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RESTARTED - Rhun's Greyhawk ALPHA Campaign (tToEE) - PART III


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A round of the Wench's special ale is quickly poured and brought to you, foaming over the tops of the large ceramic steins in which Ostler serves it. The walnut-colored liquid is served cool from the inn's cellar...hints of caramel, chocolate and hazelnut are all evident in the thick, malty beverage, and you find it extremely refreshing after the trials of the last few days.

The cook makes haste, and a short time later, Alice (one of the Wench's serving girls...a blonde slip of a girl who you are amazed can actually lift the serving platters that she delivers) brings out your food. The venison is perfectly cooked, tender and juicy, and loaded with sauteed mushrooms and shallots. Large wooden bowls of Ostler's famous mashed garlic turnips are provided, drowned in butter. Loaves of crusty black bread round out the meal, and soon the only sounds are the clank of dishes from the kitchen behind the bar, the low conversation of the few villagers, and those of your group enjoying a fine and well-deserved meal.

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Trevor Champlaign, Human Rog2Ftr2,AC20/16/14,HP35/36,+1Lngswd+8,1-8+3, F+8,R+8,W+3

"Mmmmm, 'twas not in vain that this hart died! No, indeed. I'd say that hs supreme sacrifice will be richly rewarded, just as the fruits of the sacrifice are a rich reward to us." Then Trevor experiences one of those rare moments of silence, which causes some concern among his companions, who all look at him questioningly to see if something is the matter, but they are both relieved and annoyed to see that the silence was only due to his mouth being full. "Ahhh, yes! Verdiis, pass that dark, heavy, delicious loaf this way, please?"



The warlock passes the bread. Then pushes back from the table patting his full belly. "My friends I must say that this is most welcome. I am certainly pleased to be away from that dark place. I need to purchase some more bolts and light. What else do we need to accomplish before we return?"


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Kurt chews on the moist bread for a few moments. "I don't understand why you persist with that heavy and cumbersome crossbow when you can call on that eldritch blast at will," he mutters to Verdis as he ponders a few things.

"As to what we should achieve, well we have some idea about what we still face. So it is my intention to prepare ourselves for that and to return at the earliest opportunity to continue the work of the Invincible One."



The warlock only smiles knowing that sometime the blast is best and that other times the crossbow is the right tool for the job.


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As you continue to eat and drink your fill, the few patrons that are in the taproom slowly filter out, leaving just your group. It must surely be well after midnight now. Goodman Gundigoot approaches, smiling. "I'm guessing that you'll be wanting rooms, eh? How many do I need to have prepared? Or there is always the common area, if coin is an issue."


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Kurt smirks uncharacteristically at Gundigoot's supposition about their coin. While not inherently interested in the loot for it's waelth, he does realise that it will help reource further forays into the temple, and to rest comfortably in the interim. "I believe three rooms will suit?" he suggests to the others.
ooc: how many can you fit in one room?


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Ragnok leans back in his chair and belches politely.

"Great grub! Excellent ale!"

He then stands and says, "I'm for bed. I could do with a good sleep. And a single room, please - this lot snore like you wouldn't believe!"

With that he follows the innkeeper upstairs, and settles in for the night.

[sblock=Rhun]But not to sleep! As soon as he's sure he's unobserved, he takes out the gem and examines it more closely.[/sblock]


Trevor Champlaign, Human Rog2Ftr2,AC20/16/14,HP35/36,+1Lngswd+8,1-8+3, F+8,R+8,W+3

Trevor, ever the frugal soul, considers briefly the advisability of sharing a room with one or two of his friends. Then he remembers Verdis's snores and Ragnok's gas, and decides that individual rooms might just be for the best.

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“I suppose we can afford a room each,” Dara says. She is also glad for the hospitality even at this late hour.

Voidrunner's Codex

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