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renau1g's Red Hand of Doom


Best defense and all that. Brodi says to no one in particular.
Brodi makes a clucking sound and Short-toe charges forward (O19). As he reaches his spot he reaches down into th strangeness trying to call forth the dark purple energy that ravaged his tribe.

[sblock=OOC]sorry. Not on a proper computer right now. Will put up a proper statblock and rolls in about 12 hours. Or someone can do it for me if that's better. Casting manyjaws at closest three hobs. Dice split 2/2/3.[/sblock]

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[sblock=ooc]I'm assuming Hurrow is on the same level as the hobs, aka not going to take damage or AoO for shifting out of flying form to predator form.[/sblock]

The black-feathered eagle that is Hurrow elongates and grows fur, becoming an imposing looking sable wolf. The shrill cry of the bird becoming a throaty growl and it bites out at the hobgoblin holding the bow.

[sblock=Actions]Shift(swift action to predator form) and attack the hob near me. 24 to hit. 11 damage

[sblock=Stats]AC: 17

Entangle: 40' radius 5 min, 9rd duration. DC 16 reflex, once per round on my turn.
HP: 50/50
Shifting: Round 2/5
F: +7 R: +7 W: +10
Spells prepared:

Druid spells per day(including bonus spells for high wisdom): 5/4/4/3
DC: 14+spell level or 15+spell level for conjuration spells. CL: 6

0: Dawn, Light, Create Water, Cure Minor Woundsx2
1: Entangle, CLW, Produce Flame, Enrage Animal
2: Wild Instincts, Decomposition, Kelpstrand, Snake's Swiftness(mass)
3: Sleet Storm, Vigor(mass lesser), Call lightning

AoO: +10, 1d6+8[/sblock]


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Zazz's blade ignites with flame as slashes at the surprised hobgoblin, learning from his earlier difficulties, Zazz easily avoids the undergrowth and slashes a deep gash across his opponents chest. The hobgoblin screams in pain as he falls to the ground, hands covering the already cauterized wound.

Brodi charges forward on Short-toe, launching jaws made of a strange purple force streaking out towards the hobgoblins hiding in the forest. They try to avoid the biting jaws, but are unable to as they're held fast by the forest.

Virashil splits into four different images of herself, all shifting and moving amongst each other as she strides imperiously onward down the sluice.

Hurrow morphs into a sable wolf and bites hard on the hobgoblins leg, drawing a deep wound, but failing to take the enemy down.

The hobgoblin draws his sword and swings at Hurrow, cutting deep into his shoulder. The balance of the hobgoblins open fire on the halfling, but the distraction caused by the jaws and the plants ruins their aim.

[sblock=Brodi] You see running across the path in front of you, a creature similar to a dog, but with glowing red eyes. It disappears into the forest NE of your current position [/sblock]

Zazz incapitates the hobby he's facing, removed from map.
Brodi's manyjaws hits all three hobgoblin's, who are also still entangled.
Virashil moves and casts mirror image
Hurrow attacks and injures his opponent.
Hobgoblin strikes Hurrow for 9 damage with his longsword.
3 Hobgoblins open fire on Brodi, but are all stopped by his magical defenses.

Round 2 done, let's go onto round 3
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Avaxasir nods in satisfaction as the hobgoblin drops to the soft loom of the forest floor, and then moves forward, stepping over the downed foe. The shadows again flitter around him, concealing the elf from the casual observer. Stopping before he enters the area of writhing vines and underbrush, Zazz tosses the dagger in his left hand at the closest hob.

[sblock=Initiative & Actions]
Initiative: 18
Child of Shadows stance, providing Zazz with concealment (swift action)
Move to O12
Attack vrs (Q14) +9, damage 1d4+5/19-20

[sblock=Avaxasir Stats & Maneuvers Readied]
AC 21, HP 46/46, Init +5, Move 40' (boots)
Fort +5, Reflex +11, Will +7

Maneuvers Readied: Death Mark, Mountain Hammer, Shadow Jaunt, Cloak of Deception, Burning Blade


Brodi Fight 1 Round 3

Brodi -- AC24s/16/17 HP 44/44 ---AP ??--- Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +6 [+8 vs fear]
---Freedom of Movement (1 rnd only), Shield
Short-toe-- AC26s/13/23 HP 36/36 --- Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +1
---Freedom of Movement (1 rnd only), Shield [sblock=Additional stats]Init +4; Senses Spot -4, Listen -4, Search +0

3rd ** | 2nd ***** | 1st ****** | 0th *****[/sblock]

Did anyone else see that....

Brodi glances around, no-one else seems to be going after the dog. I could be important... he mutters to himself.

Brodi clucks his tongue again and Short-toe bolts off into the woods. The crystal on his forehead glimmers, allowing him to pass through the entangle unhindered. Behind him rent in the world throbs unpleasantly, it's rending purple energy continuing to savage on the hobgoblins.

