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Rise Of The Snakemen [Forgotten Realms]


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DM's Log of Session Thirty Three

After resting for a few hours, the group decided to remain camped out in their hideout for a full day, as even using all their spells, Zamtap and Ash between them could not restore the party to full health, and no-one wanted to battle the horrors again while still injured from the previous fight. After using what spells he had to tend to the groups wounds, Zamtap retired into one of the rooms of the home and continued to work on his Gondsman construct, the creation beginning to really take shape now, he having salvaged various bits and pieces from the wrecked Clockwork Horrors to incorporate into the mechanisms of his mechanical cohort. While he occupied himself with this work, Aeron cast an Identify spell on a small pile of equipment the group had been carrying for several days since fighting the kobolds. After having figured out what everything did, he explained the items to the group and Gylippus produced dice, everyone rolling and then each picking an item with the highest roller taking from the pile first.

That place went to Aeron, who grabbed the Ring of Wizardry from the pile so fast if the others had blinked they would have missed it, a look of triumph on his face as he slipped it onto a finger, and then promptly found a quiet corner and opened his spellbook, his minds potential considerably expanded. Jebodiah was next, and the burly dwarf didn't hesitate to grab the Belt of Giant Strength, prompting a groan from Ash and Ki who had both had eyes on it. As it was, the paladin came third, he taking the kobold kings extra sharp shortsword, while Ki looked over what was left and decided on the spellstoring ring, (Aeron having explained that it was charged with Magic Missile and two castings of True Strike). Smiling, Gylippus picked up the better of the two pairs of protective bracers, slipping them onto his forearms and thinking them to be "Marvellous". Which left only Zamtap, the cleric having not even bothered to roll dice, too absorbed in his tinkering, so he got the lesser pair of bracers. A few potions were divided up amongst the group also.

So it was that the group rested for another night, emerging from their hideout on Nightal 10th, after several of the group had girded themselves in various protective magics. The only one missing was Zamtap, who overslept and insisted he'd catch up to the others, just as soon as he got all the bits and pieces of his Gondsman back into the bag of holding he was carrying them in. Leaving him to follow them, the party advanced through corridors, led by Ash and Gylippus, the paladin acting as a shield, while the crafty wizard checked for traps and locks. After a few minutes of this cautious travel, the group came upon a vast circular auditorium, permanently lit by magical crystals in the roof. Jebodiah recognised the chambers purpose as a clan meeting hall as Citadel Adbar where he hailed from had several chambers just like it. What caught the groups attention though, were the pair of electrum horrors guarding the only other visible exit.

Seeing the horrors, Gylippus was first into the large chamber, heading around the southern curved wall towards them, and hurling a Magic Missile spell at one, but it having no effect. Aeron swiftly cast a spell of Jebodiah to allow the dwarf to resist electricity, the barbarian then marching down into the centre of the vast hall and getting charged by the two electrums, neither of them able to hit him though. As Ash and Ki headed into the auditorium also, moving along the norther and southern walls respectively, four more electrum horrors scuttled in to join in the fight.

As he continued on his way towards the guarded exit, Gyulippus saw to preserving his own skin (always a high priority for him) and conjured a magical Shield to help defend him. It was as he finished casting, that six more horrors swarmed in, their carapace armour glinting of gold, and Aerons eyes went wide, he protecting himself with another spell of electricity resistance. Heading straight for the group of foes, Ash cast a Protection from Evil on himself, while Ki activated his Shield of Faith brooch as two electrum horrors attack him, their blows missing though. Jebodiah was not so lucky however, as the pair of electrums on him, easily flanked and injured him, though he did put a serious dent in one of them.

Seeing the horrors nicely grouped together in the exit, Gylippus drew a wand and blasted a Fireball into them, the flames engulfing all of them, but only maaging to lightly singe two of the gold horrors, as yet another foe arrived... a platinum horror. This new enemy blasted Jebodiah with its lightning bolt, though thanks to the dwarfs reflexes and Aerons magic it barely hurt him. Taking the platinum's blast as their cue, the gold horrors unleashed lightning bolts at Ki, Ash, Gylippus and Jebodiah, but manage only to hurt Ash, the paladin unprotected by an energy resisting spell. Seeing the need to get this fight over with quickly, Aeron cast a Haste spell to affect Gylippus, Ki and Jebodiah. Identifying him as the primary wizard, two of the elctrum horrors scuttled across the chamber towards the air genasi, whilst another pair succeed in flanking Ki and cutting him. A roar of pain in the centre of the room, was echoed by the auditoriums design, as Jebodiah's wounds caused the dwarf to lose his temper, his berserker frenzy engulfing him as never before, he inciting himself to rage also, and his axe tore apart two electrums, he then casting furious bloodshot eyes around, looking for his next victim!

Another fireball arched across the chamber, roasting the platinum horror and the golds around it, damaging three of the golds, but not the main target. Responding to his attacker, the platinum crossed the chamber and launched into melee with Gylippus who had sent the blast, the constructs razor saw proving superior to the rogues defences, easily wounding him. Jebodiah did not have to wait long for foes, as a pair of gold horrors charged him, both scoring wounds on the maddened dwarf, he caring nothing for parrying their blows, intent only on their destruction, his axe annihilating one of them, and damaging the other. Against the southern wall, Ki was trapped in place between two golds in a stalemate, they hurting him, he hurting them in return, neither side able to deal a decisive blow to the other. As the electrum horrors close in on Aeron, he tried to cast a Fly spell, but lost his concentration and was cut badly by one of them, he then fleeing . Seeing their wizard in peril, Ash ran towards him to help him out.

Stepping back from the onslaught of the platinum horror, Gylippus blasted a fireball again, it engulfing the platinum, two golds, two electrums and Ki in roasting flames, which resulted in damaging both electrums and destroying one of the golds. The platinum responding by closing the gap with the rogue, and again slicing into him. The chamber was briefly, but spectacularly lit up then as four gold horrors all blasted Jebodiah with lightning at the same time, the dwarf surviving the barrage unscathed. As Ash smote one of the electrums harrassing Aeron and destroyed it, so the genasi wizard conjured a Defenestrating Sphere into existence and smashed the other one to shrapnel with it. In the center, Jebodiah destroyed another gold horror, and damaged yet another of them that had joined the melee.

