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Round-up! (June 11, 2005)


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Once more, I've created a thread for us to post general thoughts, questions and comments related to our most recent adventure. Feel free to discuss anything related to Saturday's session here: of course, if you have questions or comments that merit an in-depth discussion, you're welcome to start up a thread about that. :)

My thoughts:

Participation was wonderful, and the group was fairly attentive. Things didn't work out with Kat's character (Demeter) quite as well as I had hoped, so she remained at least partially estranged from the action for more of the game than I would have liked. Nonetheless, that issue seems to have been solved at least temporarily, which is nice.

On a related note, I saw the beginnings of a small bit of factionalization due to overlapping backstory and some less than satisfactory motivations (my fault, I think). Nonetheless, it seemed to have been handled before we parted ways for the evening - and that's good enough for me.

Nico was a fantastic addition to the game, and she took to it like the proverbial fish to water. Her character has proven an entertaining and worthwhile addition, and her actions provided much of the impetus for later events. I couldn't have asked for better if I had scripted the whole thing.

The action went fairly well, and I thought it was fairly representative of the kind of TV/Movie action that most of us associate with the genre we're currently emulating. I'm really curious to find out what the rest of you thought.

From a mechanical standpoint, things worked fairly well, and we got some interesting maneuvers out of several members of the group - good stuff all around. The action (once it properly started) never really flagged, though we're still a little slow on establishing our initiative order(s). Regardless, the pace was about what I like, and well within my expectations. How did it meet with yours?

That's really all I have to say at the moment. I think it's going fairly well, the initial mysteries are unfolding, and I'd guess that this "adventure" has at least one, but no more than three sessions left in its "story arc." I'm looking forward to beginning the next session, where at least some time should probably be devoted to speculating on what (exactly) is going on around here?

Strange things. Strange things.

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I feel like things went really well this weekend. It was fun and entertaining. I really enjoy all of the characters (though I'm having some trouble feeling like I "fit in" with Wu, but that's neither here nor there... she just seems too different...).

I'm definately going to make a copy of the Ride skill to put in my binder so that I'm not scrambling for the book/trying to find it every time I need to figure out what the DC for (insert action here) is. Felt like I was doing that a lot for some reason...


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Overall I think it went well. I, for one, like the way the fight inside of town turned out...makes a good movie in my head. My character is nervous about some of the choices she has made, but OOC I think they'll be more useful to the "story."
The nature of the backstories seem to make some characters nec. a little wary of each other, but I think we've come to a solution (albeit perhaps temporarily). OOC- I think it may be even more "concrete" that we are a "party" if/when Chris comes to play (hopefully next weekend). I'm hoping that we can get some of the party secrets out into the open at this time since at this point we have groups of people who have demonstrated reasons to be together, but all-together we're kind of a "loose collective." But, since this is only the 2nd session and there is no "official" party, I suppose this is to be expected.
The thing with Kat's character is unfortunate, but I hope (Kat will have to confirm) that we've been able to make a good enough case for at least temporary group-ness.

You mentioned "less than satisfactory motivations (my fault, I think)" and I'm not sure I know to whom or which you refer...could you elaborate?


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Yeah, I know what you mean about Wu. We have two characters trying to protect her (though it doesn't seem she needs it ;)) and the rest are relatively apathetic (though in-character it makes sense). Like I mentioned earlier, I think the party will "solidify" as characters' motives come out into the open. She is "different" but she is quite entertaining with the sparkles and the ribbons...

(In case you're wondering why I keep posting...I'm at work- started today- but most ppl are in a meeting for the next two days which means I have nothing to do but read articles...)


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You mentioned "less than satisfactory motivations (my fault, I think)" and I'm not sure I know to whom or which you refer...could you elaborate?

Sure - I don't think I got Kat's character as tied to you with the way the action worked out as I would have hoped. I've worked with her with her backstory a little bit, and we just didn't get it quite fine tuned enough to do anything other than make sure she was at the right place to meet the rest of you. It's sort of the same problem (as we encountered) that we had with Fred (problem is probably an overstatement) - at the moment, she's more tied to "Them" than she is to "Us."

Of course, if the dice had fallen in your favor a few more times (there were a lot of failed Spot and Sense Motive Checks) the group might be a little less divided.

But, overall, I agree totally with your assessment. The only way to have a group *more* connected than you currently are by the second adventure would be to have everyone start as part of a pre-existing organization and team.

