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D&D 5E Return to The Temple of Elemental Evil - (full, at the moment)


I can see the group wanting to take a few cultist prisoner once in a while, and the nets may be an additional option. My thinking is on the double condition.

You are restrained and standing then everything is normal, but if your prone as well then the disadvantage to escape comes into play. I don't think they intended for anyone to suffer from more than one condition at a time.

For me this is the first time it has happened. And I'm thinking that since you can't have double disadvantage to attack, maybe some other small drawback is needed.

And of course I want to see Aridha fighting with a net, won't you get some air manipulation spells later to help make some awesome combos with it.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Unless some errata came up, nets are fairly harmless - you are at a disadvantage to throw them more than 5' due to range 5/15 and you're at a disadvantage throwing them from melee range (ranged in melee) - thus, once you hit, it should be powerful

Add variations
- hooked net that does damage each time you're hit, you fail to break it and once again when you finally break free
- sticky net that gives disadvantage to get free from
- metal net that can weight someone down, has more hp and is harder to break
- enchanted nets with various effects...

I don't mind rule changes, but state them in the first OOC post clearly and remember that we can use them too :)


Great alternates with the nets I will have to throw a few at the group, lol.

I started with nets to A) keep damage output of so many creatures low, and B)Add to the RPing - as with Javin just now.

But it may not only be nets that start this double condition delima. I'm going to look a t other combos and see what I can coe up with as examples before we do to much rules altering, to get our own style of game going.


So the condition thing may not be all that terrible, most of them lead back to Incapacitated anyway, and don't combine at all. Only this prone/restrained combo is troublesome to my head.

But I think we will just let them play as is. To end being prone you need only stand, but while you are restrained your movement is zero, so you can't end it initially. I like that well enough. Till you lift the restraint you can't become unprone.


So the condition thing may not be all that terrible, most of them lead back to Incapacitated anyway, and don't combine at all. Only this prone/restrained combo is troublesome to my head.

But I think we will just let them play as is. To end being prone you need only stand, but while you are restrained your movement is zero, so you can't end it initially. I like that well enough. Till you lift the restraint you can't become unprone.

I think that is the intent, yes. That is how it works with grappling, as well, if you have the feat. No need to make it more difficult to escape. Being prone wouldn't do that in reality.


Looks like only Templeton to go, I will update tomorrow nite given its a Holiday.

BTW Hexiros hit the gnoll, and given the 3 dmg from Aridha he kills it with his +3 STR, not to mention he can't roll a 1 for dmg.

So Templeton could try escaping the net.and then standing up.


Looks like only Templeton to go, I will update tomorrow nite given its a Holiday.

BTW Hexiros hit the gnoll, and given the 3 dmg from Aridha he kills it with his +3 STR, not to mention he can't roll a 1 for dmg.

So Templeton could try escaping the net.and then standing up.

Coyote code isn't working for me. So [roll0]


And escape you have, congrats.

PC Rogues: 1
Nets: 0

Sorry you didn't get much out of this fight, I think in a cramped dungeon you'll get more sneak attack opportunities and such.


And escape you have, congrats.

PC Rogues: 1
Nets: 0

Sorry you didn't get much out of this fight, I think in a cramped dungeon you'll get more sneak attack opportunities and such.

It happens. I just realized today when looking up the DC for escape that I could've attacked the AC 10/HP5 net, which may have been more successful than poking at the gnoll.

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