Another fireball exploded against the south wall, once more engulfing Ki in flames and the horrors around him, though it had no effect this time, Gylippus muttering about a "rotten charge". The platinum diverted its attention from the rogue however, blasting another lightning bolt into Jebodiah, barely wounding him. It must have distracted him though, for the gold horrors around him were able to hit and badly wound him with their saws. Drawing his crossbow, Aeron directed his Sphere across the chamber towards the platinum horror, though it didn't reach the enemy before Ash did, the paladin engaging the most dangerous construct in melee. Though he managed to score a couple hits on a gold horror, Ki was as dangerous to himself as to his opponents, badly injuring himself with a misplaced stab. Jebodiah maintained his routine, destroying the previously damaged gold horror, and cleaving into a fresh one.

Choosing to switch which magic he was using, Gylippus cast Magic Missile, sending the enchanted projectiles into an electrum horror and danaging it, he then drawing his rapier, as the platinum returned its attentuions to him, parrying the constucts jabbing saw in the nick of time. A pair of gold horrors took advantage of the paladins lack of energy resistance, lightning bolting him, anbd while one missed entirely due to being fired from too far away, the other lightly wounded him. From across the chamber, Aeron continued to direct the Sphere towards the platinum horror, whilst casting True Strike on himself. Ash slammed his sword into the platinum then, damaging it, while ki stabbed and stabbed, but just couldn't seem to hit a vital spot on the electrum he was doing battle with. It and the other electrum flanking him though had no such trouble, the pair of them cutting him up severely. Jebodiah's axe found its mark again, another gold horror torn apart from his powerful blows.

As Gylippus and the platinum horror, traded blows, both striking and wounding the other, so a gold horror scuttled up behind Ash to flank him, but was unable to score a telling blow, its saw skittering off the paladins armour. Aeron's sphere sent the platinum flying across the chamber then, badly damaging it, and he grinned as he conjured another such sphere into existence, sending that towards the gold behind Ash. Try as they might though, none of the others could hit their foes, and the electrum horrors menacing Ki proved equally inept. In the centre of the chamber, surrounded by smashed and rent apart metal, Jebodiah grinned maniacally and advanced towards where the platinum had landed.

DM's Notes:

Well the party finally ID'ed the stuff they took from the kobolds and divided it up, and then back into battle with the horrors as they push further south, battling every step of the way through their "shortcut" to the Yuan-ti city that is their goal. As you probably can tell, Gareth was not at this session, and thus didn't get to roll for a better magic item, simply getting the +2 Bracers, whilst Alastair grabbed the +3 pair. I think everyone was pretty happy with what item they ended up with though. I was surprised at Tony's choice, didn't figure he'd go for the Ring of Spellstoring, though I can see how it will prove useful for him.

The party are nearing the end of Dowinn's Lode now, and their quest will soon take them into the steaming Black Jungles and the heart of the Yuan-ti's power.
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DM's Log of Session Thirty Four

Huffing and puffing, Zamtap finally caught up to the group and muttered an apologetic "Sorry, got lost", before his eyes went wide seeing the ongoing battle in the large room. Seeing that Ki wasn't faring too well, Gylippus stabbed his rapier deep into the mechanical innards of one of the electrum horrors threatning him, and destroyed it. As a gold horror scuttled towards Ki, Ash sliced open part of its carapce as it went past him, it then missing the acrobatic monk. Aeron frowned, as neither of his spheres had any effect on the horrors he targeted them at, while Ash followed the gold that he had already hit, damaging it further. Ki used the reprieve, to concentrate his attacks on one of his tormentors, destroying an electrum horror with his dagger and claw bracer. Seeing the platinum horror flee from the audotorium, Jebodiah gave pursuit, charging after it down the side tunnel that lead further south and catching the damaged construct, his axe rending it apart. It was only then that he looked around and saw nearly dozen more horrors surrounding him, a couple electrums, eight golds, and another two platinum horrors...

Running into the chamber, Zamtap caught up to Ash and laid an enchantment on him to resist the horrors lightning attacks, as Jebodiahs similar enchantment came in useful when both platinum horrors blasted him with lightning, he suffering only very minor shocks, but then getting swarmed by the gold horrors, several surrounding him while others moved to block any of the rest of the party from getting to the dwarf. Hopelessly outnumbered, the gold horrors began to cut the barbarian in their midst to pieces, as he roared battle cries born of anger and pain, axe swinging around him, tearing gashes in his foes, a gold horror ripped apart by the blows and another damaged. Hearing the bellows of his enraged companion from the corridor, Aeron sent both his spheres towards the golds blocking the passageway, aiming to smash open a route for the dwarf to escape back to the others by. Ash too saw the danger, and finished off the gold horror he was fighting, striding towards the mouth of the corridor where the fresh gold horrors were waiting. Freed of targets for the first time in a while, Ki took the opportunity to try and heal himself with his wand, it doing little to close his considerable wounds though, and he then headed towards Zamtap.

Ignoring Ki's wounds, Zamtap used his magic to first patch up Gylippus, who was also in quite a bad way after battling the platinum horror for a while. with his wounds (mostly) seen too, Gylippus headed after the rest of the party as they closed on the corridor entrance, now able to see the fresh swarm of horrors in the entrance and beyond, Jebodiahs battle cries heard from somewhere in the darkness further back. In closing in on the entrance though, he put himself within reach of the platinum horrors lurking behind the front row of golds, they scuttling over their lesser minions and engaging him in melee, badly wounding him between them, a gold horror also scoring a telling blow on Jebodiah, before being smashed to scrap by the berserkers axe, Stormcleaver cutting it apart and tearing into another horror, the dwarf fighting tirelessly to cut himself out of his predicament. One of Aeron's spheres slammed into a platinum then, tossing it away from Gylippus and smacking it into a wall, though it quickly righted itself, the other platinum unaffected by the sphere that assailed it. forced to divert his attention from reaching Jeb, by the platinums threatening Gylippus, Ash tried to aid the wizard, but his sword just couldn't seem to find an opening. Ki tried again to heal himself, his wand proving just as feeble as before. Darting in under the dwarfs swining axe,. an electrum horror sliced into one of Jebodiahs legs with its razor saw.

