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RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)


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Simon sighs. "Splitting up--while not ideal--is probably our best option. If we attack the lab first, we endanger the hostages who are probably held in the commons. If we attack the commons first, we allow the Minister to shore up defenses at the lab, and quite possibly begin a devastating counterstrike."

He begins to juggle his blades as he talks. "Here is my idea. Herr Doktor and Pixiestick will take care of the commons. Jack o' Diamonds and myself will take the lab. Mr. Jones will try to find a secure location to use as a fallback spot and coordinate our efforts with the use of the communicators and his mental abilities. If either of team runs into trouble, he can contact the other. If both teams fail, we try to make it back to the fallback spot."

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Hand of Vecna

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Archeville's left eye twitched slighlty at Juggler's suggestion he be teamed with Zenji, but he said nothing of it. "Ja, a fallback point vould be good...."


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"Uh... Why are we sending the scientist away from the where are the super tech things will be? I mean, I'm willing to check out the labs but I wouldn't know a force field generator from a van de graph generator. Hmm... How hard to use is that teleporter you built? If ya could show one of us, you could go see all the cool toys that this minister has brought to the party."

Hand of Vecna

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OOC: On the one hand, Archeville does have the Scientific Curiosity complication. On the other hand...

"I am going, Herr Barrett, becuase I am zhe only one who can operate mein teleportation device, und getting zhe hostages out is top priority. Even if zhere was time to explain its operation -- und, honestly, I'm a bit antsy mit us having spent so much time already just getting zhis far -- zhis particular device is tied to mein Gravimetric Belt, vhich is vhat lets me fly und generates a protective force field around me. Giving someone else mein teleporter vould also mean giving zhem mein Belt, und under zhe circumstances I do not vish to do zhat."

Edit: Barrett, not Jones.
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"Ok two groups it is then." Says Mr Jones. "I will search for a fall back point and wait there. Let me know when you enter the buildings I may be able to give some assistance."

The magician pauses a few seconds waiting for any responses, closes his eyes briefly and then blinks out of sight with flick of his cloak.

Arriving on the roof of Martin Hall (24) he searches around for a spot from where both the target buildings can be seen. He keeps a watch for anything moving while thinking to himself, Fall back spot, fall back spot, what would make a good fall back spot.

HoV - Wasn't Jones suggested the Doc give up his teleporter device :>

GM - I am not sure if there is a spot which could cover both entrances, my guess is the roof of 24 might be enough, if not then try floating somewhere above it.

Is parking lot P1 filled with cars or mostly empty?

Hand of Vecna

First Post
OOC: D'oh! Editing now....

The super-scientist turned to the artificer, "Let's get on mit it, zhen, ja?" He then turned and began heading towards the door out, to go to the Commons, expecting Zenji to follow.


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Zenji follows along, oddly silent. "Pixiestick?!?" What an ass, he thinks to himself. Oooh, look at me, I'm a big bad juggler! Don't get on my bad side or I might have to throw something in the air and catch it!. He smirks for a moment at his little joke.


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"Fine with me. Let's be about it then."

Jack let's the Juggler take the lead, following a bit behind. He stays low, and tries to stay in cover as best he can.

[sblock=OOC]Going to be using my stealth skills. The GM will roll for it if required correct?[/sblock]


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The Juggler glances at the group. "Best of luck to everyone. Stay sharp, and remember--a kangaroo can only jump if its tail is touching the ground." And with that he is out, winding a stealthy path to the lab, Jack on his tail.

[sblock=OOC]The Juggler takes 10 on his Stealth check. 32 if the Camo is helping him. 28 if it isn't.

And I have to admit, I think I know a feat he's definitely purchasing when this is all over. Also I'm surprised Zenji just caught on about the Juggler's nickname for him. He's been calling him it since the bank. ;) [/sblock]
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[sblock=Mr. Jones]

Mr. Jones engages his ESP and he is soon perceving the area above Martin Hall (24). Looking around he can see that Martin Hall connects to Williamson Hall and the school is behind both buildings.

The Lab School has a large school yard surrounded by a chainlink fence and seems to have the same layout as an elementary school, albiet two stories. He can also see a readerboard which reads:

Robert Reid Laboratory School
PTA Meeting Monday January 29th.

[sblock=Dr. Archeville, Zenji]
Dr. Archeville and Zenji make their way through the building and out a side entrance. Dr. Archeville recognizes the buildings about 100 yards away from his earlier scouting and takes a left; following a damn concrete path around to the commons.

A two story building, the back of Tawnaka Hall has a loading area and concrete path that's more then wide enough for a car or truck to traverse. From this angle the duo can see the second story is supported by pillars along the east side and both the top floor and bottom floor have long floor to ceiling windows on that side.

[sblock=Jack, Juggler]
The Juggler and Jack leave the building through the western hallway, stepping outside to see a parking lot full of cars and three buildings in front of them. Recalling the map the two head west, down a city street between a building labeled Sutton Hall and Martin Hall. As they pass Martin Hall they first thing the pair notice is a reader board which says:

Robert Reid Laboratory School
PTA Meeting Monday January 29

Approaching the school they can see a U shaped bus turnabout and the front of a red bricked elemtary school, albiet two stories. The main doors are easilly identified by the gap between two wings of classrooms.

Voidrunner's Codex

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