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RS2: The Tokyo Problem (Velmont Judging)


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Round Summary: Scout searches the area for suspicious bystanders and tries to teleport a hiding suspect into the air with no avail. Mecha attempts to Reason with the Giant Robot, but it ignores her intent on its task. A new group of ninjas appear from the shadows brandishing a Spotlight on Oni-Kage, which strips him of the demon form. The robot takes one step forward and crushes the boy and the light. Maddy hits the bot in the jaw but it doesn't flinch. Likewise, it ignores Guantlet's thunderous groundstrike, which only manages to knock over Mr. Scares and a handful of Ninja. Unfazed by his lower location, Mr. Scares rushes the automaton but doesn't cause it any harm. With a front view seat of the crushed Japanese super, Nimbus draws her light sword and slices into the nearest ninja who vanishes from sight as its body hits the ground.

Round 2

Scout 23
Mecha 23
Ninjas 19
Robot 17
Bright Girl 15
Gauntlet 15
Gus 13
Nimbus 12

Scout. (Oni-Kage is under the foot of the robot and out of both sight and blindsight)

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Seeing the chaos unfold, Scout reacts without thinking, attempting to teleport the robot 200ft upwards.

[Teleport attack, Autohit (DC20 reflex save) (standard action)]
[Falling damage (DC35 toughness save; +20 damage)]
[Hide in plain sight (take 10; +30 Stealth check) (move action)]
[Change array to reaction AP (free action)]

However, even in the heat of battle she remains cool and tries to relocate the unknown presence.

[Use Blindsight to try to locate the unknown presence]


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Scout focuses her power on the giant robot...but nothing happens. For a moment it looked like the thing would teleport but then....

to her personal horror Scout realizes that a thing of that size couldn't possibly have the necessary agility to dodge her teleport attack, and if it can't dodge then - it's just too damn heavy to be teleported!



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Marie cringed as the robot stomped on the Japanese hero. "This aint good, this aint good, this aint good." Marie buzzed around the robot a few times, trying to gain its attention. "Damn it, I dont have anything that can take on something like this!"

She activated her communication system "Guys, I cant scratch this thing, so if you have any ideas, I'm open to suggestions." She starts scanning the area to see if she can pick up the the presence Scout noticed earlier while continuing to circle the robot.

[sblock=OOC] Continuing the full defense routine. Meanwhile, going to start looking over the area with RADAR/Infrared to see if I can pick up anything that normal vision cant pick up.[/sblock]


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As Marie buzzes the bot, its head turns to follow her as the group of ninjas (4) nearest Nimbus move away from where their comrade disappeared, drawing ningen as they move. The two groups that are nearest the robot (4 left, 5 right) turn and run further into the park.

Scanning the area with infravision and picks up 2 nearby heat sources: one is emenating from within a bush and the other is near the same bush.

The mechanical man takes another step to steady itself, but otherwise takes no other actions.

Bright Girl


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Turning to the larger group of ninjas, Maddy claps her hands together again.

[sblock=ooc]Area Attack, Cone, Save DC 25[/sblock]


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Gauntlet grits his teeth with frustration.

"No! Maddy! Ignore the ninjas! I cannot fight this thing without your help!"

He turns to look at Mr. Scares, "Gus! Hitting it low! I hit it high!"

Gauntlet plants his feet in the ground and readies his guns, preparing to unload everything he has into the giant mecha. Gear whir into motion and steam pours from Gauntlet's shoulders as he points both arms at the metal giant.

OOC: Gauntlet prepares to combine attacks with Gus, assuming he follows suit.

attack roll, autocannona, +5 all out attack (1d20+5+5=22)

base damage dc = 21 + (1 for every 2 pts that defense is exceeded)


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<OOC: This is a rough one. I have a strong opinion-- that those ninjas are about to disappear, and that Gus should snag one. However, I am playing a character. Gus doesn't consider himself wise in the ways of the waking world-- he's right-- so he's going to follow his friend's suggestion.

Looking to Gauntlet, Gus times his next blow to the robot with Gauntlet's blast. Hopefully, together they can accomplish what one could not.

[sblock=OOC]Making combined attack with Gauntlet; Base DC save=25. (1d20+8=21)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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