Casting Resist Energy on himself to ward off lightning, Zamtap then headed towards the battle at the tunnel exit from the auditorium. Stepping back from the platinum horror attacking him, Gylippus angrily blasted a fireball into the corridor, but was dismayed to see it have no effect on the platinum and four gold horrors that its fire had enveloped. Ignoring the wizard, both platinum horrors flanked Ash and cut into him, their razor saws finding gaps in his considerable armour plating, and as the paladin staggered, so the dwarf fell, a gold horror cutting down Jebodiah, the raging strength leaving his body, as his life again fled his mortal form, a much bloodied body dropping to the cold stone floor of the passageway, Stormcleaver still held in its deathgrip.Hearing his friends battlesong sudeenly stilled, caused Ash to falter and trip, he grtting his teeth and hauling himself back to his feet then, the Sunite's handsome face drawn into a resolute grimace. Aeron had more luck, his spehrres damaging one of the platinum horrors and smashing a gold to shards, battering it off the walls and ceiling of the passageway, that sphere then vanishing.

With their numbers now reduced, Zamtap saw fit to bolster the remaining party members, casting a Prayer to effect Gylippus, Ki, Ash and himself. Gylippus for his part, gestured, and sent a Scorching Ray at a gold horror, the flames though licking harmlessly off its carapace shell. Keeping Ash between them, the platinum horrors continued to cut at him, though both scored only light wounds. Ash and Gyllipus found themselves blasted twice each by lightning bolts, the paladin's enchantment simply absrobing them, while the rogue nimbly avoided the bolts entirely, but in doing so, he stepped squarely into the path of a third bolt, the electricity depleting his own warding against such energy. Seeing that if this battle continued for too long, more horrors would inevitably arrive, Aeron cast a Haste on the rest of the party, and directed his remaining sphere into a platinum, annihilating it. Try as he might though, Ash just couldn't seem to penetrate the remaining platinum horrors carapace, his sword sparking as it struck the automatons metal shell again and again. Ki had better luck though, his claw bracer cutting deep into a gold horror.

Drawing his warhammer, Zamtap waded into melee then, lending his strength to Ki, and damaging the already battered gold horror that the monk was fighting still further. another fireball roared from Gylippus's wand, the inferno roasting four gold horrors and succeeding in damaging half of them.. After trading blows ineffectually with the paladin, the last platinum horror fled from the auditorium, heading down the corridor past the gold horrors, whioch swarmed out to surround Ki, badly wounding him. "You're not getting away that easily", Aeron growled, as he sent his sphere after the platinum, the ball of ripping winds damaging the construct, but not destroying it, as the spell expired and it too vanished. With the platinum out of his sight, the genasi sent Magic Missiles at a gold horror, they punching past its magic resistant carapace to damage its innards. Charging into the mouth of the tunnel, Ash engaged a pair of gold horrors in combat, managing to damage one of them, while Ki struck a gold that was threatening him and then fled from it, covered in his blood from many cuts.

Smashing a gold to scrap, Zamtap cautoiusly took a step backwards, from another pair of them, Gyllipus then roating them with a fireball, destroying one of them. From further down the corrirdor, the paltinum fired its lightning through the ranks of lesser horrors at Ash, but now warded against electricity, it washed harmlessly over the paladin as he smashed aside another gold, cutting his way towards the retreating leader of the horrors. Sensing the danger to itself, the platinum clicked out a series of commands, a quartet of gold horrors moving in to attack Ash, though none of them could find a gap in his armour to exploit, his tower shield keeping them at bay. Seeking to help Ash batter a way through, Aeron sent more magical missiles into a gold horror, doing some damage to it. Now safely away from the cut and thrust of melee, Ki growled angrily as his wand contunued to prove almost useless in healing his many injuries.

Calling out an oath to Gond to guide his hammer, Zamtap charged into the gold horrors, but his swipe at them missed. They did not though, several swarming around him and cutting him twice with theit jabbing saws, while Gyllipus's couldn't seem to find an opening with his rapier either, the tip glancing off a gold horrors shell. As he walked closer to the battle in the tunnel mouth, so Aeron saw fit to conjure a magical Shield into existence to better defend himself. Shaking his wand to try and get it to work, ki then tapped himself with it and grinned as several of the smaller cuts closed up, its magic finally providing a decent dose of healing power.Ash continued his pursuit of the platinum, damaging a gold horror that was in the way.

While Gylippus stepped around and drove his rapier deep into a gold horror, Zamtap swung and missed again, his opponent scuttling out of the way of the priests warhammer. Aeron sent another burst of magic missiles into a gold horror, punching them past its resistance to damage the construct. His sword cutting another gold horror out of his way, Ash ran down the corridor after the platinum horror, which had by now retreated beyond the electrum horrors. As he ran headlong towards them, he passed the body of Jebodiah, lying slumped against the passage wall in a pool of his blood. Hanging back from melee, Ki took aim with his ring and unleashed the magic missile spell stored inside it, but it has no effect on the gold horror he targets with it. As Ash ran towards them, so the electrum horrors opened fire at him with their dart launchers, though the projectiles bounced harmlessly off his shield.

Snarling in annoyance, Zamtap swung again, and missed again, the gold horror fighting him, continuing to avoid his blows, while nearby Gylippus and the gold horror fighting him traded blows, each wounding the other. Easily destroying one of the electrum horrors, Ash turned to deal with the second which missed in its attack on him, as Ki tapped himself again with his wand, muttering abiout having bought a defective one as it did little good. Aeron blasted another gold with magic missiles, they failing to penetrate its resistant armour cladding though.

