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Remnants of the Horde:The Return of Zuregath


Bargo pulls a face and mutters as Durgo continues to talk, grabbing one of the mephits he shoves him forward. "Others catch up. Where vent? No talking! Bargo like spicy food."

But the oaf is only a little up the way by the time the rest are underway.

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The only thing in the world that Wekerak wholly trusts is Frostbite. He'll stick with the Hobgoblin Cavalry, driving off interference, until the gates are open, then ride in on the winter wolf's back for more killing and feasting than even he can imagine.


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The Ogre with the chained Manticore stood shouting at the orcs about him. The captain moved to meet him. Vespazian spat on a passing orc trooper, offering only a stare that screamed of murder to answer any objection thereof. Facing up to the brute, he looked only at the huge man, right in the eyes. I am Captain Vespazian, you will follow me as you have Durgo. (OOC: Intimidate roll here please.) He hefted his axe to a comfortable, yet very reachable position on his shoulder should Krong decide otherwise.


Living EN World Judge
deadestdai said:
The Ogre with the chained Manticore stood shouting at the orcs about him. The captain moved to meet him. Vespazian spat on a passing orc trooper, offering only a stare that screamed of murder to answer any objection thereof. Facing up to the brute, he looked only at the huge man, right in the eyes. I am Captain Vespazian, you will follow me as you have Durgo. (OOC: Intimidate roll here please.) He hefted his axe to a comfortable, yet very reachable position on his shoulder should Krong decide otherwise.

The orc didn't even notice being spit upon (and probably wouldn't have cared, so coarse were those brutes).

Krong eyes Vespazian and opens his mouth in what could have been a grin or a showing of teeth for other purposes.

Leaning down upon the haft of his massive Weapon, Krong says 'Krong follow little 'Umie, long as 'Umie do Zuregath's Work.Zuregath only Lord Krong follow w'out queshtun...What you want of Krong...Captain?'
Krong hesitated before the last word, then shrugged and uttered the Title,closing his mouth and attempting a genuine smile.


First Post
Uriel said:
The orc didn't even notice being spit upon (and probably wouldn't have cared, so coarse were those brutes).

Krong eyes Vespazian and opens his mouth in what could have been a grin or a showing of teeth for other purposes.

Leaning down upon the haft of his massive Weapon, Krong says 'Krong follow little 'Umie, long as 'Umie do Zuregath's Work.Zuregath only Lord Krong follow w'out queshtun...What you want of Krong...Captain?'
Krong hesitated before the last word, then shrugged and uttered the Title,closing his mouth and attempting a genuine smile.

Narrowing his eyes at the Ogre, Vespazian sized-up the beast and was impressed. I imagine Durgo has already mentioned his intentions for these remaining troops. Get them ready, Durgo will need us ready to take the gates asap.


First Post
Watching the different factions getting their groups together, Forlash begins to prepare himself for the upcoming journey inside the ash-vents. Good thing that Ogre changed his mind about me helping to open the gates, don't work to well in open warfare.
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Not for the first time, Tsu'koka wonders how Durgo had got everyone to accept that Zuregath could be saved. The Ogre was not exactly an expert on mojo.

Tsu'koka shrugged and grinned. Funny thing was, he believed it too.

After taking a moment to take in the scene, Tsu'koka sets Blood in the direction of Vespazian. Drawining up to the captain, he hobgoblin swings down off his mount and gives the Captain a sharp salute.

"Where would you have me and what would you have me do?"


First Post
doghead said:
After taking a moment to take in the scene, Tsu'koka sets Blood in the direction of Vespazian. Drawining up to the captain, he hobgoblin swings down off his mount and gives the Captain a sharp salute.

"Where would you have me and what would you have me do?"

Taking in the troops stood about the Ogre Krong, Vespazian thought a little on the bard's words. All the while staring at the Troll and remembering back on an time when he had battled one that was rather "too" similar looking. He turned to Tsu'koka, barely registering that the hobgob' had saluted, and hawked and spat at it's feet. Smacking his lips he turned his gaze to the waiting soldier's face. Tsu'koka, lead my mounted troops, protect our flanks as we advance. Also, take the Gnolls and those stinking hounds. Keep in close contact as we advance. He jerked his thumb toward the pack of hellhounds, nose wrinkled as their sulphuric stench wafted over with the breeze.

