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Rogue's Gallery - Rathan's Problem Down Under


First Post
This is the Rogue's Gallery for my home brew campaign: Problem Down Under

Happy Reviewing Everyone!

Artifact Listings: (These will be assigned to you during the first part of the intro in the IC thread once I make it but I'm posting it here to give you time to update your character sheets.. The Items first level starts on your 3rd level and when you level it levels and I will add more information to each item as you level.)

Angel Feather: (Edvik the Bastard)
1st Level: +2 Nat Armor, +2 Str, Darkvision (60 ft.)

Cloud Amulet: (Berrek Sandblade)
1St Level: +2 Nat Armor +2 Dex, Darkvision (60 ft.)

Holy Helm/Sword on Cloak: (Ethandrew's Cleric who doesn't have a fricken name yet! LOL)
1st Level: +2 Nat Armor, +2 Wis, Darkvision (60 ft.)

Snake w/ Wings on Crystal: (Eltyr Malacon)
1st Level: +2 Nat Armor, +2 Int, Darkvision (60 ft.)

Scale Shield: (Menhir)
1st Level: +2 Nat Armor, Str +2, Darkvision (60 ft.) [You can just embed this into your character if you wish as you do other items... or use it as a Dragon Scale Large Shield (+2 AC as a Heavy Steel Sheild) if you wish to use it as a regular shield Ambrus]

Ornate Belt: (Lidia)
1st Level: +2 Nat Armor, +2 Wis, Darkvision (60ft.)

IC Link Here

OOC Link Here

IC XP Awards:
Menhir: 600 xp
Berrek: 600 xp
Eltyr: 600 xp
Lidia: 600 xp
Edvik: 600 xp
Anton: 600 xp

IC Treasure Awards:

1 Vial Plasma
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Earth Elemental 2 / Barbarian 1
N Small Elemental [earth, extraplanar]
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +5, Spot +5
Languages Common, Terran
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 21
hp 24 (2d8+1d12+3)
Immune critical hits, flanking, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning.
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +2
Spd 30 ft.
Melee slam +10 (1d6+10)
Ranged javelin +1 (1d4+6)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Special Atk earth mastery, push, rage 3/day
Abilities Str 23, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Chr 8
SQ earth glide, elemental traits, fast movement
Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Extra Rage*, Strength Devotion**
Flaws Shaky, Wild‡
Traits Plucky, Stellar Caution‡‡, Stout
Skills Craft (armorsmithing) +5, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +1
Possessions gold dragonscale large shield (7 1/2 lbs on left forearm),
necklace of natural weapons +1
(S.S., p.58), cloak of resistance +1
(patch of sacred moss on back), 3 cure light wounds potions, spiked chain
shirt (17 1/2 lbs veins of iron ore and crystal prisms embedded into torso), 5 javelins
(5 x 1 lb stalactites)
, cold iron spiked gauntlet (1/2 lb veins of iron ore embedded
in left hand)
, alchemical silver spiked gauntlet (1/2 lb veins of silver ore
embedded in right hand)
, caltrops (12 lbs of iron pyrite nodules), masterwork
artisan's tools (5 lbs), 6 flasks (6 x 1 1/2 geodes), chalk, flint & steel,
whetstone (1 lb of minerals infused into fingertips).
Treasure 141.66 gp
Experience 4,900 / 6,000
Height 4-ft. 10-in. Weight 220 lb
Background In their haste to assemble their five champions, most who head the Alliance have forgotten that it is the earth itself that has suffered the most grievous wound from the impact of the star rock. Not so for the great druids of the Bowtorindale. The candidate they propose is nothing less than the living earth itself; given form, will and purpose by the elder spirits of the natural world. The druids contend that no better scout or guide exists to lead the expedition into the mysterious Underdark beneath the Scorched Northland Territories.

[sblock=*]EXTRA RAGE [General]
You may rage more frequently than normal.
Prerequisite: Rage or frenzy ability.
Benefit: You rage or frenzy two more
times per day than you otherwise could.
Special: You can take this feat multiple
times. Its effects stack.
(Complete Warrior, p.58)
[/sblock][sblock=**]STRENGTH DEVOTION [Domain]
You can overcome an opponent's normal resistance to
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can bypass
hardness with your melee attacks for 1 minute. In addition,
you gain a slam attack as a natural weapon, and all your
melee attacks (natural or not) gain the adamantine
property for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
As a natural weapon, your slam attack does not provoke
attacks of opportunity. It deals damage based on your size
and character level, as given on the following table.
lst-5th level: 1d4 (small), ld6 (medium), ld8 (large)
6th-10th level: ld6 (small), ld8 (medium), 2d6 (large)
llth-15th level: ld8 (small), 1d10 (medium), 2d8 (large)
16th-20th level: 1d10 (small), 2d6 (medium), 3d6 (large)
If you already have a natural weapon, use whichever
damage value is higher. You gain a +2 circumstance
bonus on any damage rolls you make with that weapon.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, gaining
one additional daily use each time you take it.
Special: If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead,
you gain one additional daily use of this feat for each daily
turn or rebuke use you expend.
(Complete Champion, p.62)
[/sblock][sblock=‡]WILD [Flaw]
Accustomed only to a free life in the wild, you
panic when captured or restrained.
Prerequisite: Survival 1 rank.
Effect: Whenever you are entangled,
pinned, or bound, you immediately become
panicked. Your fear is alleviated 1 round after
you are free of all bonds. Spells and effects
that remove fear do not prevent this effect.
(Dragon Magazine 329, p.95)[/sblock][sblock=‡‡]Stellar Caution [Trait]
You are more than a little apprehensive
about anything pertaining to the Starfall.
Your caution helps to keep you safe, but
makes you slow to react to Starfall threats.
Benefit: You gain a +1 Insight bonus to
AC when dealing with anything pertaining
to the Starfall.
Drawback: You take a -1 penalty on
Initiative checks when confronted with
anything pertaining to the Starfall.
(Campaign specific trait)[/sblock]
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Name: Berrek Sandblade
Race: Human
Player: Neurotic
Classes: Spellthief 3
Hit Points: 18 = 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 (CON)