Calling out loudly "Gond guide my hand!", Zamtap grinned in delight as his hammer smashed down twice in quick succession into his foe, heavily damaging it, but not quite disabling the golden horror. Tripping over a leg from a destroyed horror, Gylippus went sprawling, his rapier dropped also, and as he pulled himself back to his feet, so the gold horror he had been fighting took advantage and cut him down with its saw, the sneaky rogue falling back amidst the wreckage of past foes on the auditorium steps, and not moving. More magic missles streamed from Aerons outstretched hands, targeted at two gold horrors, but damaging only one of them. Away down the corridor, Ash destroyed the remaining electrum horror and peeked into a large lit room, clearly a temple to the dwarven gods, looking for where the platinum had fled too, but not spotting it. Seeing Gyllipus down, Ki leapt into combat, standing over his downed comrade and stabbing at the gold horror. While he missed it again and again, he nevertheless kept the construct from finishing off his friend.

Changing opponent, Zamtap brought his hammer down on the back of the horror trying to battle past Ki, smashing it apart. Muttering a curse under his breath, Aeron saw his Horizikaul's Boom spell do nothing to the last gold horror. Seeing an open double door in the temple, Ash guessed that the platinum horror had gone that way, and laid a hand on himself to close some his his wounds before giving chase once more, seeing the platinum across a large room, and a triangular portal beyond, a monstrous black plated horror visible through the shimmering window within the mechanical frame, the portal itself a type of clockwork horror too.

As Ki kept the last gold horror at bay, so Zamtap crouched down and saw to healing Gyllipus, the roggue snatching up his rapier and getting back up onto his feet. Seeing Ash in the doorway to the portal chamber, the platinum horror again blasted him with lightning, the paladin not quite quick enough to dodge tis time, and taking the full force of the blast in the chest. While his energy resistant warding spell depleted much of the bolts strength, Ash was still badly hurt by the lightning. not that that stopped him though, he griotting his teeth against the pain and casting Divine Favour on himself, striding into the chamber after the platinum horror, and triggering a trap, a whirling storm of blades and shrapnel suddenly engulfing him. He dived through it towards the lone horror, getting cut up in the process as the doorway behind him filled with the Blade Barrier. Hearing the paladins cries of pain from a distance, Aeron cast Expeditious Retreat on himself and ran at speed down the corridor after Ash...

DM's Notes:

Well it was beginning to end carnage this week, but the party have the last platinum horror cornered now, and have located the gate that allows this hive to remain in contact with the Adamantine Horror, their emperor (the black plated monster horror visible through the portal). The group will be done with the Clockwork Horror hive early in the next session. It was kind of inevitable that Jebodiah would charge after the platinum and equally so that he would get swarmed and killed (again). Still Matt does love playing that crazy dwarf, so I have little doubt that he'll be back from the dead soon enough (I know this as I know what is in the Horrors treasure pile). I feel the session ended on a nice cliffhanger, and everyone acquitted themselves well in the battle.


First Post
DM's Log of Session Thirty Five

Keeping the last gold horror between them, Zamtap and Gyllipus rained blows down upon it, even as it continued its attacks on Ki, failing to strike him. Striding into close combat with the platinum horror, Ash heavily damaged it with two slices of his sword, its razor saw failing to jab past his shield, and it suffered further as Aeron moved to where he could see it through the whirling blades in the doorway, blasting it with more magic missiles. Back in the auditorium, Ki stabbed his dagger into the gold horror twice, but accidentally raked himself with the claw bracer on his other hand, opening fresh cuts to add to the many he already bore.

Realizing the danger of the priest and wizard arund it, the gold horror scuttled about more, thwarting both Zamtap and Gyllipus's attempts to finish it off, and it succeeded in getting in past the clerics defense, cutting him. Elsewhere, the platinum came close to dropping Ash, its saw punching into the paladin, but failing to put him down, the Sunite's returned blows shattering the platinums carapace and then ripping the construct apart as outside the portal room Aeron drew a wand and began summoning a creature to aid, he ceasing his casting though on seeing that help was not needed after all, hearing also a victory cry from the auditorium as Ki's dagger finished off the last gold horror.

Striding towards the portal, Ash tore into the stationary clockwork construction, and then in a final act of defiance to the watching Adamantine Horror, he gathered his remaining strength and hurled the head of the defeated platinum horror through the closing gateway. With the portal shut and the connection to their emperor and hivemind severed, the remaining horrors which had just come into view at the far end of the temple to where Aeron was stood abruptly ceased all functions. Taking no chances, the party patched up the worst of their wounds and then swept through the level of Dowinn's Lode, smashing every inert horror they encountered until they were certain that the layer was secure.

In the process of sweeping the level, they found the vast smithy where dwarves had once smelted ore from the mines below, and where they found many more horrors under construction, dismantling them also. Here too they found treasure, piles of silver, gold and platinum coins as well as gemstones and other items. Taken from dwarven vaults that the horrors had smashed open, and intended to be used in the construction of more of the vile automatons.

Amongst the loot was a pile of items that all identified as magical, including scrolls, potions, armour, weapons and a bag. Reading the scrolls, Aeron and Zamtap found a rare and needed prize, a scroll bearing four castings of the spell Raise Dead, the cleric immediately setting about bringing Jebodiah back to life... or trying to at any rate, the casting taking half a day in all, and exhausting the priest as he struggled to cast so difficult a spell, it taxing his mind to its limit. But after twelve hours of chanting and gesturing, the Party With No Name, was once again six strong, as their berserker companion returned from the Fugue Plane (where his spirit had been having an interesting conversation with other deceased dwarves about the tactics of dragon slaying).

With no threat remaining on this level of the old dwarfhold, the party decided to rest for a couple days before proceeding onwards, Aeron citing that they had much to identify and wishing to study (and thoroughly dismantle) the clockwork portal also, while Zamtap wanted to spend time with the forges to finish building his Gondsman. Between them, Gyllipus and Aeron identified the various magical items, and again the group rolled dice to determine who got what from the pile.

Getting to pick first this time, Zamtap grabbed the Dragonbane Warhammer for himself, citing that it was his gods symbol to defend his choice, even though no-one else had really been all that interested in taking it. Aeron chose a scroll with a couple new spells for his book, it containing both Weapon of Impact and Aganazzar's Scorcher on the parchment. Jebodiah took up both potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, everyone in the party agreeing that he was the most likely to need them, and snagging the Cat's Grace potion also, the three vials going someway to replenishing his empty potion belt.

