Rhun's Greyhawk OMEGA Campaign (ToEE) - Continued

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Dog Moon

Deren frowns at the weapons in the chest. "Wait until little people rule the world," he muses to himself. "Then all the weapons will be too small for other people to wield. Ha!"

He steps aside as Zirat grabs some weapons, but then turns with interest as Shoon mentions a locked chest. "Locked chest, eh? Good, that should lead to some interesting stuff. I'm beginning to think my lockpicking still are starting to get rusty, such as they are."

OOC: Open Lock +10.


First Post
The lock proves difficult, taking Deren a couple of minutes before he is finally able to release the latch. Within the chest are a dozen ermines pelts, certainly worth a few gold coins to a clothingmaker. Also, there is a small bag, containing one hundred and fifty six gold coins, and twenty seven platinum coins. There is a leather pouch containing a score of smooth, high quality agates (a collection of banded, eye and moss agates). And finally, there is a bag of dark, strong smelling beans, the likes of which most of you have never seen. Ciaran, though, with his wide knowledge of geography and nature, recognizes the beans as coffee, an import from the far southern lands, and on that is worth its weight in gold.

12 ermine pelts worth 4gp each
20 agates worth 15gp each
2 pounds coffee worth 25gp/pound


"Throw the loot into a backpack. We can either hunker down and rest up or press on now for another sortie and hope we find someone we can interrogate. The Prophet is out of spells but we have the wand for immediate healing needs. Ciaran, how are you for magics?"


Ciaran thinks a moment. "I have spent most of my single-target spells, but my blinding sparks and web are still available. I also have my magic detection... Which reminds me..."

He mutters a few words and looks over the loot, the weapons from the other room, and the ogres.

[sblock=Spell List]
Level 0: Ray of Frost (Domain), Mage Hand, Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Detect Magic
Level 1: Obscuring Mist (Domain), Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Color Spray
Level 2: Gust of Wind (Domain), Glitterdust, Acid Arrow, Web


Aeron nods at Sir Merrick. "While the wand is a boon, it is not very strong. While useful to heal wounds after fighting has died down, it will not be as effective in the midst of battle."

To suit his words, Aeron administers some healing to Sir Merrick via the wand.
[sblock=OOC]I think I have utterly failed to keep track of the wand... Including how many charges have been used. My apologies.[/sblock]


First Post
In short order, you have gathered and stowed your loot, and stand ready to continue on.

From what I can track down, the wand of lesser vigor has 47 charges left.

Where to next?

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
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