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Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (D&D3.5e; Closed!)


Bibliophile said:
What's the urban druid? I don't have Sorcery & Steam...

Like Bront said, a druid of the cities who venerates urban life. He loses some abilities like Woodland Stride for an ability called Hidden Paths that lets him count as one size smaller for purposes of squeezing through tunnels and the like. :D

He also cannot buy any equipment -- he must scavenge it.

Bront said:
I've got a homebrew noble class if he's willing to allow it. I'll post a link in a bit.

Here it is: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=131160

Ignore anything slashed. I was noting changed. I've played a Noble in one other game, and it seems fairly well balanced with most of the other non-magic using classes.

Looks good to me, this'll be a good chance to play-test it if doghead decides to use it. :D

doghead said:
Iannja's family can trace its bloodline back to 'Before'. Slender and poised, Iannja embodies the grace that her people once represented. Now only the oldest of families know anything of those times, and that knowledge is at best tattered and threadbare.

Among her people, there is a division. Some seek to understand the reasons for the fall of their people in order that thy can rebuild. Others wish to forget it and seek to restore their fortunes by remaking themselves. Iannja, still young, is not certain as to which faction she supports. So she seeks understanding of the world outside Trepoch.

It was her misfortune to be returning from Zeakaden when hostilities broke out. Now she ponders what to do about it.

Iannja has some natural ability with the rapier and knives, but she has not had the time to develop any real skill with weapons.


Wow, Looks like you have a live one here.

Not sure about the mechanics of Iannja. I'm thinking of a rogue / sorcerer combination, mostly rogue with a few levels of sorcerer for an arcane flavour. I usually make my players take a level of aristocrat if they want a nobly born character. The price of privilege. I have started working with that. I've only sketched out the firsst level. Its going to be 4th level before she gets any BAB bonus at this rate.

Looks pretty good. Note that elves in Rivets tend to have light skin and anywhere from brown to blonde hair. If she is from Tepoch she can be free, but with your bit of background there are you implying that she was enslaved on the way back from Zeakaden? How'd she end up in prison?

steelshark said:
Do you still have rrom for another character ?

I'd like to play a psion(telepath) sort of gentleman. Neatly dressed, with a walking stick, smoking cigars

btw: is there any plan on how high we get? .... level-wise i mean. because i never played anything higher than like 10th lvl.... also: is the book of exalted deeds alowed ?

on a sidenote: I'm not really familiar with steampunk, but i played "arcanum" (by sierra, a crpg, set in a victorian style)

thx, steel

Welllp, I said no Psionics so a telepath isn't gonna work, but a Sorcerer or Wizard totally could. :D Dunno about the level. That really depends on how cooperative my players are in making this last for the long haul.

Use whatever you're planning on using and then I'll decide if it's overpowered or not.

Also Arcanum is totally badass. I would suggest it to everyone if they haven't played it, the full title is Arcanum: Of Steamwork and Magick Obscura or something like that. Killer RPG set in a steampunk world, where you can be Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, Gnomes, Humans, Half-Ogres, etc. and either use tech or magick (they're not compatable in Arcanum's world, a big difference between that and Rivets.)

Just a reminder -- when your PC is complete please make a new Rogue's Gallery thread for them and link it here so I can approve or disapprove. I want this so I can have a Bookmarks folder of your PCs and just pull them up when I need them. It'll also be a nice, centrilized location for you to keep your PC updated.

I'm stoked about the response. Less stoked about the amount of completed PCs! :p Remember: bonus XP for good backstories and a visual representation of your PC (there are a ton of free portraits over at www.wizards.com).

On a side note, does anyone know if a tag for the ENWorld boards that makes text go around an image, as opposed to above to below it?

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Just did a quick tally of what I know --

KikuNoMaru -- Liend Caplin, Male Human Cleric 2
Needs to put his stats in the correct format.
Becca Bot -- ???, Female Elven Urban Druid 2
Needs to finish some details and her background.
Bibliophile -- ???, Male Dwarf Druid 2
Needs stats and background.
doghead -- Iannja, Female Elven ??? 2
Finish stats and background.
Borson -- Tyson, Male Human Monk 2
Finish stats and background.

And I know Bront's in, I just don't know as what just yet. :heh: So that's gonna be six PCs if no one else drops. I was shootin' for six or seven so that's lookin' okay. It's funny how quickly the generic D&D ones fill up as opposed to weird ones like this though. :\


steelshark said:
hmm....no psionics..sorry didn't notice that, well ....then i have to drop out, but have fun anyway ;) and thumbs up for the idea

Are psionics that vital to yer enjoyment of a game? :\


The man with the probe
dave_o said:
Are psionics that vital to yer enjoyment of a game? :\
Probably just what he was looking to do.