1st level max = 6
2nd level (1d6+1=6)
3rd level 2/3 max = 4

Experience: 4300/6000
[sblock=XP History]
starting: 3000
15.6.2009: 1300 - undead (and flesh golem) at the barrow

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Speed: Walk 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Elven, Orcish

Stat Score Mod
STR 8 (-1)
DEX 16 (+4) +2 from cloud amulet
CON 12 (+1)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 13 (+1)

Fort: 1 + 1(CON) = 2 + 1(grace)
Ref: 3 + 3(DEX) +1 (cloud) = 7 + 1(grace)
Will: 3 + 0(WIS) = 3 + 1(grace)

Init: +10 = +3 (DEX) +4 (Imp Init) +2 (Quick Recon) +1 (cloud amulet)

BAB: +2
Melee: +1
Finesse: +6
TWF: +4/+4
Ranged: +6

to hit: +7 OR +5/+5 (Masterwork weapons) 19-20/x2; range 10'
damage: 1d4 - 1 + 1d6 sneak if applicable

to hit: +6
damage: 1d8 19-20/x2; range 80'

Total / Flat / Touch
AC: 18 +1 15 13 +1 +2 natural from item +1 from increased dexterity

-------------------------- Skills ----------------------------------------
Skill                Stat      Pts        Bonus   Syn         Total	Misc
Appraise		             int	 0	 2		 2
Bluff			cha	 0	 1		 1
Concentration		con	 1	 1		 2
Decipher Script		int	 0	 2		 2
Disable Device		int	 5	 2		 7
Escape Artist		dex	 4	 3         2+1	10 	from traits + item
Gather Information 	cha	 1	 1		 2
Hide			dex	 5	 3         1	 9           from item
Jump			str	 0	-1		-1
Knowledge(Arcana)	int	 0	 2		 2
Knowledge(Local)   	int	 0	 2		 2
Listen			wis	 5 	 0		 5
Move Silently		dex	 5	 3	1	 9            from item
Open Lock		dex	 4	 3	1	 8            from item
Search			int	 5	 2		 7
Speak Language		N/A	 0	 0		 0
Spot			int	 5	 2		 7
Spellcraft	             	int	 1	 2		 3	syn +2 Arcana
Swimm			str	 0	-1		-1
Tumble			dex	 5	 3	1	 9	from item (syn +2 Jump)
Use Magic Device	            cha	 6	 1		 7	syn +2 Decipher script and Spellcraft for scrolls

-------------------------- Skill Tricks --------------------------------
Listen To This			 2	Repeat flawlesly something heard up to 1 hour ago
Total:                      54

-------------------------- Feats ---------------------------
class Armored casting (light) - no spell failure chance in light armor

Flaw Haunted
Feat Improved Initiative
Flaw Ghost warped
Feat Lucky Fingers
human Weapon Finesse
1st Quick Reconnoiter
3rd Two-Weapon Fighting

[sblock=Stellar Caution:]
You are more than a little apprehensive about things and event pertaining to the Starfall.

Benefit:You gain a +1 Insight bouns to AC when dealing with anything pertaining to the Starfall.

Drawback: You take a -1 penalty on Init checks when dealing with anything about the Starfall. Because of your defensive nature to it all, your reaction suffers

You are less adept at grappling and wrestling than others of your size and strength, but you are adept at slipping out of another's hold.

You gain a +1 bonus on Escape Artist checks to escape a grapple and on grapple checks to escape a grapple or avoid being grappled.

You take a -1 penalty on all other grapple checks.

You are very slender for your race.

You gain a +1 bonus on Escape Artist checks.

You take a -2 penalty on Strength checks to avoid being bull rushed or overrun.
-- ToDo:
6th Unbelieveable luck

Simple weapons
Armor Proficiency (Light)
When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks.

-------------------- Special Abilities ---------------------
1st Trapfinding
1st Steal spell (2nd)
1st Sneak attack (1d6)
1st Spell grace +1 - add to all saves
2nd Steal spell effect
2nd Detect magic 1/day - as spell
3rd Steal energy resistance 10

------------------------- Equipment ------------------------
Masterwork dagger x2 x 302gp (1 lb)
Silver dagger x1 x 22gp (1 lb)
Cold iron dagger x2 x 4gp (1 lb)
Light crossbow (37 bolts) x1 x 35gp (4 lbs)
Light mace x 1 x 5gp (4lbs)

Masterwork studded leather x1 x 175gp (20 lbs)

Spellpouch x1 x 5gp(2 lbs)
Holy symbol of Olidammara x1 x 1gp
Steel mirror x1 x 10gp (1/2 lb)
Silk rope (50') x1 x 10gp (5 lbs)
Chalk x1 x 1cp
Caltrops x1 x 1gp (2 lbs)

Holy water x 1 x 25gp (1 lb)
Alchemist fire x 1 x 20gp (1 lb)
Tanglefoot bag x 1 x 50gp (2 lbs)
Alchemist acid x 1 x 10gp (1 lb)
Thunderstone x 1 x 30gp
Smokestick x 1 x 20gp (1/2 lb)
Sunrod x 2 x 2gp (1 lb)

Masterwork thief tools x1 x 100gp (1 lb) (+2 to Open Locks and Disable Device)
Guild badge (Black Hand over arcane blue burst) 1gp
Total: 1136gp (51 lbs)

Total weight cared: 51 lbs
Current load: Light

Light: 26
Medium: 53
Heavy: 80

------------------------ Description -----------------------
Height: 5' 6" Weight: 168 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: dark Hair: none Skin: Tanned
Quirks: brash and impulsive usually, but now he is more subdued
Speech style: subdued
Quotable: I. DON'T. KNOW.

