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RPG products of random bits, random tables, or other miscellany resources?


As a DM, the older I get, the lazier I get, and one type of product that I have grown to love are gaming products that are nothing more than lists of liittle details to toss into a game. It could be a list of garbage you find in a dungeon room, to a list of various dungeon entrances, to exotic inns. Usually it's just a random table, but other products expand to give each entry a couple of lines of text. I don't roll on those random tables, but I do like looking at them as lists to steal from. These charts et al are great for exploration play, building different dungeons, or when players ask the innane questions like "What does the altar look like" or "What are in the junk crates".

I've managed to find a nice number of these, but I'm looking for more. Does anyone have any suggested products, websites, etc for this sorta thing? I like system neutral, but I'll take 3.5 stuff, etc.

Here's a list of mine. First a few sites:

Raging Swan has a lot of lists on their site. They compiled quite a number and put them into GM's Miscellary, which come in both 3.5 and system neutral variants.

Here's another handy site.

While more map than misc bits, the 1 page dungeon site is great.

The Dungeon Alphabet (Goodman Games)

GM Miscellary Dungeon, Wilderness, and Urban (three separate products).
Iconic Chambers (WotC) - this was a free PDF, and since I can't find it online, I'm uploading it here.

GM Gems Vol 1 (Goodman Games) - like this product a lot. It covers urban, wilderness travel, dungeon, and has a lot of interesting options, like "Roadside Ruins" and "Alchemical Mishaps".

Foul Locales: Urban Blight, Beyond the Walls, Beyond the Gates (Mystic Eye games) - more adventure sites than bits, but still I like'm.

En Route: i, II, and III: Side treks while on the road.

GM's Cookbook: Random Events 1 and 2 (Not sure who did this)

Bits of Darkness: Dungeons (Tabletop Adventures LLC)

The Big Book of Taverns (Necromancer Games)

Tournaments, Faires and Taverns (EN Publishing)


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The Dungeon Alphabet and Book of Taverns are both favorites of mine.

Also from Goodman Games is the "Fifty Fantastic Functions for the d50" book of tables. It's a hoot to use, in no small part due to the bizarre accompanying die.

And from Necromancer Games, I still use the Mother of All Treasure Tables book quite a bit.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I actually don't like GENERATORS. Because they only give you one. The reason I like tables is because then all of them are listed, and I can browse and pick one out that I like. If I were to do that with a generator, I'd have to keep hitting the button until exhausting all the possible options.

Or tell it to produce lots of results.


The most inspiring tables I found come from Sine Nomine products . Most of it's rpg and modules are geared towards giving GM tools for quickly organizing and creating stuff for sandbox campaigns, and I love the way often the tables are combined in way that you could easly link and combine the results to gain quick ispiration.
To give a few exempe, I'll link a preview of a stretch goal bonus (already founded) of his new kickstarter, Godbound (a OSR game about demigods https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1637945166/godbound-a-game-of-divine-heroes/description )
The bonus previwed is called sixteen sorrows, and it's goal it's to provide a way to generate quick afflictions/adventure seeds that plague the land: Here's an exemple for a terrible beast: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4qCWY8UnLrcSjZQZjVibTdCUkk/view?pref=2&pli=1 ) I think that the strong point of this set of table is not in the sheer quantity of results (as a two page sheets they can't be a lot) but in the way they combine to outline quite original seeds.
Another exemple can be found in this folder from the kickstarter, https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4qCWY8UnLrcRGxjSmFqSWEyMk0&usp=drive_web with the free beta of the game (I love the "create a ruin bith) and the preview of another affliction generator (an awful course).


The most inspiring tables I found come from Sine Nomine products . Most of it's rpg and modules are geared towards giving GM tools for quickly organizing and creating stuff for sandbox campaigns, and I love the way often the tables are combined in way that you could easly link and combine the results to gain quick ispiration.
The links you gave are pretty cool! It reminds me a lot about Exalted. Do they mostly make RPGs, or is their stuff system neutral?


They mostly do RPGS (the most famous is Star Without Numbers, wich is very well supported), but they're intented as tools for generating and running sandbox campaigns. The rules generally takes little space (Godbound is an exception) while most of the space id dedicated to system neutral generation aid and campaign menagement advice and tool.

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