Quick question. Any chance the Nymphs Kiss feat would work (From Book of Exhauted Deeds)? That's the other direction I could do the bard.

Not trying to be a pain, but I had a particular character in mind from a book, and making it work requires that she's got some oddities.

Nymphs Kiss
By maintaining a relationship with a good-aligned fey, you gain some of the characteristics of the fey.
Benifit: +2 to all Charisma Related Checks, +1 Skill Point per level, and +1 save vs spells and spell life effects.

Now, I'm willing to take that as 2 feats if it's more powerful than one, but it fits her background. (If you've ever read Being a Green Mother by Piers Anthony, you'll understand what I'm going at.)

Orb Kaftan (Quick upshot)
Daughter of Niobe, said to once be the most beautiful woman of her generation, and Pacian, a somewhat older man who died not long after Orb was born. Orb, as a child, spent much of her time learning magic and music from a Hamadryad in the forest by a lake near their remote cottage.

At the age of 18, Orb left home to wander for a while, lived with gypsies for some time (nomads in your world?), and eventualy joined a traveling circus.

--departure from book part--
Orb was imprissoned when the Circus fled without her after having swindled several local townsfolk.
Assuming this works, I'll put up stats for her shortly. If not, I think I'm going to go with my dualist idea (Swashbuckler, might take some fighter levels later).[/sblock]


Bront said:
Probably just what he was looking to do.

Quick question. Any chance the Nymphs Kiss feat would work (From Book of Exhauted Deeds)? That's the other direction I could do the bard.

Not trying to be a pain, but I had a particular character in mind from a book, and making it work requires that she's got some oddities.

Nymphs Kiss
By maintaining a relationship with a good-aligned fey, you gain some of the characteristics of the fey.
Benifit: +2 to all Charisma Related Checks, +1 Skill Point per level, and +1 save vs spells and spell life effects.

Now, I'm willing to take that as 2 feats if it's more powerful than one, but it fits her background. (If you've ever read Being a Green Mother by Piers Anthony, you'll understand what I'm going at.)

Orb Kaftan (Quick upshot)
Daughter of Niobe, said to once be the most beautiful woman of her generation, and Pacian, a somewhat older man who died not long after Orb was born. Orb, as a child, spent much of her time learning magic and music from a Hamadryad in the forest by a lake near their remote cottage.

At the age of 18, Orb left home to wander for a while, lived with gypsies for some time (nomads in your world?), and eventualy joined a traveling circus.

--departure from book part--
Orb was imprissoned when the Circus fled without her after having swindled several local townsfolk.
Assuming this works, I'll put up stats for her shortly. If not, I think I'm going to go with my dualist idea (Swashbuckler, might take some fighter levels later).[/sblock]

Looks fine -- but yah, that'd need to be two feats. :D


First Post
Hope I'm still in the running. Just finished now (it was a hectic day). I didn't know how you wanted to do HP. I just did max 1st, average for 2nd level, but I can adjust that if you want to work HP another way. I also gave him minimum XP for 2nd level for now. Let me know if anything is off:

Josh Mornston

Also, if the party's too Bard-heavy, it shouldn't be too hard to make a Rogue variant, as well.



The man with the probe
Cool. It's normaly an exhalted feat, which are a bit tweeked.

I'll have her statted out tonight :) (Moving furnature around, off work today)

Becca Bot

First Post
Bront said:
Cool. It's normaly an exhalted feat, which are a bit tweeked.

I'll have her statted out tonight :) (Moving furnature around, off work today)

I think you should be a bard. To hell with someone else being one. Don't be that way. It's like my creative writing teacher said:

"All the ideas in the world have been done, but none of them have been done the way you could do them."

But whatever!


jkason said:
Hope I'm still in the running. Just finished now (it was a hectic day). I didn't know how you wanted to do HP. I just did max 1st, average for 2nd level, but I can adjust that if you want to work HP another way. I also gave him minimum XP for 2nd level for now. Let me know if anything is off:

Josh Mornston

Also, if the party's too Bard-heavy, it shouldn't be too hard to make a Rogue variant, as well.


In the running? Dude that's awesome. Of course yer in the running. :D

KikuNoMaru -- Liend Caplin, Male Human Cleric 2
Needs to put his stats in the correct format.
Becca Bot -- ???, Female Elven Urban Druid 2
Needs to finish some details and her background.
Bibliophile -- ???, Male Dwarf Druid 2
Needs stats and background.
doghead -- Iannja, Female Elven ??? 2
Finish stats and background.
Borson -- Tyson, Male Human Monk 2
Finish stats and background.
jkason -- Josh Mornston, Male Human Bard 2
APPROVED! (+400xp for awesome background, +200xp for portrait; +600xp bonus total.)

Anyone who is confused as to what I need you to do just do exactly what jkason did.

Voidrunner's Codex

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