Magic Items:
Cloud Amulet:
1st: +2 Nat Armor +2 Dex, Darkvision (60 ft.)

grave strike scroll x 1 x 25gp
master's touch scroll x 1 x 25gp

[sblock=Healing belt] 750gp
std; +2 competence Heal; 3 charges/day; healing 1 charge 2d8 + 1d8/extra charge (max 4d8)
CL: 3
Body slot: waist
Activation: standard (command)
This broad leather belt is studded with three moonstones.

While wearing Healing belt you gain +2 competence bonus on Heal checks. This is continuous effect and requires no activation.
In addition, the belt has three charges which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending one or more charges allows you to channel positive energy and heal damage with a touch. (You can also use this ability to harm undead dealing them equivalent amount of damage).
1 charge : heals 2d8 points of damage
2 charges: heal 3d8 points of damage
3 charges: heal 4d8 points of damage

Wand of CLW x 1 x 750gp

Enlarge Potion x 1 x 50gp
Magic Wpn oil x 1 x 50gp

[sblock=Brute Gauntlets] 600gp
swf; +2 +1/extra charge morale bonus to STR, STR skill and damage; 3 charges/day
CL: 3
Body slot: Hands
Activation: swift (command)

This pair of heavy black leather gauntlets is set with metal studs.

Brute gauntlets allow you to temporarily increase your physical might. These gauntlets have three charges which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending one or more charges grants you morale bonus on Strength checks, Strength based skill checks and and melee weapon damage for one round.
1 charge : +2 bonus
2 charges: +3 bonus
3 charges: +4 bonus

[sblock=Boots of stomping] 600gp
std; 15' cone REFL DC 13 or fall down with 1d4 non lethal damage 3/day
CL: 3
Body slot: Feet
Activation: standard (manipulation)
The thick metal soles of these dirt-brown boots are slightly wider then the vamp. Brassy metal bands run from the sides of the soles to the tops.

When you stomp your feet and activate boots of stomping you generate a 15-foot cone shaped burst of psychokinetic force that travels along the ground, toppling creatures and loose objects. The shock wave affects only creatures standing on the ground withing the area. Creatures that fail a DC 13 Reflex save are thrown to the ground, prone, and take 1d4 non lethal damage.

Boots of stomping function three times a day

[sblock=Amber Ring of Vermin (giant bee)] 500gp
std; summons giant bee for one minute 1/day
Giant bee (medium vermin):
HD: 3d8 (13hp)
Init: +2
Speed: 20', fly 80' good
AC: 14 (+2 DEX; +2 natural); touch/flat: 12
BAB/Grapple: +2/+2
Attack/Full attack: sting +2 melee; 14d plus poison
Special qualities: Darkvision 60', Vermin traits
Saves: Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +2;
Abilities: Str 11; Dex 14; Con 11; Int -; Wis 12; Cha 9
Skills: Spot +5; Survival +1 (+4 to orient)

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fort DC 11, Initial and secondary damage 1d4 Con. giant bee that stings another creature pulls away leaving its stinger in the victim. The bee then dies.

CL: 7
Body slot: Finger
Activation: standard (command)
This irregularly shaped piece of natural amber is attached to simple iron ring. Within the amber tiny creature still seems to twitch.

This item summons giant vermin that appears and obeys your commands for 1 minute (as if summoned by summon nature's ally. At the end of this duration creature vanishes. Eight varieties...yadda yadda...

Amber ring of vermin works once per day.

Total money spent: 3886gp 1cp
Remaining: 110gp 3sp 9cp

Berrek was quite good looking, but recent trials left him somewhat rugged and thin. He is careful and suspicious now, although his easy nature shows through some times. This ranges from suicidal overconfidence and bubbling enthusiasm and optimism to demure silence and outright laziness. Berrek is blond, his hair cut short and unkempt. His chin is squarish and face holds certain hardness not apparent on first glance.

He wears dark gray studded leather armor with studs tarnished so they don't reflect the light. Dark green travel cloak hides most of his body. Boots of the same color are visible under it. He has light crossbow slung across his back and in his hands dagger with dull gray blade dances back and forth while he distractedly plays around. Despite his seeming unconcern, sharp blue eyes constantly dart around aware of everything that goes in the vicinity.

Member of cabal of mage guild 'guardians' (enforcers) that take care of one mage taking over whole guild or doing forbidden things...The Black Hand.

Unfortunately, once Berrek got over his head in what should have been simple scout/probe/information gathering mission on a suspect mage. Instead he was caught in a trap and held for memory change or worse, enfeeble mind. That was when the sky fell, mage tower was brought down and mage that was investigated perished. Strange as it is, Berreks abilities somehow interfered with the magic or maybe it was star magic. Whatever the cause, he was left unharmed as is with his mind a blank slate. He has no concept of who he is, where he is or why he is. His only companion is currently the very mage that perished in Star Fall. His name, Vensh Alaber, means nothing to Berrek, except that his first appearance caused short flashback of memory of older man showing the location of the tower on the map and illusion of Vensh's face.

