/o cover/concealment. Wow...after typing all that, it seems like there is a lot of "ifs". I think the armor prof is worth it. Thoughts?

More tactics: A nasty melee threat that is marked and in melee with the defender gets divine challenged by me. I use dire radiance. Now the bad guy has a choice: Attack the defender(taking damage and a penalty to attack from my divine challenge) or move to attack me(taking a basic attack from the defender, a -2 penalty from the challenge and more damage from dire radiance).

Things I didn't realize with Warlock's Curse: I have to attack or engage, it doesn't specify a melee attack. I initially thought that it was melee attack/engage, and had only planned on using it when forced into melee. Since I can use it with ranged attacks this makes just that much better. I also initially thought that I had to drop the opponent to get the bonus on the d20 roll, but it doesn't matter who drops the cursed opponent.

Another Curse thing: You can curse the nearest opponent. It specifically says what breaks the curse. The cursed target no longer being the closest enemy is not one of them. So in theory, every round as long as I am able to target a different enemy each time with my curse, I could potentially gain a large bonus if all the opponents went down in the same round. Am I reading that correct?

How are we on social skills for skill challenges? My current plan involves taking bluff and intimidate. I had planned on picking endurance fromt the pally list, but can get diplomacy if needed. Arcane and religion were also in my set so I can help with rituals too.

Graf, did you see what intimidate can do? Zaram can use that skill well, expect it to come up in the near future.


If you can fulfill a defender role, even only for a bit, I think that'd help our front line out immensely.

Missed intimidate. Will check it out in a bit. Thanks for the heads up.

I was waiting for "warlock ninja" to come up. Personally I think that, by RAW, it's just about the sickest low-level combo I've seen. (It's not even really a combo, even without stealth trained it's still good. You just need a lucky roll or two).
Naturally Redclaw will rule how Redclaw will rule. My comment is just my interpretation.

I really don't know about chain; I haven't looked seriously at armor at all yet. For the record, my shtick is "making terrain difficult". Both my encounter and my daily do that. Of course, I'm not planning on "shooting" at the PCs. But I'll be putting at least one 3x3 square of Icy Terrain down every fight.

My understanding of curse is that you -can- have multiple curses out. In a given fight you can drop some curses, and, as those guys start to go down you can feystep around like a maniac. Of course, you're using up minors that way (but that's what they're for).

I took diplomacy (had to drop bluff because humans can only get their extra skill from in-class --- it was the only other skill that seemed likely). But only have +5...

I've allowed Divine challenge to work at a distance (i.e. dragonbreath the wyrmpriest -> divine mark). It says attack and doesn't specify the type. Ideally you'd use it rarely as an off tank type thing. Trying to pull a wounded skirmisher or something. A ranged attacker will just blast you and "pulling" a soldier or a brute could be kinda painful.
(Maybe you can defend with the extra AC from chain though?)

I thought that a divine challenge was considered a mark -> doesn't stack with the fighters mark but I could be wrong. If I'm right then you can't put a monster into double jeopardy like that...


First Post
I'd probably go all the way up to Scale armor - not immediately, but eventually. Scale is Chain, but better in all respects. Since it doesn't look like you're boosting either Dex or Int much, light armor won't do you much good. Do be aware that your Reflex defense is going to suffer, though.

Immeral, naturally, has no social skills :p He's knowledgeable, sneaky, hardy... but not charming by any means. I did read Intimidate earlier today though, and wow. Make a bloodied enemy surrender? Yes please!


First Post
BTW, EvolutionKB:

How about, instead of being found by gold panners, Valamir was found by Immeral, like Redclaw suggested? I think that fits both backstories well, and it gives a strong link between the two characters. Immeral wouldn't need to know anything about his powers, but he'd probably routinely check on the people who lived near, but not in, the town, such as Valamir's family.


That's a cool idea!

Man, Arcana is pretty cool too. I'm liking Sense the Presence of Magic... Especially being able to do it through walls and floors. It makes even normal people with some arcana skill kind of like mystics...
As a DM I see counting up and down squares (i.e. vertically) to be headache inducing.

Gets to Intimidate...
Reads Intimidate...

Wow. Not much wiggle room. Of course you're rolling vs a DC that's in it's 20s.
That kinda contradicts parts of KotS at least (in the sense that there are a bunch of monsters/individuals who are "fanatical" and "happily (!) fight to the death").


First Post
Being found by Immeral sounds good.

Yeah, scale is the way to go once I can get there(level 4 or 6....?)

Yup, looks like you are right Graf, divine challenge is a mark...I was confusing it with the "special" section near the end of the power. So divine challenging a non-marked target is still good, just not quite as good.(takes a -2 to attack defender and damage from challenge or can shift and move or charge me. Doing so would cause extra damage then from dire radience.)
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First Post
Graf--go ahead and get some gear for Mirna. I'm sure she's been collecting things she figured Phillian has forgotten he owns (one of the benefits of doing the cleaning).
--I'm not fully convinced on the idea that you would know the attack roll, but you would certainly know damage. As a DM, I have to let you know how badly hurt she was, but I don't have to give info (and often don't) on the attack roll itself. I also figure the power would state that she knew the attack role, as that's really the more important one to know for figuring an AC bonus.

EvolutionKB--I'll check up on the concealment question, but at first glance it looks like it should work.
--I definitely plan on labelling the maps with difficult terrain and concealment possibilities. I'll probably put borders on squares with my excel maps.
--The curse power specifically says you can get multiple bonuses and that they stack. You can mark as many as you want, and when they fall you get a bonus.

Walking Dad

First Post
Graf said:

But it also says you can copy from other people's ritual books (pg 298) just by paying for the cost of the ritual. So if we pick different rituals then we could all eventually have a pretty decent ritual book (for the cost of some gp).
I took animal messenger (instead of comprehend languages) because it seemed really useful for getting the group together (and it's a fun image -> girl in tower talking to birds) but if Immeral wants to do ritual caster and get that one then I'll go back to comprehend.
Either seems fun, which fits your character better?


What else did you take? I took gentle repose and make whole. No need to double up on rituals (we can teach each other)

I will try the standard point array. But to the all equal argument:
Who of the characters in this game and of the pregens didn't had one 18 at least ;) (fine, the halfling paladin..., but he got two 16)

Any input for me about taking a fighting cleric or the cleric/ multiclass wizard route?

My character so far:
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