Ash picked next, taking the suit of elven chainmail and then after explaining to a disbelieving Jebodiah how it was superior to what the dwarf was wearing, he sold it for three thousand gold pieces to his barbarian comrade. Picking over what was left, Ki took the Bag of Holding, while Gyllipus selected the Heavy Crossbow. It was agreed by everyone that the Raise Dead scroll would count as being owned by the party, and would be held by Zamtap to be used if neccessary, everyone glancing briefly at Jebodiah that that point, he grinning meekly back at them.

With the loot divided up, everyone rested or wnet back to their projects for the next day. Zamtap finished assembling the various component parts of his Gondsman, incorporating an electrum horrors pressurised dart launcher into the construct which was named Tik-Tok on activation. He had also incorporated a suit of magical breastplate into its form, and armed it with a magic shortsword he had acquired some time back and been carrying in his own Bag of Holding ever since in readiness.

Arguably the most pious member of the group after the priest and paladin, Jebodiah took time apart from the others to pray before the statue of Clangeddin in the temple, he leaving an offering of 250 gold coins in the bowl at the statues feet. He was then asked to help Aeron in his research, the genasi wizard dismantling every key component from the clockwork portal, and getting the dwarf to pound them into unusable scrap metal, ensuring that no-one could ever again use it to open a conduit to the world where the Horrors hailed from.

On Nightal 12th the group gathered itself together, now seven in number as Zamtap's whirring, clanking cohort joined them and they headed south out of the level, down a long wide tunnel that connected the hive level to the southern gatehouse. After two days of marching onwards, they emerged into a tunnel lit by flickering torches on Nightal 14th, the smoke carrying the pungent smell of jungle hardwoods, and they readied themselves for another onslaught...

DM's Notes:

This was a shorter session than usual, we ended an hour earlier than we normally would, owing in part to my lack of prep time the previous week, and so I wasn't nearly ready to run the oncoming battle against the tribe of lizardmen and troglodytes that the party know to lair in the south gatehouse. I added in the Raise Dead scroll as the party are a long way from civilisation at the moment and it would be hard to replace a dead party member, so this way they can keep the group together should any of them fall in battle either here or once they get to the yuan-ti city. The dragonbane warhammer was also placed deliberately in the loot to appeal to Zamtap, and as will be seen, it will prove most useful in the campaign to come, as the party will begin to find out once they leave the Lode *grins evilly*

As for letting Gareth build a dart launcher from the horrors into his construct, I felt that was a fair trade as he didn't get to name it. Several of my group (myself included) had decided that it would be known as Tik-Tok almost from the beginning of the campaign when we knew what prestige class he was aiming for. It also isn't a very powerful device (it can fire once a round only), is a pain to reload, and has a 40 shot ammunition drum which takes Zamtap well over an hour to replace, as he has to practically detach Tik-Tok's arm to take it out and bolt another in its place (which he has several of, having looted them from the inert horrors, keeping the spares in his now mostly empty Bag of Holding).
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First Post
The Party With No Name (as at the end of Session 35)

With all the party having gained a level in the past couple sessions (even Jebodiah, though he then lost it again through dying), I think an update of how the party looks now is warranted. Henceforth, this is the current status of The Party With No Name:

Alastair - Gylippus CN Human Rogue3/Wizard5
Dan - Edward "Ash" Hamilton LG Human Paladin8 (Sune)
Phillip - Aeron Greycastle NG Air Genasi Wizard6/Air Elemental Savant2
Tony - Ki Tendragion LN Human Rogue3/Monk2/Ranger1/Thief Acrobat2
Matt - Jebodiah Bugman CG Dwarf Barbarian3/Fighter3/Frenzied Berserker1
Gareth - Zamtap N Human Cleric7/Techsmith1 (Gond)
NPC - Tik-Tok N Unique Construct

Alastair plans to take another level of Wizard and then advance into the Arcane Trickster prestige class. Phillip plans on advancing through Elemental Savant and plans to multiclass further into the Geometer class at some point (to save him money on scribing spells primarily). He has said he has Aeron's advances plotted out up to something like 24th level! Tony plans to add levels in Shadowdancer to his list of classes at some point. Matt seems content to advance in Fighter, Barbarian and Berserker levels from now on, while Dan seems equally happy to continue to advance as a singleclass paladin. As for Gareth, I imagine he'll take Techsmith levels for as long as he can and then go back to Cleric levels

Hey Brakkart, just letting you know you've got another reader here. I'm working my way through the posts at the moment (always eager to read other Forgotten Realms SH), and I'm enjoying it.

I've got to admit that I found your writing a little too description heavy for me, but I soon settled into the swing of things. Well, back to reading and I'll post again once i'm caught up.

Spider J


First Post
Cool, welcome to the story hour Spider. I always enjoy reading comments from my small pool of readers. Hope you enjoy the groups exploits.


First Post
I'd like to apologise to my readers for the lack of updates recently. I have 3 sessions worth of notes that I need to get typed up, just been really lazy of late and not yet gotten around to it. Still I've never been more than 3 sessions behind, so I plan on getting all of them done up and posted Tuesday-Wednesday next week (cos I have those days off work).

The party are now out in the jungles and heading towards Ss'inthee'ssaree... but they've come across another problem entirely in their travels!


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DM's Log of Session Thirty Six

At around noon on Nightal 14th the party arrived at the south gatehouse of Dowinn's Lode, and several of the group immediately cast spells to ward themselves for the inevitable battle they were about to walk into. Aeron wrapped himself in spells to protect him from arrows, the elements and also to gird himself in magical armour, whilst Gylippus cast Endure Elements also, and Zamtap made do with a Magic Vestment which he placed on his shield.