After the calamity he managed to return to civilized lands and live off the streets for a time. One morning he was awaken by the ghost and found small peace of paper saying:

To Berrek Sandblade
The Hand has chosen you to go as Our representative and witness to Star Fall site. Report to ?? where another five heroes will gather. You are to keep an eye on the mages present and to report any strange magical phenomena that bear further investigation. You're free to keep any spoils you recover with usual 5% tithe.

He was delighted to find out his name. He now has little information to start recovering his life. Of course there are questions: What is The Hand? Who is older man he saw in flashback? Why was he sent to Vensh in the first place?

Without anchor or goal except to find out who he is Berrek went to ?? and thus, adventure begins.

Details, currently unknown to Berrek:
Berrek has strange mark on his right hand. He had it since he can remember it and his parents say that he was adopted from orphanage with that tatoo. In time it stretched some and lost it's initial bright purple color fading to slight purple and almost looking as strange scar.

He is born in Gerpalistar, but, because of some politicking and (literal) backstabbing, he was sent out to a relative (Onodar Feldspar) in Jormikfen. Onodar received news of Berreks parents demise and having no use for an infant or interest in keeping him without gain left his mark on the child for easier tracking and left him in an orphanage. He noted purple mark on infants hand and put his own mark on the other hand. Of course, this second mark is visible only to spell sight. He was adopted by local glassblower and his wife, Jeremiah and Irene Sandblade. Over the course of years he had several strange encounters and received training from his hired tutor in more then just literacy and magic. In time he joined mage guild through their secret police 'The Black Hand'. His uncle kept him under surveillance and once he joined The Hand started using him for private gain. Thus, just before star fall he was sent to spy on mage on suspicion of creating magebred abominations, in truth only to scout out innocent mage for preparing stealing of his newly researched spells.

This mage, feeling betrayed by the very organization that should be preventing such actions was harsh on young Berrek, but never got to fulfill his threats. He was good man and regardless of his threats to feeblemind young thief, he settled on memory wipe. In the middle of the process star fell, interfering both with magic and Berreks abilities deleting most of his memory. The mage died in ruins of his tower, most or all his books and research incinerated in the event. For some strange reason he rose at next sunset just as Berrek managed to slip out of the bonds holding him.

He still cannot communicate meaningfully with anyone and he shows none of the powers usually manifested by true ghosts. He seems mostly immune to turning attempts and any kind of spell or weapon. Whenever he tries to communicate, only low pitched moaning is heard, when he tries to manifest only general outline of ectoplasm shows. Berrek is aware that this is same man that held him captive, but seems that he cannot do anything about his haunting.[/sblock]


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First Post
[SBLOCK=Eltyr Malacon]Eltyr Malacon
Male Human Wizard 3
Experience Points (required): 4,900 (6,000 for 4th level)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Homeland: Jormikfen

Init: +2 [+2 Dex]
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Spot +0, Listen +0
Languages: Common, Auran, Draconic, Elven.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Armour Class: 14, Touch: 12, Flatfooted 12
[10 base, +2 Dex, +2 natural (artifact)]
Typical AC Adjustments: +4 armor (Mage Armor spell).
Hit Points: 11 [3d4, +3 Con; 4,1,3]
Immunities: None.
Fortitude: +2 [1 base, +1 Con]
Reflex: +3 [1 base, +2 Dex]
Will: +3 [3 base, +0 Wis]
Special Save Conditions: None.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Speed: 30 feet
Melee: +0 dagger [1d4-1; 19-20/x2; piercing or slashing]
Melee: +0 quarterstaff [1d6-1; 20/x2; bludgeoning]
Ranged: +3 light crossbow [1d8; 19-20/x2; 80 feet; piercing]
Ranged: +3 ranged spells [see spell for specifics]
BAB: +1, Grapple: +0

0-level (all) -- acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue.
1st-level (9*) -- color spray, enlarge person, erase, hold portal, identify, mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, sleep.
2nd-level (2) -- knock, Melf’s acid arrow.
* Includes bonus spell from belonging to Gormen's School for the Magicly Gifted.

Prepared Spells (4/4*/3*); Save DC (Int) = 14 + spell level
0-level -- detect magic, light, ray of frost, read magic.
1st-level -- hold portal, mage armor, magic missile, sleep.
2nd-level -- knock, Melf’s acid arrow (2).
* Includes bonus spells from belonging to Gormen's School for the Magicly Gifted.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ability Scores
Strength 8 (-1) [8 base {0 pts}]
Dexterity 14 (+2) [14 base {6 pts}]
Constitution 13 (+1) [13 base {5 pts}]
Intelligence 18 (+4) [16 base {10 pts}, +2 artifact (Snake w/Wings on Crystal)]
Wisdom 10 (+0) [10 base {2 pts}]
Charisma 10 (+0) [10 base {2 pts}]

Special Characteristics
1 extra feat at 1st level, because humans are quick to master specialized tasks and varied in their talents.
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level, since humans are versatile and capable.

Class Abilities
Proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield.
Summon Familiar.

Eschew Materials [Human bonus]
Scribe Scroll [1st level Wizard bonus]
Spell Penetration [1st level]
Improved Familiar [3rd level] {intending to summon an air elemental as a familiar at 5th level}

Skills [36 points; max ranks: 6/3]
Concentration +7 [6 ranks, +1 Con]
Decipher Script +10 [6 ranks, +4 Int]
Knowledge (arcana) +10 [6 ranks, +4 Int]
Knowledge (history) +10 [6 ranks, +4 Int]
Knowledge (the planes) +10 [6 ranks, +4 Int]
Spellcraft +12 [6 ranks, +4 Int, +2 synergy Knowledge (arcana)]
Use Magic Device +0 or +4 (scrolls) [0 ranks (cc), +0 Cha, +4 synergy Decipher Script, Spellcraft]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dagger [1 lb] {2 gp}
Light Crossbow [4 lb] {35 gp}
20 Bolts [2 lb] {2 gp}
Quarterstaff [4 lb]
Scholar’s Outfit (black)
Signet Ring (from Gormen’s School for the Magicly Gifted) [0 lb] {5 gp}

Coiled snake with glowing golden eyes and feathered wings from it's upper back which is carved into the most beautiful of pale blue crystal (slotless artifact, from alliance)
1st Level: +2 Natural Armor, +2 Intelligence, Darkvision (60 ft.)

