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D&D 4E Running Commentary on Rel's 4e Campaign (Complete 8/2/10)

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Liquid Awesome
Rel, in this last fight, was the question of who was going to win up in the air 'til the end, or was it a foregone conclusion dragged out by the immobilizing?

I'd say that the outcome was very much in question.

The Ice Prison thing that the demons were doing was Ongoing 20 Cold Damage. Add to that the fact that it was healing the demons by 5 points each round AND the PC was Slowed the round afterward and it made things very difficult for them.

It seemed that every time the PC's were about to gain the upper hand one of them would get Ice Prisoned and suddenly they were in a lot of danger again.

I'm going to try and get another update written by tomorrow. Wife and child are out of town until Sunday so that should give me some extra time.


Liquid Awesome
The PC's once again set a course for Opkhar. As they headed toward their confrontation with The Dweller they were understandably conflicted. First of all, this was a god they were messing with. Despite Mialain and Astavian's fairly close relationships with their respective deities, and other similar encounters in recent months, this was nothing to be undertaken lightly. In addition, even if they succeeded in cleansing the Mist taint from him, it was likely to have profound implications for the worship of The Dweller in Opkhar, a deeply religious plateau. These thoughts weighed heavily upon them during their journey.

Preferring not to explain their purpose in Opkhar, they avoided making landfall in Sinking City or any other civilized area. Instead they sought out the narrow ledge where the Rhazul, leader of the Black Moon Cult, had his "griffin rookery/secret exit" that led directly into the vast subterranean cavern that held the Maw of The Dweller. They moored the ship without incident and went inside.

They wasted little time and proceeded through the chambers that they had cleansed of the Cultists so long ago and were at the shore of the underground lake. Having no boat of any sort, Eshik solved the problem of getting them to the center of the lake by having them enter The Sanctuary. He then stretched his wings and flew across the Mist shrouded water of the cavern to the island that held the Maw.

As he approached he heard an ominous voice rise from within the Maw, "Rise."

Chilling howls emerged from the Mist-choked pit and he could see the ghostly forms of The Dweller's hounds bounding out of the Maw. Eshik did not pause to confront them alone and instead swooped down inside the Maw. There he clutched The Sanctuary and vanished inside. Appearing within he simply called out to his companions, "We go!" An instant later they were all standing inside the Maw and were beset on all sides by the Ghost Wolves.

Eshik had brought with them one of the three Dragon Bone Golems that they had created and this began to disperse the Mist that surrounded them. Meanwhile they began to battle their way deeper into the Maw. The Ghost Wolves focused many of their attacks at the Bone Golem as thought it were the real threat. But their jaws sought out the party members whenever they defended it.

They continued to push their way into the Maw. As each Ghost Wolf was dispatched they could hear the voice utter "Rise" an another would emerge from deeper in to attack them. The Bone Golem was in pieces and Eshik called forth another from within The Sanctuary to aid in the battle as well as clearing the Mist. As more of the Mist was banished by the Dragon Bone they at last came to the deepest part of the Maw. There stood a sort of rough hewn stone altar above which floated a tremendous hammer. Mist seemed to float off of the hammer only to be banished an instant later by the Dragon Bone. For the moment it seemed that the Ghost Wolves had retreated or else could not emerge without the Mist.

"What's that?" asked Astavian.

"It's a big hammer," said Zanne. In response Astavian gave her an acidic look. Zanne ignored this as she was already trying to gain further insight into the purpose of this hovering weapon. After a few moments of study she declared, "It appears to be a gate."

"To where?" asked everybody else.

"Well I'm not certain but I'd guess that, based on the symbols of Pelor on the hammer, that it goes wherever The Dweller is."

They quickly agreed that, wherever that was, it was where they needed to go. Zanne and Mialain set to performing the Gate ritual that they had learned while in the Feywild. When it was complete the hammer pulsed with faint light. In unison the PC's reached to touch it and vanished from their home world once again...

(To be continued)


I presume these were the same ghost wolves that the PCs fought the first time? If so, how'd they get such a fat increase in power?


Liquid Awesome
Sorry I've not been more prompt in posting updates. I managed to fall off my roof last weekend while trying to repair a leak in the rain. I'm ok. No broken bones, just a nasty cut on my chin and some general soreness. But it's kind of put life in slow motion for the last week. I should have one or two updates up sometime later this week.


So Rel, how did you stat up Steelslicer when you used her on the PCs side? Did she turn into a companion character or were you using solo stats or what?

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