Settling back into a familiar routine, the party advanced with Ash and Gylippus in the lead, they checking out a small room and finding it empty apart from a couple of large winches. Opening the next room along the corridor though brought the group face to face with 3 burly lizardlike humanoids (Trens), they snatching up greatswords and charging the doorway, attacking Gylippus and Ash. While they easily cut into the rogue, the paladins armour deflected the sword aimed at him, even as Zamtap stepped up behind Ash and boosted him with a casting of Bull's Strength. the groups counter attack didn't really happen, Ash tripping and missing his blow, but managing to stay on his feet, and Gylipus concentrated and put a Shield spell on himself.

Moving up towards the fight, Ki activated his Shield of Faith brooch, as the Trens failed to hit Ash and Gyllipus. While Aeron drew his wand of monster summoning and began weaving it through the passes needed to activate the device, Gyllipus was struck as he tried to get out of melee, his Scorching Ray spell missing his target as a result. Smiting the Tren who hit the rogue, Ash cut him twice but was surprised not to drop his foe. And at the back of the group, Jebodiah advanced to a corner and peeked around it, his dwarven eyes seeing far up the connecting corridor and spotting a giant of a lizardman, nine feet tall with black scales and a skull-like face, as well as a pair of Troglodytes.

Moving up beside Ash, Ki struck twice at the injured Tren but failed to hit him. While the Tren at the back of the trio swigged back a potion of Bear's Endurance, the other two hit Ki and missed Ash. Behind the frontline of the fight, Zamtap saw to Gylippus's wounds. Unfortunately, the sound of the fighting had drifted up the corridor, and hearing it the giant black scaled lizardfolk strode down to investigate, running straight into Jebodiah, the dwarf trading blows with his large foe and swiftly slaying it, advancing over its body into view of the Troglodytes as he slipped into the primal frenzy of his battle rage, bellowing a challenge at them, no longer caring about any pretense of stealth. Both of the smelly creatures charged him then, one spearing him. giving up on summoning a creature, Aeron simply dropped a Gedlee's Electric Loop on the three hapless Trens, hurting all of them and stunning two. Moving back into the room with the winches, Gyllipus turned one, and dropped a portcullis from the ceiling in the corridor outside, seperating Jebodiah and the Trogs from the rest of the party. As Ash slew the lead Tren, so Tik Tok missed the one it had moved up to fight.

Ki rolled and ducked into the room then, getting around behind a Tren to flank it, and missing, the monk finding out again that while he can get anywhere and dodge anything, he can't hit for toffee.On the other side of the portcullis Jebodiah was doing well, slaughtering one Trog and injuring the other as a below further up the corridor announced the arrival of another of the huge lizardmen, he giving warning to the tribe of the intruders. As the wounded Trog stabbed the dwarf with his spear, so more of them and Trens too started appearing from chambers further down the corridor, moving with purpose towards the blood drenched dwarf. moving into the winch room as Gyllipus left it, Aeron turned the other winch, and succeeded only in sealing off the corridor that they had arrived by. Gyllipus blasted a volley of Magic Missiles into a Tren, wounding one enough that Ash could quickly cut it down and the one beside it.

Moving up to behind the portcullis, Ki reached through it with his wand and tapped Jebodiah, healing the dwarf of a few of his smaller wounds. The black scaled lizardman then charged down the corridor, raging as it ran and badly bludgeoned Jebodiah with its greatclub made from jungle hardwood. Reaching an arm through the portcullis also, Zamtap saw to healing the dwarf, who then massacred the lizardman and greviously wounded the nearby Troglodyte, which retaliated by spearing and biting him, two more of the stinky creatures running into the fray, one of them spearing the berserker too. Aeron turned the crank and hauled the portcullis back up, freeing the rest of the party to come to Jebodiah's aid as more and more scaled humanoids headed towards the ongoing battle. Attempting to lend a hand, Gyllipus got distracted as he tried tumbling past a Troglodyte, the creatures tail tripping him a little and he got a spear shoved in his side, the pain causing him to miss his stab. Casting Divine Favour on himself, Ash headed towards the fight.

Stepping into the melee beside Jebodiah, Ki ran the injured Trog through with his dagger, as Zamtap again saw to keeping the barbarian on his feet, pouring more healing energy into him, as the dwarf's axe claimed another Trog, he moving forwards to get at the next, which speared and bit him. Seeking to aid Ki in the fight, Aeron boosted him with a Bull's Strength, while Gyllipus took the more direct approach and sent a fireball rocketing down the corridor into a group of Trens and Trogs that were closing in, burning all of them but to his susprise, dropping not a single one of them! Moving up to fight beside Jebodiah, Ash's blade cut into a Trog.

Tumbling around and into melee Ki again missed his strike at a Trog, though his nimbleness served him well as he ducked and dodged the greatswords that a pair of Trens swung at him as they closed in around him, as yet another of the huge lizardmen rounded a corner and headed towards the fracas. Sticking with a strategy that was working Zamtap followed behind Jebodiah, concentrating on keeping the dwarf standing, so that dwarf could keep butchering his way up the passage, chanting prayers of healing to close the dwarfs wounds, almost as fast as their scaly foes were causing them, Stormcleaver slicing through another Trog, the dwarfs axe decorating walls and ceiling in reptilian blood as the floor grew increasingly slick with gore and body parts in his wake. Seeing how slow the groups advance was becoming, Aeron grinned and cast a Haste on the party to speed things up a bit, while Gyllipus unleashed another volley of Magic Missiles into one of the Trens threatening Ki. Ash muttered under his breath in his frustration as he just couldn't seem to score a telling blow.

A Tren and Ki exchanged blows, the scaly brute still unable to hit the monk, and he only lightly wounding it, as the other Tren cut into Jebodiah with its greatsword, and the dwarf was hammered and savagely bitten by the club and teeth of the looming black scaled lizardman. Growling "Ohh no you don't!" Zamtap kept at it, pouring spell after spell into Jebodiah, as the dwarf continued to cut a bloody swathe through their foes, hacking apart the pair of Trens and starting on the giant lizardman, as Aeron lent hs aid by sending a burst of Magic missiles into the towering brute. Continuing to attack those that were closing in on the group, Gyllipus sent another fireball from his wand soaring into their midst, injuring a trio of Troglodytes. Focusing himself, Ash drew on the power of his goddess to smite the black scaled lizarman, killing it, as Zamtap directed Tik Tok to open fire on the foes closing on them, the construct firing a dart from its built-in launcher, but missing the Tren it aimed at.