Mage’s Satchel (as Heward’s Handy Haversack) [5 lb] {2,000 gp}
-- Bedroll [5 lb] {1 sp}
-- Blanket, Winter [3 lb] {5 sp}
-- Case, Scroll [0.5 lb] {1 gp}
-- Courtier’s Outfit (black, the shirt trimmed with silver arcane symbols at the collar and cuffs) [6 lb] {30 gp}
xx – Jewellery for Courtier’s Outfit (silver) {50 gp}
-- Everburning Torch [1 lb] {110 gp}
-- Flint & Steel [0 lb] {1 gp}
-- Hourglass [1 lb] {25 gp}
-- Mirror, Small Steel [0.5 lb] {10 gp}
-- Money (coins), in a belt pouch (28 gp, 21 sp, 7 cp) [1.62 lb (incl. pouch)]
-- Money (gems), in a small cloth bag (550 gp in various gems, two of which are 100 gp pearls)
-- Potion: Cure Light Wounds (2) [0 lb] {100 gp}
-- Rations, Trail (20 days) [20 lb] {10 gp}
-- Rope, Silk (50 feet) [5 lb] {10 gp}
-- Scholar’s Outfit (black, spare) [6 lb] {5 gp}
-- Spellbook [3 lb]
-- Spell Foci (two of each simple focus are carried, one of which will be on his person if the relevant spell is prepared)
-- Spell Materials (no expensive material components are carried at this time except pearls for the identify spell, doesn’t require simple components)
-- Waterskin [4 lb] {1 gp}
-- Whetstone [1 lb] {1 cp}
-- Writing Materials
xx – Candle, for melting sealing wax (2) [0 lb] {2 cp}
xx – Inkpen (2) [0 lb] {2 sp}
xx -- Ink (2 vials) [0 lb] {16 gp}
xx -- Paper (25 sheets) [0 lb] {10 gp}
xx – Sealing Wax [1 lb] {1 gp}
-- Weight Carried in Satchel [57.62 lb (of 120 lb)]

Weight Carried: 16 lb

Carrying Capacity [8 Strength]
Light: 26 lb. or less; Medium: 27-53 lb.; Heavy: 54-80 lb.;
Lift (over head): 80 lb.; Lift (off ground): 160 lb.; Drag: 400 lb.

573 gp, 21 sp, 7 cp (in coins & gems)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Height: 5’1”
Weight: 129lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Age: 22

Eltyr is a handsome short slender man, with straight shoulder-length black hair. His warm brown eyes show little at first glance, but if you look long enough you can see the workings of a quick and intelligent mind behind their compassionate gaze. He tends to wear austere black robes most of the time, though he does have some finer clothes which only seem to make an appearance when required by the occasion (fine black clothes in the current fashion, the shirt trimmed with arcane symbols in silver at the collar and cuffs, over which he wears an elegant burgundy cloak, while supple calf-high golden brown boots complete the ensemble ... along with a few pieces of elegant silver jewellery). In his hand he usually carries a worn quarterstaff, while on his belt he carries a dagger and when ready for battle a light crossbow.

Eltyr is a good-natured and astute young man, who is always on the lookout for something to challenge his abilities. When not engaged in other pursuits he often spends his time simply pondering the essence of magic, though he never allows such thoughts to completely overtake his mind and distract him from the world around him, unlike some of the other mages he trained with. His most fervent wish is that he’ll discover some as yet undiscovered great repository of magic from ages past, though he’d settle for anything which expands his rapidly growing knowledge of the arcane a little further.

To begin this tale you must first understand the Malacon family. Affluent merchants and wizards, the Malacon’s have controlled a sizable trading concern for generations, dealing in magic as well as items of a more mundane nature.

Eltyr is the eldest son of Owain and Lerral Malacon, and unsurprisingly he spent his childhood surrounded by the wealth acquired by his family over centuries. Enjoying the best life had to offer, he never wanted for anything in his formative years, which probably explains why he’s always sought out challenges far beyond his capabilities ... challenges where his family’s money couldn’t obtain success for him.

As is expected from those in the Malacon family who possess the slightest hint of a magical gift, Eltyr entered Gormen's School for the Magicly Gifted at the age of ten. His parent’s hoping that he would study magic with an eye towards crafting, as they had, to further expand the family’s trading concerns ... though they soon found out he had different ideas about his future, as he took his studies in an another direction entirely. Studying the application of magic with an eye towards the art itself, rather than what could be made using it, Eltyr quickly found an avenue of study which appealed to him greatly and after studying hard, he graduated from Gormen's School in his late teens. His parents, pleased by his success and that he had found a path that seemed to satisfy his adventurous nature, proudly sent him on his way with a mage’s satchel (the one he has now) to help make his journey easier.

Since graduating he has spent his time travelling and exploring, with the blessing of his family, delving into the occasional adventurous pursuit as he slowly expands his arcane knowledge ... however, the fall of the meteor has changed all that. Upon hearing the news, Eltyr returned to Gorman’s School and stated his wish to explore and help close off the bleeding vein of darkness that now threatens them all. With the blessing of his teachers and a letter of recommendation from the school, he set off for his greatest challenge to date, one which he hopes will grant him his most fervent wish...