He turned to the huge ogre. Krong, stay close to me. We will need to show good examples to the others as our task is not an easy one. Kill all who stand against us!

He raised his voice so the rest of the troops could hear. Gulgathan Durgo will create an opening for us to go through! Let us aid him in retaking our Iron King's castle!

Vespazian organised the goblins to ready their bows for support of the group's advance, the engineers to hurridly create basic screens for the archers. The orcs he would lead himself with Krong (Telling the ogre to let his pet do as it pleased amongst the enemy - Vespazian wasn't knowledgable of airborn tactics anyhow.) and the troll in support - He also noticed that Durgo had not taken the giants with him. Tall ones, we have need of your great strength! Join us, help us destroy Zuregath's enemies and hold the gates open long enough for our allies to pour through. There is much blood to spill out there!


Living EN World Judge
The Ash Vents

Durgo clambored wearily up the mountainside, his arms aching something fierce.
Behind, Bargo climbed steadily up the cliff fcae, followed by a half dozen Muragar. Kurg and Forlash following close behind.

Salamanders snake up the mountainside like serpents among rocks, while mephits fly overhead, looking for trouble. Aftr nearly an hour of climbing, one of the mephit's zips down and points eagerly to Durgo, indicating a massive steel disk, some 20 foot in diameter. As the group comes within fifty feet, the disk shudders and suddenly moves,bisecting with a thunderous sound and a grinding of gears. Opening nto two pieces, ther air is quickly filled with hot ash, as it billows outwards from the mountainside,covering the nearby sky in a dark blanket of soot.

Hunkered down, the group waits out the scorching ash, and,after 10 minutes of this, the air clears for the most part, revealing that the Vents are open and relatively free of debris.

The Mephit excitedly screams 'Now,Captain, few minutes left,go now!', flying upwards to indicate the way. The other Mephits swarm about, hovering about the entrance as the group makes i's way upwards.

Finally, the Vent is reached and, with a moment to catch your breath, you plunge within.

The only one that has problem getting inside is Bargo, who becomes stuck briefly. Several of the Muragar behind push and kick at him, finally dispodging Bargo who, with a gutteral laugh, falls inside into the Hallway that is your entrance to Castle Zuregath...

The long passage stretches on and down,leading, presumably, to some mechanism for controlling the heat and ash of the Volcano, though the Lords of Hell only know how that is accomplished. The mephits strek off, exploring ahead, returning after about five minutes, just as the Vent closes again, sealing you all inside. There are two access tunnels further on, for the Engineers who work on the Vent-Valves. Hopefully, these lead somewhere that will allow access to the Castle proper before too long...


Gate Crew

Vespazian waited...and waited...and waited.
The Ogre had been gone for an hour, and still no sigh\n of any breakthrough. Nilgo was staring at the Walls, a lower section perhaps 200 yards up. There were no troops there, and the Bugbear was looking about, doing calculations and glancing at the Gargoyles and the Manticore. Finally, he moves to vespazian and addresses him, 'Captain, if I may. I don not pretend to know the full layout of the Castle, as none but Zuregath himself does, if even his August Self knows it all. What I do know is the Walls, and the Fortifications.Durgo may be halfway to Hell now, dead or lost in the Labyrinth of tunnels somewhere in the Mountain.
However, I think that we can make an entance there...'

Nilgo points to the parapet where no guards seem to be, a clear section of Wall. Sroka comes over, listening intently. Nilgo continues 'With the gargoyles and the manticore, we can ferry the troops up onto the wall in say, 20 minutes. We have almost 20 Gargoyles, and the Manticore looks strong and big enough to get the Giants up.It is a massive specimen and can carry creatures it's own size with little problem. I propose that we assault the Gate House from within. Land upon the Wall, it is only three levels down to the Gate.That's three levels that I know well, as do many of the Hobs here, those from the Wall. I think that perhaps this is our best shot. besides, Zuregath would be very pleased to hear that you took the Gate, I think. What say you, Captain?'

Nilgo,Sroka and many of the troops are looking at Vespazian, waiting to see what he will decide, what sort of leadership move he will make in this precarious position...

OoC:See you all after the weekend
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