Running up to attack that Tren, Ki stabbed and raked the creature with dagger and claw, it returning the attack and hurting the monk, who was sufficiently staggered from that blow to be unable to avoid the club that another giant lizardman swung at him, the pair of them greviously injuring Ki between them. Healing Jebodiah again, Zamtap remained behind the dwarf until Jebodiah set off up the corridor to kill the wounded Tren, he getting clubbed by the giant lizardman on the way, but succeeding in killing his target. Another Tren charged into the dwarf then, cutting him as the trio of singed Troglodytes advanced towards the party. Seeing the dwarf about to get swarmed, Aeron blasted the Trogs with a Scintillating Sphere and Gyllipus sent a fireball into their midst also, but the pair of blasts only dropped one of them and a Tren too. As the battle raged at the T-junction the group had reached, Ash walked up behind Ki and laid hands on the monk to heal most of the wounds he had suffered.

DM's Notes:

As you can probably tell, I love Monster Manual III, and the party have thus far encountered a few creatures from that book (Dracotaurs, Poison Dusk & Black Scale Lizardfolk). This is quite a hard battle for the group, all the Trens, Trogs and Black Scales have character levels. I wanted to end Dowinn's Lode with a good bloodbath and I'm getting just that. Interesting to note how Zamtap who at the start of the campaign was very much a loner really, is working a lot more as a team player these days, not wading into battle himself, but staying behind Jebodiah and keeping the dwarf on his feet, knowing that the dwarf is far more effective in a fight than he is.

I think the only character who doesn't work so well right now is Ki, as due to his class selections he is overly specialised towards evasion and such, and has a quite poor BAB as a result, which means while he can get anywhere to hit something, more often than not he fails to actually hit, even when flanking. He could do with taking a couple more Ranger levels really and when he gets to a town/city, spending a goodly sum on upgrading his weapons.


First Post
DM's Log of Session Thirty Seven

Ki lashed out with his claw bracer, raking three lines of pain across the black scaly hide of the giant lizardman, and then flipped and rolled backwards, out of the creatures reach to beside where Zamtap was standing. The large lizardmen tried to smash Tik Tok and bite Ash, but neither attempt came close to hitting the mark. It was then that the leader of tribe made its appearance, a Spirit Naga appearing down the far end of the corridor, sending a Fireball blasting into the middle of the group, the sudden unexpected explosion injuring everyone apartt from Ki (who dodged) and Gylippus (who was outside the blast area), but injuring the Black Scaled giant and destroying Tik Tok, little left of the construct but twisted melted metal.

At this new threat, and huirting badly from its opening attack, Zamtap cast a spell on himself to ward him against fire. Jebodiahs axe claimed another life as it tore the guts out of the the Black Scaled Lizardman, though he and Ash then got charged by several Troglodytes, they impaling the barbarian twice on their longspears, and further away another three moved into the corridor between the party and their chieftain. Aeron sent a Phantasmal Killer to eliminate the Naga but it failed to have any effect, and fearing a counter attack, the wizard back around a corner and out of the Naga's line of sight. Gylippus had more luck with his counter attack though, sending a Fireball racing up the corridor to engulf the trio of newly arrived Trogs and the Naga also, injuring all of them. Ash's blade sliced cleanly through a Trog's abdomen, dropping the foul smelling creature.

While Ki saw to his wounds with a tap from his healing wand, so the Naga cast Displacement on itself. another brace of Toglodytes were torn apart by hacking blows from Stormcleaver, as Jebodiah continued to dispatch everything in his path with brutal efficiency, as yet another charged into him and scored a wound, and two more appeared at the far end of a side corridor. Aeron followed Zamtap's lead, in warding himself against Fire magic, while Gyllipus preferred to fight fire with fire, sending another Fireball over the heads of the party, it blasted into a pair of Troglodytes, even as Zamtap finally succumbed to the creatures awful stench, it made worse by the sheer number of torn and burnt bodies in the corridor, his eyes streaming. Seeing the pair of Trogs that just appeared, Ash broke off from the main group and charged down the side corridor into them, nimbly avoiding a pair of ceiling pendulums that he triggered en route.

Jumping back into the fight, Ki stabbed a Trog that was fighting Jebodiah, injuring it, he looking a bit pale then as from down the corridor the sound of another Black Scale Lizardman could be heard, the large brute heading his way. Another fireball erupted amidst the group, sent by the Naga, it injuring Zamtap and Jebodiah as well as a Trog, though Ki dropped low to the ground and avoided the blast. Seeing the dwarfs wounds starting to get the better of him, Zamtap again concentrated his efforts on keeping Jebodiah standing, poured more healing prayers into him to knit his muscled flesh back together. The barbarian then handily dispatched another Trog and stepped sideways, out of the path of two oncoming Trogs who charged into Ki and missed him with their spearpoints. A short distance away a trio of Trogs fell on Ash, biting. clawing and stabbing at him, but the paladins impressive armour kept out all attacks save for one spear that found a gap to exploit. Aeron concentrated his effort son taking out the Spirit Naga, dispelling its Shield of Faith and Displacement spells, and yelling to Gyllipus to "Hit it now!", the rogue duly obliging and blasting the snakelike monster with another Fireball from his wand, he also backing out of sight to avoid a retaliatory strike. Ash was making good progress in his little fight, his sword lopping the head off one Trog, and virtually disembowelling another, though the creature stubbornly remained standing.

"Aiiiii" Ki yelled as he leapt onto a Trog, stabbing the creature again and again, and killing it, he then backflipping away to avoid a greatclub swung at him by the Black Scaled brute that had closed to melee. A trio of Trens arrived then, moving into the corridor between the group and the Spirit Naga, which cast Cure Light Wounds on itself much to the groups astonishment. Zamtap saw to Ki's wounds, while Jebodiah hacked apart another Trog, his battle frenzy serving him well. Ash easily fended off the attacks of a pair of Trogs, killing one and severely wounding the other in retaliation. Trying to aid Ki, Aeron nevertheless faled to affect the giant lizardman with a Hold Person, as Gyllipus exhausted the charges in his wand, sending his last Fireball into the Spirit Naga and the newly arrived Trens, badly injuring a Tren and also a nearby Trog that was unlucky enough to be caught on the fringe of the blast.

