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Remnants of the Horde:Storming the Walls...


ooc: Hide +8 :p

"I don't want whats waiting tipped off. want the benefit of surprise. Perhaps we should just lead with whatever is fast and tough. The gobbies can cover the flanks and rear, so we don't get taken by surprise ourselves.

"Gargoyles. They're fast and damn hard to against rock. Put em up front with the gnolls behind. Gargoyles can go up and over, attack from behind and keep any from slipping off to get help. Gnolls go in swinging with giants backing them up. Those hellhounds should be good.

"What do you say?"

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First Post
With carnage and so forth rampaging about the early breach, Vespazian strode through the halls with his Hobgoblin Retinue, only to see the huge Muragar Krong with half a minotaur in hand.

The human frowned, but was otherwise pleased with the progress thus far. He heard the banter between the gob scout and the Song Speaker and surmised that his own input was not needed.

He turned to Sroka. Follow the gob's and get those giants to form a rear guard as we advance. If those whining scouts try to urge you to support them, cut them down. I won't have a sneaky get try to order my Hob's around. And he clapped the Hobgoblin commander on his shoulder and looked for Rat who he had seen naught of for a while now.....?


deadestdai said:
"Follow the gob's and get those giants to form a rear guard as we advance. If those whining scouts try to urge you to support them, cut them down. I won't have a sneaky get try to order my Hob's around."

Tsu'koka shrugs as he catches Vespazian words. He turns back to Wekerak.

"OK then, lets get moving. I'm with you and the scouts. Left or right at the junction?"


Wekerak shrugs, trying to work out the direction the main gate from his current position. Once he thinks he has it worked out, he chooses the fork that seems closer to that bearing.

"That way."


Living EN World Judge
OoC: If you look bac to page 1, the gargoyles fly up to engage the Drow/Dire bats.There are no Gargoyles with your group now.
The Goblins have a Hide +10 with Size, thanks for the correction Cap.


As the officers give orders to their troops and Wekerak guesses as to the main gate, a massive smashing sound comes from thenorth, echoeing back down the hallway to where Vespazian,Wekerak and Tso'Koka stand.

Shrieks reverberate and the sound of panicked goblins are quickly followed by the sight of several Goblins running pell-mell back down the tunnel towards where the Commander and Company waits.

OoC:The gobs are running back down around the corner at I-8. Most of the group is in the region of the entryway Guardroom awaiting what the scouts found.

A massive figure steps around the corner, laughing, a Stone Giant who halts in mid bowl, seeing as he was going to playa game of 9-pins with the Gobbies. When he sees the massed Hobgoblins and Fire Giants, he pauses and bellows <Giantish> 'Ware,this way,Brothers!'

OoC:Map to follow whenI get back from an errand.


Tsu'koka flicks a handfull of ground dust down the corridor, casting Glitterdust into the center of the three way junction. He then begins a Chant of Courage*.

ooc: *Inspire Courage +2 morale Sv vs Fear, Charm, +2 morale Attack/Dam


First Post
Hearing the Giant bellow unintelligably, Vespazian looks about his troops to see if any there understood exactly what the large ugly man meant.

(Waiting for that map.)


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Apologies for real life interfering...I told real life to get lost, we have a Dead Half Red dragon Sorcerer to ressurect... Changing a bit of action in order to allow the force to get to the enemy...otherwise, it's an ugly bottleneck.


The Stone Giant's smile faded as it sighted the Fire Giant that stepped to the fore, the otehr troops instinctively moving aside.

The stone giant hurled hs stone, which one giant caught, even as two others hurled theirs in turn, one caught by the Stone Giant, the other smashing into his chest. With a roar, the Fire Giants charged, Sroka ordering the troopers after, the whole surging down the hall with a thunderous reverberation.
When the first Fire Giant reached the Stone Giant, he brought his huge sword down, splitting the stone giant head like a overripe mellon. Rounding the corner, the giants ran on into a large and well lit chamber, the others behind.

It seemed that Vespazian's troops were finally acting l;ike proper warriors after all...

The scene confronting the band was this.

In a large chamber, with a double door opposite stand 4 more Stone Giants and twice that (9,actually) number of Minotaurs. These seem to have been eating and otherwise torturing the goblins that they caught, not wholly unlike a cruel child that catches a helpless insect.The Fire Giants Charge in, along with Krong and the Troll Barbarian. Duffo the Manticore launches into the air 9the roof is 30-40 up). Sroka barks out an order, and the hobgoblins move forward, closing in ranks, a protective wall for Vespazian and Tsu'koka.
Nilgo and the bugbears move south, engaging several minotaurs.
The orcs/gnolls and remaining goblins are in the rear.


Wekerak/FB 19
Krong 17
Tsu'kona 16
Sroka 15
Vespazian 13
Hobgoblins 9


Living EN World Judge
Map of Round One

Stone Giants are black
Fire Giants are red
the rest should be easy.


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