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Relic Hunters in Tekumel (IC)


Jack makes a smooch in the air at Angelina when she says "poor Jack", before giving her a wink and that damn, infuriating smile (smolder).

"Well Lord North seems as if the women of the Ching Shih aren't up for the competition. But I suppose that with two routes, that will ensure the success of the mission, seeing as it is so vital to all of us from the Realms. So sending Angelina's team as back up is a wise idea, should some untoward, and unlikely event occur to my men, it will be a comfort to you to have hedged your bet." says Jack now leaning back, his long legs sticking under the table, arms crossed over his chest.

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Zephia stands, hand on her blade, "Its posturing like this that will get one or both of our crews killed, you witless oaf!"

Rarely did Zephia get this emotional, but for some reason the very idea of this competition nonsense infuriated her, perhaps reminding her of something from her past, of which she had shared little, even with her closest friends.


Queen of Everything
Angelina snickers at Zephia's words to Jack. She stands from her seat and saunters around the table. "Jack, Jack, Jack," she coos, "Big words from Handsome Jack. Instead of wasting everyone's time with your self indulgent over confidence, why don't you put your lips to better use? Go play your games with some young clueless bimbo and let us get to business. We all know that's how your night is going to end anyway." She is standing next to Jack looking down at him, a smirk on her face and her arms crossed over her chest.

She turns back to the ambassador. "Unless you have something further for us, I think we'll go speak to the Tsolyani representative and find out what our next adventure is all about." She waits to see if he has anything further to add.
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"You didn't mind how I put my lips to use on your lips last time you were in port." Says Jack giving Angelina a pat on the butt. Jack then stands and caresses Angelina's cheek before heading to the door. "Shall we go find out what the Tsolyani want"

[section]Briony watched Sid elbow Rolfe and mentally marked Sid for future retribution. Nobody messed with Rolfe. Except her. And maybe Jack. And--oh, who the hell was she kidding? Rolfe was an arse. Briony grinned, remembering her and Rolfe's most recent fisticuffs. Now there's a man what can put his fingers to good effect.

Following the others into Ambassador North's chambers. Briony listened intently for a minute, trying to follow the ins and outs of Tsolyani diplomacy, but soon gave up. This talking makes my head hurt. Where's the booze? Briony cast an unrestrained look around the room and spotted a crystal decanter filled with amber liquid and a set of glasses on a sideboard. Crossing the room, Briony removed the stopper on the decanter, took a sniff of the amber liquid and smiled. Cognac. Hope I don't yak after all that rum earlier.

Briony poured herself a drink and sipped a tipple. Leaning back against the sideboard and watching the others flirt and bicker, Briony's grin grew wide. She watched Rolfe, admiring the cut of his breeches, the sweep of muscle in his forearms. Not that she'd ever tell him of her admiration. Not on pain of death. Better to let the halfwit stew until laters. Her head cocked just to the side, Briony considered knifing Sid for elbowing her Rolfe, but dismissed the idea as too obvious.

Jack's attempt at repartee filtered through Briony's cognac-induced haze. Putting down her empty glass, Briony snorted at Jack. "I think we all know how you put your lips to good use kissing Ange's ass last time we were in port. Give it a rest, Jack. Save your pretty words--you'll be wanting them to console Ickle Rolfie-kins when we return with the loot while your hold sits empty." Briony pushed off the sidebar, heading for the door. "Ladies. After you." Briony held open the door for Angelina, Zephia, Elspeth, and Bella. "We've a delegation to finesse." [/section]


Zephia had gotten herself into a foul mood. She'd never liked Jack and his crew and she didn't understand why the captain put up with them or why they indulged in this pointless rivalry. Why not just kill them and be done with it? Because the captain was infatuated with that blustering idiot, that's why.

The only thing keeping Zephia from putting action to her dark thoughts was that she knew the captain would never forgive her. Still, if she could find a way to do it without the captain and the others ever knowing... the beginnings of a plan were beginning to form in Zephia's mind.

Step one - observe the party and see if there were any potential allies among her own crew, among Jack's crew, or among their employer's friends. If she was going to do this, the plan needed to be flawless and she would need help. Better to put up with Jack's incessant banter than to foul up a plot of this scope and raise the ire of both crews. Patience was key. And so, Zephia began to plan...


Queen of Everything
After her sister gave Jack words, Angelina gave him a not sympathetic shrug and followed her ladies out of the room. Once they are a safe distance from the room Angelina grits her teeth and punches the wall, not hard enough to hurt herself but bold enough to scare two close by attendants. "Gods I really hate that man. And by hate I mean loathe. He's so infuriating! Whhyyyy do I let this go on? Of course it could be because he's saved my life and our crews ass more then once. But then again, we've done the same for them so we owe them nothing." She grabs a glass of... something... off a passing tray and drinks it down in one shot. She shakes her head. "Fine mood for business. Let's get to it."
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First Post
Bella makes a rather smooth transition going from what looks like going for a weapon to brushing something off her clothing. Once Angie heads for the door Bella follows her lead, offering a smug curtsy to her father and Jack in a f**k you kind of way.


Jack give both Bella and Zephia a wink and a grin as they leave, obviously not perturbed by their words or deeds. he then gathers up his men for a quick conference as the women leave.

[sblock=DT] I am assuming that Jack's role will now move to off-stage so that the women continue with the spotlight. But let me know if you want me to continue here with Jack's instructions or jump in at a signal later. I do have an action to enact at the ball after Angelina has had her conference though. [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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