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Remnants of the Horde:Mount Zuregath

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Bargo shifts his weight on the big toy, bored with the hobbling meat poppet's fiddling. As he watches Forlash work, in his mind's eye he begins to look more and more like a snack.


First Post
"Damn this to the abyss! How the hell would I know what to do...maybe this lever will release something more foul onto that half breed ogre then he puts out... Forlash thinks to himself as he tries to figure out the machine in front of him.


Durgo rises to the higher ledge, stepping on air and looking for all the world like he's about to smash something. Mountain coming apart and the stoopid mojo no fix it!

He bellows up to them, the roots of insight gaining purchase in the packed clay of his mind, "ENGINEERS!?" Surely they had to have at least one more gobbie engineer in that motley group. If not, he'd give that infernal machine a bit of Muragar maintenance alongside his bastard son...


Wekerak and Frostbite roam the room, the goblin swiftly familarising himself with the layout and the exits. The pair stay well away from the pounding machinery, lips curling at the smell of oil and metal. Neither knows anything of such matters, and they are happy to leave them to those that do.


Tsukoka, Hobgoblin Song Speaker

A grin breaks out over Tsu'koka's face when he realises who is down there.

"Wait!" Tsukoka bellows into the room.

"We have brought the giants who run this contraption."

Turning to the giants, Tsu'koka motions for them to go. "Go! Go! Get the infernal machine running as it is should."

Tsu'koka returns his attention to those around them. "If this room is not ours yet, lets make it so. If it is, then lets make sure."

Tsu'koka turns to Wekerak. He doubts the goblin needs any further direction. "Take the other gobins with you. They would do well to watch and learn from you."

To Niglo he adds. "You and the bugbears too. Two groups can cover more ground than one."

"Sroka. Hold this position and these doors, but have some with sharp eyes watch the gobs and bugbears in case any of them run into trouble."

~if all is quiet~

Tsu'koka considers the chamber once more, making a note of any other entrances and dark corners before (gingerly) following the giants down onto the platform.


Durgo double-knuckles the middle of his brow in exhasperation, his face scrunching up. At last, he relaxes his shoulders just as an explosion puts his hackles back up.


"Forlash! Use mojo to get dems here if you's have to.


Thoroughly out of breath from yelling at his bastard son, Durgo takes a moment to recover and then points to the platform the half-elfie started from. He then proceeds up through the air to where the giant/engineers await.


Bargo stops stalking the hag-burger and mutters about how its always "Bargo do this, Bargo do that" but no food for Bargo as he starts climbing his way over to the platform the big stupid head wants Bargo to go to.


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Ahh...back to the old Durgo/bargo dynamic (sniffles a tear...)


the Giants quickly descend the walls, using the handholds that they know to do so. Goblin Engineers descend as well, ropes and hooks flying, as the little yellow buggers swarm the machine.
Wekerak and Frostbite feel the almost unbearable heat (especially for the Wolk, who whines that he would be better guarding the doorway leading to the hellish Machine-Chamber.
the hobgoblins set up in a defensive parimeter in the outer chamber as well, forming a Phalanx of shields and short spears quickly unlimbered from their packs. Sroka moves among them barking orders, and Wekerak and frostbite both feel the comforting Aura move over them, invigorating their bodies <+1AC>

The Fire Giants reach the Machine, pausing to frown at Bargo and the several smashed bits that he has obviously inflicted. Nearly knocking Forlash from his chain, they jog by and begin pulling levers and venting valves al over the thing, the goblins endevouring to aid in whatever way that they can.
A scream sounds, and Forlash sees a goblin literally cooked to death by a sudden blast of hot air, his lifeless body falling very closeby.

Bargo smelling the savory scent of roast goblin, can't help himself,quickly scooping up the gobbie, crunching down on the blackened skin and delicious seared-in juices.

After a moment of tension, the air pregnant with apprehension, a great grinding can be heard. As the Ash-Vents open all over the Mountain, the resulting shudder knocking most of the hobs and bugbears to the ground,
along with a very angry and startled Bargo, almost causing him to choke on a goblin finger-bone. Standing again, the Muragar can feel the relief in the Mountain, as hot air shoots off into the exit tunnels and the magma below the Great Machine recedes. All seems to be coming back to a more normal state of being.

Below, the Giants call up that they will be able to finish the repairs in the next hour, leaving Durgo's mind to calculate and ponder another problem...the revival of Zuregath.

Nilgo steps forward and says to the Ogre (looking a bit uneasy at the Muragar's ability to walk on air) 'Captain, we can reach the Throne Chamber in about half an hour. I can get us there.Soon our Lord Zuregath will breathe again!'

Sroka salutes the Ogre and states that his troops will stay and guard the entrance to the machine-Chamber, making sure that none of the enemy tamper with the repairs.

Just as Durgo prepares to below at Frlash for some more mojo, a smallish figure detaches from a wall, moving purposefully towards the massive Ogre.

Looking up at the seeting mass of muscle (and at the the second Muragar who climbs over the ledge onto the solid ground once more, a goblin hand still protruding from his mouth),the face of a Gnome peeks forth from .

A gaunt and pallid thing she is, with skin stretched tightly over her tiny frame, yet Durgo can smell the powerful Mojo coming off of this Gnome.
The symbol of Nerull is branded upon her forehead, lending an even more sinister air to her presence.
A backpack slung over her shoulder, she looks to be heading somewhere .

'I am M'eli-Itchi, and i think I can help you in your business, Ogre.'


Tsu'koka, Hobgoblin Song Speaker

Tsu'koka studies each of the ogres and Forlash for signs of wounds that need healing. He makes a mental note of any that he sees for attention later.

Satisfied, Tsu'koka turns his attention to Sroka and the hobgoblins. Tsu'koka watches as the hobgoblins move quickly into postion. He smiles as he feels Sroka's aura wash over him. With soldiers like these we could take back what was taken from us. A sense of dislocation and emptiness washes over Tsu'koka. He shrugs it off, but not completely. A faint trace lingers in the corners of his mind.

Tsu'koka stiffen as he notices the Gnome approach Durgo. What? How did she get there? Arcane symbols swirl through his mind for a moment before Tsu'koka realises that the Gnome wants to talk. Tsu'koka clears his thoughts and leans forwards on Blood to hear what he can.

Voidrunner's Codex

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