XP Gained: 1,900XP (Started with 3,000XP)
600XP Pair of hobgoblin assassins
1,300 XP Fight with undead at black mound[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Added Ornate Belt plus effects.

[sblock=Lidia]Female, Human, Druid (3)
Neutral Good
XP: 4900/6000

Height: 6'2", Weight: 118Ilb, Age: 26
Hair: Red, Eyes: Dark Blue, Skin: Suntaned

Languages: Common, Druidic

Str: 10 (+0) [base 10] {2pts}
Int: 10 (+0) [base 10] {2pts}
Wis: 18 (+4) [base 16, +2 Ornate Belt] {10pts}
Dex: 10 (+0) [base 10] {2 pts}
Con: 12 (+1) [base 12] {4 pts}
Cha: 13 (+1) [base 13] {5 pts}

Move: 6 squares, 30'
Initiative: +0

Armor Class: 19 (10 base, 5 armor, 2 shield, +2 Natural Armor Adjustment (belt))

Hit Points: 23 (8+1, 6+1, 6+1)
BAB: +2, Melee +2, Ranged +2, Grapple +2

Fort +5 (base +3, mod +1, +1 Clock of Resistance)
Reflex +2 (base +1, mod +0, +1 Clock of Resistance)
Will +8 (base +3, mod +4, +1 Clock of Resistance)

Concentrate +4 (3 rank, +1 con)
- (Cast Defensively) +8 (+4 Concentrate, +4 Combat casting)
Handle Animal +2 (1 rank, +1 cha)
Heal + 14 (6 rank, +4 wis, +2 Self-sufficient, +2 Healer's Kit)
Knowledge (Nature) +6 (2 rank, +2 druid(1), +2 Survival)
Listen +10 (6 rank, +4 wis)
Spot +10 (6 rank, +4 wis)
Survival +14 (6 ranks, +4 wis, +2 druid(1), +2 Self-sufficient)

Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Combat Casting
Shield Proficiency

Darkvision (60')

Unarmed Strike +2 melee, (1d3, 20/x2)
Oaken Cudgel +2 (1d6, 20/x2)
Sling +2 ranged (1d4, 50ft, 20/x2)[/sblock]
[sblock="Prepared Spells"]
Druid Spells Level 0 (4/day)
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Flare
- Light

Druid Spells Level 1 (3/day)
- Cure Light Wounds
- Entangle
- Shillelagh

Druid Spells Level 2 (2/day)
- Barkskin
- Flaming Sphere[/sblock]
[b]Equipment                    Qty Weight Cost[/b]
Explorer's Outfit             1    8     0
Cloak of Resistance +1        1    1 	  1000
Ornate Belt                   1    0     0
Chainmail (Dragonhide)        1    40    600
Darkwood Shield               1    5     257
Oaken Cudgel                  1    3     0
Sling                         1    0     0
Wand of Summon Monster I      1    0.06  750

Backpack (contains 8 lbs)     1    2     2
- Everburning Torch           1    1 	 110 
- Waterskin (Filled)          1    4     1
- Healer's Kit                1    1     50

Pouch (Belt) (contains 5 lbs) 1    0.5   1
- Bullets, Sling (10)         1    5     0.1

Pouch (contains 0 lbs)        1    0.5   1
- Candle (Pouch               1    0     0.01
- Chalk                       1    0     0.01
- Fishhook                    5    0     0.1
- Potion of CLW               2    0     50
- Potion of CMW               1    0     300

Carried by Menhir
- Rations (Trail/Per Day)     7    7     3.5

Money: 152.58 (302.58 change - 150 as share of CLW wand)
Load: 63 Ils (Medium)

Light Load < 34lbs
Medium Load 35-66lbs
Heavy Load 67-100lbs[/sblock]
[sblock="Background"]Lidia is the last of a long line of wise women who have lived and tended the folk of Appletreewick far back into antiquity.

Traditionally each of the wise woman had a single daughter, who she raised alone in the ancestral cottage, located in a woodland clearing about a mile from the village.

Lidia was born exactly at midnight on mid-summer's eve, the younger of identical twins.

Lidia's birth time proved to be auspicious as even before she could walk she proved to have a greater affinity with nature, with birds singing to her and small mammals visiting her in her crib.

Whether this was a portent or not is still not clear. However, her mother Elasia saw it as a solution to her dilemma and so Lidia was sent to the druidess Kara to be train as a priestess of nature while Aidil her elder sister was trained as her mum's successor.

Time passed. Lidia traveled around Bowtorindale along with her mistress learning the ways of nature and meeting the land's real rulers. Eventually, Lidia achieved womanhood and was finally initiated into the druidic order.

Shortly after Lidia's initiation rumors started circulating about the wounding of the earth and chaos spreading over the land. Soon after this, Lidia received a summons to a meeting with the druidic council. On arriving at the Great Circle, Lidia was taken to Almus, the grand druid, where he summarised the current situation, told her that the circumstances of her birth means that the druidic council believes that she is destined for great things, explained the tasks that they wish her to undertake and asked her if she accepted. Lidia was ecstatic at the honor and immediately volunteered. Almus then went on to explain that in addition to Lidia, the druids proposed to enlist the aid of the land itself. Lidia would act as its representative's mentor and guide while on the surface, with the roles being reversed if and when they entered the Underdark.

Almus then lead Lidia to the Great Circle, were the full council awaited them. The council then preformed a complex ritual of which Lidia understood only the smallest part.