It's just hard b/c Wu doesn't really have any real connection to the US. Nor does she have any un-shared motives. She's just running. She'd run back to her parents, but she doesn't want to let them know that she has dishonored their family by running from her debt. She'd go back to the circus, but her sense of honor says that - despite the debt - it's not *right*.

So... for the moment... there's power (and safety) in numbers... and maybe she can wash off a bit of the stink of dishonor by getting Slava to forgive her for what her troupe did to his father.

It'll be easier once we figure out how (if?) the Fortune Teller is tied into all of this.


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I'm definately going to make a copy of the Ride skill to put in my binder so that I'm not scrambling for the book/trying to find it every time I need to figure out what the DC for (insert action here) is. Felt like I was doing that a lot for some reason...
Pull a copy off of the Modern SRD. In fact...

Ride (Dex)

Animals ill suited as mounts provide a –2 penalty on their rider’s Ride check.

Check: Typical riding actions don’t require checks. A character can saddle, mount, ride, and dismount without a problem. Mounting or dismounting an animal is a move action. Some tasks, such as those undertaken in combat or other extreme circumstances, require checks. In addition, attempting trick riding or asking the animal to perform an unusual technique also requires a check.

Guide with Knees (DC 5): The character can react instantly to guide his or her mount with his or her knees so that the character can use both hands in combat or to perform some other action. Make the check at the start of the character’s round. If the character fails, he or she can only use one hand this round because the character needs to use the other to control his or her mount.

Stay in Saddle (DC 5): The character can react instantly to try to avoid falling when his or her mount rears or bolts unexpectedly or when the character takes damage.

Fight while Mounted (DC 20): While in combat, the character can attempt to control a mount that is not trained in combat riding (see the Handle Animal skill). If the character succeeds, he or she uses only a move action, and the character can use his or her attack action to do something else. If the character fails, he or she can do nothing else that round. If the character fails by more than 5, he or she loses control of the animal.
For animals trained in combat riding, the character does not need to make this check. Instead, the character can use his or her move action to have the animal perform a trick (commonly, to attack). The character can use his or her attack action normally.

Cover (DC 15): The character can react instantly to drop down and hang alongside his or her mount, using it as one-half cover. The character can’t attack while using his or her mount as cover. If the character fails, he or she doesn’t get the cover benefit.

Soft Fall (DC 15): The character reacts instantly when he or she falls off a mount, such as when it is killed or when it falls, to try to avoid taking damage. If the character fails, he or she takes 1d6 points of falling damage.

Leap (DC 15): The character can get his or her mount to leap obstacles as part of its movement. Use the character’s Ride modifier or the mount’s Jump modifier (whichever is lower) when the mount makes its Jump check (see the Jump skill). The character makes a Ride check (DC 15) to stay on the mount when it leaps.

Fast Mount or Dismount (DC 20; armor penalty applies): The character can mount or dismount as a free action. If the character fails the check, mounting or dismounting is a move action. (A character can’t attempt a fast mount or dismount unless he or she can perform the mount or dismount as a move action this round, should the check fail.)

Special: If the character is riding bareback, he or she takes a –5 penalty on Ride checks.

A character can take 10 when making a Ride check, but can’t take 20.

A character with the Animal Affinity feat gets a +2 bonus on all Ride checks.

Time: Ride is a move action, except when otherwise noted for the special tasks listed above.


First Post
Queen_Dopplepopolis said:
Nor does she have any un-shared motives. She's just running.

It seems obvious to me (my character that is) that she's "running" and that she's scared of being caught, but I'm not sure I know from whom she's running (except that it involves the men we killed). Perhaps I missed some things since I left early that 1st session, but has it been made clear that she's running from a circus? Do we even know that she was part of it and then ran away (vs. just being wanted by them for something else)?

cuteasaurus said:
It seems obvious to me (my character that is) that she's "running" and that she's scared of being caught, but I'm not sure I know from whom she's running (except that it involves the men we killed). Perhaps I missed some things since I left early that 1st session, but has it been made clear that she's running from a circus? Do we even know that she was part of it and then ran away (vs. just being wanted by them for something else)?
Yep - it was established (or, I thought it was) on Saturday.

She fessed up to working for the Triad, told everyone the role the Fortune Teller played, and dodged around having to talk about what *made* her run.

Queen_Dopplepopolis said:
Yep - it was established (or, I thought it was) on Saturday.

She fessed up to working for the Triad, told everyone the role the Fortune Teller played, and dodged around having to talk about what *made* her run.
It was this confession that prompted Slava to ask if she killed his father.

Voidrunner's Codex

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