Ki and the giant lizardman traded blows, the monk stabbing twice but being clubbed and bitten far worse in return, while the Naga blasted a volley of Magic missiles into Zamtap and slithered around a corner out of sight of the group. Seeing to his own wounds then, Zamtap chanted and imbued himself with Lesser Vigor. He ducked then as a spray of blood splattered the wall behind him, Jebodiah slaughtering his way through a pair of Trens as Stormcleaver thundered through the second, the corridor rocked by the deafening boom, the dwarf by now drenched in blood and gore and clearly relishing a good fight. As Aeron's Haste spell on the group finally wore off, so he unleashed a Lesser Electric Orb at the Black Scaled lizardman, Gyllipus joining in the attack also and pouring Magic Missiles into the towering brute who stagered but did not fall under the twin attacks. Ash held his ground in the side corridor, preventing the group from getting caught in the flank, his sword claiming another Troglodytes life.

Stepping back out of the giant brutes range, ki tapped himself with his wand but as usual it did little to patch up his considerable wounds, the big lizardman smashing his club down into Jebodiah twice and biting him for good measure too, dropping the dwarf at his feet, while another of the big brutes lumbered into combat with Ash, bashing him hard. The Naga reappeared then and sent a Fireball rocketing down the corridor and into Gyllipus in revenge for the ones the rogue had sent its way. running low on spells by now, Zamtap used what healing he had to help patch up Jebodiah, who got up with grim purpose and viciously cut down the brute who had felled him and a neary Tren for good measure too, while sidestepping a Troglodyte who charged into him, avoiding being spitted on the creatures spear. Returning his attention to the Naga, Aeron sent a volley of Magic Missiles into the monster, while Gyllipus made himself invisible and headed up the corridor towards the rest of the group having been hanging back. Backing off from the giant lizardman threatening him, Ash made his way back through the ceiling pendulums, getting hit by one on the way, but then holding his ground on the other side of them.

Ki touches Jebodiah wioth his wand tolend what healing he could to keeping the barbarian standing, and even though clearly exhausted, the dwarf nevertheless cut down the last Troglodyte. the big black scaled lizardman pitched a javelin at Ash but missed him, and Aerons shield brooch saved him from a volley of Magic Missiles that the Spirit Naga sent his way, Zamtap firing his pistol at the serpentine creature but missing narrowly. As Ki succumbed to the god awful stench in the corridor from spilt guts and squirted musk, Aeron muttered about how glad he was he didn't have to breathe, as he pulled out a scroll and unleashed a Lightning Bolt into the Naga. Unseen beside him, Gyllipus drank back a healing potion and headed further up the corridor to near where Zamtap, Ki and Jebodiah were standing in the T-junction amidst an impressive pile of torn and bloody bodies, the floor slick underfoot. Seeing an impasse, Ash cast Divine Favour on himself and sheathed his sword, arms folding across his chest and he just stood there staring at the big lizardman.

The humans resolve unnerving the big brute, he lowered his club and his head in surrender, grunting an acknowledgement of Ash's skills and then turning and heading off after pledging not to head south to Ss'inthee'ssaree, and after refusing to act as a guide for the group. The Spirit Naga sent a batch of Magic Missiles into Jebodiah then, dropping the dwarf again, and Ki again used his wand to help heal his berserker friends wounds. While Aeron cast a Shield spell on himself, Gyllipus moved swiftly up the corridor towards the Naga, and Zamtap placed a Lesser Vigor on Jebodiah to help stitch the dwarfs vicious wounds back together.

Ki ducks around a corner and out of the Naga's line of sight, the creature shimmering and vanishing from sight then as it made itself Invisible, slithering back around a corner to lie in wait. Zamtap walked over to where Aeron was stood, and healed the genasi's wounds then, while Jebodiah swigged back a healing potion, and Gyllipus crept ever closer to where he thought the Naga was. Seeing his corridor clear, Ash turned and headed back towards the rest of the group, calling to get Zamtap's attention as he had many wounds that needed seeing too.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the Naga grinned and its head darted forwards then, poisoned fangs sinking deeping into the throat of the invisible Gyllipus, tearing the life out of the unfortunate rogue, the monster reappearing as it did so. As Zamtap headed towards the Naga then with pistol in hand keen to get payback for the loss of his Gondsman, so Ki used his wand on Ash, and Jebodiah slumped down against a wall, gasping for breath, every inch of him aching from his exertions. Alarmed by the Naga sudden reappearance, Aeron sent a Defenestrating Sphere up the corridor toward it, but it missed, he heading up the corridor also behind Zamtap. Seeing the new danger to the parties spellcasters, Ash ran in pursuit of the pair, drawing his sword as he went.

Leaving Jebodiah to rest, Ki headed after the rest of the group, as the Naga slithered closer to Zamtap and lashed out, narrowly missing with its fanged bite, the Gondite priest staggering back, and blasting off a shot with his pistol which missed. Aeron stopped running then and sent his sphere at the Naga again, it missing once more as the creatures coils shifted easily around the raging ball of air, though it did not avoid the Gedlee Electric Loop the genasi then dropped on it, the spell stunning the monster, as the wizard yelled to Ash "Kill it!", the paladin nodding grimly and charging into its midst, his sword running the creature through and ending it...

DM's Notes:

Well I wanted a bloodbath for the finale of the Dowinn's lode section and I got one, Gylippus dead, Tik Tok destroyed, every member of the group heavily wounded, and the group spellcasters all but exhausted of magic, Jebodiah literally exhausted having raged and frenzied to his limits. I know that Alastair has had his eye on playing a Druid for some time, so Gyllipus will be laid to rest and the Party with No Name now have a trek through the jungles towards the jungle city of the Yuan-ti... but not before looting the bodies of the fallen of course! Thus ends Chapter Three of the campaign! Plenty more to go yet though.

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