At the end of which, one of the standing stones bursts out of the ground and declares in a booming voice *sound of nails on a chalkboard*. Almus uncovers his ears, turns to his flock and translates the odd creature's terrain speech: "I think it said it's name is... uhm... Tim?".[/sblock]
[sblock="Description"]An extremely tall, willowy, young human female.

Once you get over her height, Your eyes are drawn to the firey red hair that's tied into a single braid that goes all the way down her back and the blue eyes that are so dark that they look black.

What can be seen of her skin is deeply suntaned.

The voice is soft but pleasant.

She dresses in a dark green cloak over leather armor.[/sblock]
[sblock=Animal Companion]Name: Shadow
Type: Animal
Race: Hawk
True Neutral

Str: 7 (-2)
Int: 2 (-4)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 10 (+0)
Cha: 6 (-2)

Move: 2 squares, 10', Fly 60'
Initiative: +3

Armor Class: 20 (10 base, +8 dex, +2 3rd Level Natural Armor Adj.)

Hit Points: 20 (8+0, 6+0, 6+0)
BAB: +2

Fort +3
Reflex +7
Will +3

Listen +5 (3 rank, +2 wis)
Spot +13 (3 rank, +2 wis, +8 race)

Weapon Finess

Animal Companion Traits
Share Spells

Tricks: (6 Handle Animal, +2 Bonus)

Talons +5 melee, (1d4-2)[/sblock]
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[B]Name:[/B] Edvik the Bastard
[B]Class:[/B] Fighter 3
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (6 p.)  [B]Level:[/B] 3        [B]XP:[/B] 3,000 / 6,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 13 +1 (5 p.)  [B]BAB:[/B] +3         [B]HP:[/B] 29 (3d10+6)
[B]Con:[/B] 13 +1 (5 p.)  [B]Grapple:[/B] +6     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] --/--
[B]Int:[/B] 13 +1 (5 p.)  [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] --
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (2 p.)  [B]Init:[/B] +1        [B]Spell Save:[/B] --
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 (2 p.)  [B]ACP:[/B] -6         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 50%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +8    +2    +1    +0    +2    +0    23
[B]Touch:[/B] 11              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 22

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      3    +1    +1    +5
[B]Ref:[/B]                       1    +1    +1    +3
[B]Will:[/B]                      1    +0    +2    +3

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Bastard Sword             +8     1d10+3      19-20 
Longbow                   +5      1d8+3        x3

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic

Bonus Feats
Bonus Skill Points
Darkvision 60'

Improved Toughness [Human]
Blind Fight [1st]
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword [Fighter 1]
Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword [Fighter 2]
Mage Slayer [3rd]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 24       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 6/3
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Climb*                    6      +3   --     +3    
Diplomacy (x)             3      +0   --     +3  
Jump*                     6      +3   --     +3
Knowledge: History        2      +1   --     +3
Spellcraft (x)            2      +1   --     +3

*acp: -6

[B]Equipment:                         Cost  Weight[/B]
MW Bastard Sword                 185 gp    6 lb
MW Mighty: 3 Composite Longbow   550 gp    3 lb
 - Arrows (20)                     1 gp    3 lb

MW Full Plate Armor             1650 gp   50 lb
MW Heavy Steel Shield            170 gp   15 lb

Cloak of Resistance +1          1000 gp    1 lb
Everburning Torch                110 gp    1 lb
Potion: CLW (3)                  150 gp    - lb
Angel Feather                      - gp    - lb

Backpack                           2 gp    2 lb
Grappling Hook                     1 gp    4 lb
Silk Rope (50')                   10 gp    5 lb
Water Skin                         1 gp    4 lb
Whetstone                       0.02 gp    1 lb
Winter Blanket                   0.5 gp    3 lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 98 (medium load)

[B]Money:[/B] 169 gp 4 sp 8 cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                 76   153   230   460  1150                

[B]Age:[/B] 21
[B]Height:[/B] 5'10"
[B]Weight:[/B] 190 lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Blue
[B]Hair:[/B] Blond
[B]Skin:[/B] Tan
[sblock=Background]Twenty one years ago:

"I still think this is a mistake. Acknowledging the child at all serves no purpose, it will only cause difficulties in the future."

"He is still our first grandchild, whether you wish to accept the fact or not. I will not see him cast aside because of the circumstances of his birth. And you may find there is more benefit here than you believe. If his existence truly concerns you, isn't it better to keep him close at hand, and to have a hand in his upbringing? He is of royal blood, would you ignore him and give him reason to hate you?"

". . . I have already conceeded the point, I am here, am I not? Perhaps some good will come of all this, perhaps our son will learn some sense of responsibility for his own actions."


It all started with a girl I suppose. Her family had come from the North, seeking their fortune, or just trying to leave behind the harsh life of farmers in Hartsboar. If they came seeking fortune, they didn't find it. She was just a chambermaid; but beautiful and tall, fair and exotic enough to stand out from the dark beauties of Jormikfen. I suppose I should stand in her defense and tell a tale of true love, or perhaps a cruel seduction, but reality is never quite as clean as we might prefer. He was the crown prince, and she could certainly see the benefits of his attentions. Neither of them counted on me.

I was born shortly after the prince's engagement was announced. Not to my mother, of course, to a duchess. The overwhelming opinion was that the girl should be given a sum of money and 'encouraged' to leave. But the Queen wasn't having it, she always was stronger than anyone gave her credit for, and her will was not to be swayed. She was the only person who welcomed me. Even my mother found an excuse to leave a few years later, not that I can blame her. Her presence was even less welcome than mine, particularly after the wedding and the new princess's arrival.

