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Remembering third editions release


The ranting and raving about 4E brings me back to a simpler time... A time before flash graphics were all the rage, Youtube was non existent broadband connections were the hottest thing to hit the internet, and no one knew what an I-Pod was. Yes, I'm talking about the months leading up to third edition when Eric Noah's Third Edition News was a hotbed of ranting, raving and general lunacy on all sides, I'm not even sure if Wizards had a forum at that point in time.

I've tried to remember some of my favorite rants about 3rd edition. Join me in reminiscing. I'm sure I've forgotten a lot of them.

Sorcerers don't need to memorize spells? ZOMG! It's like they want them to be like the sorceress from Diablo! What's next MANAPOINTS!

Wi$ards even made a Diablo game! They are trying to turn D&D into a video game!

Why do all the classes have the same advancement table! That's so stupid! Why would anyone play a thief anymore?!

Thac0 kept the riff-raff out!

Prestige Classes are for power gamers!

Monks and Dwarves are overpowered! Everyone is going to play Dwarf Monks!

Monks belong in Oriental Adventures! Keep your Ki out of my Arthurian Fantasy!

Everyone looks like they're getting ready for S&M night! Spiky armour looks like Anime!

D&D is becoming Dragonball Z! Feats are going to let PC's do ANYTHING!

Wizards can create magic items at third level?!?! DM's won't be able to control their campaign anymore!!!

Oh, and lets not forget OD&D (1974) is the one true game! All others are pale imitations of the real thing!. Someone or other around here still brings that up now and then. :D
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Registered User
Ah yes, I recall all of the 'monks are broken!111' threads. Good times.

And thanks for putting some of the vitriol into perspective.


Oh, I almost forgot:

Halflings are skinny nomads!? WTF? Wi$ards has spat on Tolkien's grave!

I've been DMing since Holmes Basic! I don't need no stinking paint by numbers "recommended wealth by level" table!
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First Post
There's quite a bit in 3.0 that's an improvement on earlier editions, in my view. Skills are much more organized, the entire battle system is one of the better ones out there, and saving throws are so much easier to deal with than those clunky charts on the inside of the DM screen. There were so many basic improvements to the game that frankly everything else that's come after has been pure dross, variations on variations, which all started as soon as the 3.0 DMG came out with those absurd classes such as Shadowdancer, Arcana Archer and Loremaster.


I agree, 3rd ed was a huge improvement in many respects over earlier editions. It was a great system. So was 2nd edition, so was 1st. The point is that when third edition was released there was a small but very vocal batch of gamers who were absolutely 110% convinced that not only was 3rd edition the worst thing ever to happen to D&D, but the worst thing to happen to gaming, and quite possibly one of the signs of the apocalypse.

I'm still convinced that every time a new edition gets released Diaglo goes outside and starts looking for fire to begin raining from the sky. (I'll apologize on CM so you can neg-rep me Diaglo)

I happen to think that 4th edition is a great system too.

Imperialus said:
I agree, 3rd ed was a huge improvement in many respects over earlier editions. It was a great system. So was 2nd edition, so was 1st. The point is that when third edition was released there was a small but very vocal batch of gamers who were absolutely 110% convinced that not only was 3rd edition the worst thing ever to happen to D&D, but the worst thing to happen to gaming, and quite possibly one of the signs of the apocalypse.

Who knows, maybe they are right? Didn't the reports of the clima changes increase in frequency and importance with the year 2000? ;)


First Post
Imperialus said:
I've been DMing since Holmes Basic! I don't need no stinking paint by numbers "recommended wealth by level" table!

Proof that some criticisms were correct, and some 4e ones will be correct as well. ;)


First Post
When 3E was about to be released, I remember having one of the guys in my 2E campaign compare 3E's feat prerequisites and minor trees to Diablo. Before the game came out, I imagined a deeper and more elaborate feat system than 3E actually delivered.

However, even when I heard those comparisons to Diablo, it was never in a negative fashion. Never once did someone say, "they are ruining the game and making into a video game!" In fact, even if Diablo *had* invented the skill tree, and even if D&D 3.0 ripped it off, I think my friends would be fine with it. A good or fun idea is a good or fun idea, regardless of what the source is.

I apparently missed all of the arguments and problems regarding 3E totally. Then again... I didn't follow 3E on the internet at all, just discussed it with friends.

I think the internet culture too often promotes some strange ideals and criticisms, in general.


First Post
Yep, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I also recall fears of mechanics like DC's and AoOs bringing ruin to the game. Some arguments sound vaguely familiar today, like DND becoming too miniature-focused or turning into MtG / Diablo / Everquest. My personal favorite fear was over how iterative initiatives would ruin the game.


Someone just posted this over on the Wizards boards. Whole pile of other gripe's I'd forgotten.

Calling all munchkins! Dust off that Elf Fighter/Mage/Thief/Paladin/Cleric/Ranger that noone would let you play because it violated all the rules! 3e is here for you!

WOTC has degraded one of the boundary breaking FRPG's into nothing more than a kiddie game and math class! WOTC is the Disney of RPG companies with its retooling of the world to make it acceptable and politically correct for everyone!

do away with THAC0, replacing it with a greater number of variables to add or subtract from your ability to damage a certain adversary. Challenge ratings, difficulty ratings, etc..

Action or battle also consists of feats, instead of proficiencies.

Lovin' it :D

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