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Round-up! (June 11, 2005)


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cuteasaurus said:
It seems obvious to me (my character that is) that she's "running" and that she's scared of being caught, but I'm not sure I know from whom she's running (except that it involves the men we killed). Perhaps I missed some things since I left early that 1st session, but has it been made clear that she's running from a circus? Do we even know that she was part of it and then ran away (vs. just being wanted by them for something else)?
Her mode of dress would tend to imply that she was associated with the circus in some official capacity - she's definitely got the crazy circus costume. The implication would be that's she's running away from the circus.

The only clarifying implication (from saturday's session) is that she's actually running away from the Fortune Teller (who is associated with the circus) rather than the circus itself. So far. But, as has been noted, it's just the second session.

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If Wu didn't make it clear that she was traveling with the circus, it was not intentional. She would have told everyone that she was working with the circus (The Amazing Wu!!!), but that was just her cover.

She is an Open Book. She really sucks at lying, so she just doesn't.


First Post
Right. Yeah, I figured it was me the person and not the character who was confused. :)

Her martial arts would indicate that she's more than just a tumbler...but do we know she's actually killed people? Or do we just know the troupe did?

cuteasaurus said:
Right. Yeah, I figured it was me the person and not the character who was confused. :)

Her martial arts would indicate that she's more than just a tumbler...but do we know she's actually killed people? Or do we just know the troupe did?
You know that she worked/works as an assassin for the Chinese Triad (whether or not individual characters know what that is, I don't know...).

She described herself as an assassin. She didn't volunteer any numbers or specifics, but you can guess that she has. She is not proud of her actions and will answer questions if asked (it's only right, you are all older than her). But, it would be/would have been very, very clear that she is ashamed of her "occupation."


First Post
Saturday's game was fun, and though D doesn't have the most solid of cases as to why she is staying with the group what got worked out for end of satuday's game works:

-Men didn't look right (dirty, scruffy) and they were going after a girl, bad thoughts of brother and cousin incident.

-lots of pretty females in group, and D likes fellow gals around.

-Searching for Uncle, but mostly just as something to do since it's not like she knows him. And she wants the money, or just to figure that mystery out.

-Clarissa's character (Jane?) has given her a good reason to figure one thing out with this group, and then find her uncle and figure that out. Knowing lots can happen between now and then.

-She didn't see the group do anything unlawful- except to her an unwillingness to chat and just explain the situation to the nice calvery men. But she's not going to stop and try to explain it alone :)

-Slava's current orders are going to be fullfilled as in getting the papers. The captain knew Slava, seemed good friends, etc.

Also, at only game two it's not a totally cohesive group, anyways. So for now group looks good, and works for further friendship/group growing, plots and fun. But definitely more reasons after the fireside chat to follow and team up with group then simply "oh, a horse ride!" :)

As only game one for D and me I can't say too much, but I look forward to more!


I think it will all work out all right. Though I'm still having trouble reconciling the events of Saturday to a non-meta induced conclusion. Here's the beef:

Fred Thompson
1) Commitment: If she promises to do something, she will see it through or die trying.
2) Jonas Thompson

The problem with this is that she (as of yet) has no concrete ties to any of the party, save Demeter and John. So when Wu and Jaine kill two of her father's employees, it becomes a conflict. Why help people who are seemingly against her?

Fred's alliegance to her father wouldn't keep her in New Mexico. She has the freedom to move around. And she has been in conflict with him in the past. But they made up several years ago. And as far as Fred is concerned, her father is a good person. So why should she travel with these strangers?

Xath said:
The problem with this is that she (as of yet) has no concrete ties to any of the party, save Demeter and John. So when Wu and Jaine kill two of her father's employees, it becomes a conflict. Why help people who are seemingly against her?

For the sake of the game and forming a solid group, I am significantly altering Wu's allegiances. Maybe you need to do some altering of your own?

Maybe Fred recently witnessed her father do something bad that has pushed her to question her father and this has finally tipped her off? Maybe she's finally realized that her father isn't a legit business man and farmer (what with his ranch hands doing so little ranching...). Maybe she's realized that the Lazy Diamond is tied somehow to the Masons (which, I think it is) and she's got something against Masons (not a stretch, as there's a whole party of 'em out there)?

Or maybe you just want to drop the allegiance to your Pa for the sake of ease of play? That's essentially what Wu is doing with her Confucian allegiance... it is going to play a role, but is going to have to take the back-burner so that she can become a real "team player" instead of a mindless drone.

She doesn't need to give up that allegiance, just find a way to make it less binding. She can be dedicated to her father without creating a rift in the potential team. We're only two adventures it, it's totally possible to alter your backstory and it won't really impact anything except your play-ability.

Don't know... just rambling/spouting off ideas... Spent the afternoon talking to Kennon about similar issues... so - yeah... :)


She's smart enough to have figured out quite a few of her father's true nature, and maybe quite a few of his illicit activities. But she "hasn't" storywise, so I guess she's in denial. Willing to ignore the bad until something gives it concrete proof.

A good reason for her to follow the party. Though she's outwardly conflicted about the morality of helping Wu, she feels that this may give her the proof she's been needing. Internally, she's pretty sure her father is up to no good.

She still loves him though... It's going to be one heck of a conflict.

Good thing Fred doesn't brood. If she's conflicted, she just likes to hit things until the conflicts work out. :)

Xath said:
A good reason for her to follow the party. Though she's outwardly conflicted about the morality of helping Wu, she feels that this may give her the proof she's been needing. Internally, she's pretty sure her father is up to no good.

Wu did try to make it clear that the men were going to kill her - or at least harm her in a way much more drastic than taking her captive... she's got Ms. Christie (spelling?) to back that up... and for running away from something incredibly, terribly, awfully horrible.

So - feel free to sense her motive. (She's telling the truth, she always is :))... might definately give her reason to question her father.

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