My childhood existed in a strange limbo between prince and servant. The prince's marriage shortly produced a legitimate heir, and a half-blood bastard was an unnecessary complication. For his part, my half-brother was actually quite accepting of my existence. Not that he showed any particular affection for me, he simply didn't seem to care. He was always a somewhat fey child, very focused on his studies. I never seemed to fare as well at such learning, but the castle tutors spared no opportunity to remind me how lucky I was to even be allowed such an education. I took to spending much of my spare time with the castle guards, who never seemed to care if I were prince, bastard or commoner. I learned much from watching them, and then later training under and with them. My choice of such pastime drew no small number of disapproving glances. Some saw it as beneath me, some saw it as confirmation of by base origins.

Once again, my grandmother was the only one who took interest in my activities. I think she was saddened when I decided not to pursue the life of a scholar, mystic or sage, but she still supported my choice. We would often meet share tea while she talked to me on one subject or another. She spoke of court life, and history, but mostly she tried to instill in me a sense of loyalty and responsibility. This last was a challenge for me, I had trouble justifying devotion to a country who certainly didn't want me. I often considered leaving, and going to seek my own way in the world, but she always convinced me to stay, at least for a little longer.

With the star fall, many things have changed in the land. The darkness has brought fear and uncertainty, and threats against my home. I'm starting to see a little of what my grandmother talks about. The king may not want me, my father may ignore me, but the land itself has a need. Monsters press against the borders, and I ride out with the soldiers to drive off these first probing attacks. My fellow warriors seem heartened by my presence, and I see gratitude in the faces of the common people when I return from battle.

The king wishes me to volunteer for this new mission. His motives are obvious, but I will go nonetheless. I am Edvik the Bastard, and regardless of anyone's opinion, I am a prince of Jormikfen, and I will stand forward to fight for my country.[/sblock]

HP for 2nd Level: 6


First Post
[sblock=Anton Hill]Anton Hill

Male Human Cleric
Alignment: NG
ECL: 3
Deity: Pelor

Abilities: (25)
STR - 12 (4 Points)
DEX - 8 (0 Points)
CON - 13 (5 Points)
INT - 10 (2 Points)
WIS - 18 (10 Points + 2 Artifact)
CHA - 12 (4 Points)

HP: d8 = 25
Speed: 30ft
Initiative: -1
EXP: 1/1000
60’ Darkvision

AC: 22 (-1 Dex + 9 Full Plate + 2 Natural Armor + 2 Heavy Steel Shield)
Flat Footed AC: 22
Touch AC: 11

Fort: 4
Reflex: 0
Will: 7

BAB/Ranged/Grapple: +3/+1/+3

MW Heavy Mace + 4 1d8+1 x20 Bludgeoning

Class Abilities:
Turn Undead
Aura of Good
Proficient with simple weapons
Proficient with all armor
Proficient with all shields except Tower

Racial Abilities:
Extra feat at 1st Level
Extra 4 Skill Points at 1st Level
Extra Skill Point each level
Multiclass: Any

Concentration – 7 (6 Ranks + 1 Con)
Heal – 12 (6 Ranks + 4 Wis + 2 Healer’s Kit)
Knowledge Religion – 6 (6 Ranks + 0 Int)

1st – Healing Devotion
1st – Augment Healing
3rd – Touch of Healing

Spells per day:
Orisons – 4
1st – 3+1
2nd – 2+1

Healing: You cast healing spells at +1 caster level.
Granted Spell: 1st: Cure Light Wounds 2nd: Cure Moderate Wounds

Strength: You can perform a feat of strength as a supernatural ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1 round, and it is usable once per day.
Granted Spell: 1st: Enlarge Person 2nd: Bull Strength

Save DC: 15 for 1st Level Spells


Equipment: Cost
+1 Full Plate – 2,650gp
Wand of CLW – 750gp
Healer’s Kit – 100gp
Heavy Steel Shield – 20gp
MW Heavy Mace – 312gp
Potion of CLW x 3 – 150gp
Holy Helm/Sword on Cloak (+2 NA, +2 Wis, 60’ Darkvision)

Total Money: 18gp

[sblock=Physical Appearance]Age: 23
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 168
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Fair

Anton is not an overly attractive man, nor is he unattractive. He has average features, a little bit of a rounded nose and square jaw. He’s average in height at best and walks with a noticeable limp. He won’t stop conversation when he walks into a room, and for that he’s quite glad.[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Anton hails from Lorken, so he’s seen a lot in his young life. He was always shorter and pudgy for his age growing up, kept to himself so that he could avoid the bullying and teasing and beatings that came with being the smallest of his age. But he his a growth spurt as a late teen and his body responded awkwardly, developing a painful condition in his left knee.

Now, some years later, it’s still there, but not as painful as it used to be. It flares up on occasion and all he can manage to do is grind his teeth and bare through the pain. Distilled liquor helps too, but he likes to keep a clear head for the most part.

It was in this awkward, painful teenage years that he decided the best place for him, to start a life and get the care he needed, was in the large church of Pelor, and so he devoted himself to him. While he might not be the most pious of acolytes, while he might feel alone in his plight at times, the warmth of Pelor is always with him, sometimes stronger than other times.

And so, at this hour, when darkness incarnate wreaks havoc upon his world, Anton can think of nothing better than to fill his heart, his mind, and the accursed land with the light of Pelor, his friend and his ally.[/sblock]

[sblock=Personality]For the most part Anton can be very quiet and reserved. He is definitely introverted, but he has warmed his heart within these past few years, although still has his closed-off tendencies. When his knee flares up he can appear to be bitter and harsh, but it’s just his way of coping and he means no offense. This is particularly evident when he drinks the pain away.[/sblock][/sblock]

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