[sblock=Brodi Actions R3]
Standard: Maintain concentration on Manyjaws (DC18 {ref half} 2d6,2d6 and 3d6 on the hobs respectively). -- Each creature gets 1 saving throw each round. Range is 160 feet (if I go further away than that the spell ends I think).
Free (?): Guide Short-toe to the NE after the doggie.
Move: nada
Immediate: Trigger Eye of Freedom (1 rounds worth of Freedom of Movement - to pass through the entangle and the undergrowth unhindered) -- Share with Short-toe

PS I see the tendrils of purple energy as being unpleasant jagged shapes some resembling jaws others not, but that's FX.
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Virashil spies the cowardly hobgoblins attempting to hide within the safety of the branches.

In a low voice,"Mere leaves will not protect you...from me."

Her eyes glow momentarily like molten silver orbs as she rears back her head and bellows a gout of ice towards the two southern hobgoblins.

Convert 2nd level spell slot into Draconic Breath (ice) -- 4d6 (cold) Reflex DC17 for 1/2, 30' cone, should be able to get both of them (on the south side) within the effect.

Spells left:


AC 17/17/13, HP 32/32, Init +3, Move 30'
Fort +4, Reflex +4, Will +6

Mage Armor (5 hrs)
Mirror Images (3) (49 rounds)


First Post

Hurrow growls in pain, lashing out again with lupine teeth. After his jaws snap out, his form changed once more, returning to his normal form.

[sblock=Actions]Attack again in predator form16 to hit 10 damage Then shift back to normal form(AC 20). If the hob goes down before my turn, I'll move forward 20', return to normal form and cast produce flame[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]AC: 17(predator) 20 normal form

Entangle: 40' radius 5 min, 8rd duration. DC 16 reflex, once per round on my turn.
HP: 42/50
Shifting: Round 3/5
F: +7 R: +7 W: +10
Spells prepared:

Druid spells per day(including bonus spells for high wisdom): 5/4/4/3
DC: 14+spell level or 15+spell level for conjuration spells. CL: 6

0: Dawn, Light, Create Water, Cure Minor Woundsx2
1: Entangle, CLW, Produce Flame, Enrage Animal
2: Wild Instincts, Decomposition, Kelpstrand, Snake's Swiftness(mass)
3: Sleet Storm, Vigor(mass lesser), Call lightning

AoO: +10, 1d6+8 [/sblock]


First Post
Zazz moves forward, stepping over the downed foe. The shadows again flitter around him, concealing the elf from the casual observer. Stopping before he enters the area of writhing vines and underbrush, Zazz tosses the dagger in his left hand at the closest hobgoblin, his is aim true and the dagger imbeds itself up to the hilt in the hobgoblins neck, as he falls the writhing forest continues to grasp the unmoving form.

Brodi's purple energy continues to harass the hobgoblins, both targets still standing cry out as the unpleasant jagged shapes rip numerous bloody wounds in them. They also fall and are held fast by the forest floor. As he chases the 'dog' through the entanglement affected area, Brodi also sees five more hobgoblins coming out of the forest north-east down the path. The 'dog' runs towards a small stone structure, hidden from the path by the forest. Coming out of the structure are two more hobgoblins, one wielding two short swords and the other carrying a steel shield and wielding a heavy mace.

Virashil rears back her head and bellows a gout of ice towards the southern hobgoblins. As her ice breath travels to its target, the hobgoblin manages to find partial cover behind the tree, but even that doesn't save him from the blast and he falls to the floor, with half his body covered in ice crystals.

Hurrow leaps up and grabs the hobgoblins throat with his lupine teeth, tearing a large portion of it out and the enemy falls to the ground, his hands useless attempting to staunch the loss of blood. He then reverts back to his human form.

Everyone sees five more hobgoblins rushing up the path, stopping on the other side of the entangled area.

[sblock=Graf] The two-sword wielding hobgoblin rushes forward towards you, taking a swing with one of his swords. His blow stabs you in the shoulder, drawing an attack of opportunity from you & Short-toe. (OOC - 12 damage) The mace wielder speaks words to a spell and disappears. (Spellcraft DC17). [/sblock]

All the original hobgoblins are now dead.
All of you see the 5 coming up the path, only Zazz sees the 'dog' at O28 and the blade-wielder next to Brodi.
Brodi sees everything, unfortunately. ;)

New Initiative:

Sword-wielding Hob - 21 (already went)
Mace-wielding Hob - 19 (already went)
Zazz - 18
Brodi - 14
Virashil - 11
Hurrow - 9
'dogs' - 8
hobgoblins - 3

Round 3 done - Round 4 started already, Zazz you're up

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"Stay back," calls Zazz to Vira and Hurrow as he moves to skirt the area of entangling vines, spinning his shortsword in his hand as he goes, shadows twisting about in his path. He calls out to the hobgoblins rushing up the path, taunting them. "Come, face a true warrior! Or are you scared of a slender elf?" He laughs, and draws a new dagger into his left hand to replace the one now stuck in the downed hob's neck.

Continue using Child of Shadow stance, Move to V-14


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renau1g said:
Hudder leaps up and grabs the hobgoblins throat with his lupine teeth, tearing a large portion of it out and the enemy falls to the ground, his hands useless attempting to staunch the loss of blood. He then reverts back to his human form.

That tricky dwarf!

Voidrunner's Codex

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